Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 28: First visit to the library

"Really? Free?"

After hearing Bai Wenyang's words, Ye Qingxuan's face showed a look of disbelief.

Xuantian Sect supports Fujian disciples so much?

Not only is there a free supply of doubled cultivation resources, but also various related knowledge inheritances can be obtained for free?

However, Ye Qingxuan thought about it and understood Xuantian Sect's approach.

All the blessed lands are in the Xuantian Mountains. After Fu Xiu is enthroned, the blessed lands will ultimately belong to the Xuantian Sect.

Xuantian Sect's early investment will eventually be fed back into the Xuantian Mountains, and the final beneficiary will only be the Xuantian Sect, the master of the Xuantian Mountains.

Fu Xiu is just a tool man!

But even so, Ye Qingxuan had to admit that Xuantian Sect's support for Fujiu was indeed very strong.

The key thing is that Xuantian Sect will not encroach on the interests of Fujian disciples during their lifetime. This is enough!

There is no such thing as a good thing without a reason. You should accept the benefits while you are alive and pay your debts after death!

Ye Qingxuan does not dislike Xuantian Sect's approach. In Ye Qingxuan's view, this approach is already very humane.

After knowing that everything he wanted was in the Library Pavilion, Ye Qingxuan did not stay long and prepared to go to the Xuantian Sect's Library Pavilion to take a look!

Before leaving, Ye Qingxuan specially purchased a batch of first-level elixirs used in a series of first-level elixirs such as Qi-Entraining Pill, Detoxification Pill, Qi-Building Pill, and Grass-Returning Pill.

Only ten doses of each elixir were purchased, which was not much, because these elixirs were only used by Ye Qingxuan to practice his skills.

Although these elixirs will not be used for the time being, trying more to refine other elixirs will always be helpful to his future alchemy journey.

Anyway, the prescriptions for these elixirs were included in the fifth-level alchemist inheritance given to him by his family, so there was no need to purchase the prescriptions.

If you master the refining methods of these elixirs, you will always have the opportunity to use them in the future.

After leaving Fangshi, Ye Qingxuan learned the location of the Library Pavilion from the disciples guarding the teleportation array. He took the teleportation array and made several turns before finally arriving at the location of the Library Pavilion!

Xuantian Sect's library is not built on any mountain peak!

The body of the library itself is a mountain peak, but the inside of the mountain was hollowed out by the Xuantian Sect and transformed into a huge library.

Ye Qingxuan stood in front of the library door and felt like an ant.

But he was not shocked at all!

Just kidding, after being in the Earthly Mysterious World for so long, he is no longer the same person he was before.

A mere library was no longer enough to shock him.

After Ye Qingxuan calmly stepped into the door of the library, he found that the space inside was larger than he had imagined. Rows of bookshelves that were as high as the top were filled with densely packed books!

He picked up a book at random. The texture was very comfortable, as if it was made of a special jade material.

When I opened it, I found that the content inside was just a travel note written down by a certain senior brother when he was traveling.

The books in the Library Pavilion contain almost everything except those parts that do not contain the sect's inheritance.

Moreover, these books are free. As long as they are not taken out of the library, everyone can make rubbings at will.

But the only requirement is that the rubbings of the books must not be passed on to others. After all, Xuantian Sect does not want the books accumulated over the generations to be easily stolen by outsiders and used as wedding dresses in vain!

Ye Qingxuan glanced around and found that there were many people coming and going, including many monks coming to the library.

"So free? Don't you all need to be busy practicing?"

After Ye Qingxuan complained secretly in his heart, his eyes began to look around.

Soon, Ye Qingxuan found the management office of the library not far from the gate!

When I got closer, I saw a sloppy old man taking a nap in the management office, seemingly not paying attention to everything in the library.

But Ye Qingxuan did not look down upon the old man in front of him. Instead, he took out the disciple token and held it in his hand. He bent down and saluted respectfully:

"Fu Xiu Institute disciple Ye Qingxuan pays homage to the elder! Disciple wants to..."

Before he finished speaking, the old man who was dozing off suddenly waved his hand, and Ye Qingxuan disappeared instantly.

"You only know how to disturb the old man while I doze off. Young people today! They don't know how to care for the elderly at all!"

After saying that, the old man turned over and changed his position, and continued to doze off.

Somewhere inside the library, Ye Qingxuan's figure suddenly appeared.

After the confusion, Ye Qingxuan gradually calmed down. After looking at the space, Ye Qingxuan found that he was alone.

Then, Ye Qingxuan turned his attention to a bookshelf not far in front of him.

I walked up and looked at the catalog of these books. Almost all of them were books related to Fujian.

However, Ye Qingxuan looked through it and found that it was basically just some knowledge about spiritual plants, spiritual veins, blessed places, etc., without any accompanying magic.

"No wonder these books related to Buddhist cultivation are placed in the library. It turns out that they don't come with the sect's magic inheritance!"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but then he shook his head and laughed at himself:

"It's a bit greedy!"

After all, it is free, so the requirements must not be too high!

In fact, what Ye Qingxuan didn't know was that this was not the only special space in the Library Pavilion. It contained some books with special or precious contents.

However, because the contents of these books are relatively special or precious, although they are placed in the library, they also set a reading threshold.

Books like the one in the space where Ye Qingxuan is located, except for disciples of Fu Xiuyuan, can only be read by core disciples or above.

So the contents recorded in these books are not as cheap as Ye Qingxuan imagined.

In the space, Ye Qingxuan began to read these books patiently.

It was found that most of the contents of these books were various methods to assist the promotion of spiritual veins, and some spiritual plants that are beneficial to the blessed land and matters that need to be paid attention to in cultivation.

Spiritual veins are the key to the blessed land. Only when the spiritual veins are promoted, the blessed land will be promoted imperceptibly. The first-level spiritual veins correspond to the first-level blessed land. The spiritual veins and blessed lands are uniformly divided into levels one to ten, and the two correspond one to one.

For helping the spiritual land to be promoted, three kinds of spiritual plants are introduced, namely, the gathering spirit grass, the purification spirit tree, and the earth spirit flower!

These three kinds of spiritual plants can continue to grow after being cultivated in the blessed land.

Especially the earth spirit flower, the high-level earth spirit flower can gather the essence of the twelve elements in the earth and the mysterious world, which is the key to the stability of the blessed land and the promotion to a high-level blessed land.

As for the spirit gathering grass and the spirit purification tree, one can gather spiritual energy and accelerate the growth of the blessed land, and the other can assist the spirit veins to purify the negative energy of the blessed land and keep the origin of the blessed land pure. Both can provide a lot of help for the advancement of the blessed land!

These knowledge can fill in the basic knowledge of Fu Xiu, but how the blessed land should be developed specifically still depends on Fu Xiu's own plan.

After all, knowing the method is one thing, whether these spiritual plants can be cultivated, whether these spiritual plants can be made to grow quickly and drive the advancement of the blessed land, this is another matter.

After reading these books, Ye Qingxuan pondered slightly:

"Among the spiritual medicine seeds given to me by the family, there are seeds of spirit gathering grass and earth spirit flowers, but this spirit purification tree does not belong to the category of spiritual medicine, so the seeds given to him by the family do not include the tree species of spirit purification tree!"

"However, the spirit purification tree should not be difficult to obtain in Xuantian Sect!"

It is unknown how many spiritual plants have been born in the Xuantian Mountains. Xuantian Sect has occupied the Xuantian Mountains for so many years. The tree species of spirit purification tree should not be precious in Xuantian Sect!

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan was not worried that he would not be able to find the species of the Pure Spirit Tree in the Xuantian Sect!

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