Longevity Species

Chapter 831 Who dares to take chestnuts from the fire? I am the only one who dominates Thunder! (thi

Familiar scene, familiar Tianlong, familiar master, and even a familiar scene!

Lei Dao did not hesitate at all. For this situation, Lei Dao already had a very familiar "operating routine".

"Little black!"

Lei Dao let out a low drink.

Immediately, Little Heixin understood, and the black coffin flew out of the body in an instant.

The black coffin opened, and Lei Dao turned into a stream of light and flew into the black coffin.


The next moment, the black coffin flew out instantly and rushed into the medicine garden, and even the formation formed by many Tianlong emperors was rushed in by Lei Dao at once.

"Who dares to rush into the formation?"

"A black coffin?"

"Rushing into the Tianlong formation now, isn't it courting death?"

"I don't know who is so reckless?"

Seeing the black coffin, many masters rushed into the Tianlong formation all at once, and for a while, they all set their sights on the black coffin.

But as to who is manipulating the black coffin, many masters don't pay attention.

Only Master Qinglian gave a "click" in her heart, and her expression became ugly.

She "witnessed" everything the whole time.

It's Leidao!

Lei Dao got into the black coffin, and then manipulated the black coffin to fly into the Tianlong formation.

But, how dare Lei Dao do this?

At this time, even if Master Qinglian wanted to stop it, she could do nothing, because Lei Dao had already controlled the black coffin, and flew into the Tianlong formation all at once.


The black coffin fell from the sky and fell to the ground at once.

Seeing this black coffin, the masters of the Ming Realm looked at each other, not knowing what was going on, but those Tianlong emperors, including nine Tianlong emperors, changed their expressions suddenly, and almost wailed: "Why is this hateful extraterrestrial demon again?" ?”

The nine Heavenly Dragon Emperors couldn't understand this black coffin very well, and they even had the most painful memories.

It was the owner of this black coffin, that hateful extraterrestrial demon, who intervened in the Heavenly Dragon Formation in Longchi. As a result, the Heavenly Dragon Formation was broken.

And now, this scene seems to be repeating itself, and the appearance of this black coffin again, doesn't it herald their failure?

"Hurry up, quickly pick off all the dragon fruits, and then leave immediately!"

"The Hualong fruit is not fully ripe yet. It would be too much of a loss to pick it up now. Why don't you wait? Maybe the reinforcements will arrive soon. This is what the great sage Yuan told us in person, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Of course I don't doubt the great sage Yuan, but this hateful extraterrestrial demon has arrived, and he is the one who made our arrangement in Longchi fall short. Otherwise, how could the situation have deteriorated to this point?"

"What, is this extraterritorial demon who destroyed Longchi?"

"Damn it, this extraterrestrial demon is really damned!"

"Destroyed the layout of the Dragon Pond, making it impossible for us to kill the ruler of the bull demon, that's why we fell into such a mess. However, the dragon fruit is now picked, and the loss is great. Isn't he just an extraterritorial demon? Even if Boom Without breaking his treasure, we can also use formations to imprison him, making it difficult for him to move, isn't that all right?"

"Yes, imprison him and make it difficult for him to move!"

For a while, these Heavenly Dragon Emperors seemed to have found a new way.


As a result, many Tianlong emperors launched a formation attack and bombarded the black coffin. However, just like Longchi, Lei Dao's black coffin didn't even leave a mark.

This scene also made all the masters and Tianlong present couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Just now, I heard from those Tianlong that it is the owner of this black coffin who broke the layout of Emperor Tianlong and let the Bull Demon Master seize the Longchi?"

"It seems so."

"Could it be that there is a top master in the black coffin, a top master comparable to the bull demon master?"

"Anyway, the appearance of the black coffin is a variable. Now these Tianlongs want to imprison the black coffin, so they can't be wronged. I wish, let's work together to contain the power of the Tianlong formation."

All of a sudden, many masters also began to exert their strength. They are not stupid, and they naturally know that they must cooperate with the actions of the master of the black coffin. They even regard the master of the black coffin as a key figure in turning the situation around, and place great hopes on him.

Only Master Qinglian's mouth twitched slightly.

She hesitated, should she reveal Lei Dao's identity?

The master of the black coffin has only just been promoted to be a master. With such a large group of top masters, they pin their hopes on a person who has just become a master. Isn't it a little bit of putting the cart before the horse?

However, Master Qinglian did not say anything in the end.

Lei Dao has already intervened in this battle, so now all the masters should work together, otherwise, there is really no hope of breaking the Tianlong formation.

As the masters exerted their strength, the Heavenly Dragon Emperors were under a lot of pressure immediately.

They had to allocate a large part of their power to imprison the black coffin, but as the master exerted force, they had to allocate part of their power, which weakened the power to imprison the black coffin.

"Little black!"

Lei Dao was very calm in his heart.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Hei immediately exerted his strength.


The next moment, the black coffin shook violently, trying to break free from the shackles of the Heavenly Dragon Formation, but this time, the Heavenly Dragon Emperors firmly suppressed the black coffin, did not attack the black coffin, but tried their best to restrain the black coffin.

Even Xiao Hei couldn't break free from the shackles of the big formation all of a sudden.

Lei Dao is in the black coffin, and can temporarily resist the erosion of the dead energy inside, but he cannot stay in the black coffin for a long time.

"Xiao Hei, use the source of immortality, even if you use up the source of immortality, you must rush to the Tianlong tree."

Lei Dao gritted his teeth and immediately ordered Xiao Hei.

"Yes, Master!"

Xiao Hei also knows that the undead essence pearl is almost equivalent to the "energy" of the black coffin, and it is also a one-time use, once it is consumed, it is difficult to replenish it.

However, now that Lei Dao gave the order, Xiao Hei has no worries.


The next moment, a layer of dead air enveloped the black coffin, the dead air exploded, and a terrifying aura erupted from the black coffin.

"call out".

The next moment, the black coffin rushed out of the spot like an arrow leaving the string, and arrived under the Tianlong tree in the blink of an eye.

"Quick, quickly pick off the dragon fruit!"

Emperor Tianlong shouted loudly.

It's just that it's too late.

As the black coffin came under the Tianlong tree, a hand stretched out from the black coffin, and then the palm swelled in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it became a big hand covering the sky and facing the Tianlong tree. Grab hard.

Dozens of Hualong fruits disappeared in an instant, and were caught by big hands.

"Put down the dragon fruit!"

Those top Heavenly Dragon Emperors were all extremely angry and murderous. However, the nearest top Heavenly Dragon Emperor is also a certain distance away from the black coffin.

Even though he attacked, Lei Dao had already retracted his hand and returned to the black coffin.

"When you get the dragon fruit, withdraw immediately!"

This time Lei Dao can be regarded as a chestnut from the fire, these sky dragons have obviously become smarter, instead of attacking the black coffin, they imprisoned the black coffin.

Once the time has passed, Lei Dao can't bear the death in the black coffin.

At that time, even Lei Dao will be in danger.

For a while, Lei Dao became more cautious. He knew deeply that no opponent should be underestimated.

The next moment, the black coffin was imprisoned again.

Several top Heavenly Dragon Emperors couldn't take it anymore, they came directly to the black coffin, and even desperately tried to open the black coffin. It's just that it's useless, without Xiao Hei, these Heavenly Dragon Emperors simply couldn't open the black coffin.

However, in this way, Lei Dao was really trapped.

"Do you want to leave the black coffin? But, can I resist the siege of several top emperors?"

Lei Dao hesitated.

In fact, the more important thing is that the Tianlong formation has not been broken. Once Lei Dao leaves the black coffin, he may be trapped by the Tianlong formation at any time, and Lei Dao will be in trouble at that time.

No matter how fast he is, he can't use it.


Suddenly, the ground was shaken. It turned out that many masters took advantage of the distraction of Tianlong Emperor and blasted through the Tianlong formation in one fell swoop.

Immediately, the faces of many Tianlong emperors were ashen, and they even stared at the black coffin viciously.

"It is this black coffin that caused us heavy losses. Longchi and Tianlongshu were all taken away by those extraterrestrial demons because of this black coffin."

"Damn it, it's a pity that we can't shake this black coffin, otherwise, even if it is dragged, we will drag the black coffin away and dedicate it to the great saint Yuan. Let's see how long the extraterrestrial demon can hide in the black coffin?"

"It's a pity, if you don't leave now, it will be too late."

Many Tianlong emperors now also know that the general situation is over.

Even the dragon fruit has been wiped out, what else can they miss?

Now I can only go, otherwise, staying here will be a sacrifice in vain, without any meaning.

Even if you are not reconciled, you can only go at this time!

With the departure of many Heavenly Dragon Emperors, many masters flew towards the black coffin.

However, Lei Dao also knew every move outside the black coffin.

Almost without thinking, he immediately flew out of the black coffin.


Before even seeing the figure clearly, Lei Dao had already come to the side of Tianlongshu.

"Everyone, Lei will accept this Tianlong tree with a smile!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Dao grabbed it with his big hand and moved all the trees and soil in a radius of tens of feet. With the power of the current master of Lei Dao, it is naturally easy to move a mere Tianlong tree.


"Just a master?"

"The breath of the master, that's right."

"This...isn't this Master Lei? Now he is the master?"

"Great Master Lei? The disciple of the ancestor Kong, who auctioned off the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree?"

"Ah...he took away the Heavenly Dragon Tree and the Hualong Fruit directly. Is Master Lei going to repeat the old trick and re-auction the Tianlong Tree and Hualongguo?"

For a while, many masters reacted, and their eyes became a little unkind.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, many masters naturally dare not kill Lei Dao, after all, they are the disciples of the first ancestor. But it seems possible for Lei Dao to leave Tianlongshu behind.

Tianlongshu, this is also a treasure!

"Everyone, the Dragon Pond can still be used, if you delay it like this, even the Dragon Pond will be gone..."

Lei Dao smiled, but after he finished speaking, he quickly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the medicine garden.

In terms of speed, even the top master can't catch up with Lei Dao now, even with a Tianlong tree.


"I can't catch up, the speed is too fast."

"Lei Dao, a master who has just been promoted, dares to participate in the competition for the Tianlong tree. He snatched the dragon fruit and the Tianlong tree under the noses of so many Tianlong emperors and top masters. This is really a chestnut in the fire!"

"But Master Lei succeeded. If I'm not wrong, Master Lei practiced the Kunpeng Clan's method. When Zukong personally killed the Kunpeng Clan in the beginning, how could he not leave the Kunpeng Clan's method? Lei Master used the Kunpeng Clan's method to promote Juggernaut, the speed is unparalleled in the world, even the top Juggernaut can't catch up. If he is not under siege, then no one can stop Juggernaut Lei."

"Forget it, forget it, I didn't expect that we would go to war and work desperately, but in the end it would be cheaper for Lord Lei? By the way, Lord Lei said before leaving Longchi that we still have a chance to reorganize our bodies in Longchi?"

"The Dragon Pond was acquired by the Bull Demon Master. The Bull Demon Master is already a top master. It is basically useless for him to use the Dragon Pond once. We have to go there quickly."

"Yes, it's impossible for Longchi to be taken away by the Bull Demon Lord, right? We still have a chance, hurry to Longchi..."

All of a sudden, many masters and great masters left the medicine garden one after another and rushed towards Longchi.

Now they can only hope that the Bull Demon Lord has some "honesty" of a "top master" and don't take Longchi away, otherwise, they will gain nothing this time.

However, when they rushed to Longchi, they suddenly heard a sound.


Immediately, a huge dragon pool was abruptly "moved" into the air by the bull demon master, and then broke through the air with a burst of hearty laughter.

"Hahaha, anyone who wants to use Longchi to reorganize his body, come to Pancheng to find me, remember to bring enough treasures..."

The voice of the bull demon master echoed in everyone's ears.

Many masters looked at each other, with extremely bitter expressions on their faces, and they didn't know what to say.

What about the reserve of the top master?

What about the morality of the Bull Demon Ruler?

Why now, one by one, they all learn from each other, and they are all the same as Master Lei. This is where they have passed, and they have been swept away, and there is not a single treasure left.

The dragon pool is gone, the Tianlong tree is gone, and the dragon fruit is gone. These masters, the great masters, came to the Tianlong tribe with all their lives. What is this for?

"Yes, there is also the medicine garden. Don't compete with me. I want this medicine garden!"

Immediately, all the masters, the great master, turned their eyes back to the medicine garden.

A struggle is inevitable...

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