Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 477: A Cool Wedding Reception

The royal capital, Jinyu City, is particularly lively during every New Year celebration. This year, Her Royal Highness the Princess is getting married. The atmosphere inside and outside Jinyu Palace is filled with joy, as if even the air is filled with sweetness and blessings.

Blanche wears an exquisite lace dress, the skirt is as white and flawless as a blooming lily, inlaid with pearls and gems, shining in the light.

Her hair was carefully braided into complex braids and embellished with several jewels crafted by craftsmen, which made her look even more stunning.

In a few hours, she will leave the palace where she has lived for twenty years to live in a strange land. Blanche is very worried about this, but she is also looking forward to it.

What worries her is that she has to face a completely unfamiliar environment, but what she looks forward to is that she will live with her loved one.

"I wonder when Luo Ning will come over?"

She couldn't help but look up at the sky outside. She knew the process of the wedding, but she was always worried that something might happen on the long road from Wushan Castle to Jinyu City that would cause time delays.

"Don't worry, he will arrive on time."

Missy Knight smiled and said, "You just need to be a beautiful bride with peace of mind."

"Thank you Missy."

Blanche smiled sweetly, "You accompanied me to Wushan Castle. I didn't expect that Luo Ning and I's marriage would be settled like this. Now that I think about my experience in Wushan Castle, it is also an extremely beautiful memory."

"Yeah, time flies so fast!"

Missy couldn't help but sigh.

The original baron is now the marquis of the kingdom, and some of the big names in that experience, such as Count Orson and Jesus, were all defeated by Ronin.

Luo Ning is powerful, but also the wisest and gentlest among the nobles she has met. No one is as considerate to civilians and even slaves as Luo Ning.

This is what she saw recently in Wubei Territory.


The roar was low but seemed to have strong penetrating power, shocking the busy people.

Blanche was overjoyed, "Luo Ning is here!"

Missy also smiled and said: "I heard that he will come riding a dragon today. I didn't see him when I went to Wubei Territory a while ago. Today is just the right time to see him."

"You'll be blown away!"

Blanche blinked and said, "Really!"

High in the sky, Luo Ning rode a giant dragon and flew over Wushan Territory at extremely fast speeds, crossed the Sea of ​​Screams, and arrived at Golden Feather City.

Ronin patted Carlos on the back and warned: "Bring up the atmosphere."

Then there was the scene of Carlos roaring.

This sound penetrated the sky and reached Niujiao Bay and Golden Feather City below.

Even though it was thousands of meters away, the sound was so frightening that even the birds in the forest were so frightened that they took off and fled without knowing where to go.

"This is Luo Ning coming!"

Bruno stood up with a smile. As the king of a country, he personally welcomed him, which was a great honor.

The festive and lively people in the Golden Feather Palace also stopped talking, walked out of the auditorium, and looked into the sky.

They knew the dragon would come, and they all didn't want to see its true appearance.

Bruno can come out mostly for this purpose.

In the crowd, Myron raised his head and looked up at the sky. He learned about the giant dragon from Partridge, who said it was dozens of meters long. He was very skeptical about this, thinking that Partridge was giving it to him. Seek face from your own failures.

I was able to witness it today.

The Duke of Ference, Andrea, and others also mostly had an evaluation mentality to evaluate Ronin's strength in detail.


There was another dragon roar, this time the distance was closer, everyone's spirits were lifted, and some ladies' expressions changed.

Crown Prince Garrett narrowed his eyes and felt a little unhappy, "Forget it if there is a dragon, who will show such a big battle?"

The third dragon roar sounded, like thunder exploding in the sky, making people look frightened.


Everyone can see the black spot on the horizon, and it magnifies and magnifies at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oh my God!"

"Is this the dragon?"

"How can it be so big!"

"Its wings should be over 100 meters long, right?"

Countless screams of panic rang out, and all the nobles were shocked by this scene.

Even Garrett, who was disdainful just now, changed his expression now.

"Luo Ning!"

He gritted his teeth. At this moment, he realized that even if he became the Knight of the Sun, there still seemed to be an insurmountable gap between him and Luo Ning.

This huge guy with a body length of more than fifty meters and a wingspan of more than 100 meters feels too oppressive!

This gap made him feel helpless and desperate, and he hated Luo Ning more and more in his heart.

In fact, it wasn't just him, Ferens, Andrea, Myron and others all changed their expressions.

"No wonder Partridge lost..."

Fear appeared on Myron's face. Facing such a behemoth, warships on the sea could be slow-moving targets.

As for the magic cannon and magic arrows, Myron looked at Carlos's steel-like scales. Can these combat equipment really work?

Bruno was a little scared, but fortunately he changed his strategy in time and established a good relationship with Luo Ning.

If it continues to get worse, let alone the knights led by Wushan, the behemoth in front of him will be enough to give him a headache.

"Okay Carlos, calm down a little bit and don't scare the guests."

Luo Ning communicated mentally and gave some instructions.

Carlos said he understood, and while he was restraining his momentum and wings, his shadow that covered the sky and the sun slowly landed on the square.

"Ronin greets His Majesty!"

Ronin stood on Carlos's head and bowed. This scene brought a strong visual impact.

Bruno secretly swallowed his saliva. As a king of a country, he could still maintain his composure.

He smiled heartily and said, "Come on, Ronin, you and Blanche will be the protagonists today."

Ronin stepped on the void and came to the crowd in a move.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time."

He smiled and greeted everyone, and then walked into the auditorium under the leadership of Bruno.

While the nobles were sending greetings, they also looked at the huge creatures crawling on the square from time to time.

Today will leave an indelible scene in their hearts.

For a long time in the future, whenever they mention this wedding, they will probably sigh.

"This is a great show of force!"

Ferens and Andrea gathered together, and the tone of their conversation was rather solemn.

Until now, they knew how confident Wushanling was in attacking Moonlight Valley.

"If I ask you to deal with this dragon, how confident are you?" Ferens asked in a low voice.

Andrea frowned and shook his head helplessly, "Judging from its size and momentum, its strength is definitely more than level seven, and it is likely to be a level eight magic beast."

Any level eight magic beast is very powerful, and it is difficult for the Silver Moon Knight of the same level to deal with it without some real skills, let alone the dragon in front of him.

"If we are well prepared, we should have a chance to bombard it with high-powered magic cannons such as Piercing Wave and Flame God's Roar."

Andrea whispered his thoughts: "Big also has big disadvantages, at least it is easier to aim."

Ferens hummed, "Although we can fly through the air, we can't catch up with its speed. If we can solve the problem of flying in the air, maybe the two of us can work together to severely damage it, or even kill it!"

Although the two said that they had a way to deal with it, they knew it in their hearts.

Even if they could really kill the dragon, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties!

But in this case, what is the value of their victory?

For a moment, they didn't know how to deal with the dragon next, and how to target Ronin and Wushanling. (End of this chapter)

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