Longevity Species

Chapter 889 The Road to the Ancestor Has Been Broken Before It Begins! (first update)

"The real Ming Realm..."

One thought after another flickered in Lei Dao's mind, and he suddenly became a little whimsical. Is the current world's practice system really imperfect?

Is it impossible to become the ancestor in a lifetime?

If, doubling and doubling the realm, you can't become the ancestor, what about ten times or a hundred times? Or, even a hundred times the realm cannot be the ancestor, but what if it reaches ten thousand times, one million times, one hundred million times?

Lei Dao knows that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

When the "quantity" accumulates to a certain level, there will definitely be a qualitative change.

Of course, Lei Dao also understands a truth. Now that he doubles the domain, he needs five billion years of life, so what about the hundred-fold domain? That's about 500 billion years of lifespan.

Not to mention tens of thousands of times?

If you really want to reach tens of thousands of domains, it will take 50 trillion years of lifespan...

Wait, something seems wrong?

Fifty trillion years of lifespan... Even if it is an era, it is only 12 trillion years, and the time of 12 trillion years will immediately turn into ashes.

"Uh... tens of thousands of times is just a joke, no matter how bad it is, a thousand times should not be a problem, right? Now this era seems to have passed more than half, and there are no more than five trillion years..."

Raidou shook his head.

After all, it is a bit whimsical.

Perhaps, his abilities are omnipotent.

But how is it possible to obtain fifty trillion years of lifespan? Even if the entire Ming Realm and the Ancient Desolate Continent were searched, it might not be possible.

From this point of view, it seems that the practice of "renovating" the world system is very necessary, even imperative!

"Master, please bestow the Dharma!"

Lei Dao respectfully saluted the master.


Ancestor Kong shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "Apprentice, the cultivation system in this world cannot be completely perfected even as a teacher. To deduce the truly perfect exercises, you have to rely on yourself, and being a teacher only improves you. It’s just a train of thought. As a teacher, I can’t even guarantee whether this train of thought is correct or wrong.”


Lei Dao didn't expect that even the master could not completely perfect the world's practice system. The master said so much, and what he said clearly and logically, made Lei Dao feel a surge of emotion.

As a result, no exercises?

Still have to rely on Lei Dao to grope and perfect the world practice system?

The so-called dark realm, the so-called barren ancient continent, the so-called one body with two sides, how can Lei Dao practice in the realm of his own body?

"It seems that if you can't continue to practice according to Master's practice, you can only use the current practice method to continue to expand the realm. As long as you work hard, you will be rewarded!"

Lei Dao has always believed that hard work can make up for one's weakness, isn't he a typical example?

Without him insisting on using supernatural powers all the way, and never giving up, how could he get to where he is today?

Therefore, there is not only one path to practice, and if this path fails, there is another path.

"Master, I understand."

Lei Dao said to the ancestor Kong.

"Okay, just understand. How long do you have to go back to the ancient continent? Soon, after dealing with the matters here, the disciple will return to the ancient continent."

The ancestor Kong nodded, and then he set his sights on the Master of Galaxy.

"Xinghe, you have been staying in the Xinghe territory all these years, and the entire Xinghe clan is attached to you alone, which makes it difficult for you to move an inch, and you have not improved at all these years. Many juniors and sisters who started later than you have now become top universities. Master, but you are still lingering in place."

"Master, this disciple is ashamed."

Master Xinghe had a look of shame on his face.

"Then after going through this incident, have you realized it?"

"The disciple has realized it. As long as the disciple is strong enough, the Xinghe Clan will become stronger and stronger. Otherwise, what if the disciple stays in charge of the Xinghe Clan all the time? There is nothing he can do if he is targeted by a powerful master and the clan is wiped out. Therefore, disciple I will return to the ancient continent with Junior Brother Lei."

"So, children can be taught!"

After finishing speaking, Ancestor Kong waved his hand, and Lei Dao and Master Xinghe were directly pushed out of the Dark Realm and returned to the void of the Bright Realm.

"Master has already left."

Looking at the empty void of the Ming Realm, Xinghe's expression was very complicated.

"Brother, are you really going to the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao asked the Master of Galaxy.

"Yes, I can't go on like this anymore, otherwise, it will not be a good thing for the Galaxy Clan. Besides, the Galaxy Clan has also given birth to some great masters over the years, which is enough to protect myself. Chuang, looking for your own opportunity. No matter how bad it is, you must become a master!"

The Master of the Galaxy has already made up his mind.

In fact, there is another reason, that is, being stimulated by Lei Dao.

When Lei Dao was a master, he was comparable to a top master, but what about him? But it was far from it.

Master Xinghe is also the disciple of the ancestor Kong at any rate, and he was also a top genius who was amazingly talented and surpassed countless people, but now he has been reduced to such a field.

Therefore, the master of the galaxy also decided to go to the ancient continent to seek opportunities.

"When are you going to leave, brother?"

"I'll arrange some trivial matters for the Xinghe Clan, um, let's leave in a month."

"Okay, let's go in a month."

Lei Dao nodded, a month is just right.

Lei Dao first "dealt with" the gods and demons in the ancient continent. Since the blue-robed master will not come again, it is useless to keep these gods and demons. All beheaded.

There is still a month left, and Lei Daode has to sort out the "practice theory" mentioned by "Master", which involves the direction of Lei Dao's improvement in the future.

The direction of practice is very important.

If the direction is wrong, then no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

In the secret room, Lei Dao completely immersed his mind in the inner realm. His domain is already twice the size of the domain, very wide, and there are a lot of big worlds in it, forming a huge domain.

Compared with the realms in the Ming Realm, it is indeed much less angry.

Those big worlds are empty and extremely desolate.

Apart from the black coffin, there is nothing else in Lei Dao's inner body.


Raidou murmured softly.

He tried to let life survive in the domain, but it didn't work at all. Ordinary life will die shortly after entering the domain, and cannot survive.

According to Master Kong's ancestor Kong, Lei Dao's domain is not complete.

"But how is the Dark Realm born?"

Lei Dao didn't even think about whether the ancient continent can be fiddled with to create a dark world, which is also very important.

"Why don't you give it a try first?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, no matter how much you do, it's better to try first.

Thus, Lei Dao began to mobilize the power of the realm.


Lei Dao's realm began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

In fact, the worlds, territories and even realms opened up by human beings to practice the world practice system are 100% controlled, and they can do whatever they want, without worrying about the collapse of the world.

Even if it collapses, it can be condensed again with a thought.

This is very powerful!

Especially after the birth of the domain, there is even the power of the domain to form a domain. The strength of the battle is unimaginable, and it can even make up for the weak defense in the past.

"Open it for me!"

Lei Dao carefully recalled the characteristics of the "dark world", it seems that there is no space, only a vast expanse of darkness, and it is relatively stable. Lei Dao only knows these characteristics.

Also, it may have a close connection with the Ming Realm.

However, just knowing these characteristics, how to open up the dark world?

As a result, Lei Dao's internal body world was constantly oscillating, but no "dark world" could be bred.


In the end, Lei Dao's realm was constantly oscillating, and a passage was really "separated", and that passage was also pitch black, which seemed to be the "backside" of the realm.

However, when Lei Dao's mind was immersed in it, he was greatly disappointed.

what is this?

Isn't this another realm?

At best, it just confines the space and turns it into a vast expanse of darkness.

In essence, it is still a realm, or a world, not a dark realm.

"It seems that if you want to open up the dark world, you must thoroughly understand the dark world and know the essence of the dark world. However, who can know the essence of the dark world?"

Lei Dao shook his head with a wry smile.

Even the ancestors are studying the dark world, wanting to find the essence of the dark world, but easier said than done?

Back then, the sage Xi even went to the Dark Realm to find the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era, which shows how mysterious the Dark Realm is. If anyone can find the essence of the Dark Realm, they will even be able to soar into the sky, and become the first ancestor.

But that's simply not possible.

"This way is blocked, so what about creating creatures in the void and creating life?"

Lei Dao has long thought about using the power of the realm to create life.

He is in the realm of the body, that is omnipotent, he can achieve whatever he wants, almost like the ancestor.

However, when Lei Dao had a thought and wanted to use the power of the realm to give birth to life, he only felt the power of the realm constantly vibrating, but no life could be born.

"It doesn't work either..."

Raidou was disappointed.

This one doesn't work either.

Whether it is opening up the dark world or creating life, the current Lei Dao is far from being able to do it.

If he followed the direction of master's ancestor Kong's practice, Lei Dao might not make any progress in his life.

Therefore, Lei Dao still has to go back to the old way.

"Forget it, this road is blocked, maybe I will never become the first ancestor. Then follow the old method, expand the inner body domain, try to expand it a few times, and be free and easy until the end of the era, it is enough."

Lei Dao let out a long sigh.

Maybe, he really doesn't have the talent to be the ancestor.

After all, not everyone can become the first ancestor.

It is already very good that one ancestor can be born in one era.

If two or three statues can be born, it belongs to the outbreak of this era.

So far, in the Ming Realm, this era is only the birth of the first ancestor Shang.

It is difficult for Lei Dao to become the ancestor!

Even, according to what the master ancestor Kong said, if Lei Dao can't perfect the bright world, he can't comprehend the real bright world, then he will never be able to become the first ancestor.

Lei Dao's ancestor's road has been broken before it even started!

The greatest sorrow of a practitioner is nothing more than this!

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