Ruan Mei sat up from the crystal coffin and said calmly: "Even if I want to regret it, it's impossible."

As a talented biological scientist, Ruan Mei is very clear about her physical condition.

A moment after Ruan Mei woke up, she already knew the wonderful changes that had taken place in her body.

The Star God gene did not complete the transformation from human to Star God and then to the void as she expected, but instead added some new special substances in the invisible space.

And these special substances maintain the balance between the power of destiny and the energy of the void.

Otherwise, the moment she sat up, her flesh and blood would disintegrate due to genetic disorder.

The hope of becoming a Life Star God in the panel evaluation?

Ninety-nine percent is "there is a chance", but 0.1% is also "there is a chance"!

In addition, Ruan Mei keenly felt that she had developed an inexplicable sense of trust in Luo Chen and this area.

Even if she knew that this was a prison, she still couldn't raise a trace of resistance.

The instinct and rationality of life told her that this place was trustworthy, but a little spiritual light in the depths of her heart warned her: it shouldn't be like this.

However, Ruan Mei's eyes fell on the triple helix DNA structure on Luo Chen's palm, and she expressionlessly killed the last hint of spiritual light.

Luo Chen dared to let Ruan Mei wake up, so he had naturally transformed her into a formal citizen of the territory.

On Ruan Mei's indifferent face, a hint of fanaticism appeared in the depths of her seemingly gentle eyes: "How did you do it?"

Luo Chen handed the triple helix DNA structure to Ruan Mei and said with a smile: "I added a little 'miracle'."

Ruan Mei did not feel like a prisoner, and she took the triple helix DNA structure model very naturally and fiddled with it herself, very quickly.

Luo Chen was not in a hurry, and by the way, he grabbed a handful of popcorn from Cecilia and ate it slowly.

The next moment, Luo Chen threw a grain of popcorn into his mouth, and the expression on his face almost collapsed: "What flavor is this popcorn, why does it smell like Baihua Durian?"

Cecilia smiled proudly: "This is multi-flavored popcorn, a new snack that I asked Master Abei to research."

"It is made of multi-flavored rice, and each popcorn tastes different."

Luo Chen hesitated: "What flavors are there?"

Cecilia: "Yes!"

Luo Chen's expression was subtle: "Have you ever tasted the salted fish flavor of looking up at the stars?"

Cecilia fell silent and said faintly: " Not only have I eaten it, I've eaten something even more amazing..."

Luo Chen silently stuffed the popcorn back into her hands and reminded her: "Don't come to [Garden House] if you don't brush your teeth at night."

Cecilia: "..."

On the other side, Ruan Mei continued to dismantle and restore the triple helix DNA structure model, with a look of amazement: "I can't find any trace of the magical power characteristics."

Luo Chen smiled: "Isn't this a matter of course?"

Outstanding geniuses ignore the status quo of social order, stand on the shoulders of giants, and look forward to the future, but their upper limit is still restricted by the basic science of the current era.

Transcendent cosmic geniuses, whose vision, talents, and desires span the stars, only the operating rules of the universe and the world are their insurmountable shackles.

Only true saint-level geniuses can ignore social order, ignore the constraints of the times, ignore the operating rules of the universe and the world, and rush towards the boundless future almost without limit.

Ruan Mei belongs to the second category. Although she is above the times, she still cannot penetrate the concept of star gods.

Transcendental attributes such as "miracle", "infinity" and "mystery" are exclusive to the third type of geniuses. Only with this level of power can one ignore the constraints of reality and move towards an infinite future.

Of course, there is a premise here. These geniuses are pioneering the way forward from scratch without any guidance or inheritance from their predecessors.

Just like Luo Chen's current research ability is difficult to match Ruan Mei, but he can trigger a trace of miracles.

Luo Chen: "Want to learn? I'll teach you!"

Ruan Mei returned the triple helix DNA to Luo Chen and slowly stepped out of the crystal coffin. Her smooth and white thighs seemed to be shining with white light, like the best white jade.

Ruan Mei stood up, bowed slightly, and performed a familiar disciple's etiquette: "Please teach me."

Facing an unfamiliar subject, even Ruan Mei can only further master this power after learning the basic theory.

The only difference is that the entry speed of geniuses is often amazingly fast.

Luo Chen smiled and said, "I wish us a happy cooperation."

While speaking, Luo Chen waved to Cecilia.

The latter came over obediently with popcorn in her hand.

Luo Chen pointed at her lower abdomen and said, "Your first task is to help Cecilia"

"In addition, there is a biological template of a legion in Changkong City, and we need your assistance."

Ruan Mei didn't waste any words and agreed: "Okay."


That night, Ju went downstairs to hold a welcome dinner for Ruan Mei.

Ruan Mei's arrival filled the gap in the territory's research.

Among the many heroes, the most excited one was not Cecilia, but Raiden Mei.

Raiden Mei hugged Ruan Mei's arm, with a face full of earnestness: "Sister Ruan Mei, come to Changkong City often in the future."

"Changkong City is very big, and you can sleep directly when you are tired."

"We are all lives on the tree of imaginary numbers, and we are a family if we round it off!"

Ruan Mei's eyes flickered, and she agreed: "That's what I meant. "

Ruan Mei asked for a lot of common sense information from the black enterprise, especially the general situation in the territory and the characteristics and sources of various systems.

Among them, what interested her most was naturally the Honkai energy that was similar to the power of destiny.

Raiden Mei was very happy and thought she had attracted a super talent to Changkong City.

With Ruan Mei, she could finally lie down.

Ruan Mei was also very happy. There was a Herrscher who came to her door automatically. For a researcher like her, it was simply a pie in the sky.

Ruan Mei's smile was very clean, and her eyes looking at Raiden Mei were full of pity.

It was like a well-known biologist who met an extremely rare and isolated creature.

Both were imaginary trees. The Herrscher was the manifestation of physical concepts, and the Star God was the symbol of philosophical concepts...

If there was no connection between the two, Ruan Mei would jump off the Hall of Heroes on the spot.

Luo Chen coughed twice and reminded: "The people in the territory are equal. Please do not violate your personal wishes and do things that harm the people in the territory. ”

Ruan Mei: “As long as the other party agrees, it’s all right?”

It’s just coaxing a girl who has just graduated and has not yet experienced the beatings of society. Isn’t this a piece of cake?

Luo Chen: “…”

The party was very lively. Although Ruan Mei did not participate in it, she maintained a very standard ladylike posture throughout the whole process.

Mature, intellectual, elegant and beautiful.

Before the end of the night, Luo Chen thought so.

Until the door of [Garden House] opened, Ruan Mei was calm and elegant, mixed in the crowd, and walked into it together.

Luo Chen: “?”

Ruan Mei tilted her head slightly: “Don’t you like it?”

Luo Chen: “…I like it!”

Although Ruan Mei’s sense of humanity is indifferent, on another level, she seems to be very “understanding of humanity”!

Late at night, Luo Chen’s evaluation was: elegant, too elegant!

As a result, Ruan Mei could not walk out of the door of [Garden House] for three consecutive days.

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