Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 120 The Spells in the 120 Magic Core

Chapter 121 121. The spell in the magic core

The lord's vegetable garden was very large, and one vegetable would often be planted on dozens or hundreds of acres of land, and then handed over to the serfs to take care of it.

After Luo Ning inspected the conditions of the fertilizer base, he came to the cabbage garden.

At this time, he was like a leader who came to the field to guide the work. Behind him, followed by Chahar, Wilson, the village chiefs and team leaders of the four villages, and the farmers in charge of the vegetable field, came in a mighty manner. Large groups of people.

Ladd, the village chief of Qianjin Village, is very nervous, because what he is inspecting now is the vegetable plot that his village is responsible for. If there is anything that is not in line with the lord's wishes, he will be in trouble.

"Lord, our village currently has 80 acres of cabbage planted. The area you are inspecting now covers about ten acres, all of which are cultivated using the ridge cultivation method in accordance with your instructions."

Luo Ning nodded. He looked up and saw a vibrant scene in the cabbage patch.

Under the morning sun, the green leaves shine with a healthy luster. They are rolled tightly together to form plump balls.

Due to the division of ridges and ditches, the cabbages in the vegetable field are arranged more neatly, as if a group of well-trained soldiers are being inspected.

"Compared with the mess before, it looks much more pleasing to the eye now."

Wilson added: "My lord, your method is very clever. Now if we want to weed a certain plot of land, we don't have to walk in the vegetable field like before. We can reach it completely by standing in the ditch."

"Yeah, well done."

Luo Ning squatted down, picked up the vegetable balls, and looked at the soil. "It hasn't rained in Shanlin Town recently. I think the soil is relatively dry. Pay attention to watering it properly."

Wilson quickly looked at Mayor Ladd, as if to say: Yesterday I informed you that the leader was coming to inspect, why didn't you water it?

The latter suddenly became nervous and said, "Sir, I will arrange watering today."

“Water appropriately and just keep the soil moist.”

Luo Ning said with a smile: "In addition, the fertilizer base now has the first batch of fully decomposed organic fertilizer. You can use furrow application to top-dress the vegetable fields."

Everyone had questions on their faces, and Wilson asked in a low voice: "Sir, what is Gou Shi?"

Luo Ning opened a small ditch at the root of the cabbage and patiently explained: "That's it, add some fertilizer to this small ditch, and then pour some water."

"Oh, by the way, Chahar." Luo Ning looked at the castle steward.

"Master, you give your orders."

"How's the restroom going?"

Luo Ning asked: "Except for the castle, how many toilets have been built in the town?"

Chahar scratched his head and said, "Sir, each village has built a large toilet. I have asked the village chiefs to inform people in each village that anyone in need can go to these toilets. Sometimes there is a queue. Long queue…”

Four to five hundred people share the same toilet, so it would be strange if there were no queues.

"Tell them that excrement can be used as fertilizer to fertilize crops and increase their yields. People with conditions can build toilets in their own homes, and the fertilizer collected belongs to them and does not need to be handed over to the fertilizer base. In addition, public The number of toilets is not enough and more need to be built.”

Luo Ning said: "Village chiefs and team leaders must inform the farmers that when using manure, they must wait a few days before diluting it with water so that it can be used for fertilization. Otherwise, it is very likely that the vegetable seedlings will be damaged." Burn to death.”

Luo Ning didn't know much, but he could still play around a little in front of this group of people.

Over the years, the serfs did not know how to fertilize. Part of the reason was that they did not use good fertilizer to burn the seedlings, which made them think that manure was useless.

Now that Luo Ning lets them know how to use it, there will no longer be the problem of excrement on the streets.

In ancient times, collecting night incense was still a good job. Each street and alley even had a division of power. If the boundary was exceeded, it might lead to conflicts.

Next, Luo Ning explained to the village chief and team leader about next spring plowing and planting wheat.

Nowadays, the manufacturing of Quyuan plows has kept up with the progress, and each village will be allocated some for use. The ownership of these farm tools belongs to Luo Ning, increasing the intensity of deep plowing.

At the same time, by March next year, there will be a large amount of decomposed organic fertilizer in the fertilizer base. These things can be distributed in advance, and the fertilizer can be applied when plowing the land.

Although these things were made by Luo Ning with money and people, and they should be sold to the outside world, it is almost impossible to expect these farmers to pay for fertilizers.

In line with the principle that most of the increased production belongs to the lord, Luo Ning is not stingy in using these things for free.

After inspecting the fertilizer base and vegetable fields, Luo Ning ended his morning trip.

Back at the castle, Black Tiger was held in the yard to bask in the sun, while Irene sat aside to meditate.

Seeing Luo Ning coming back, Irene stopped meditating and said, "Brother, you are back. Black Tiger hasn't opened his eyes yet."


"Browning said it should be in the next two days, it should be soon."

Luo Ning sat down on a chair nearby, looked at the girl next to him, and suddenly thought of something.

"Eileen, I have something for you to do."

Irene was stunned for a moment, and then looked flattered. She came to the castle with too much time, and there was almost nothing she could do to help.

When she heard that Luo Ning had something arranged for her, she quickly imitated the way other people spoke, "Please feel free to give me your orders, my lord!"

Seeing that the other party's attitude and expression were quite right, Luo Ning couldn't help but smile.

"Your mother Jenny has given you a good education. You can read and write at a young age. Now I want you to be a teacher at Shanlimbao and teach David and others the writing you know."

Erin blinked her big eyes, "You want me to be a teacher?"

Her face immediately turned red. She, a thirteen-year-old girl, actually wanted to be the teacher of someone who was seventeen or eighteen years old, or even older.

"What, don't you have confidence?"

"No, no, no, I can!"

Erin quickly raised her chest and abdomen, "I can definitely teach them to read and write!"

"If you need parchment and ink, you can apply to the castle."

Luo Ning leaned over and whispered: "If any knight disobeys your teachings, I allow you to hit their palms with a board. If anyone dares to resist, tell me and I will vent your anger for you!"


With the support of Luo Ning, the little girl is very motivated.

"Bella, you should follow suit," Luo Ning ordered.

In this world, the monopoly of knowledge is too serious. It is difficult to improve the cultural level of all people. What Luo Ning can do is to learn a little from the people around him first, and then slowly spread it.

"Sir, Mrs. Bandele has asked me to deliver something to you." The male servant hurried over from outside.

Luo Ning was a little surprised. What did the chef give him?


Gallen took out a blue-black ball about the size of a marble from his arms and handed it to Luo Ning, "It is said that the butcher Dolaron got this when he was dealing with the Storm Wolf in the kitchen. He suspected it was a magic core, so he asked Bande Mrs. Le will hand it over to you."

Magic core?

Luo Ning's heart skipped a beat, he had forgotten about this.

"Give a portion of the Storm Wolf's meat to those who participated in the battle yesterday."

Luo Ning took the bead and said, "Especially David. Although he can go to the ground now, he won't be able to wield a sword for ten and a half days. Give him more points."

"Okay, sir." After receiving the order, Galen quickly ran down to make arrangements.

Luo Ning held the blue-black bead in front of his eyes and looked at it. This thing, which was exactly like a marble, was very crystal clear and had a high-end feel at first glance.

When he was a child on Earth, this "marble" could definitely be exchanged for ten ordinary marbles.

"Hook from the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce said that magicians can touch the magic core with spiritual power and sense the spell patterns inside it."

He slowly closed his eyes, and as his spiritual power came into contact with the magic core through his fingers, he was instantly drawn in.

Three spell patterns immediately appeared in Luo Ning's mind.

Two of the spell lines are cyan, representing the wind attribute; the remaining one is black, representing the dark attribute.

Luo Ning touched the black spell lines with his mental power, and immediately received the feedback information - concealment, third-level dark magic.

"This should be the key to the ability of the Storm Wolf to become invisible."

Luo Ning's mental power turned to the other two spell patterns and obtained information in turn:

Speed: Level 3 wind magic;

Tear: Level 4 wind magic;

He showed a look of surprise, "It turns out to be two wind-attribute magics that I don't have, and there's also a level 4 one!"

The fighting skills in the books Lu Lansi gave to Luo Ning were relatively comprehensive, after all, the opponent was a knight;

But in comparison, there is less magic involved. The third-level magic only has the wind of detection, and there is no magic book of speed.

Thinking back to yesterday's battle with the Storm Wolf, this speed should be the main reason for the opponent's sudden acceleration.

As for this tear, could it be the three rays of light that tore apart Luo Ning's first move?

That's a bit less powerful.

"However, the spell lines of this fourth-level magic are quite complicated, with more than just two curves."

Putting aside his research on magic tearing, Luo Ning turned his attention to speed magic.

He can learn this.

The speed-increasing effect of speed magic is definitely better than that of light body magic. With the help of this magic, Luo Ning's melee level will be improved to a higher level. At that time, it will not be impossible to challenge the level.

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