Three days later, on the morning, outside the gate of [Garden House],

Cecilia leaned against the wall stealthily, carefully pushed open a door, looked inside, and whispered:

"Isn't it a bit too much that he hasn't come out for three whole days?"

Cecilia looked through the narrow gap and looked at the situation inside [Garden House]: "Hey, he's not in the cabin, but directly on the prairie?"

On the emerald green lawn that looked like a fairyland on earth, thousands of exotic flowers and plants bloomed.

The physique and soul beyond the ordinary gave Cecilia amazing eyesight. Even if she was covered by many flowers and plants, she could still see clearly:

Two intertwined figures.

The intellectual and elegant mature woman lay on the ground, her posture was extremely peaceful, with a charming blush on her face, and occasionally trembled twice to prove her existence.

Another very familiar male figure sat high on the mature woman, his lower body covered by flowers and plants, a little blurry.

But based on the posture of the upper body, Cecilia can be sure that the two are definitely entangled.

Cecilia complained: "What time is it, and it's not over yet?"

"Lord, if you don't come out, you will miss the decisive battle between me and the Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire."

Although time is not precious to the lord, it is still very important to the students facing the Dragon Gate Exam.

Cecilia didn't think much and pushed the door open.

Although she guessed that Luo Chen and Ruan Mei were "doing serious things", but... hasn't she seen such scenes often?

Cecilia walked into the Garden House with ease, and the exotic flowers and plants on the green lawn seemed to have eyes and hands and feet, and automatically avoided her.

A few minutes later, Cecilia approached Luo Chen and greeted him with a smile: "Lord, are you done?"

The next second, Cecilia saw the scene clearly and blinked: "Uh, so you are really doing serious things?"

In the middle of the lawn surrounded by thousands of exotic flowers and plants, Luo Chen and Ruan Mei were very close, but their clothes were intact, and they were not at a negative distance.

Luo Chen held the familiar triple helix DNA structure model in his hand and kept trying to change the information in it in order to make it more stable.

He inserted the triple helix DNA structure into Ruan Mei's body again and again, and then took it out.

Ruan Mei's body occasionally trembled unconsciously, but she was not at all abnormal in her body, but was concentrating on recording the triple helix DNA data.

Cecilia's arrival did not attract Ruan Mei's attention, and Luo Chen just glanced at it casually and retracted his sight.

Ruan Mei's face showed no emotion. She described the reason for everything in a very calm tone: "The void is much more powerful than I thought."

Luo Chen smiled: "Although the strength of the Endless Void is quite loose, even if it is weak, it is one of the immortal realms, overlooking the eternal realm of thousands of planes and the universe."

Ruan Mei stretched out her hand and brushed her fingers across the triple helix DNA structure. A grayish-white chaotic light appeared on her fingertips, eroding Ruan Mei's skin crazily.

In a short time, half of Ruan Mei's finger was transformed from white flesh color to grayish-white with a little decay.

Luo Chen's expression did not change. He raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Ruan Mei's finger.

The grayish-white decayed air shook slightly and dissipated directly.

Luo Chen: "Don't come into direct contact with the void energy, your status is not yet able to withstand it."

Ruan Mei nodded and retracted her gaze: "It's hard to imagine that my hometown has persisted for so long under the erosion of the endless void."

Luo Chen laughed: "Is there a possibility that you can persist for so long, not because the star gods are so strong, but because the endless void has other intentions."

Just like the Battle of Changping that determined the future of a country, Zhao Kuo, who was good at talking on paper, persisted for forty days in front of Bai Qi.

This is not because Zhao Kuo has the level of a famous general, but because Bai Qi incorporated the opponent into his own strategic layout, and finally slaughtered all the 400,000 troops of Zhao.

Sometimes, you can persist for so long not because you are strong.

But in the eyes of the enemy, letting you struggle for survival can squeeze greater benefits.

The benefits that the Star God Universe can provide are actually...

Ruan Mei pointed at herself: "Me?"

Luo Chen nodded calmly: "To be precise, it is a reserve of intelligent void creatures like you who have the hope of surviving the void erosion and maintaining rationality."

Ruan Mei said calmly: "So it's a bait? Now I can understand it."

"No wonder, the Star God gene I designed quickly lost its balance with the power of destiny and void energy when I stepped into the endless void...."

"I can only put myself in a temporary biological sealed cabin, hoping to use the quadruple filtration method to filter out the violent factors of void energy and restore the balance between the two. ”


[Ruan Mei]

[Identity: Hero;]

[Quality: Gold (to be developed);]

[Race: Human/Star God/Void;]

[Level: Level 50 (199);]

[Bloodline: Philosophical Fetus·Deformed;]

[Talent: 1. Imaginary Cycle, 2. Touch of Life, 3. Adaptability to Collapse;]

[Skills: Omitted;]

[Consumption: 5 Spirits;]

[Status: Root Damage (Miracle Seal);]

[Introduction: The process of Voidization was interrupted, and you fell from the boundary between humans and gods, but you were lucky to save your life.

If you can completely complete the chaotic Star God genes, you can start the evolutionary journey again, and there is a chance to ascend to the mythical quality.]


Luo Chen smiled: "Your idea is good, but you suffered from insufficient information."

Ruan Mei nodded: "Indeed."

"According to my initial calculations, when the two reach a balance, I will wake up from my slumber. "

Luo Chen: "If I hadn't come, you would have woken up."

"But at that time, you would not have been able to become a star god, but only an intelligent void creature."

Ruan Mei nodded: "So, I am very grateful for your rescue."

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "I thought that biologists like you would not care about racial forms."

Ruan Mei looked calm and said bluntly: "I don't like the void, its social ecology is unhealthy."

"Continuously devouring thousands of worlds will only make its body more bloated, unable to effectively concentrate resources, and it is difficult to push the ceiling of the system higher."

During these three days, Ruan Mei learned about the political system of Donghuang from Luo Chen and the current situation of the three immortal realms.

Her evaluation of the endless void is: "It's like a fighting athlete. Individuals with higher weight can crush low-weight athletes, but humans cannot defeat young dragons."

"Endless void - the future is worrying. "

Luo Chen grinned and clapped his hands: "As expected of you, you are really sharp."

"Endless Void is indeed the weakest of the three immortal realms, and is the main target of many super civilizations."

Soft persimmon?

This is called: If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

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