Longevity Species

Chapter 801 Great Master Lei, Did You Miss the Point? (third change)

Lei Dao was a little dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that this would be the case.

In the past, Lei Dao was only looking for life-extending treasures blindly, then increasing his lifespan, and finally working hard to improve his realm and strength. Seems like it's always been that way.

But Lei Dao never thought about it, what if one day the resources are insufficient and the lifespan cannot be increased enough?

But now, after Lei Dao analyzed it carefully, he realized it.

It turned out that his needs had reached such a terrifying level before he knew it.

No, it's not Lei Dao's need, to be precise, it's the ability's need.

The ability requires more and more lifespan, Lei Dao can only desperately search for various resources in the Ming Realm to increase his lifespan, and finally all of them flow to the ability in disguise, and are "swallowed" by the ability.

"It's scary, it's terrible, the ability is equivalent to swallowing the resources of the entire Ming Realm in disguise!"

Lei Dao seemed to "see through" the "essence" of the ability.

It was terrible!

"No, I can't go on like this, otherwise, even if I become a master, then I will become a master in the future, and even become the ancestor in the future, that is a hurdle that cannot be passed!"

Lei Dao began to think of other ways.

"The resources of the Ming Realm are not enough, or in other words, it is too difficult to search for life-extending treasures in the entire Ming Realm, at least for now I can't do it. Maybe one day, I can become a top master, and maybe I can have such strength, but now I am sure No. If you continue to search for life-extending treasures in the Ming Realm, the efficiency will be too low. If you can’t do it in the Bright Realm, what about the ancient continent in the Dark Realm?”

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He thought of the ancient continent of the Dark Realm.

That is a world completely different from the Ming Realm, this is what the ancestor Kong said in person.

Many masters are looking for opportunities to become ancestors, so what about masters?

Are you also looking for an opportunity to become a master?

What about Dazun?

It is estimated that he is also looking for an opportunity to become a master.

Perhaps, the resources of the Ancient Continent are more abundant than the Ming Realm, even if it is not richer, but as a world completely different from the Ming Realm, Lei Dao has never used the life-extending treasures that grow in it.

For all kinds of life-extending treasures that have not been used before, the effect of Lei Dao's first use is very amazing.

Perhaps, it can solve the current life crisis of Lei Dao.

"Yes, it is the ancient continent!"

Lei Dao has gradually made a decision.

The guardian master once said that no matter what, within ten years, Lei Dao will return to human beings to have a look. Lei Dao will not forget, after all, the master of the sword becomes the great master, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Lei Dao will not miss it.

But it seems that time is still early.

However, Lei Dao is still planning to go back to the human territory first. Regardless of whether the master of the sword has become a master, human beings are always the root of Lei Dao, and Lei Dao will never forget it.

He has now become the official disciple of the ancestor Kong!

Even if the master of the sword does not become a great master, with the identity of Lei Dao, human beings will be safe. And when the time comes, Lei Dao will also talk to his senior sister Qinglian Master, so that the Lotus Clan can help when humans are in trouble and he is not in the Ming Realm.

This shouldn't be too much of a problem.

But such a big matter, no matter what, must be informed to the master of human beings, so that the master of human beings can be completely at ease, and the master of swords can also be completely at ease.

Only in this way can Lei Dao go to the ancient continent with peace of mind, otherwise, Lei Dao will always be concerned.

After all, the ancient continent is very dangerous!

The top masters will all fall.

Even if they are official disciples of the master, those brothers and sisters of Lei Dao, all of them are comparable to Lord Qinglian, didn't they also fall so many in the ancient continent?

Lei Dao will not be arrogant, thinking that the ancient continent is very common.

He knew that he didn't know if he could come back after this trip, and Lei Dao would not feel at ease if the arrangements were not made properly.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao got up, went directly into the space passage, and shuttled towards the human territory.


Human territory, a thriving scene.

Ever since humans defeated the Scorpion Clan, they have become the well-deserved overlords of the surrounding area, and the only threat they can pose is perhaps the undead.

However, although the undead have obtained the undead origin pearl and can give birth to a great ruler, it will take time.

And human beings are not in a hurry now, because within ten years, the master of the sword will definitely become the master. At that time, even if the undead have a master, so what?

What's more, even if the undead were the first to give birth to a master, how dare they touch humans?

After all, the master of the scorpion tribe fell "unexplainably", and no one knew what terrible existence was behind the human beings. Even the master, he did not dare to act rashly against humans before investigating the situation clearly.

Human beings have almost entered the second burst of practice.

Walking out of the ancestral land, human beings have experienced several great explosions in practice, but each time, it was actually because of the expansion of the territory and the influx of resources that were able to produce a great explosion in human cultivation.

The territory of the Scorpion Clan is several times larger than that of humans, and the resources are naturally more abundant.

Humans have swallowed the territory of the Scorpion Clan in one fell swoop, and it will be a matter of time before the outbreak occurs.


In the Guardian Shrine, space ripples appeared one after another. The Guardian Master, the Vientiane Master, and the Four Pole Masters all sensed their hearts and opened their eyes immediately.


From the space passage, a figure stepped out one step at a time.

"Master Lei?"

The Guardian Juggernaut and others immediately knew the identity of this figure, it was Lei Dao!

"Three masters, you are all here, that's great."

Lei Dao saw that the three masters of the Guardian God Palace were all there, and his face was happy.

"Wait, Master Lei, didn't you go to the Lotus Clan to look for Master Qinglian? Why did you come back so soon? Didn't you find it?"

The guardian master thought it was weird.

From his point of view, he just closed his eyes and meditated for a while, which is equivalent to taking a nap for ordinary people, and then he opened his eyes and Lei Dao came back?

"Soon? I feel like it's been a long time. But it's not important, the three masters. Now I have a very important matter that needs to be reported to the masters of the five great palaces."

"Important thing? How important can it be?"

"It's almost as important as the master of the sword's breakthrough to become the master. By the way, has the master of the sword made a breakthrough?"

"Uh...no breakthrough yet. However, since Dazun Lei has such an important matter, I will immediately notify the masters of the five great shrines to guard the shrine."

The guardian master dare not neglect.

Although Lei Dao is just a great master, Lei Dao is not an ordinary great master, but the number one human being, even to some extent, similar to a master.

Lei Dao's status is almost comparable to that of a master among human beings.

Therefore, since Lei Dao said that there is something very important to be notified to the masters of the five great palaces, the guardian masters naturally dare not neglect.

Therefore, the guardian master quickly sent a message to the masters of the five great shrines, and it was still in the name of Lei Dao.


The next moment, the first person to come to the Guardian Palace was actually the Lord of Swords.

"Master of the sword, don't you need to retreat to prepare for a breakthrough?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised.

The master of the sword is at the critical moment of breakthrough, can he walk around casually now?

"I don't care about other people's invitations, but I must come to your invitation from Master Lei. I believe that Master Lei must have brought surprises to our Five Great Shrines again, right?"

Maybe the master of the sword is about to break through, and it's a 100% breakthrough. Therefore, even his temperament has changed a little, and it seems that he is not so cold.

"Your Majesty the Master of the Sword is joking, I just have some news to inform the Masters of the Five Great Shrines."

Lei Dao didn't say much, and the master of the sword didn't ask, both sides seemed to have a tacit understanding. Anyway, when everyone is here, Lei Dao will naturally say.

In fact, Lei Dao can also tell the Guardian Juggernaut about this matter.

But he felt that it was better not to bother.

Otherwise, if other masters have to keep asking questions over and over again through the guardian master's report, how much trouble would it be?

It is simply better to call all the masters directly and make it clear in public.

Soon, the three major shrines, including the God of War Palace, the Heart God Palace, and the Radiant Shrine, also sent at least one master, and the masters of the five major god palaces all had representatives.

This is almost equivalent to representing the entire human race!

"What's the news about Master Lei?"

"Moreover, we have summoned all the masters of our five great palaces, so they are going to become masters, right?"

"Become a master? Even if you break through to be a master, you don't need to mobilize the crowd like this? Besides, how long has it been since Great Master Lei became a great master before he became a master?"

Many masters stared at Lei Dao, showing a trace of doubt, even the masters of the Guardian Palace, they also did not know why Lei Dao summoned the masters of the five great palaces.

Lei Dao glanced at the many masters, and then said word by word, with a dignified expression: "Masters, this time the disciple has a very important matter that needs to be reported to the masters."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice, "I'm leaving!"

"Huh? Great Master Lei, are you leaving? What do you mean? Traveling?"

Hearing Lei Dao's words, the guardian ruler immediately became anxious, and even his face changed.

"It's almost an experience, but it's not in the bright world, but in the dark world."

"Dark Realm? The Dark Realm is just a vast expanse of darkness, with no life, no resources, how to travel in the Dark Realm?"

"That's right, the Dark Realm can only fight, other than that, where else can you travel?"

Many masters don't know why.

"The Dark Realm has life, even more than life. There is also a world, a world that can rival the entire Bright Realm, called the Ancient Desolate Continent! This time I am going to travel to the Ancient Desolate Continent, and maybe I won't be back in a short time. "

"What, there is life in the Dark Realm? There is also a world comparable to the Bright Realm?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"That's right. We've been in the dark world for a long time, and even explored it specifically. Where is there any life? Let alone the world?"

"Master Lei, who did you listen to?"

Lei Dao's words caused a storm in the hearts of many masters, but most of them didn't believe it.

Even the master doesn't know, how can Lei Dao know?

"My master said that! The masters don't know? By the way, it seems that they really don't know. The master said that even ordinary masters don't know about the desolate ancient continent in the dark world. This is a secret."

Raidou also nodded.

"Wait, why did you suddenly have another master? Who is your master?"

Guardian Juggernaut seems to have grasped the "point" at once.

"My master is the ancestor Kong! That's what the master said himself. There is an ancient continent in the dark world, which is comparable to the bright world. This news is too important. This is also a big secret, so I want you to master it. Know."

After Lei Dao's voice fell, the whole secret room fell silent, even a needle could be heard.

The expressions of all the masters seemed to freeze.

"Master Lei, did you misunderstand the important point... We don't care about the ancient continent. Your master is what we care about..."

After a long time, the guardian master looked strange, and said quietly.

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