The detailed process of the wedding was arranged by special palace staff, and Ronin only needed to follow the process.

Although there was no church or other organization in the Kingdom of Alduin, there were seven gods witnessing the relevant ceremonies in the process, but it was not troublesome. The master of ceremonies solemnly read the lines, and then His Majesty the King gave his blessings.

Then there was a lively banquet.

Ronin held Blanche's hand and accepted the blessings of many people. After two or three hours of tossing, the matter at the Golden Feather Palace came to an end.

"Okay, Ronin, you should take Blanche back."

Bruno raised his glass and said the last blessing: "I wish you happiness!"

Other nobles also raised their glasses and said similar words.

"Thank you for your blessings!"

Ronin and Blanche drank the wine in the glass, and then handed the glass to the waiter beside them.

"Let's go, Blanche."

Ronin smiled and directly carried the bride horizontally. Blanche's cheeks were slightly red, and she buried her head in Ronin's arms.

Ronin laughed and leaped onto the dragon's back.

Carlos let out a joyful neigh, then slowly spread his wings, soared into the air under the awe and envy of everyone, and returned to Wushan Castle at a very fast speed.

Bruno watched his daughter go away, and a flash of relief flashed in his eyes.

Although he didn't care what kind of life his daughter would live after marrying Ronin at the beginning of the marriage, he cared about what he could get, but now he can see that Ronin and Blanche have feelings for each other, which is a good thing.

"Your sister should be very happy."

Bruno smiled and said to Garet beside him: "I can feel that Ronin is an upright, kind and trustworthy child. Cheers to Alduin and the Wushan family!"

He raised his glass and clinked it with Garet.


Garet's smile was a bit far-fetched, and he just took a sip symbolically.

At this banquet, he heard too much praise for Ronin, and even vaguely heard others comparing him with Ronin, which made him very uncomfortable.

Now that Ronin is gone, his father is still praising him, which makes him feel a little resentful.

He can see that his father is very satisfied with this marriage, and the other party has repeatedly mentioned that the alliance with the Wushan family is the most correct political choice Bruno has made in all these years.

High in the sky, Ronin and Blanche embraced each other and soon came to the wide Howling Sea.

"Ronin, I have been dreaming about our wedding scene recently. I didn't expect that this day has finally come, but I feel a little unreal."

Blanche snuggled in the arms of her beloved, hugged her waist, and felt like she was hugging the whole world.

"What's unreal?"

Ronin stroked her long hair, and his voice was full of joy and pampering.

"Maybe it all happened too fast. I didn't expect my husband to be the strongest man in Alduin, and I never thought he would come to pick me up on a dragon."

Blanche looked up at Ronin, with a gentle light in her eyes, "This is all like a fairy tale depicted in a book."

Ronin gently kissed Blanche's forehead and smiled, "Life is a story. If you depict it carefully, it will be as beautiful as a fairy tale."

"Yeah!" Blanche nodded heavily.

Carlos soared in the blue sky, and the sea breeze blew with a salty and humid breath, but it did not weaken the warmth between the two.

In less than an hour, they crossed a distance that ordinary people might not be able to cross in their lifetime.

When the dragon landed in the square of Wushan Castle again, the band and drummers of the Marquis Castle began to play cheerful music, and the nobles gathered in Wushan Castle came out to greet them.

Ronin stood up holding Blanche's hand, tidied her clothes and hair, and then the two jumped down and started the second grand banquet.

Unlike the wedding banquet at the Golden Feather Palace, most of the guests at Wushan Castle were nobles and knights of all sizes in Wushan Territory. Among them, Ronin's subordinates, such as Redar, Elrond, and McKen, also took time out of their busy schedules to come.

Of course, there were also people from outside, such as the great magician Bellola Silva of the Amethyst Earldom.

Ronin originally thought Bellola would ask his grandson Randall to come, but he didn't expect that the great magician not only came in person, but also came to Wushan Castle, not the palace.

"How do you feel?"

Bellola looked at the newlyweds with a smile.

In fact, he didn't want to attend the wedding, because in this scene, he would think back to his life.

He was also young, had a lover, and had children.

But as time went by, he witnessed the death of his lover and children, and now even his grandson has begun to grow old.

Sometimes, a long life will also bring troubles.

In order to resolve this trouble, he can only devote all his attention to magic research.

Roning shrugged, "To be honest, Blanche and I are not used to this kind of occasion."

"Haha, getting married is always a little tiring."

Belora said, taking out a crystal pendant from her arms, "This is a little gadget I made myself, for you, beautiful lady."

"Thank you!"

Blanche took it with a smile, "This seems to be a magic pendant, Grandpa Belora is so meticulous!"

"It is engraved with the 'Wall of Sighs' spell."

Belora introduced: "But with Roning here, you may never use this thing in your life, right, young peerless strong man?"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Since the wedding, many people have given gifts to Ronin and Blanche, including jewelry, dresses, war horses, etc.

The most valuable ones were Sophia and Elrond.

The former gave a small space ring and a newly made magic carpet, and the latter brought the dead book dug out from the Fort Gistana.

This dead book is in line with Blanche's attributes, and with her current strength as a senior magician, she can barely summon the silver-level skeleton warrior in the dead book. Ronin feels that there is no need to assign personnel to do security for Blanche.

"Mr. Bellola, I have always wanted to discuss something with you, but I just don't have time to go to your castle."


Belola was a little curious, "I would like to hear about this."

"You may already know that Sophia from the Crescent Continent has joined the Wubei Territory. But you may not know that she comes from a real magic family and has a reserve of magic knowledge far beyond the Orlant Continent."

The Fleming family also calls itself a magic family, but its strongest is only a great magician.

The Sears family where Sophia is now led by a sage-level magician. This alone shows that its foundation is very rich!

Ronin said: "There is a gap in our magic knowledge here, so she wants to spread this magic knowledge throughout Orlant so that more people can devote themselves to the study of magic."

Belola's eyes became brighter and brighter. He has lived longer and knows more. This continent does have the gap that Ronin said.

"So you want to..."

"I plan to set aside an area in Wubei Territory to establish a magic academy to spread Sophia's magic knowledge."

He looked at the great magician in front of him, "At the same time, I want to hire you as the honorary dean of the magic academy, and hope that you can provide me with some magician resources. I will hire them as lecturers at a high salary."

"No problem!"

Belora agreed without thinking much.

"But I have a condition. Please allow me to study the magic knowledge that Sophia brought."

"Of course."

Roning smiled and suddenly whispered: "In fact, there is a special place in Wubei Territory. There is a mysterious teleportation array. If you are interested, maybe we can study it."

"Space magic?" Bellora was surprised.

Over the years, he has only heard of space magic, but has never seen it with his own eyes.

After all, generally speaking, only legendary magicians have the ability to dabble in space magic.

However, this does not mean that research and related knowledge cannot be carried out in advance.

This time, Bellora is more interested in Wubei Territory.

Magic research is a time-consuming and mentally exhausting task. Although Ronin can also do it, he is a little slow for one person.

Then he thought of Bellora.

Moreover, the Amethyst Earldom is a famous magician holy land in the Orlant Continent. Being able to reach cooperation with them will be of great help to the development of Wubei Territory.

After all, the materials for magic potions are no longer a problem, but what is lacking is magicians.

Once this gap is filled, the production of auxiliary potions will increase sharply.

As for Bellora, he may know that helping Ronin will weaken the status of Crystal City, but he doesn't care much, and he also knows that he can't stop it.

Ronin himself is a great magician, at the same level as him, and there is also Sophia, who is far ahead in magic knowledge reserves.

Instead of doing some thankless work, it is better to cooperate with Ronin. (End of this chapter)

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