Longevity Species

Chapter 811 I feel like I can kill Juggernaut! (first update)

"Wait, Master Lei, why did you leave? We were all like-minded just now, why are we different now?"

Great Master Yunhai hurriedly got up and called Lei Dao to stop.

It was really not easy for him to find such a great master as Lei Dao from the vast crowd. Great Master Yunhai searched again and again among the figures of many masters, and finally found such a "bright spot" as Lei Dao. If you miss Lei Dao, it will be really difficult to find another Great Master.

Therefore, Master Yunhai didn't want to give up Lei Dao unless it was absolutely necessary.

Moreover, everything can be discussed carefully, Master Yunhai doesn't think there can be any irreconcilable conflicts with Lei Dao, a master who doesn't know each other, there must be a misunderstanding just now.

Lei Dao took a look at Great Master Yunhai and the other three Great Masters, shook his head and said, "You said just now that you want to snatch the Crying Blood Fruit, right?"


"Then, in the process of robbing, are you trying to attract two gods and demons who seal the king?"

"That's right, if we don't attract the two king gods and demons, how can we grab the Weeping Blood Fruit?"

"Then you need to create a movement to attract the two king gods and demons. What kind of movement can attract the two king gods and demons to dispatch at the same time? It must be that the entire tribe is about to be destroyed to attract the two king gods and demons, right?"

"That's right, we are indeed going to start a massacre in that small tribe, so as to create chaos and attract the two king gods and demons."

"That's right, you not only rob, but also commit boundless killings, killings and scrambling for no reason, Lei Mou is unwilling, so we are different, we leave!"

Lei Dao has made it very clear.


That's impossible, Lei Dao will never rob him in his life!

Lei Dao has practiced so far, although he is not a bad person, and he will not offend anything, but there are always reasons for things.

How about grabbing whatever treasure you fancy?

There must always be a reason.


Great Master Yunhai was very speechless, he didn't even know what to say.

Lei Dao is trying to be a bad guy?

It's just that if one becomes a great venerable, will he be a bad person?

Even though Lei Dao's reason was very "strange", Grand Master Yun Hai still didn't want to miss Lei Dao, he still had to find a way to persuade Lei Dao to change his mind.

Suddenly, Master Yunhai said to Lei Dao: "Master Lei, you have fallen into a confusion. In fact, we are not robbing, but revenge!"


Lei Dao looked at Master Yunhai suspiciously.

"That's right, there is no right or wrong between us in the Ming Realm and the Ancient Continent. The two sides have hated and fought each other for countless years, and have accumulated blood and hatred. We killed the gods and demons of the Ancient Continent, that is revenge .Similarly, the gods and demons of the ancient continent beheaded us, that is revenge, and neither side is right or wrong. Besides, do you know what the gods and demons of the ancient continent call us?"

"What do you call it?"

"Extraterritorial demons! In the eyes of gods and demons in the ancient continent, we are the most evil extraterritorial demons, and everyone can punish them. The killing between us is not an unreasonable killing at all, but a blood feud. As for the killing , isn’t it normal to snatch some cultivation resources?”

Raido was silent.

The extraterritorial celestial demons, these beings in the Ming world, in the eyes of the life in the ancient continent, are they all extraterritorial celestial demons who do all kinds of evil? Between the two parties, blood feud has already accumulated.

"So, it's normal for us to do everything we can?"

"Yes, normal! Very normal!"

Lei Dao's expression gradually eased, so he turned around again, came back to sit down, nodded and said: "Master Yunhai, it seems that we are barely on the same page, please continue."

Grand Master Yun Hai and the other four great masters actually felt that Lei Dao was a bit weird, not abnormal, but they knew that there were not many great masters who had principles in their hearts like Lei Dao among practitioners in the Ming Realm.

Especially the longer the time in the barren ancient continent, the more the principle in my heart retreats again and again.

Dazun and Master are for resources.

The top master is for chance.

What about the ancestors?

Lei Dao felt that the first ancestor probably also had his purpose.

Every practitioner who came to the ancient continent had his purpose.

At the beginning, Lei Dao asked his master, the ancestor Kong, why did the practitioners in the ancient continent and the Ming world fight?

The ancestor Kong didn't answer Lei Dao, but now, Lei Dao came to the barren ancient continent. After personal experience, he also vaguely understood why the two sides are fighting?

That has to be fought! Can't help but fight!

Such as killing.

Isn't the extraterritorial celestial demon just killing constantly?

Outer-territory demons do all kinds of evil and use everything to the extreme. The gods and demons of this ancient continent have already regarded practitioners in the Ming Realm as extraterritorial demons who do all kinds of evil. Is there any right or wrong between the two sides?

No, everything is just standing on one's own standpoint.

"It seems that I'm still too naive, and I still abide by the so-called principles. In the ancient continent, in fact, everything has no principles. It doesn't matter right or wrong, only the position..."

Lei Dao is not a pedantic person, he just abides by the principle. However, now it seems that there are no principles in the ancient continent, there is no right or wrong.

"Okay, with Dazun Lei joining us, we will be even more powerful."

Great Master Yunhai showed a smile on his face.

"Wait, the two king gods and demons. If I heard correctly, the king gods and demons are the masters. There are two masters in that tribe. We only have five people, and they are all great lords. Even if two masters are drawn out, whoever To deal with it?"

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind.


Great Master Yunhai originally wanted Lei Dao to lure out the two masters, but now it seems that it is not so easy. After all, everyone knows that bringing out two masters is the greatest threat to bear.

If you are not careful, you will even fall!

And the most important thing is, we can't see the weeping blood fruit yet. Who knows what will happen to Master Yunhai and others after they get the Weeping Blood Fruit? What if it is swallowed alone?

Mutual trust, this is a big problem.

"I can lead away a master."

Master Yuhua is the only female Grand Master among the several Great Masters.

"Okay, Master Yuhua is so fast that even ordinary masters can't keep up, so it's perfect for attracting masters. However, for two masters, one of the masters is needed to attract the other master."

Great Master Yunhai swept over everyone's eyes, and finally looked at Lei Dao.

"By the way, Great Master Lei, what are you good at?"

"What am I good at?"

Lei Dao thought about it, he was good at many things, such as the explosion of world power, although he didn't know how terrifying the world power erupted in the twenty great worlds was, but it must be extraordinary.

There is also the black coffin, which can withstand the attacks of the top masters, and even, if Lei Dao spares no effort to stimulate the undead essence beads, according to Xiao Hei, it can suppress and kill a master!

Of course, Lei Dao didn't know if it was true, but he still tried not to try it.

By the way, there is speed!

Although Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body cannot travel through space in the ancient continent, its speed is unparalleled in the world. Even the top masters may not be as fast as Lei Dao.

Therefore, there are still many things that Lei Dao is good at.

But what information should I tell Great Master Yunhai?

After all, Lei Dao has always been honest and doesn't want to lie.

"I am good at many things. For example, my strength has just improved, and I feel that I can kill the Juggernaut! Also, I have another secret method, which may also be able to kill the Juggernaut. Well, I am also very fast. Hurry up, I guess Juggernaut can't catch up..."

Lei Dao began to talk endlessly about his various "good" methods.

But Great Master Yunhai and the others became darker as they listened.

what is this?

Feeling good about yourself?

No, they suddenly feel a little regretful, is Lei Dao a little too confident?

What does it mean to improve a little strength and feel that you can kill the master?

If you really want to believe this feeling, you are not far from falling.

"Okay, okay, Great Master Lei has many means, I admire him. Since Great Master Lei is extremely fast, how about attracting another master?"

In fact, Lei Dao did not reject attracting a master.

But he is still concerned about how to get the Weeping Blood Fruit after the matter is completed?

Seemingly seeing Lei Dao's worry, Master Yunhai continued: "Don't worry about the weeping blood fruit. We can sign an agreement and have it notarized in the League of God. With the witness of the League of God, if anyone does not abide by it Agreement, then the League of God will naturally pursue it, even if you leave the ancient continent, it will be useless."

"Shenlian? That's not bad."

Lei Dao nodded, obviously agreeing.

He knew about the League of Gods, and Master Qinglian had already mentioned it to Lei Dao. The League of God is a loose force led by several ancestors in the ancient continent.

In fact, the ancestors established the League of Gods in order to ensure a certain degree of fairness in the ancient continent. The agreement notarized by the League of Gods, even the top rulers would never want to violate it. Once they violated it, they would be held accountable by the League of Gods. At least all strongholds in the ancient continent would not be allowed to enter in the future.

Once there is no stronghold, even the top masters will fall if they stay in the ancient continent.

Even if you return to the Ming Realm, it's useless. If the ancestor said a word, he would have to hide XZ, and there would never be peace.

Therefore, as long as there is an agreement notarized by Shenmeng, no one will violate it.

"Okay, let's do it like this! In this process, all harvests other than the Weeping Blood Fruit will belong to the individual. If the number of Weeping Blood Fruit is more than five, then the extra part will be owned by Lei Da, who contributed the most. Master Yuhua and Master Yuhua share equally. But if there is less, Master Yuhua and Master Lei must first get a weeping blood fruit, and the remaining three of us will figure out a way, how about it?"

Evidently, Great Master Yunhai was very considerate.

Moreover, Lei Dao and Yuhua Dazun are basically given priority, and the reason is very simple, that is to appease Lei Dao and Yuhua Dazun.

After all, attracting the master is the most dangerous, but also the greatest contribution, and naturally the greatest reward!

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