By the time Gao Qiang got used to the bright light from the outside world, everyone's expressions had returned to their original state.

Haiyouqin once again put on that lazy expression.

It seemed as if the slight movement in his expression just now didn't happen at all.

Although I don’t know why they suddenly missed the glory of the year.

But this kind of thing will pass if you miss it for a while. People always have to look forward.

For example, now, they don’t like activities very much.

If some people hadn't gone too far this time and dared to attack them, the knights wouldn't have wanted to stray too far from the wall.

Gao Qiang looked at the appearance behind the mountains.

Beyond this mountain range is the birthplace of the Gnoll Lord's territory.

I have to say that in this war game, the birth range of the Gnoll Lord is really good.

With mountains and natural obstacles blocking their way, it is difficult for both humans and elves to directly contact the gnolls.

Only low-level undead have access to gnolls.

But at this time, most of the undead should still bury themselves in the soil, quietly waiting for the development of their territory.

Therefore, they have become another line of defense for the gnolls.

Kyle probably took this into consideration when he used the blessing scroll on Gao Qiang.

Even if something went wrong, there was nothing Gao Qiang could do against Kyle to allow Gao Qiang to survive the week surrounded by wolves.

It is impossible for humans and elves to touch his territory, and he is extremely safe.

Of course, these are all Kyle's wishful thinking.

Gao Qiang made an inner estimate and realized that it should be the seventh day of the war game.

It happened to be the last day when the pack of wolves was around.

It seems that Shasha’s plan to return to the Wall of Sighs within a week will not come true.

"So how do we find that Gnoll Lord's territory?"

Gao Qiang turned to look at Jiuluo, "Although through the sand map, you pointed out the general location."

"But behind this mountain range, there are tens of thousands of jackal tribes, large and small."

“Even if we divide an area, there will definitely be no shortage.”

This is the information Gao Qiang learned through war games.

On the other hand, in the human forum, some big guys from the human race who have played several war games began to analyze the current combat power of each race.

Among them, according to the big boss's estimation, it is currently the last day of the first week, if the development of the Jackal is not greatly hindered.

On this day, the total number of subjects of all the gnoll lords should reach more than one million.

This number will be far ahead of humans and elves, and second only to the low-level undead.

There is nothing we can do about this.

In ancient times, jackals had a great advantage in hunting ability.

They don't need to research tools and technology like humans do to increase their hunting speed.

For gnolls, their hands and feet are the sharpest weapons.

Sufficient food means that more people can be recruited and more soldiers can be recruited.

Therefore, they can distance themselves from humans in the early stages of the game and quickly snowball in size.

Similarly, the excessive number of gnolls also greatly increased the difficulty for Gaoqiang to find Kyle.

After all, this is the home ground of the Jackals.

If Gao Qiang acts too aggressively, he is likely to be attacked by a group.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about this." Jiuluo explained.

"We have a very perfect set of judgment methods."


Gao Qiang showed a curious expression.

Considering that the Fallen Empire has all the technology in this game, it doesn't seem so strange that there are some weird things.

But what Jiuluo said next made Gao Qiang feel that Jiuluo was a little too extreme.

"We just walked in a straight line."

"Everyone who sees us showing fear must be a guilty murderer!"

Jiu Luo's words had just finished.

Gao Qiang heard a rustling sound coming from the grass next to him.

Looking down, among the grass, several Jackal scouts collapsed on the ground with trembling legs.

Their size is only half a meter.

Human beings are not looked down upon by them because they are thin and not fleshy.

But Tyrannosaurus rex is completely different.

In their eyes, the 15-meter-high Tyrannosaurus rex was thirty times taller than them, and its entire body was covered with tough skin and muscles.

There was also a fishy smell of meat in his mouth.

This is a complete monster, a Titan!

Moreover, I just seemed to have heard something terrible from the mouths of those humans.

See everyone's eyes.

The jackal scout shuddered again.

No, you can't be afraid, you can't be afraid...

Thinking of this, one of the scouts gave a forced smile.

"That we are just afraid, not guilty, do you believe it?"

Because of the characteristics of war games, all races can understand each other's language.

But Gao Qiang and others understood, but Tyrannosaurus rex couldn't understand this.

Suddenly, a Tyrannosaurus rex sneezed and accidentally stepped on it.

With a loud noise, when the Tyrannosaurus rex raised its feet again, there was only a pool of sticky paste under its feet.


Sasha looked at the ground where weeds were mixed with minced meat, showing an expression of disgust.

"It won't taste good if you add grass."

Next to him, Jiuluo turned around and looked at Gao Qiang.

He didn't speak, he just spread his hands and shrugged.

It seems like nothing was said, but it seems like a lot was said.

Gao Qiang swallowed back all the words he wanted to say, such as "group together to attack".

Would a million unarmed humans attack a Godzilla?

He thought it would not happen.

So now, the Jackals are facing almost the same situation.

Gao Qiang even brought more than one Tyrannosaurus Rex, but twenty.

"In that case, what are we waiting for!"

Gao Qiang simply mixed with Shasha.

"End this 'war' early, maybe we can rush home for dinner before the end of next week."

Jiu Luo smiled slightly. Although Gao Qiang now had the intention of giving up, didn't he also learn the attitude of treating people as a court official?

Jiu Luo was still very satisfied with this.

"Since it is your order, then... obey your will."


Kyle rubbed his nose.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but at that moment, he suddenly felt a little cold on his back, and he sneezed subconsciously.

But the coolness was fleeting, maybe it was an illusion?

Shaking his head, Kyle didn't think about it.

His territory was in a good location.

Going southeast of the territory, there was a stretch of mountains that stretched endlessly and could not see the end at all.

After Kyle's reconnaissance, there were many cliffs in those mountains that were impossible to climb.

Therefore, it was completely impossible to attack across these mountains.

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