Chapter 122 122. Provocation

As Luo Ning left Gray Earth Village a while ago and stopped attacking the savage tribe, Redal stayed here as a guard. |!¤*'~``~'*¤!||!¤*'~``~'*¤!|

Apart from the occasional exploration to the southeast, he spent the rest of his time either training Tom, Jewitt and the guards, or walking north along the kaolin mine. To be honest, his life was a bit boring. .

On this day, he was riding a horse to supervise the carpenters and masons building a house outside the kaolin vein. According to the lord's instructions when he left, in the future this place will be a factory used to develop kaolin and make porcelain.

Although Ruidal didn't know what porcelain was, since the lord valued it so much, he naturally had to value it too.

"Lord Commander!"

While Redal was patrolling the area, Jewett rode over quickly on a horse.

Ruidal could hear some anxiety in the other party's tone. Could it be that the group of careless serfs had another dispute? Or is there another wild beast in the mountains?

During this period of time, the serfs did have quarrels and even fights, but basically it was Slay's family members or lovers who were dissatisfied with the hard work and took the lead in the quarrels, but they were stopped after being repaired by Redal twice;

There was also an incident where a wild boar destroyed a vegetable field. That time, Redal didn't even take action, so Bablin took the guards to deal with it.

Generally speaking, commanders don't need to deal with such trivial matters. Now that Zhuweite is here, could it be that the lord has come to Huitu Village?

"What's wrong?"

Jewett approached and reined in the reins, and said anxiously: "Sir, the people from the Black Collar Tribe actually built a sentry tower in front of our village. Just now Tom and Bablin led people to stop them, and they were about to start a fight!" "

This unexpected news made Ruidal stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief: "You mean the people from the black-collar tribe built a sentry tower in front of our door?"

"Yes!" Jewett responded affirmatively.

Ruidal's expression turned cold. This black-collar tribe built a sentry tower right at the entrance of Huitu Village. Is this crazy?

"Come on, take me to see it!"

He was just lamenting that he had nothing to do, but he didn't expect that things would come to him.

The war horses galloped through the village and soon arrived at the southeast entrance of Huitu Village.

"Sir, you can see it when you go around the intersection ahead."

Jewett pointed to the winding mountain corner intersection ahead.

Redal looked back. Although the location was five or six hundred meters away from the entrance and exit of the village, it was not yet "building a tower in front of the door", but it was not far away.

As the two of them rounded the corner of the mountain, they happened to see two groups of people confronting each other on the path ahead.

There are Tom, Bablin, Sim and a few guards on the Gray Earth Village side;

There were more people on the other side, there were five people on horses alone, and there were seven or eight workers with tools and axes who wanted to build a sentry tower using local materials.

I don’t know when the other party started working, but the bottom of the sentry tower has already been formed.

Ruidal looked coldly and drove his horse closer: "What's going on?"

Bablin bowed slightly, "Commander, Fenris, the deputy leader of the Black Collar Tribe, wants to build a sentry tower here, saying it is to prevent wild beasts from attacking the serfs who are reclaiming wasteland nearby."

This excuse is pure bullshit.

Redal has visited this area many times and has never seen anyone from the Gray Earth Village or the Black Collar Tribe reclaiming wasteland nearby.

"Who is Fenris?"

A man in the crowd held the horse's belly and took two steps forward.

He has a strong physique, and the muscle lines on his body are clearly visible. He is also wearing chain mail and shoulder pads, and has good armor.

"Are you the person that Baron Luo Ning left to manage the affairs of the Gray Earth Tribe? Haha, you are also the commander, what a big title..."

Fenris' words immediately caused a burst of laughter.

The people in Huitu Village were angry, but Redal was not angry.

Fenris saw that his words did not make the other party take action, so he asked coldly:

"I heard that the Gray Earth Tribe has been conquered by the Baron of Hillwood Town, so we should abide by the agreement between the nobles not to invade each other's territory. Are you trying to provoke a war between Hillwood Town and Thain Territory by preventing us from building the sentry tower now?"

Fenris still has relatively complete information about Hillwood Town and the Savage Tribe. For example, he knows Bablin, an intermediate knight, and he also knows that Ronin's McCann has blond hair.

He had no relevant information about the red-haired commander in front of him, but no matter how strong he was, he was probably only an intermediate peak knight, slightly suppressing Bablin.

Rydal was thinking.

Obviously, the lord's occupation of the three tribes has been known to the outside world, so the other party deliberately built the sentry tower here after knowing the news. It obviously had other purposes.

Redalpi said with a smile: "This place doesn't seem to be the territory of the black-collar tribe, right?"

Fenris did not back down, "As far as I know, this place belongs to the Black Collar Tribe. Not only that, from this line to the north and south, everything belongs to the Black Collar Tribe!"


Bablin cursed angrily, he has lived here for more than ten or twenty years, how come he didn't know about this thing?

"In the past, your black-collar tribe expanded to the southeast. When did this place become yours?"

As Babulin cursed angrily, Tom and the others next to him, including the guards, all cursed angrily.

These guys were usually polite to Luo Ning, but when they started to curse, they used all kinds of curse words.

Redal sat on the horse in silence. He probably understood that the other party was here to occupy the territory, and judging from this attitude, it seemed that he was not afraid of provoking disputes at all.


"Perhaps, the struggle between the lord and the Thain Territory will come to the table."

The aura on Redal's body became dangerous. He raised his hand. Upon seeing this, Tom and others immediately stopped yelling.

But the other party did not have such discipline, and still cursed several times. When he found that the other party's scolding had stopped suddenly, he also stopped, but the sound was a bit chaotic.

"Fenris, right?"

Redal's tone was warning: "In order to avoid causing conflicts between the two barons, I ask you to retreat fifteen miles, otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?"

Fenris laughed. According to Baron Leisen's instructions, he was here to cause trouble today. They wanted Ronin to know that the Thane Territory was not so easy to control.

He put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, "I'm warning you, if you stop us from building the sentry tower again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Redal snorted coldly, raised his hand and punched. The fighting spirit condensed into a huge fist and bombarded the base of the built sentry tower, directly blowing apart the several pieces of wood that were built together.


Fenris didn't expect that the other party would dare to take action first. He raised the reins, pinched the horse's belly hard, and rushed towards Redal.

Ruidal was not afraid at all and rode his horse to meet the enemy.

The long swords of the two sides clashed, and Fenris, who had been arrogant just now, suddenly changed his expression, and the shocking power impact sent him flying backwards with his sword.


Redal flew up, flew directly over everyone's heads, and killed Fenris.

When Tom and others saw how brave the commander was, they immediately rushed towards the opponent's crowd like a chicken.

For a moment, the two sides came together in a melee.

Fenris was panicking now. He didn't expect this red-haired man to be so strong.

Isn't it said that there is only one high-level peak knight in the entire Shanlin Town? How come the one in front of me can easily defeat him?

"No, no, impossible!"

Fenris' fighting spirit formed a cold armor on the surface of his body, and the surging fighting spirit condensed on the long sword, as if he was brewing some move.

But at this time, Redal descended from the sky, bombarding Fenris with a long flaming sword light, directly peeling off the opponent's fighting spirit armor, and knocked the opponent to the ground.

Fenris felt his chest explode, and a mouthful of blood poured out of his mouth. He wanted to stand up, but found that the cold blade was already pressed against his neck.

"Everyone, stop!"

Redal roared angrily, and the two sides gradually separated.

He glanced around and saw that although the battle ended quickly, both sides were injured, but fortunately there were no casualties.

"If you don't want to die, throw away the swords in your hands and lie down on the ground!"

Rydal moved the sword in his hand and gave Fenris a stern look.

The latter was frightened and said quickly: "Quick, do what he said!"

"You have some brains, Fenris Knight."

Redal chuckled, "Sim, go to the village and call the guards to come over with hemp ropes. Tom, come over and take off his clothes."


Tom trotted over. It was great to fight with a strong commander, and he won with almost no effort.

"Knight, you are provoking a war between two nobles!"

Fenris panicked and began to struggle violently. He still had the same arrogant look at the beginning, but the sword on his neck was too sharp. He just moved a little and felt something warm on his neck. flow.

He bleeds...

Redal looked down at the other party with contempt: "You are the one who provoked me."

Soon, the guards stationed in Huitu Village came out and tied everyone in the black-collar tribe from head to toe with ropes. They were wrapped so tightly that they couldn't stand up at all and couldn't use their strength.

"Arrange for guards to watch day and night."

Redal ordered: "If anyone wants to escape, just stab him with a sword."

After saying this, he looked at the only craftsman from the black-collar tribe who was not tied up and was kneeling on the ground shivering.

"Go back and tell your leader, and ask him to tell the baron of the Sain Territory that if you want someone, come with enough sincerity to redeem him in three days. Let's go!"

When the craftsman heard this, he felt as if he had been granted amnesty. He stood up tremblingly and ran towards the black-collar tribe like crazy.

"Sir, will Baron Leisen directly bring people to attack us instead of ransoming him?" Bablin was worried at the side.

"It's possible."

Redal nodded, "Intensify patrols in the past few days. In addition, Tom, you should go back to Hillwood Town now, inform the lord of what happened here, and ask for instructions on how to deal with it."

He had indeed been able to temporarily tolerate it, lead his people back to Huitu Village, and then ask Luo Ning for instructions on how to deal with it.

But since Ronin appointed Redal as commander, the latter has the right to handle matters on his own.

In Ruidal's view, there is nothing to say about territorial disputes like this. Big fists are just the reason.

Rydal knew Fenris's strength, and he was sure that his fist was big, so he did so.

As for the subsequent negotiations, that is a matter led by the lord.

The one with the advantage is one's own side, and there is nothing to lose in the negotiation.

As for who made the first move and who ignored it, who can say clearly?

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