Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 21 Big fish, big fish

Fortunately, the world has not yet turned to some strange branch line, and fish still maintains its nature as an animal.

As a stone that was not big but fell with great force hit Dianshan Lake, the originally calm lake surface instantly caused ripples.

As the most sensitive fish group to water currents, they fled almost as soon as the water pattern was produced. Although no fish was stupid enough to bite the hook directly, judging from the chaos of the fish group, as long as they did not swim It’s too far away, and it’s only a matter of time before the south wind catches fish.

After all, without the power of the collective, individual power becomes vulnerable, not to mention they are still just fish.

"That's okay." Zi Qiao was stunned.

"It's just a school of fish, how can this be difficult for me?" Nanfeng held his head high, "On the other hand, you can't handle even one fish, right?"

Zi Qiao followed suit and picked up a pebble and threw it at the big fish. However, the ripples caused by the pebbles were of no consequence to the big fish, and it continued to play leisurely in the water.

"I still don't believe it..." Zi Qiao looked around, "Let me find a big rock to scare it to death!"

"Tell me when you find it." Nanfeng said cheerfully, "I will definitely leave when the time comes... Master Lu, let's not talk about whether you are afraid of breaking your waist if you throw a big stone, you are really serious This is your fish pond, you can hit it with big rocks if you want?"

Nanfeng made a gesture of invitation: "You go ahead and hit me with your front foot and I'll get home with my back foot. If you grit your teeth and say you came here alone, I can lend you some money to let you pay the fine."

Zi Qiao thought about the little balance he had left and could only laugh and said: "I was just joking."

Nan Feng originally wanted to say a few more words, but Zi Qiao said first: "A fish is biting the hook!"

He turned around and saw that a large bass was hooked.

Nanfeng quickly started to reel in the line, and soon the fish was caught by Nanfeng.

"Master Lu..." Nanfeng turned around and teased.

"Okay, okay." Zi Qiao had a toothache expression on his face, but he had been in the world for so many years, and he could still accept defeat if he was willing to gamble. "You are really good. I, Lu Ziqiao, admit that you, Nan Feng, are more powerful than me."

Nanfeng looked complacent: "If you can say that, I can't find a way to help you catch that big fish of yours."

Zi Qiao was overjoyed: "Do you really mean what your adopted father said? Bu has been living half his life, and he only regrets that he has never met his master. If the Lord never abandons him, Bu is willing to worship him as his adopted father."

"What are you..." Nan Feng was suddenly frightened by Zi Qiao's shamelessness, "Are you so aware of current affairs? You, Master Lu, are even shameless now?"

"You don't have face. If I carry this fish around the apartment three or five times, won't I gain face?" Zi Qiao laughed. This big fish weighs several dozen kilograms at least. I won’t tell you how much money Chen Meijia will get when she goes back.

It doesn't matter whether you have money or not. What's important is that if you can bring this fish back intact, you will be very awesome. Then you can brag about it as much as you want, and you can chat with any girl in the apartment who you want.

"Come on, come on, stepfather, please sit down, stepfather, you drink water, stepfather, I will beat your legs." Zi Qiao instantly turned into a dog's leg.

"Father, do you think this strength is appropriate?"

Seeing Zi Qiao's shameless look, Nan Feng put all his strength into the cotton, and his original thoughts of making things difficult and playing tricks have faded away.

I have nothing to argue with such a gangster.

Nan Feng sighed slightly. He might still like Zi Qiao's unruly behavior before. Zi Qiao suddenly softened now, and Nan Feng lost interest.

"Okay, you're so disgusting to me." Nanfeng Quilted Qiao was so disgusted that goosebumps appeared all over her body, "I'll tell you first, I'm just giving it a try. Whether it works or not is another matter."

Zi Qiao patted his chest: "I have been around the world for so long. I understand this. There is no reason to blame others if things cannot be done by others."

"Okay, let me try."

"Okay, you try it first, I'm going to vomit first... I'm also disgusted by myself." Zi Qiao squatted aside and retched.

Able to bend and stretch, he is a man.

Nan Feng silently nodded his approval in his heart. He walked to Zi Qiao's fishing rod and began to reel in the line silently.

He only retracted the line a little bit, then stopped, silently watching the movements of the big fish.

After a while, it turned out that the big fish didn't notice anything was wrong with the fishhook at all, but followed the fishhook and moved some distance to the shore.

Stable, Nanfeng thought.

At this time, Zi Qiao also finished retching and turned his head to take a look: "Okay, this brain is just better than mine."

"Shh." Nan Feng made a small gesture towards him.

Zi Qiao understood it and made zipper movements with his mouth.

As the south wind slowly draws in the line, the big fish is getting closer and closer to the shore unknowingly.

Guessing that when the big fish reached a warning distance, and if anyone got too close to it, it would probably run away, Nanfeng gave Zi Qiao the final order.

"Ziqiao, do you know how to swim?"

"Of course." Zi Qiao didn't know why, but still replied, "I am a frequent visitor to the swimming pool."

"Okay then, you can pounce on it later and catch it."

"Me? Get it?"

"Otherwise? My hand is injured and I can't hold it at all." Nanfeng gave Zi Qiao another trick, "You can also try the net we brought, but can you catch this with such a small net? I don’t know about big fish.”

"Then what if I accidentally slip and fall into the water?"

"Don't you know how to swim? Besides, we can use the rope that tied the parasol before to secure you firmly to the shore... By the way, I remember that we should also bring life jackets."

Zi Qiao's face hurt: "You are really well prepared."

"It should be...are you going to catch it or not? If you don't catch it, the fish will run away later."

Zi Qiao thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "It's done!"

A moment later, wearing a life jacket, goggles on his head, and a rope as thick as a baby's fist wrapped around his waist, Lu Ziqiao stood on the shore fully armed.

"Big Yu, your father Lu is here."

As he spoke, Zi Qiao rushed to the shore at lightning speed and stretched out his hands to hug the big fish tightly.

The big fish panicked for a moment and struggled desperately to get back into the water. Its huge tail kept slapping Zi Qiao's face.

I can only say that it’s a good thing that Zi Qiao’s face is the original one, otherwise I’m afraid even his nose would have been crooked by a big fish slap.

"Throw it up, throw it up!" Nanfeng stood aside anxiously and watched Zi Qiao, who was holding the big fish tightly with both hands, being slapped in the face by the big fish. He took out his mobile phone to record the video, "Throw it to the shore, and throw it farther away." , as long as it reaches the shore and doesn't swim back into the water, it's ours."

Ziqiao's hasty reply was mixed in with the snapping sound of the big fish slapping his face: "I... bang bang... can't throw it... snap bang bang... it's too heavy... snap..."

After saying eight words and being slapped six times, I can only say that catching fish with bare hands is indeed not an easy task.

"There's no rush, you can consume its energy first."

"I can't hold on any longer. Is it my energy that consumes it, or does it consume my energy?"

Nan Feng took back his phone and decisively stepped forward to hug Zi Qiao's waist.

"I'll count one, two, three, let's work hard together!"

"Okay... crackle crackle..."

"One, two, three, let's go!"

As the two of them worked together, the big fish drew a perfect arc in the sky and was finally thrown to the shore.

"Bah, bah, bah..." Zi Qiao couldn't stop spitting out the fish scales in his mouth. The fishy smell in his mouth made him feel sick.

"What should we do now?" Zi Qiao pointed at the big fish flapping on the ground.

Nanfeng thought for a while and asked, "Have you ever gone to the wet market to buy fish?"

"Never, what's wrong?"

"Fish sellers in the wet market have a special skill of knocking fish. They will hold a wooden stick and hit the fish hard on the head. No matter how lively the fish is, if it is hit on the head, it will faint or even die... Anyway, it is not possible. Just move."

"you mean?"

Nan Feng took out a wrench and said, "Go and hit it hard on the head."

Zi Qiao looked at the wrench in Nanfeng's hand and was shocked: "How did you get this wrench out?"

"This is just a very simple magic trick. Whether it's a flower or a wrench, the principle is the same... You should do it." Nanfeng looked at the big fish that could jump up to one meter high on the shore. He walked slowly behind Lu Ziqiao.

"I mean why do you carry a wrench with you?"

"When we go fishing, it makes sense to bring a wrench with us to repair deck chairs, umbrellas and the like."

"It's not reasonable at all!"

"Don't worry about the magician. Anyway, just follow his brain and we can bring the fish home." Nanfeng urged.

"The problem is that I've never seen how to knock fish... Why don't you come?"

"Why would I call you if I can actually do it? Besides, this isn't your fish." Nanfeng waved his hand and refused, giving Zi Qiao the wrench.

"No, this wrench is too short. Don't you have something longer?" Zi Qiao looked at the wrench in his hand full of resentment.

"I told you earlier, I have this one." Nanfeng took out another sword hilt and flicked it, and an iron stick dozens of centimeters long appeared.

"What the hell is this?" Zi Qiao kept backing away. In his eyes, Nanfeng was much more dangerous than the big fish on the ground.

"The retractable swing stick costs tens of dollars each online. It's very useful for self-defense. I also like to use it when cosplaying." Nanfeng handed the swing stick to Zi Qiao.

Zi Qiao took the stick and made a gesture. No matter how old a boy is, he is full of interest in this kind of thing: "The quality is not bad."

Zi Qiao said while holding the swing stick without moving. He looked at Nanfeng with curiosity in his eyes: "Right now, I'm more concerned about what other messy things you have on you than knocking the fish."

Nanfeng took out another swing stick and pointed it at Zi Qiao: "Except for this spare swing stick, there is nothing left."

"You actually have two?" Zi Qiao looked eager, "I'm going to use this thing to catch fish, can you give me one for self-defense?"

"Deal, come on!"

"Okay." Zi Qiao rushed forward like a swordsman with his swinging stick in hand.

"You fish spirit, take a stick from me, Lu Bu! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

Zi Qiao stepped forward quickly, and a pebble splashed by a big fish flew right into his squeaking mouth.

"Ugh... bah bah bah!" Zi Qiao squatted on the ground and retched.

"Nan about we use stones to attack from a distance." Zi Qiao lost the courage to fight the big fish up close.

"...That's fine."

Yesterday was the day when updates caught up with manuscripts, and I had to save manuscripts again.

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