The reason why the Foka civilization placed this strange object here is probably related to the trial.

Just as the introduction of the strange object said.

The text inherits the wisdom of a civilization.

If Gao Qiang guessed correctly, the text on the stone slab should be written on how to successfully complete the trial.

Hai Youqin looked at the ghostly symbols on the stone slab and suddenly sneered with disdain.

"I can't understand it at all. What kind of crap is written."

These written records of the Foka civilization are obviously not within the scope of learning of the Wall of Sighs.

Their civilization level is much lower than that of the Wall of Sighs, so the people of the Wall of Sighs simply disdain to recognize those "garbage".

If you want to analyze it now, it will take more time than a day.

Hai Youqin stripped the stone slabs from the mud wall one by one and threw them behind her.

Even without the help of these stone slabs, she thought, she had seen through the structure of this underground altar.

Jiuluo packed up the stone slabs at this time.

She saw Gao Qiang's interest in these stone slabs, and she knew what to do without Gao Qiang saying more.

On the other side, Hai Youqin pulled off all the stone slabs.

She stretched out her hand to sweep the vines and mushrooms on the mud wall aside, and then rubbed the mud wall hard.

Soon, after the thin layer of soil was rubbed off, a rubble wall made of mud and sand was revealed.

The wall looked very unstable.

Hai Youqin showed a clear expression.

She stretched out her hand to pull out a stone on the wall.

The rustling sound began to emerge.

Some piles of soil mixed with gravel began to fall from the wall.

Then, the sound became louder and louder, and the scale became larger and larger.

Hai Youqin grabbed the wolfskin coat on her body and wrapped herself in the clothes.

Before long, the sound from the wall had become deafening.

A large amount of mud and sand rushed in like a flood.

At this moment, everyone could even feel the mountains above their heads shaking, like the wrath of the gods.

Who would have thought that this wall would produce such a huge chain reaction just by removing a small stone.

Fortunately, the impact of the mud and sand was not great, and Hai Youqin, the only one standing in front of the mud and sand, also blocked the falling stones with a wolfskin coat.

Therefore, although the momentum was huge, everyone did not suffer any damage except that their clothes were a little dirty.

Suddenly, the vibration stopped.

A faint light shone in from a very far place.

After the wall collapsed completely, a passage upward was formed.

"Is this the way out?"

Gao Qiang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Foka civilization actually set the way out of the altar behind the stone slab.

As long as the tribesmen who participated in the test had a little respect for the unrealistic gods, or the ancestors and rules of the Foka tribe.

They would not do things like destroying the altar like Hai Youqin.

Without destroying these stone slabs, they would never have the possibility of walking out of here in their lifetime.

Seeing this, Gao Qiang even admired the existence of the Foka civilization who created this altar.

They have been teaching the tribesmen who participated in the trial to learn to question.

After all, questioning is a prerequisite for wisdom.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations, you have found the way out of the Foka altar and successfully completed the trial of the Foka civilization]

The prompt sound of the war game came.

In Gao Qiang's eyes, the stone slabs collected by Jiuluo produced a little light.

However, this magical scene seemed to be seen only by Gao Qiang.

Others present were not attracted by this scene.

[You have been recognized by the Foka civilization. Next, you can randomly draw three entries from the Foka civilization and choose one. ]

Without asking Gao Qiang's opinion, the war game has begun to draw automatically.

Soon, three entries appeared in front of Gao Qiang.

[Courage: This civilization once used all its strength to swing the sword at the stronger. ]

[Effect: Unlock the recruitment rights of the Foka civilization, and you can train your subjects into eagle snake warriors. 】

(Eagle Snake Warrior: Ancient unit with characteristics of Foka civilization.

They have the sharpness of eagles, and their flexibility is several times that of regular warrior units. They also have the cunningness of snakes, and have a chance to see through the enemy's attack direction during battle.)

What a strong unit, worthy of being a reward from the A-level ruins.

Gao Qiang looked at it with envy, he didn't know what units other lords could recruit.

But just from the description.

The combat effectiveness of Eagle Snake Warriors will never be weak, maybe they can compete with the velociraptor knights that Gao Qiang had seen before.

But the resources required to train them are definitely far less than those of velociraptor knights.

If Gao Qiang hadn't been unable to recruit soldiers, he might have chosen this option.

But there is no if in everything, Gao Qiang quickly put this entry aside.

Then he turned his attention to the second entry.

[Wisdom: You and your subjects can interpret the Foka civilization slate, and from now on you can directly inherit all the technologies of the Foka civilization. 】

This is another extremely strong entry.

If other lords saw this scene, they would probably be ecstatic.

The speed of inheriting technology is definitely faster than researching technology. Choosing this entry may even give them a chance to compete for the title of winner in this war game.

But Gao Qiang just glanced at it casually and threw it aside.

Hai Youqin and others obviously looked down on the text of the Foka civilization. If they tried to interpret the stone tablet, wouldn't they be inferior to their own people?

Then, there was only one entry left.

Gao Qiang looked at the last entry.

[Ancestor worship: The Foka civilization has some respect for ancestors. ]

(After selecting this entry, your people's memory of their ancestors will become clearer.)

This entry...

Gao Qiang narrowed his eyes.

It seems that the war game is indeed a random entry.

If the first two entries can be rated S, this ancestor worship can only get a B or even C rating at most.

The participants of the war game are all new territories, where are there such things as ancestors.

Choosing this entry is basically the same as not choosing it.

But... Gao Qiang's territory is a little special.

The territory characteristics of the Fallen Empire have led to Gao Qiang's territory having a history of tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, Gao Qiang couldn't help but be curious about what kind of sparks would be produced if he chose this entry.

Anyway, the first two entries were useless, so Gao Qiang chose to worship his ancestors directly.

At this moment, the sun shone into Gao Qiang's eyes. It turned out that everyone had successfully walked out of the altar during this period of time.

Gao Qiang closed his eyes under the stimulation of the strong light.

Therefore, he did not see the flash of nostalgia in everyone's eyes.

Lei Heshuo even tightened the reins in his hand and silently said in a tiny voice.

"We are back, world!"

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