Longevity Species

Chapter 802 Don't work hard or give me death! (first update)


Lei Dao was a little surprised.

Is the ancient continent not important?

No, according to Master Kong, the ancestor of the ancient land, the ancient land is a first-class secret, and it is the most important thing. How come it is not important in front of the human ruler?

"Wait, you don't care about the ancient continent? That's the world in the dark world! This may be the biggest secret in the entire bright world, the biggest secret, how could it not be important?"

Raidou opened his eyes wide.

He really can't understand.


The guardian master made a decisive decision and immediately yelled.

"Master Lei, tell me from the beginning to the end, from the very beginning when you went to the territory of the Lotus Clan, did you break through the second floor of the Ancestral Pagoda and worship the Ancestor Kong as your teacher?"

The Guardian Juggernaut "understands" Lei Dao too well.

Therefore, instead of entangled with Lei Dao on whether the ancient continent is important or not, let Lei Dao directly tell what happened after leaving the human territory.

"No, I didn't break into the Ancestral Tower."

Reido replied.

"If you didn't break into the Pagoda of the Ancestor, then how do you say that your master is the Ancestor Kong? No way, you are still a registered disciple, right?"

"That's right, the Ancestral Tower has not been opened yet, how could it be possible to break through the second floor of the Ancestral Tower?"

"It is impossible for Ancestor Kong to abandon the rules and directly make an exception for Lei Dazun to break into the Ancestral Tower. But as a registered disciple, he cannot disclose his identity, which is actually not very useful."

Many masters shook their heads, which was also their previous speculation.

Lei Dao went to find Lord Qinglian, and wanted the ancestor Kong to make an exception and let him enter the ancestor tower, how could it be possible?

Mostly it was a failure.

"Wait, Master Lei, do you have anything else to say? For example, it is very likely that you can learn from Ancestor Kong without breaking into the Ancestral Pagoda."

The guardian master took a deep breath and said cautiously.

"Huh? The guardian master is really predictable, even this is known. It seems that the calculation technique of the guardian master has reached the pinnacle. It is true that I was not able to break into the Ancestral Tower, and the master did not make an exception to let me Enter the Pagoda of the Ancestors, but when Master learned that my Immortal Kun Gong has been completed, he directly accepted me as a formal disciple..."

Immediately, the expressions of all the masters froze.

The masters who thought they knew everything just now looked embarrassed.

Only the Guardian Juggernaut let out a long sigh of relief: "Sure enough, I guessed right, things are not that simple..."

The guardian master had an expression that had already "seeed through" Lei Dao, causing the other masters to look at each other in blank dismay.

Since when did the guardian master have the technique of reckoning?

However, the master of the sword knows Lei Dao very well, and seems to know something. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Master Lei, let's get to the point. You really became the official disciple of the ancestor Kong? Is it because you have perfected your Undead Kun Gong?"

The master of the sword grasped the "point" again.

The guardian master and the sword master looked at each other, and there was a faint feeling of "sympathy" in their eyes. It seemed that only the two of them could keep up with Lei Dao's "rhythm" in the entire human race.

"Yes, it is indeed a formal disciple. I have even met the master. This is what the master said! Moreover, it is true that the master accepted me as a formal disciple because of the undead kungong. Until now, I I still have some doubts, is it so difficult to complete the undead kungong? It seems that it is very difficult to complete the undead kungong from the way of senior sister Qinglian and master."

Lei Dao really doesn't think that the Kun Gong of the Immortal God is very difficult, and Dacheng and Consummation are not too difficult.

"Masters, you have also practiced the Undead God Kun Kungfu. If you can reach the perfect state, I will report to Master, and Master may also accept you as disciples. At that time, my human beings will continue to be born with the Immortal God Kun Kungfu Consummated strong men have become Master's official disciples one after another, so why should human beings be afraid?"

Lei Dao seems to be looking forward to, the fourteen masters of human beings are all disciples of the ancestor Kong, what a grand event that is?

"Uh... Dazun Lei, it's not important, let's continue."

Guardian Overlord is embarrassing.

Become a disciple of the ancestor Kong?

That's definitely willing, even the top masters are willing to become the ancestor's disciple, but the key point is that it is not so easy to practice the Kun Kung Fu of the Immortal God.

Don't say you have reached Consummation, just talk about getting started.

To this day, none of the fourteen masters of the five major human shrines has started!

It's just a little embarrassing.

The masters of the five great shrines are all extremely talented people, otherwise, how could they stand out and become the masters? That's one in a million, no, one in a billion.

Each one is a top talent.

But even so, in the face of the undead God Kun Gong, none of the fourteen majestic masters were able to get started.

It is so difficult to get started, let alone the minor success, major success and even consummation in the future.

Of the entire human race, perhaps Lei Dao is the only one who can practice the Undead God Kun Kung Fu to perfection.

Although Lei Dao felt that the masters seemed strange and didn't want him to mention the Kun Gong of the Undead God, Lei Dao didn't think too much about it, so he continued: "Later, the master accepted me as a formal disciple, and also informed about the secret The secret of the Ancient Desolate Continent, it turns out that the Dark Realm and the Bright Realm are two sides of the same entity, and within the Dark Realm, there is actually an Ancient Desolate Continent, comparable to the Bright Realm..."

Lei Dao 1510 told the ruler of human beings everything about the ancient continent.

Although this is a secret, the master did not tell Lei Dao not to say it, so it doesn't matter if Lei Dao tells the human ruler. Perhaps, in the future, human beings can also enter the ancient continent.

At this time, many masters are digesting the information brought by Lei Dao.

It was so shocking!

The amount of information is also a bit large, and they need to sort it out.

The biggest shock is that Lei Dao actually became the disciple of the ancestor Kong, that is the disciple of the ancestor!

Even the top masters would not dare to deal with the disciples of the first ancestor.

In the future, when human beings have this layer of identity, where will there be any danger? As long as humans don't take the initiative to provoke others, then other races will never dare to provoke humans.

Even, once this news spreads, it's not that humans are worried about the undead, but that the undead have to worry about humans.

Of course, there are also some masters who have other ideas, especially ideas about the ancient continent.

For example, Master of Swords.

He could hear clearly that the ancient continent was full of opportunities, and many top masters went to the ancient continent, wasn't it just to find the opportunity to become the ancestor?

The ruler of the sword has lofty ambitions, and he is now thinking that one day he will also reach the top master, and when there is no way to advance, can he also try to enter the ancient continent to find opportunities?

After a long time, the Guardian Lord slowly opened his mouth and said: "Master Lei, this news is indeed very important. You have become the first ancestor's disciple. With this status, my human status in the Ming Realm is as solid as gold, and no one dares to deal with human beings. However, Great Senior Lei is only a great Senior after all, not even a ruler, so going to the Ancient Desolate Continent now, isn’t it too early and too risky?”

"That's right, Great Master Lei, it's too risky to go to the ancient continent now. I'm not familiar with the place."

"You can practice in the Ming Realm, at least you have to become a master to go to the ancient continent."

Many masters disagree with Lei Dao going to the ancient continent now.

After all, it is too dangerous.

The realm of Lei Dao is too low, just a great master. According to what the ancestor Kong said, in the barren ancient continent, it is really the master who is the backbone of the core combat power.

It is not a big problem to say that it is a master who walks everywhere.

In this way, it would not be of much use for a mere Dazun of Lei Dao to go to the ancient continent, but would put himself in danger instead.

Lei Dao couldn't help sighing when he heard the words: "Actually, I don't want to go either. The ancient continent is full of dangers. Maybe I was killed as soon as I went to the ancient continent. But there is no way, there are no cultivation resources, and my cultivation speed is too slow Yes. If I have to wait dozens or hundreds of years to become a master, I can’t wait. I have to work hard, work hard, work hard, and strive to become a master as soon as possible, instead of doing nothing like a salted fish and quietly waiting to become a master dominate."

Many masters are relatively speechless, they don't know what to say anymore, what can they say?

Could it be that it is already remarkable to be the master for decades or hundreds of years?

So what if he stays obediently for dozens or hundreds of years? If salted fish can become the dominant player for decades or hundreds of years, then they hope that there will be more such "salted fish".

It's just that many masters can't say it.

Because, that is Lei Dao!

The number one human being!

The star of hope for human beings has even become a disciple of the first ancestor, and even the first ancestor is willing to accept Lei Dao as an official disciple.

Perhaps, Lei Dao was born to be the top genius, and it would be a waste of life for Lei Dao to waste decades.

Make no effort, or give me death!

Human beings are, after all, too small.

Lei Dao, the "true dragon", can no longer be tolerated.

The outside world is where Lei Dao roams.

Lei Dao sighed for a while, but his eyes looked at the guardian master and other masters from time to time.

After waiting for a long time, why has there been no movement?

At this time, shouldn't the ruler of mankind say that he should fully support Lei Dao and shorten the time for Lei Dao to become the master?

Why is there no movement?

If all human beings really do their best to supply Lei Dao's life-extending treasures, then Lei Dao can reluctantly go to the ancient continent for a while.

It's just that no master has mentioned this now.

Moreover, looking at the expressions of those masters now, they seem to have become admirable.

Lei Dao was shocked.

He was too "high-profile" just now, maybe, things will be "bad".

"Forget it, Great Master Lei, you are destined to become a great existence. We human beings are too small to stop you from wandering around. Only the outside world may allow Great Master Lei to fly high."

"That's right, Great Master Lei, go, we all believe in you, even in the ancient continent, you can shine brightly!"

"Master Lei, you are right. Decades of time should not be wasted. Otherwise, it would be a waste of life. Maybe even I have to think about whether it is time to go outside. Ever since I became the master, it has been too much. Leisurely..."

For a while, many masters seemed to be touched, and they all wanted to go out to practice, otherwise, it would be a waste of life. After all, Lei Dao is a great master, and the disciples of the first ancestor worked so hard.


Lei Dao opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

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