Longevity Species

Chapter 810 Sorry, We Are Different! (third change)


Lei Dao strengthened his belief, so he continued to develop the inner world.

He only needs to work hard, and leave the rest to the supernatural power!

As a result, one world after another began to be born in Lei Dao's body.

The sixteenth, the seventeenth, the eighteenth, the nineteenth, the twentieth...

Finally, Lei Dao opened up twenty worlds.

"Twenty worlds, the resonance seems to be stronger, but it's not a big deal, I can still persist..."

Lei Dao can still persist in opening up the world, but his lifespan cannot last.

A total of twenty big worlds, even if they are not connected into one territory, the power that erupts together is also very terrifying, so that Lei Dao can clearly feel that the strength has been greatly improved.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (29 years old)

Life Form: Dazun

Lifespan: 15,236,2079 years

Inner world: 20 big worlds (can be upgraded)

Undead Kun Kung Fu: Consummation (cannot be improved)

"Twenty worlds. Although there is still a long way to go to hundreds of big worlds, it can be regarded as one-fifth of the goal completed. Yes, if we work harder in the future, we will definitely be able to open up more worlds. .”

Lei Dao was quite satisfied.

How long has he been in the ancient continent?

Almost twelve worlds have been added, from the previous eight all the way to twenty worlds.

If it is in the Ming Realm, even if the human race expands all the way, it is afraid that it will not be able to obtain so many life extension treasures in a short period of time, and it is even more impossible for Lei Dao to open up twenty worlds in a short period of time.

This desolate ancient continent, it is the right time!

"It's time to go out and have a look."

Since Lei Dao entered Pancheng, he has hardly gone out. Now that he has completely refined the blood scale flower, he has also improved his strength a lot. There is no lifespan to increase for the time being. Lei Dao naturally wants to find a way.

Lei Dao left the secret room, turned around in the cave, and found that Master Qinglian was not in the cave, and had already left.

"Senior sister left Pancheng?"

Lei Dao inquired again, and found that Master Qinglian had left Pancheng, and seemed to be going out with several top masters to find some opportunities.

Since Lei Dao was retreating at that time, Master Qinglian did not disturb Lei Dao.

Without Master Qinglian, if Lei Dao wanted to inquire about something, he would have to inquire on his own.

So Lei Dao left the cave directly and started wandering around Pancheng.

The entire Pancheng is very prosperous, far more prosperous than the Freedom City. The reason is very simple. Pancheng is one of the safest strongholds in the Ming Realm in the entire ancient continent.

Moreover, those who were able to come to the barren ancient continent were basically masters, and even Dazun was relatively rare.

The things that are traded here are naturally useful to the Overlord, each of which is very precious, and the quality is naturally far superior to that of Freedom City. Not to mention a free city, even a thousand or ten thousand free cities are far inferior to Pancheng.

"Unfortunately, in such a prosperous Pancheng, I can't do anything now..."

Lei Dao shook his head, he was really greedy.

There is no "currency" transaction in Pancheng, Shenshi?

In fact, it is useless here for Juggernaut. In Pancheng, it is all barter, and it is all private transactions between the Juggernaut and the Great Juggernaut. These masters or great masters who can come to the ancient continent are willing to work hard, as long as they can improve their strength and improve their realm, then they are willing to take risks.

Moreover, these masters, great masters, are all elated. Every time they come back to Pancheng from the outside, they seem to be very excited, and they seem to have gained a lot.

This is different from Lei Dao's imagination.

"Didn't you say that the Ancient Continent is a threat to the Ming Realm? Even Master Pan is sitting in the Dark Realm, sweeping away those strong people from the Ancient Continent who are trying to open the passage and enter the Ming Realm."

In Lei Dao's imagination, even if the Ming Realm was not in a weak position, it would still have to withstand the constant attacks from the Ancient Desolate Continent, and would suffer heavy losses.

Otherwise, why is there only one-third of the thousands of disciples under Master's command?

But now it seems that everything is different from Lei Dao's imagination.


Suddenly, Lei Dao's eyes flickered, and an extra figure appeared in front of Lei Dao.

"Your Excellency is the Great Senior?"

This is a cultivator of the Ming Realm, who looks similar to a human being, except that he is taller. Lei Dao could see that there was a trace of anticipation and faint excitement in the other party's eyes.

However, Lei Dao still nodded and said: "Yes, Lei is a great lord, what can you do?"

"It's really a Great Senior! I found it, I finally found a Great Senior!"

This mysterious cultivator seemed very excited. After hearing Lei Dao's answer, his expression couldn't restrain his excitement.

"What's the meaning?"

Lei Dao's face was full of doubts. He is a great master, a real great master. Is it exciting to find a great master?

"Master Lei, I'm sorry, I'm a little excited. It's really difficult to find a master in Pancheng. There are masters everywhere. It's very difficult to find a master. Unexpectedly, I finally found Lei Your Majesty."


Lei Dao didn't know what to say anymore.

Is this praising him or hurting him in a different way?

What do you mean that there are too many masters in Pancheng, and it is difficult to find the great master?

Doesn't Lei Dao want to be the master? It's just that it's too far away from being a master. If one can become a superior master, who wouldn't want to be a master?

It seemed that he also felt that what he said was a bit inappropriate, and the mysterious practitioner hurriedly changed his words: "Master Lei, I'm sorry, I was a little out of choice. However, this matter is very complicated, can we go back to my cave to discuss it in detail? ?”

Hearing what the other party said, Lei Dao immediately became cautious.

"What do you mean, is there anything you can't say here? Enter your cave, do you think I'm so easy to deceive?"

Lei Dao will not be "fooled".

Master Qinglian had mentioned to Lei Dao before that you must not trust other people casually, you cannot trust anyone, and you have to be vigilant.

The mysterious cultivator invited Lei Dao to enter the opponent's cave, and Lei Dao immediately filled up many "follow-ups" in his mind.

Did he invite Lei Dao to go to the cave, and then ambush a few strong men in the cave, completely suppress Lei Dao, behead him, and finally divide up the treasures on Lei Dao?

The three black coffins have done a lot of such things, and Lei Dao is quite "experienced".

Seeing Lei Dao's vigilant expression, the strange cultivator was taken aback for a moment, but then he seemed to come to his senses, and said with a wry smile: "Master Lei should have just arrived in Pancheng, or even the ancient continent, right? Master Lei can Call me Great Master Yunhai! I am also a Great Master, and in my cave, there are several like-minded Great Masters. I believe that our goals are the same. We came to the ancient continent to fight for our lives and become masters! "

"In Pancheng, there is the great ancestor Pan who monitors the entire Pancheng. No matter what happens in Pancheng, no one can fight in Pancheng, let alone kill each other. Therefore, it is very safe in Pancheng, so Master Lei can rest assured."

"Oh? Is that so? Why have I heard that the ancient continent is dangerous?"

Raidou frowned. He took a look around Pancheng and found that it was very safe. Could it be that what the other party said was true?

But Lei Dao still firmly remembers the words of Senior Sister Qinglian's master, and is still very vigilant towards Great Master Yunhai.

Great Master Yunhai smiled wryly and said: "Of course the ancient land is very dangerous, but that is after leaving the stronghold. Pancheng has the ancestor Pan sitting in the town, so what danger can there be?"

Lei Dao was thoughtful, what the other party said seemed to make sense, Pancheng was indeed very safe, even in the other party's cave, he probably wouldn't dare to do anything.

What's more, Lei Dao is just a great master, how can he get any attention in Pancheng where there are rulers everywhere? Naturally, no one will target Lei Dao.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao nodded and said: "Okay, let's go to Master Yunhai's cave to have a look."

Soon, Great Master Yunhai brought Lei Dao to the cave.

Great Master Yunhai's cave is very small, perhaps not even a tenth of that of Master Qinglian. However, this is also a genuine Dongfu.

It seems that Master Yunhai has not been staying in Pancheng for a short time, otherwise he would not be able to buy this cave.

In the cave, there were three other great lords, and when they saw the great lord Yunhai bringing Lei Dao, they all set their eyes on Lei Dao.

"Everyone, this is the Great Master Lei that I just found, and I just came to Pancheng not long ago. These are the Great Master Dragon Sword, the Great Master Axe, and the Great Master Yuhua!"

Great Venerable Yunhai introduced to both parties.

Lei Dao swept over the three great venerables, and was a little surprised in his heart.

In Pancheng, the number of Dazun is indeed very small.

Now there are actually three Great Masters here, if counting Great Master Yunhai and Lei Dao, there are five Great Masters in total!

This is relatively rare.

It is too dangerous for the Great Master to come to the ancient continent.

Great Master Yunhai took a deep breath, and then said to Lei Dao: "Master Lei, I told you before that all of us are like-minded Great Masters, and our goal is the same, which is to become a master. Is it the same for you, my lord?"

Lei Dao thought about it, his goal is to open up hundreds of worlds, and then become the master.

Maybe not as direct as these four Great Seniors, but the ultimate goal is indeed to become the master.

Therefore, Lei Dao also nodded and said: "That's right, Lei Mou naturally also wants to become a master."

"Okay, then Great Master Lei is also like-minded with us! Since we are all like-minded, it will be easy to handle."

Lei Dao became more vigilant.

In just one sentence, he became a like-minded person?

He didn't even know what the four great venerables were going to do, so how did they become like-minded?

However, Lei Dao didn't say anything, he knew that the Great Master Yunhai would tell his purpose.

Sure enough, Master Yunhai took a deep breath, looked at Lei Dao, and then said solemnly: "Master Lei, those of us who stay in Pancheng have gained too little. What benefits can I get? Presumably Lei Dazun is also attached to a certain master or great master?"

Lei Dao thought about it for a while, but it was actually the same. He entered the barren ancient continent only by relying on his master.

Therefore, Lei Dao nodded and said: "Yes, Great Master Yunhai is right."

"So, if we want to become masters, we still have to rely on ourselves!"

"I know that not far from Pancheng, there is a small tribe, in which there are only two king gods and demons. Although they have condensed their primordial spirits, they have just condensed. Their strength can only be regarded as comparable to ordinary masters. But in that small tribe, there is a Weeping Blood Treasure Tree! It has even grown five Weeping Blood Fruits, counting the time, it is almost mature, as long as we can steal the Weeping Blood Fruits, even if we are top Great Master, the top Great Master who has met the limit, a weeping blood fruit can also make our physical body go further, and it is even expected to shorten countless years of hard work and become a master!"

"Therefore, this is an opportunity to become a master. As long as we can create chaos in the tribe, and then distract the two masters, the remaining masters will go to get five weeping blood fruits. At that time, we will have If you have the opportunity to get five weeping blood fruits, everyone will have the opportunity to become a master. Even if you don't become a master, your strength can be greatly improved, what does Dazun Lei think, dare to do it?"

Master Yun Hai and the other four great masters all stared at Lei Dao with fiery eyes, as if they were still expecting.

"Snatch the weeping blood fruit?"

Lei Dao shook his head, he almost didn't even think about it, he got up immediately and said: "Sorry, we have different ideas and disagreements, sorry to bother you, please leave!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, he was extremely resolute, and he got up and left.

ps: There are no manuscripts saved for the past few days, and they are all published on the spot, so the update time is not stable, but there will definitely be three chapters every day, thank you for your support!

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