Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 29 Advantages and limitations of Fuxiu

In the special space of the library!

In the books that Ye Qingxuan just read, in addition to the knowledge related to the promotion of these spiritual plants and spiritual veins, there are also some secrets about Fu Xiu!

It turns out that if you want to contract a spiritual land, become a Fu Xiu, and turn an ordinary spiritual land into a blessed land, you need to separate a part of your own essence of spirit, spirit and spirit into the spiritual land before building the foundation, when the spirit, energy and spirit are not yet stable.

After part of the essence of the cultivator is integrated into the essence of the spiritual land, the spiritual land is contracted, and the spiritual land is controlled.

From then on!

The cultivator and the spiritual land are cultivating their lives, sitting on the ground, and becoming a Fu Xiu!

The spiritual land integrates the essence of the cultivator, undergoes a transformation, and gets the opportunity to accelerate the promotion, turning into a blessed land.

And this is the origin of Fu Xiu and the blessed land.

And the reason why Fu Xiu can use the blessed land to grow his spiritual roots.

It is because part of the essence of the cultivator's spirit is integrated with the origin of the blessed land, and the blessed land is also part of the Dixuan Realm.

Therefore, the birth of Fu Xiu is beneficial to the development of Dixuan Realm. Under the feedback of Dixuan Realm's origin, Fu Xiu's spiritual roots will naturally grow slowly.

The higher the level of the blessed land, the greater the feedback of Dixuan Realm, and the faster the growth rate of Fu Xiu's spiritual roots.

Ye Qingxuan chose to become a Fu Xiu because he valued this point.

But he didn't expect that becoming a Fu Xiu actually required the fusion of his own essence, spirit and soul!

Originally, he was thinking of using the clone Eternal Turtle to bear the restrictions of Fu Xiu on his behalf. In this situation, he didn't know whether the origin separated by the clone Eternal Turtle could replace his essence, spirit and soul?

Forget it, let it go!

Even if the clone Eternal Turtle failed to bear the restrictions of Fu Xiu on his behalf, he was not without other hopes.

With his own little calculations in mind, Ye Qingxuan continued to look down.

After becoming a Fu Xiu, there is no need to pass the tribulation to break through the cultivation level, and you can break through naturally.

Because other cultivators break through by plundering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Dixuan Realm will naturally lower the assessment to see if you have the qualifications to occupy a share of heaven and earth resources.

During his cultivation, Fu Xiu also made contributions to the Dixuan Realm, so the Dixuan Realm would naturally not send down thunder tribulations to hinder Fu Xiu's breakthrough.

"I didn't expect there would be such an unexpected surprise!"

Before reading these books, Ye Qingxuan didn't know this.

This discovery made Ye Qingxuan very happy!

After all, the movement of the tribulation is not small. To go through the tribulation in Xuantian Sect will undoubtedly expose oneself to everyone, which is not in line with his planned development route.

Now that Fu Xiu knows that he doesn't need to go through the tribulation to break through, it is naturally the best. The fewer people pay attention to him, the better.

Although Ye Qingxuan now has a good impression of Xuantian Sect and thinks that Xuantian Sect is not bad, he must be on guard against others. It is better to keep his life in his own hands as much as possible.

Looking down, Ye Qingxuan knows why the Diyuan Jue, the technique he practiced, has become the exclusive technique of the disciples of Fu Xiu Academy.

Under normal circumstances, the success rate of cultivators separating the essence, energy and spirit from the origin and integrating them into the spiritual land is too low.

After the continuous attempts of the predecessors, the practice method that Ye Qingxuan practiced, the Earth Source Art, was born.

During the practice of the Earth Source Art, a part of the earth source energy will be continuously absorbed and integrated into the cultivator's spirit, and the earth source energy is one of the origins of the spiritual land.

In the process of practicing the Earth Source Art, the cultivator's spirit, energy and spirit are also constantly integrating the earth source energy.

When the cultivator who practices the Earth Source Art breaks through the perfection of Qi Refining and is about to break through the Foundation Establishment Realm, his spirit, energy and spirit have already integrated enough earth source energy. At this time, it will be much easier to contract the spiritual land and integrate his own spirit, energy and spirit into the origin of the spiritual land.

After observations from past generations, it was found that cultivators with earth spiritual roots can achieve twice the result with half the effort in practicing the Earth Source Art, and there is basically no risk of failure when contracting the spiritual land.

This is also the real reason why Xuantian Sect needs to select disciples with earth spiritual roots to become Fu Xiu!

It is not that cultivators with other spiritual roots cannot become Fu Xiu, but only cultivators with earth spiritual roots can achieve a 100% success rate after practicing the Earth Source Art!

Moreover, after Fu Xiu falls, the contract of the blessed land can be inherited by other cultivators again.

This is also the only opportunity for Fu Xiu to directly contract a blessed land of level 2 or above!

Other Fu Xiu can only contract a level 1 spiritual land at the beginning, transform the spiritual land into a blessed land, and develop slowly.

But the blessed land can only be inherited three times. After three times, it will slowly become an ordinary spiritual land and merge into the Xuantian Mountains. Many high-level spiritual lands in the Xuantian Mountains were born in this way.

Therefore, this quota to inherit the blessed land of ancestors is very precious, which can save a lot of time for Fu Xiu. At present, the high-level Fu Xiu in Xuantian Sect are basically inherited by generations in this way.

Ye Qingxuan is self-aware and has no desire for this quota. He does not care about the restriction that the blessed land can only be inherited three times.

His blessed land, Ye Qingxuan, will naturally be eternal with him in the world, and outsiders will never have the opportunity to inherit his blessed land.

Turning the pages in his hand, Ye Qingxuan continued to look down.

Suddenly, Ye Qingxuan paused, and he finally found the real reason why Fu Xiu did not have a clone walking outside.

It turns out that success and failure are both due to the blessed land!

The essence of the cultivator's spirit, energy and spirit are integrated with the essence of the blessed land. It is precisely because of this that the blessed land has become an alternative external incarnation of the cultivator.

This is the main reason why the blessed cultivators in Xuantian Sect do not practice clones to walk outside.

Not only is it very expensive to practice clones, but also because of the restrictions of the blessed land, which makes ordinary clones and puppets useless.

Ordinary clones and puppets cannot go out of the scope of the blessed land at all.

Only the incarnation condensed by the essence of one's own spirit can get rid of this limitation.

However, if you want to practice the incarnation, there are realm requirements and quantity restrictions. Only cultivators in the Nascent Soul Realm can condense one incarnation, and only the powerful in the Void Realm can condense the second incarnation!

When Fu Xiu used a special method to contract the blessed land, he had already occupied the quota of the first incarnation, so if Fu Xiu wanted to condense an incarnation again, he would have to wait until the Void Realm under normal circumstances.

That's the big boss in the Void Realm!

With Fu Xiu's slow cultivation speed, it is enough to make Fu Xiu despair and give up the idea of ​​condensing an incarnation directly.

The reason why Fu Xiu's cultivation speed will be hundreds of times slower is that after becoming a Fu Xiu, 99% of the spiritual energy that Fu Xiu takes into his body will be absorbed by the origin of the blessed land, and Fu Xiu himself can only retain 1%.

However, there is a solution to Fu Xiu's cultivation speed!

The blessed land absorbs the spiritual energy in the body of Fu Xiu, just because the blessed land lacks the energy for evolution, so it instinctively absorbs the spiritual energy in the body of Fu Xiu as the accumulation for promotion.

So as long as a huge amount of energy is provided to the blessed land, the blessed land will naturally not absorb the pitiful energy of Fu Xiu!

Moreover, after the blessed land is promoted, it will give back to Fu Xiu, ignoring the limitation of spiritual roots and directly increasing Fu Xiu's cultivation. This is also one of the main means for Fu Xiu to improve his cultivation.

Not only that, under normal circumstances, cultivators will accumulate elixir poison and develop resistance when taking elixirs.

Every once in a while, cultivators need to spend energy to practice special exercises or take special pure elixirs to purify the elixir poison in their bodies before they can continue to take elixir to practice!

As an alchemist, Ye Qingxuan is naturally very clear about this.

The reason why he has not developed resistance to the spirit enhancement pill is that the spirit enhancement pill is a special pill, and its effect directly acts on the spiritual roots, not directly helping him to increase his cultivation, so the side effects will be much smaller.

However, the side effects are much smaller, which does not mean that there are no side effects at all. After a long time, Ye Qingxuan's body will sooner or later develop resistance to the spirit enhancement pill!

However, the blessed land can help Fu Xiu purify the body, help Fu Xiu solve the resistance problem of pills, and allow Fu Xiu to practice with the help of pills at a high frequency, making up for some of the defects of Fu Xiu's slow practice!

But all of this, all the solutions to Fu Xiu's slow practice, require a huge amount of resources.

To put it bluntly, those who actively become Fu Xiu, and those who are thrown into Xuantian Sect by the major affiliated forces of Xuantian Sect and passively become Fu Xiu disciples.

In the eyes of the major affiliated forces of Xuantian Sect, they are basically abandoned children responsible for producing resources. How can they spend a lot of resources to cultivate these Fu Xiu abandoned children?

After all, the final ownership of the blessed land does not belong to them.

Compared with these people, although the Ye family where Ye Qingxuan is located is not a big force, the support for Ye Qingxuan is not small!

As for Xuantian Sect, cultivating Fu Xiu is for resources. It is already a great responsibility to spend a small amount of resources to cultivate Fu Xiu reserve disciples in the early stage. How can it be possible to spend huge resources to improve Fu Xiu's cultivation?

After all, Xuantian Sect is not the nanny of its disciples, and it is impossible to consider these disciples in everything.

Not only Xuantian Sect, but most other overlord-level forces are also like this.

This is also the main reason why the major overlord-level forces are willing to cultivate Fu Xiu reserve disciples in the early stage, but are unwilling to spend resources to cultivate low-level Fu Xiu.

There is no other reason, it is simply because Fu Xiu is a huge pit, and it takes too many resources to cultivate Fu Xiu into a high-level cultivator.

Some low-level resources are okay, but the inventory of high-level resources is very tight even for overlord-level forces such as Xuantian Sect.

If Fu Xiu cannot be cultivated into a high-level Fu Xiu, then the investment at the low level, cultivating one or two second- and third-level Fu Xiu, is completely meaningless to overlord-level forces such as Xuantian Sect.

Anyway, with the accumulation of time, after the three inheritances of the blessed land, high-level blessed cultivation will naturally emerge slowly.

After all, the auxiliary effect of high-level blessed land on low-level blessed cultivation is much greater.

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