Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 129 Little Wolong and Little Fengxiao

After Xiao Hei left, Yifei and Meijia walked out pretending to be fine.

Seeing Xiaoxian and Ziqiao looking at them with uncontrollable smirks, Yifei and Meijia stepped forward and gave them a blow each.

"Look at you guys smiling like this and thinking about dirty things all day long." Yifei scolded.

Xiaoxian covered his head and looked at Yifei with fear in his eyes. You are an unreasonable woman. Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

You can ask if it can be used, we just think about it and it’s dirty.

Meijia just snorted coldly: "We are just curious and want to collect, you guys, please don't think wrongly."

The corner of Zi Qiao's mouth twitched when he heard this. Only Zhan Bo could believe such words.

Xiaoxian and Ziqiao looked at each other and did not dare to refute Yifei and Meijia's overt explanation. They just lay on the desk and snickered silently.

Not long after, Nanfeng and others returned to the examination room confident of victory.

I have to say, Dali is Dali. At only 14 years old, he can crush the vast majority of people in the world in terms of breadth and depth of knowledge. Even geography problems that are very difficult for Zhanbo are just a piece of cake for Dali.

The three people who had perfect answers took back the test paper and answer sheet from Yifei. Curry Sauce, who had the worst memory, hurried back to his seat to prepare to revise the answer sheet.

This can't be delayed. I don't remember much of the answer. If I delay, I will forget everything.

She laid the test paper and answer sheet flat on the desk and subconsciously pressed the 2B mechanical pencil in her hand.

Along with the emerging refill, black ink spurted out.

Even though the curry sauce had reacted as quickly as possible, it still couldn't stop the jet of thick black ink from leaving conspicuous ink marks on the test paper and answer sheet.

Without any time to think too much, Curry Sauce shouted purely out of instinct: "There's something wrong with this deal!"

Nanfeng and Guangu, who had just returned to their seats, suddenly turned their heads when they heard Curry Sauce's shout, and saw that Curry Sauce's desk was already in a mess.

Curry sauce, out!

Nanfeng picked up the mechanical pencil on the table and pressed it on the palm of his left hand. Sure enough, the same black ink spurted out.

He is really talented in tinkering with examination tools.

But how did they do it in front of Yifei... Nanfeng suddenly realized when he remembered the so-called secret recipe for breast enlargement that he had just heard.


Nan Feng glanced sideways at Zi Qiao and Xiao Xian. One of them made a phone call gesture towards him, and the other did a mean eyebrow dance at him.

The two of them knew how abnormal Nan Feng's hearing was, but they still concentrated on 3602 to discuss countermeasures in order to make him relax his vigilance.

The plan on the surface is just a cover, and the real killer move is hidden in the WeChat messages between Zi Qiao and Xiao Hei.

No matter how good your hearing is, you can't judge what Xiaohei and I typed by the sound of your fingers touching the screen, right?

If Nanfeng could even do this, then he would no longer have super hearing, but a superhuman super brain.

Nanfeng, who wanted to understand everything, was not angry, but felt convinced.

The plank road is built openly and the warehouse is secretly built.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain and replace the pillars.

On their side, they are still just cheating and framing, but they have already begun to use the art of war.


Facing the two people's pride and provocation, Nanfeng also smiled and gave them a thumbs up.

This is how this test is meant to be played. Well done!

"Nanfeng, what should we do now?" Guan Gu asked anxiously in a low voice.

On the face of it, I only lost one curry paste, and the number of people remained the same. Moreover, the two of them also have complete test answers in their hands. It is not an exaggeration to say that they have the advantage.


[7. The last person to submit the paper is not allowed. 】

Among the remaining four people, Ziqiao, Nanfeng and Xiaoxian all sat in the first row, but he was the only one sitting in the last row. Mao Ka had not fully recovered from the injuries he suffered that day.

As long as Ziqiao and Xiaoxian are not stupid, it is self-evident who among the four will hand in the test last.

Nanfeng just shook his head, stretched his body, and made a gesture with his hands together.

This gesture means not to act rashly.

Guangu sighed. Don't act rashly in this situation. It would be like giving victory to Zi Qiao and the others.

It's just that the distance between the first row and the third row is almost an entire living room, and I really can't do anything now.

【Hate らしい! (hateful!)】

Guan Gu's role was almost zero, and Zi Qiao and Xiao Xian began to focus on Nan Feng.

Unexpectedly, Nanfeng and Guangu just asked Yifei to get a new mechanical pencil and then silently revised the answer sheet, seeming to have given up resistance.

Ziqiao and Xiaoxian did not relax their vigilance at all because of their actions, but still stared at Nanfeng without giving him a chance to make a comeback.

Sure enough, Nanfeng was about to make a move several times after correcting the answer sheet, but he could not find an opportunity to attack because of the two people's tight defense.

It was not until fifty minutes later that the papers could finally be handed in early. Ziqiao and Xiaoxian rushed to Yifei and handed in the papers and answer sheets. Nanfeng and Guangu finally sighed in despair.

Accompanied by the cheers of Ziqiao's four-person team, the disappointed Nanfeng held up the test paper and answer sheet, gently placed it on the top of the answer sheet, then lowered his head and returned to his seat.

Seeing this, Sekiya could only become the last victim to hand in his answer sheet and test paper.

Yifei threw Guangu's answer sheets and test papers aside and checked the papers of the remaining three people. After making sure that the papers were clean and undamaged, she lowered her head and changed the answer sheets.

Curry Sauce looked at Nanfeng who lowered his head in silence and comforted him: "It's okay, Teacher Nanfeng, you have done a good job."

"And everyone, everyone has done a great job. Cheer up, we have only lost two games now, and we still have a chance to come back." Curry Sauce encouraged the senior brothers.

Guangu also cheered up and said, "That's right, winning first doesn't count. The one who wins in the end is the winner."

Just as the two of them were trying to cheer up the expressionless senior brother and Nan Feng, who lowered his head and said nothing, Zi Qiao and Xiao Xian came over in a dastardly manner, arm in arm.

"Hey, what's wrong with Nanfeng?" Xiaoxian covered his mouth in feigned surprise: "Isn't he depressed after losing two games?"

Ziqiao also pretended to be a big brother and patted Nanfeng on the shoulder and said: "Calm down, although you lost this time, there is no one in the world who can outwit the two of us for 300 rounds before falling at a disadvantage. A rare wise man.

"It's not that you're not strong enough, it's that we two are too evil."

Guan Gu looked at the two of them holding their heads high and holding the Zhizhu in their hands and asked with an unhappy expression: "May I ask who you two are?"

Ziqiao picked up the cushion on the table and used it as a fan, stroking his non-existent long beard and said: "It's easy to talk, I'm little Wolong."

"Don't take it seriously, my friends in the world praise me as a little girl." Zeng Xiaoxian sat on his seat with his legs crossed and laughed loudly. When he laughed loudest, he let out a deafening hiccup.

Curry Sauce covered her ears and muttered: "If all phoenixes scream like Teacher Zeng, then it would be unjust for them to become extinct."

Nanfeng remained silent with his head lowered.

Just when Xiaoxian and Ziqiao really thought that Nanfeng was a little flustered by the two, they saw Nanfeng raise his head with a smile on his face.

"I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore, I can't act anymore, my stomach hurts from laughing so much." Nanfeng covered his stomach and laughed loudly, "Little Wolong, little Fengxiao, hahahahaha..."

When Zi Qiao and Xiao Xian saw Nan Feng smiling like this, they immediately felt something was wrong.

At this time, Yifei's voice came: "Big brother team, total score is 100 points."

Nan Feng, who got full marks by relying on his senior brother to whisper the answer, smiled and gestured to the two of them.

"Team Ziqiao, the total score is 61.5 points."

"The test of wisdom, the senior brother team wins."

"Yeah!" Curry Sauce jumped up and cheered happily.

Sekiya looked in disbelief, but he still immediately high-fived his senior brother: "Su Qing らしい! (That's great!)"

"How is that possible!" Zi Qiao and Xiao Xian were struck by lightning.

At this time, Nanfeng finally stood up and squeezed in between them. He put his arms around Xiaoxian and Ziqiao's shoulders and said, "Calm down, although you lost this time, you can outsmart me for three hundred rounds before falling at a disadvantage." He is already a rare wise man.

"It's not that you two Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks aren't strong enough, it's that I'm too evil."

Zi Qiao and Xiao Xian pushed Nan Feng away with displeasure on their faces: "How did you do that?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy." Nanfeng sat back down and raised his middle finger towards the two of them in a gentlemanly and elegant manner.

Xiaoxian was furious: "You..."

"Sorry, it was raised backwards." Nanfeng turned his middle finger, and only then did Zi Qiao and Xiao Xian see the black ink stains remaining on his middle finger.

Zhan Bo and Wan Yu came over after Yifei announced that the Big Brother team had won, wanting to know what was going on.

Wan Yu looked at the ink marks on Nan Feng's hand and couldn't think of the key for a moment: "What does this mean?"

Nan Fengtuo lifted the pad on the table and then gently put it down. When he picked up the pad again, a vague ink mark appeared on the table.

He left a similar ink mark on the table with his middle finger that still had ink stains, then raised his head and said to everyone: "Do you understand now?"

"So you held the test paper with your fingers stained with black ink, and when you handed it in, you soiled Xiaoxian's paper that was handed in before you?"

Zhan Bo thought for a while and rejected his conjecture: "No, in this case your paper cannot have nothing at all. You should also handle it with zero points."

Zi Qiao had already figured everything out at this time, and gave him a thumbs up as Nan Feng did before: "What he soiled was not the paper, but the answer sheet."

"Answer sheet?" Curry Sauce still didn't understand. "If the answer sheet is dirty, doesn't it still mean zero points?"

Xiaoxian thought about the exam rules: "The exam rules only stipulate that the paper should be kept clean and tidy without damage. It doesn't really say that the answer sheet cannot be stained. The requirements for the answer sheet in the rules are..."

Nanfeng gave the final answer: "The second rule: Make sure you have completed all the test questions and be sure to fill in your personal information."

He pointed to the ink marks on the table and said: "The ink marks I put on Teacher Zeng's answer sheet directly blackened his personal information, but the ink marks on the back of my answer sheet were not enough to blacken my personal information. It’s also invisible.”

"I'm not as good as you two in the art of war, but I seem to be more expert in playing around with the rules and taking advantage of loopholes."

Nan Feng stood up and looked at Xiao Xian and Zi Qiao, raised his eyebrows and asked, "How do you like it? Do you accept it or not?"

"I'm convinced!"

I'm coming

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