Tianquan had countless resentments in his heart and was very unwilling to do so.

He has been living in chaos since the last era of chaos, and he wants to become the supreme being.

But for countless years, that dream seemed out of reach.

Even Li Na couldn’t achieve half-step to the Supreme Level.

He was unwilling to accept it, why could there be so many existences that transcended heaven and humans in the world, but it couldn’t be him?

The big seal exploded with divine power and blocked the fatal blow from Sword Master Ming Yi.

But this flawless treasure also began to suffer damage.

Tianquan looked at the few desire masters who were watching the excitement, and his face instantly turned gloomy.

These idiots know how to fight among themselves. With such a character, they will always be mice in the darkness and cannot reappear in the world.

He growled: “Do you really disregard the friendship of the same sect? Do you want to watch me be killed by this old guy? He killed me, do you think he will let you go?”

However, upon hearing this, the expressions of several desire masters did not change much, and their expressions remained the same.

Emotions and anger should not be expressed in color, this is the basic principle of the strong.

The Yu of the Wealth Desire Department, the Lord of Heavenly Wealth, a fat golden dragon covered with pimples said with a smile: “Senior Brother Tianquan is joking, our strength is low, we really can’t be of much help!”

Tian Xing also had a look of resentment on his face and said: “Yes, I am only in the late stage of Daluo. How can I stop the strong man on the Hongmeng Golden List? And he is still ranked thirty-seven.”

As for Tianshi, he said with a regretful look on his face: “This is not my real body. I went up to deliver food!”

When Tianquan heard this, his face turned pale and his heart became furious.

Let’s not talk about nature, isn’t Tianshi’s true body comprehending the devil’s heart?

He knew in his heart that if he didn’t pay the price, these bastards would really sit back and watch him be beaten to death completely.

He could only say in a cold voice: “Don’t you want to know why I can achieve Daluo Perfection so quickly? Help me kill this person, and you can do it too!”

As soon as these words came out, Tianli immediately became interested and said in a deep voice: “Is this true?”

Tianquan snorted coldly: “Of course it is true. I have a special method that can speed up the speed of union with the truth!”

“Okay, this is what you said!”

When Tianli and Tianxing heard this, they were slightly excited and agreed immediately.

As for Heavenly Eclipse and Heavenly Wealth, they didn’t say anything.

Because the two of them have cultivated to the perfection of Daluo and are completely in harmony with the Tao.

Tianquan also knew that these two guys were masters of not letting go of eagles when they saw rabbits, so he snorted coldly: “Don’t you always want to know how to resist the erosion of the devil’s heart? I can also tell you.”

The devil’s heart contains unimaginable desires, and even Daluo Jinxian cannot resist it.

Although they are also studying the demon heart, they can only do it reluctantly and do not dare to study it in depth for fear of following the path of the demon sect master.

Tiancai is still a little hesitant, not because he doesn’t believe in Tianquan, but because he doesn’t believe in the devil’s heart.

Because the sect leader must also know how to resist the erosion of the devil’s heart, but he was still swallowed by the devil’s heart in the end.

The sect leader is half-step supreme, and he has been devoured, let alone them?

Tiancai didn’t take any action. The fat dragon shrank back and its small eyes moved around, looking somewhat funny.

He resembles a dragon, but because of his fatness, he looks like a golden roasted pig with wings.

However, Tian Shi, who was beside Tian Cai, was already moved. This was the time for him to keep his demon heart, so it was naturally difficult to resist the temptation of Tian Quan.

His true body walked out of the darkness, his blood-red eyes making people’s hearts tremble.

Seeing that Tian Shi was moved, Tian Quan also breathed a sigh of relief.

If the four desire masters join forces, can’t they still stop the sword master Ming Yi?

In an instant, the four great desires of wealth, power, nature, and power joined forces to kill Sword Master Mingyi.

They are not ordinary Da Luo, even those with the weakest nature are in the late stage of Da Luo.

Moreover, as the desire masters of the Six Desire Demon Sect, although their cultivation may not have reached the limit of heaven and human beings, they all possess flawless level peerless treasures.

At their level, ordinary magical powers have no effect, and every move they make contains unimaginable divine power, capable of destroying the entire world.

For a moment, waves of terrifying power swept across the void, the avenue collapsed, and time and space shattered.

If it weren’t for the influence of the rules of the devil’s heart, this void would be filled with destruction.

The Heart Sutra of Six Desires is inherently weird, arousing the deepest desires in people’s hearts. All kinds of desires are permeated, turning countless time and space into an abyss of desire.

Even if Ming Yi Sword’s main cultivation level is strong and his Taoist heart is firm, he will still be inevitably affected.

Li Yuan’s thoughts retreated again and again, and he was hundreds of millions of light years away from everyone, still being overwhelmed by the extremely terrifying pressure.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary immortal. He can barely see some scenes of the battle by using his Peeping Eyes.

Five Daluo Golden Immortals, seven flawless and peerless treasures, returnedThere are nine peerless treasures, almost equivalent to twenty-one extremely powerful Da Luo, besieging the sword master Ming Yi.

But even so, he still couldn’t suppress the power of Sword Master Ming Yi, and no one could resist his heavenly sword.

At the same time, nine peerless divine swords appeared in a row, forming a terrifying sword formation. Gods blocked the killing gods, and Buddhas blocked all Buddhas.

He was born with the lowest level of cultivation. If he accidentally fell into that terrifying sword formation, his soul would be instantly annihilated and his Taoism would collapse.

When she escaped from the sword formation by chance, one-third of the part that was in harmony with Dao Zhen had been wiped out, and her Dao behavior dropped by 30%.

And the peerless treasure gauze skirt that she wore to protect her body was in tatters and almost completely destroyed.

“So strong!”

Li Yuan was shocked.

It’s not like he has never seen Daluo Jinxian take action.

But this is the first time I have seen such a powerful Daluo Jinxian.

At the same time, there was a figure beside him.

It is the incarnation of Cang Huang.

He whispered: “What a monster, how can he be so strong?”

He couldn’t believe it. His old man had lived for more than two hundred generations and had an astonishing background. However, he felt that even if he cultivated to Daluo Perfection, he might not be able to compete with Tianquan.

Although Li Yuan was shocked in his heart, his face did not show any signs of it.

He smiled lightly and said: “It is naturally not easy to be on the Hongmeng Gold List. Do you know that the Demon Cliff, which ranked third on the Hongmeng Gold List, was able to kill the Supreme Being even half a step away!”

“Devil Cliff? Da Luo beheaded the Half-Step Supreme?”

Cang Huang was a little incredulous when he heard this. Is this possible?

Although he has been in the Origin Continent for many years, he has always kept a low profile and rarely communicates with powerful people, so he has never heard of the past events of Demon Cliff.

In addition, Moya offended 30% of the forces in the Origin Continent and killed more than one Supreme Being. It has almost become a taboo on the Origin Continent. Many information has been blocked and is not allowed to be spread outside.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Yes, he can kill the Half-Step Supreme in Daluo, and he even killed the real Supreme in Half-Step Supreme. You think he is strong or not!”

When Cang Huang heard this, he didn’t know what to say for a moment.

This is not a question of being strong or not, this is a perversion!

He suddenly said: “No, I heard that the one who killed the Supreme was called Mr. Wang Laomo!”

Li Yuan asked, “Is it possible that this is the same person?”


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