Longevity Species

Chapter 890 Pancheng changes! (Second more)

Lei Dao was not reconciled.

Therefore, for the next month, Lei Dao frantically tried to open up a dark world and create life. Even Lei Dao was so crazy that he traveled through the dark world to observe the situation in the dark world.

It's just that it's useless, it's all useless.

Lei Dao is still unable to open up the dark world, let alone create life. He didn't even have any ideas, that is to say, Lei Dao's "efforts" had no effect in opening up the dark world and creating life.

"Wrong, my direction is wrong."

Lei Dao knew that even if he worked hard for hundreds of millions of years, he might not be able to open up the dark world at all.

"It seems that I really can't become the first ancestor. I can't step on the direction of practice that the master said. My previous practice direction was wrong. At most, I can only increase my strength a little, and I can't become the first ancestor at all. It turns out that my ancestor's path has long been broken..."

Lei Dao was in pain.

The most painful thing in the world is that hope is shattered when it is full of hope.

This is the case with Lei Dao, he has just become a master, and even defeated the mighty demon master black and white master. Even under the "flattery" of others, Lei Dao felt that he was sure to become the ancestor, and it was only a matter of time.

However, the reality is cruel!

When the master ancestor Kong arrived, he told Lei Dao the "truth", and let Lei Dao understand that everything he had dreamed of before was not possible at all. Everything he was proud of before was meaningless.

Unable to open up the dark world, unable to create life, and the world practice system that Lei Dao embarked on, then the first ancestor will never be born.

Lei Dao didn't think Master would be wrong.

The dignified ancestor, who has gone through seven eras of catastrophe, what kind of genius has he not seen?

What kind of storms and waves have not experienced?

The ancestor Kong said that the current world practice system cannot produce the ancestor, then the ancestor cannot be born. Basically, it is 100% sure and cannot be doubted.

Lei Dao would not have the slightest doubt.

Therefore, in fact, from the very beginning, when Lei Dao planned to focus on the world's practice system, he was doomed to cut off his ancestor's path.

"No, there is still a glimmer of hope, yes, there is still a glimmer of hope, Zu Peng Divine Body!"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He still has a glimmer of hope, and that is Zu Peng's divine body.

This Zupeng divine body was deduced by the top masters of the Kunpeng group at the beginning. Once it reaches the Dzogchen, it will be able to become the first ancestor.

Although it is only theoretical to achieve the ancestor, it is not impossible.

Therefore, this is also a hope, and it is also Lei Dao's only hope!

"As long as there is hope, Zu Peng's divine body needs a lot of lifespan to achieve Dzogchen. Therefore, I still have to go to the ancient continent to collect a lot of life-extending treasures to increase my lifespan. Only in this way can my ancestor's path continue."

Lei Dao made up his mind.

In order to continue the path of the ancestors, he had to work hard. This time he went to the ancient continent, which was different from the last time.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

The Master of Galaxy has also arranged for the Galaxy Clan.

"Junior Brother Lei, let's go."

"Okay, let's go."

Lei Dao looked deeply.

This time, the Master of Xinghe is fighting for a chance, and the same is true for Lei Dao. Even Pancheng, Shangcheng and countless masters and great masters are fighting for a chance.

Lei Dao and the master of the galaxy entered the dark world. Lei Dao has guidance, and according to the guidance, he keeps flying in the dark world. The Master of Galaxy has also been to the ancient continent, so he naturally knows what's going on.

In the Dark Realm, you can't travel, you can only fly.

Lei Dao's flying speed is very fast, but he has to wait for the master of the galaxy, so the speed slows down.

After about another month, the two arrived at the entrance of Pancheng in the ancient continent.

"I don't know when the next time I come out."

Lei Dao took a deep look around, but the dark world was surrounded by darkness, and there was nothing to see. Thus, Lei Dao and Master Xinghe plunged into the entrance.



At the entrance of Pancheng Passage, two figures came to Pancheng from the dark world.


Lei Dao glanced around and suddenly felt relieved.

I don't know why, but after he came to Pancheng, he felt very relaxed. It seemed...it seemed that the ancient continent was more suitable for him.

"Do I still have great luck in the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao thought of luck.

In the ancient continent, Lei Dao seems to have great luck, otherwise, the phantom of the sage Xi would not have used Lei Dao's luck to deduce the source of the great calamity of the era.

But, isn't Lei Dao's luck exhausted?

Luck is too illusory, and Lei Dao doesn't know what's going on.

"Huh? Pancheng seems to be empty? No, last time I left, because of the fall of the sage Xi, the entire Desolate Ancient Continent was very nervous. All the masters stayed in Pancheng and Shangcheng, and they would not go out easily. Why is the whole city almost empty now?"

Lei Dao felt a little strange.

"That's right, I've been to Pancheng before, and there are people coming and going, and the masters are constantly coming and going. Why is it so empty now?"

The Master of Galaxy also felt that something was wrong.

In fact, anyone who has been to Pancheng will feel that something is wrong as long as they have been to the Ancient Desolate Continent.

This empty scene made Lei Dao feel very familiar.

It seems that this happened when the bull devil master dealt with the Tianlong tribe. Most of the masters, the great masters, flocked to the Tianlong tribe to get a share of the pie.

"Could it be..."

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He thought of a possibility, is it really similar to the Tianlong Tribe last time?


The next moment, Lei Dao's figure flashed, and he had already flown in front of a master in Pancheng. The master was taken aback, but then said with a strange look: "Master Lei?"

"Huh? Do you know Lei Mou?"

"I know, I know, the famous Master Lei, who in Pancheng doesn't know? I don't know why Master Lei is blocking my way?"

Lei Dao asked directly.

"Huh? Master Lei doesn't know?"

"I just went back to the Ming Realm before returning to Pancheng. When I saw this empty Pancheng, I was puzzled."

"Hahaha, Master Lei, it's a coincidence that you left. It wasn't that the fall of a saint happened last time. There was an undercurrent surging in the entire ancient continent, and very few masters left the city. But it's different now, something big happened. gone."

"Big thing? What big deal?"

"The saint and the ancestors have disappeared!"

The master's words were astonishing.

"What do you mean, they all disappeared?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

The sage is the pinnacle of the sea in the ancient continent, and the ancestor is the pillar of the sky for the practitioners of the Ming world. Once the saints and ancestors disappear, the impact will be too great.

Even, it can reshape the order of the entire ancient continent.

"It's absolutely true! At least, Ancestor Pan, Ancestor Shang, Saint Gu, and Saint Yuan all disappeared. It seems that they went to the Dark Realm to investigate the specific situation because of Saint Xi."

"The ancestor cooperated with the saint?"

"No, it shouldn't be cooperation, but I'm afraid there is a tacit understanding. The purpose of the saint and the ancestors is the same, that is, to find the source of the great calamity of the era. Moreover, the saint is far more urgent than the ancestors for this point."

Lei Dao understands.

Saints and ancestors are still different after all.

With the advent of the Great Tribulation of the Era, both the Ancient Continent and the Ming Realm will be "swept away". The ancestors are okay, they can survive the catastrophe of the era, especially if they are well prepared, the death rate is relatively low.

But saints are different.

The primordial spirit of the sage entrusted the barren ancient continent, and the catastrophe of the era came in mighty fashion. Although it would not completely destroy the barren ancient continent, it would sweep the entire barren ancient continent.

Among them, the saint must also stand the test.

If you can't bear it, under the destructive power of the Great Calamity of the Era, even if the Yuanshen is entrusted in the void of the ancient continent, it will be shaken out by the force of the robbery, and then the Yuanshen will be reduced to ashes by the Calamity of the Era.

Every time during the catastrophe of the era, the death rate of the saints in the ancient continent is much higher than that in the Ming world. This is also the main reason why the saints in the ancient continent are not as good as the ancestors of the Ming world as a whole.

Every time there is a catastrophe in the era, the saints will suffer heavy losses, but the ancestors of the Ming world will not suffer such heavy losses. As one goes up and down, the bright world will naturally be stronger than the barren ancient continent.

That's why the sage Xi was so keen to find the source of the Great Calamity of the Era.

Because the sage Xi felt that he would definitely not be able to survive the Great Tribulation of the Era, so he went all out to find the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era. Relatively speaking, the ancestors were not so keen on finding the source of the era of catastrophe.

But now, both the sage and the first ancestor disappeared together, and it was a bit unusual to find the reason for the fall of the sage Xi.

"The first ancestors and saints have disappeared, so we masters and great masters can show our talents. Therefore, there is a melee outside now, and great masters are attacking everywhere to search for resources. And those gods, demons and great emperors are not Will sit and wait to die, so now the two sides are fighting fiercely."

Lei Dao also understands why Pancheng is empty now.

"Why didn't you go?"

"I'm just a master, a mere master, how dare I go out at this time?"

The ruler suddenly looked at Lei Dao strangely.

You know, Lei Dao is also the master!

Of course, that was before!

When Lei Dao was still in Pancheng, he was indeed the ruler, but which of the things Lei Dao did in the past was not earth-shattering and caused a sensation?

Moreover, Lei Dao is a well-known expert in treasure hunting, how could such an opportunity be missed?

"Okay, let's go."

Lei Dao waved his hand, and the ruler left quickly.

"Junior Brother Lei, what should we do now?"

"You can't listen to one side's words, um, ask Senior Sister Qinglian."

Therefore, Lei Dao rushed directly towards the cave mansion dominated by senior sister Qinglian.

Soon, Lei Dao came to Qinglian's cave.

"Senior Sister Qinglian."

Lei Dao directly transmitted the sound.

"Lei Dao? Didn't you return to the Ming Realm? Did you come back so soon?"

Master Qinglian greeted her immediately.

"Huh? Lei Dao, the aura on your body..."

As soon as Master Qinglian opened the cave, he saw Lei Dao at a glance, especially the faint aura on Lei Dao's body, which shocked Master Qinglian.

ps: The third update is at 18:00.

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