Longevity Species

Chapter 832 The Lord of Thunder returns, and people's hearts are not old! (first update)

Pancheng is already empty, and most of the masters and masters have left. However, there are still some masters or great masters who are retreating in Pancheng.

Regarding the matter of the Tianlong Tribe, the masters and great masters in Pancheng must have heard of it. On the contrary, they all heard about it. It's just that they all had some reasons for not participating in that extremely sensational event.

Now, they are inquiring about the latest news from the Tianlong Tribe.

It's just that even the latest news has some "delays", and many masters still don't have an intuitive understanding of the Tianlong tribe.


Suddenly, the practitioners in Pancheng saw a small tree in the distant sky, which brought up a large piece of soil, which looked like a hill, and flew straight towards Pancheng.

"Then... is that Great Master Lei?"

"No, it's not Dazun, it's the master. Dazun Lei got the chance and has become the master!"

"Just got the news that Master Lei broke into the Heavenly Dragon Formation, and swept away dozens of Dragon Fruits under the eyes of many Heavenly Dragon Emperors and Great Masters."

"It's not just the dragon fruit? If I'm not mistaken, that tree should be the legendary Tianlong tree of the Tianlong tribe, right?"

"Really...it's the Heavenly Dragon Tree! Lord Lei uprooted the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree last time and brought it back to Pancheng. He held a huge auction and it is still being praised. Now he uprooted it and brought it back to Pancheng. A dragon tree?"

"Master Lei really doesn't matter if he doesn't make a move. Once he makes a move, he will become a blockbuster! This is just two short trips, one time to the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree and one time to the Heavenly Dragon Tree. This... makes us masters and masters who have stayed for thousands of years Where is the ruler's face?"

The eyes of many Pancheng masters turned red.

That was really red.

After all, it is Tianlongshu!

Unlike the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, which can only be given to the race or power behind the Juggernaut, the dragon fruit produced by the Tianlong Tree is a supreme treasure that can improve the physical bodies of the Juggernaut and the Great Juggernaut.

Not to mention the whole Tianlong tree, even a single dragon fruit is a great harvest.

But now, Lei Dao not only brought back the entire Heavenly Dragon Tree, but even swept away dozens of Hualong Fruits, which made many masters even want to "grab one" Lei Dao.

Of course, they just thought about it.

Now Lei Dao has returned to Pancheng. In Pancheng, the first ancestor supervises everything, who dares to act presumptuously?

Moreover, Lei Dao is still the ancestor's disciple, with this status, no one can do anything to Lei Dao when he returns to Pancheng.

What's more, the current Lei Dao is not what it used to be.

According to the news sent back by the Tianlong tribe, after Lei Dao became the master, his speed was extremely fast, even unparalleled in the world! Even the top emperors and top masters, none of them can catch up with the speed of Lei Dao.

With this speed alone, as long as he doesn't fall into the siege, Lei Dao can come and go freely in the ancient continent, standing in an unchanged position!

Today's Lei Dao is no longer unknown, or can be manipulated by others, let alone relying on the name of the first ancestor's disciple, Lei Dao's strength can already make him really gain a foothold in Pancheng!

Of course, most of the masters are still very envious of Lei Dao. They went out twice and gained twice, which may exceed what they have gained in the ancient continent for thousands of years.

It's impossible not to envy, but that's all, they have no other way but to envy Lei Dao's luck.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a huge wind coming from the front, and then, the sky seemed to darken all of a sudden, and there seemed to be a huge mountain peak flying towards Pancheng indistinctly.

"Is that a mountain, a mountain?"

"No, it's not a mountain, it's not as huge as a mountain, but it looks like a pool instead?"

"Pond? Who would move a pool?"

"Damn it, isn't that...isn't that the Lord of the Bull Demon? He... the pond he's carrying, could it be the Dragon Pond?"

"Longchi, the Longchi of the Tianlong tribe?"

"That's the Lord of the Bull Demon, the majestic top master, one of the strongest top masters under the ancestor, why is he also learning from the thunder master, and came back directly carrying Longchi?"

"The news came back, and many masters are heartbroken. The atmosphere has changed, and people's hearts are no longer old. The current masters, the great masters, have all become greedy, and the geese have plucked their hair. Why? Why did you use Longchi yourself, and moved Longchi directly, and brought it back to Pancheng?"

"I heard that the bull demon master has let go, the Longchi can be used, but you have to come up with a treasure that satisfies the bull demon master..."

"The bull demon ruler in the past was not like this, how did it all become like this?"

"Master Lei must have brought down Pancheng's ethos."

Many masters shook their heads, looking extremely sad and heartbroken.

They were really heartbroken. The bull demon master brought Longchi back directly, so how could they try Longchi for free in the future? It's impossible!

In the future, if masters want to try Longchi and reorganize their bodies, they will have to pay a high price in exchange for the opportunity to enter Longchi from the bull demon master.

It hurts to think about it.

People's hearts are not ancient, and the atmosphere is very bad!

Of course, no matter how much the masters wailed and lamented that people's hearts were not ancient, they could not change the fact that Longchi was carried back to Pancheng by the bull demon master.

Lei Dao naturally also saw the Longchi behind, and he even stopped specially, with envy on his face.

"Longchi, in fact, I also want to carry Longchi away, but Longchi is so big, if I carry Longchi, my speed will slow down, and I may not be able to return to Pancheng safely. The bull demon is still the master, He is carrying Longchi, who dares to make a decision?"

Lei Dao is really envious.

He was the first practitioner of the Ming Realm to enter Longchi, and he even broke through and became the master in Longchi. This is a great opportunity, but the even bigger opportunity is to take Longchi away.

It's a pity that Lei Dao doesn't have that kind of strength. Otherwise, Lei Dao doesn't want to let go of Tianlongshu, Hualongguo and Longchi.

But now, Lei Dao could only bring back Hualongguo and Tianlongshu. He didn't have the power to suppress everything like Bull Demon Lord, so he could only give up Longchi.

Soon, the bull demon master also returned to Pancheng, and he even saw the thunder road in front of him.

At this moment, the two looked at each other.

"Master Lei, your Heavenly Dragon Tree is pretty good. It seems that Master Lei has gained a lot from this trip."

"Lord Bull Demon, your Longchi is much more precious than my Heavenly Dragon Tree, tsk tsk, I really envy Lord Bull Demon, and only one of the strongest masters under the ancestor of Bull Demon Lord can safely bring you back to Longchi. "

"Hehe, Lord Thunder is not bad either. Not only the Heavenly Dragon Tree, but also dozens of Hualong Fruits have been swept away. The Heavenly Dragon Tree, one of the two most precious treasures of the Heavenly Dragon Tribe, is also very precious, not inferior to Longchi."

"The ruler of the bull demon is humble, Longchi is much stronger than Tianlongshu."

"Master Lei is awesome, and I also learned from Master Lei, otherwise, I would never have thought of bringing Longchi back to Pancheng."

"Oh? Is that so? The Bull Demon Lord must pay attention in the future. These precious treasures cannot be placed in the ancient continent. It is a sin to miss one."

"Yes, I will never give up a treasure in the future."

"This time, it is thanks to the ruler of the bull demon, otherwise I would not be able to enter the dragon pool safely, and finally became the ruler."

"Master Lei, you don't need to be so polite. This time I have to thank Master Lei very much. If Master Lei didn't break the formation of the Tianlong tribe, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to kill those three old loaches, let alone get this dragon pond. "

The two suddenly smiled at each other, and they both had a feeling of "sympathy for each other".

If it weren't for the fact that both of them were carrying precious treasures, it would be really inconvenient, and I'm afraid they would all wish to sit down and share their experience in "treasure hunting".

"Hahaha, I haven't tasted the taste of the dragon fruit yet, I wonder if it is as magical as the legend?"

"Dragon Fruit? That couldn't be easier. After I have settled the Tianlong Tree, I will take the Dragon Fruit to visit the Lord of the Bull Demon. By the way, I also want to enter the Dragon Pond to see if I can study the mysteries of the Dragon Pond. "

"No problem, Master Lei just come, Longchi will let you soak up your fill!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then parted ways in Pancheng, each flying towards their own caves.

Many masters in Pancheng were stunned watching this scene, and some masters "hated" their teeth itchingly. Lei Dao and Bull Demon Master, one controls Hualongguo, and the other controls Longchi.

In the future, I will not dare to use the dragon fruit or the dragon pond. If the masters and masters of Pancheng want to obtain or use the dragon pond, they will have to pay a huge price.

Even some masters felt that Lei Dao and the bull demon master were probably "cooperating with each other", which was shameless.

"That's all, that's all, I have to visit the Lord Bull Demon as soon as possible, maybe I can bite my teeth and enter Longchi once."

"Yes, yes, you have to go quickly, the energy in the Longchi will become less and less brave, without the support of the Tianlong tribe, the Longchi will eventually disappear in the future, go and enjoy it now, otherwise, there will be no chance to use the Longchi in the future gone."

"I want to go to Longchi once, but you can't miss the dragon fruit. I'd better go to Lord Lei first. If I can buy a dragon fruit, it would be wonderful. Add dragon fruit to Longchi, so why worry about mine?" Can't the strength go further? Maybe there is a chance to become a master!"

"I don't just want the dragon fruit, but also the dragon tree!"

"Forget it, Hualongguo, Longchi, these two treasures are indispensable. This time, it seems that they can only be brutally slaughtered by Lord Lei and Lord Bull Demon."

Many rulers were "grievous", lamenting that "people's hearts are not old", and the atmosphere has deteriorated.

The mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

Everyone seized the opportunity, without any hesitation, and quickly rushed towards Lei Dao and the cave dominated by the Bull Demon.

First come, first served, if you go late, you may not even have a chance.

In the face of treasures like Hualongguo and Longchi, even if you know you will be "slaughtered" ruthlessly, you will be happy with it, and you will have no complaints or regrets!

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