As Sword Master Ming Yi exploded with all his strength, the pressure on the five desire masters also increased.

Especially the sword array composed of nine peerless swords, it is simply a weapon that can kill all heavenly beings.

Of course, under the siege of so many strong men, it was impossible for Sword Master Mingyi not to be injured.

His soul was shattered several times, and even his Tao seed was almost broken.

However, if Daluo Jinxian and Tao are combined, even if the Tao seed is broken, it will only be considered dead once.

As for Ming Yi, a Daluo who is completely in tune with Dao, in a battle of the same level, even if he dies a hundred times, he may not be completely defeated.

The weakest nature can no longer bear it anymore, and the intention of retreat arises in my heart.

She calmly stayed away from Sword Master Ming Yi, only using two peerless treasures to harass him.

When Tianquan saw this, he immediately knew what she was thinking.

He said in a deep voice: “Don’t hide any trump cards you have. Let’s fight quickly. If we kill this old guy, we can get at least eleven peerless treasures!”

While speaking, a tyrannical figure tore apart time and space on the Origin Continent and landed in this parallel universe not far from this world.

He rushed here, and his expression changed when he saw powerful lights and shadows covering the entire ruins of the Great Thousand World.

Cang Huang noticed this uninvited guest immediately and immediately narrowed his eyes.

If Da Luo is at his peak, it won’t be a big problem.

And Li Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, good guy, Tianquan is here.

Of course, this person cannot be Tianquan’s real body, but should be his last substitute.

Li Yuan still looked like the Holy Demon Emperor. Although Tianquan’s substitute was aware of it, he did not expect his true identity.

On the contrary, Hua Wushang from the other direction made Tianquan’s body feel a thump.

He had already heard that Hua Wushang went to hunt Chonglou, but fell unexpectedly, possibly encountering the Half-Step Supreme.

But what is the situation now?

Could it be that he just got rid of his control?

Hua Wushang had already restrained his aura, and even without taking action, he couldn’t see through Hua Wushang’s strength.

Li Yuan looked at Tianquan’s substitute and narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Now that you’re here, don’t leave!”

With a wave of his hand, the long black and white flags erupted into countless phantoms, rushing towards Tianquan’s stand-in.

Although these phantoms are not real creatures, their strength is very terrifying.

Even Cang Huang raised his eyebrows, “Good guy, this treasure can be compared to the peak of Da Luo.”

Although he is here to make soy sauce, he can’t watch the show all the time.

Canghuang moved and also killed Tianquan’s substitute.

There are actually two Da Luo peaks outside, as well as Hua Wushang who is out of control.

Tianquan’s stand-in sensed that something was not going well, and immediately used special means to notify Tianquan himself in the ruins.

At the same time, he hurriedly fought and sacrificed his unique treasure.

But after all, he followed the original path, and his strength was obviously a bit weaker than the normal peak Daluo.

And Canghuang’s strength is too strong. Even if he doesn’t use all his strength, he is still not something that ordinary Daluo can contend with.

Facing Cang Huang, Tianquan’s substitute was completely crushed.

At the same time, in the ruins of the Great Thousand World, Tianquan’s heart sank when he learned about the situation outside the world.

Sword Master Mingyi was obviously prepared this time.

He immediately told the other four desire masters about the situation outside the boundary.

When the Tianxing trio heard this, their hearts naturally sank.

There are three Ronaldo outsiders, and two of them are still at the peak of Ronaldo.

Originally they didn’t want to reveal their true trump card, but at this moment, they seemed to not care so much anymore.

Only Tiancai still looked lazy, watching the excitement from a distance.

He was aware of Li Yuan’s thoughts and the incarnation of Cang Huang, and even took the initiative to say hello: “I, Tiancai, what do you call these two Taoist friends?”

Li Yuan looked at the chubby Desire Master and said with a slight smile: “I am Wutian. I am here just to prevent Tianquan from escaping.”

“The old gray cypress is the same as that of fellow Taoist Wutian.”

Canghuang said with a smile, but didn’t think much about Li Yuan’s words.

After all, who doesn’t have a pseudonym when traveling outside?

“Oh, so if I want to leave, you won’t stop me?”

Tiancai asked calmly.

“This is natural. Our goal is originally Tianquan, but unfortunately those few people seem to insist on helping Tianquan, and there is nothing we can do!”

Li Yuan still smiled lightly and spoke, no one knew whether what he said was true or false.

Tian Cai didn’t know how much he believed it. Anyway, he really had no intention of taking action. Moreover, he also understood that even if he took action himself, he would not be able to stop Sword Master Ming Yi.

Moreover, he is just a clone. If he is not sure, it is better to just watch the fun.

At the same time, Daluo Jinxian kept coming from other places.

They are allSubstitutes for several great desire masters.

In just a few moments, seven Daluo had arrived.

In addition to Tianquan’s substitutes, they are the eight great Luo.

Cang Huang’s face also changed slightly, and he said in surprise: “How come there are so many clones?”

He thought these were the clones of several desire masters.

Especially two of them, their cultivation has reached the peak of Da Luo.

Although his strength does not seem to be comparable to the real peak of Da Luo, it is far superior to that of Da Luo in his later stages.

Li Yuan lowered the Divine Bell on his head and said in a deep voice: “These are their substitutes, not clones. Try to resist them as much as possible. If you can’t block them, just let them in!”

He did not intend to expose the Mountain and Sea Seal directly, after all, the demon heart had not seen any movement yet.

Even if no one can fit into the devil’s heart, it is impossible with this little strength.

It is obvious that these great desire masters have not yet reached despair.

But Emperor Cang didn’t know this, he felt that he had to stop these little minions.

After all, if Sword Master Ming Yi fails, not only will he not be able to obtain the Six Desires Heart Sutra, but he will also be hunted by the Six Desires Demon Sect.

Sure enough, as Cang Huang used all his strength to block these substitutes, preventing them from rushing into the ruins, the several desire masters inside also became anxious.

Li Yuan was paddling almost the whole way, but they couldn’t rush in.


Li Yuan was also helpless.

Tianquan’s face was gloomy. The old immortal outside was so powerful that he could almost compare with Daluo Yuanyuan.

The stand-in is already weaker than the strong ones at the same level. At this time, it is almost difficult to rush in.

Some of the stand-ins are too weak and will almost be killed instantly by the old guy with one hit.

Moreover, even if their substitutes rush in here, they may not be able to defeat Sword Master Ming Yi.

“Tiancai, how long do you want to watch the excitement?”

Tianli shouted angrily, the dignified and powerful man of Perfect Luo was so afraid of death.

However, Tianli shook his head and said: “I still have to protect the headquarters, otherwise the aftermath of your battle will completely destroy this place.”

Tianshi said in a deep voice: “When did this happen? Do you think he will let you go if he kills us?”

Tiancai flapped his relatively short and plump wings, shook his head and said, “I can’t help it. This is not my true body. Even if I go up there, I will die.”

His demeanor of being unconcerned about the matter made Tianshi and others really want to eat him alive.

This stupid pig is greedy for life and afraid of death, and forgets his righteousness when he sees profit. He doesn’t take it seriously at all when facing foreign enemies.

Or does he think that relying on Sword Master Mingyi can eradicate them first?

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