Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 717: What's the use of you being a good fighter?

After hearing what the old man said, Immortal Master Qiu Ling smiled bitterly.

In the entire Chixia Heaven, if a physical cultivator heard that Zhenshan Dao Palace wanted to accept him as a disciple, he would have to cry and shout to agree.

After all, Zhenshan Dao Palace is one of the ten super immortal sects and the holy land of all physical cultivators in Chixia Heaven.

But at this time, this kid actually brought it up.

However, genius is another matter. As soon as Su Fan entered the house, Immortal Master Qiu used his spiritual sense to see him inside and out.

If we only talk about the strength of the physical body, even some cultivators in the Zhenshan Dao Palace who are in the God Transformation Realm can probably catch up with him.

If he is asked to perform the blood fusion secret method of the Demon Sect and activate the demonized body, I am afraid that even I dare not fight this kid head-on.

What moved Immortal Master Qiu even more was that this kid's spiritual sense was actually not bad at all, at least reaching the level of the initial stage of God Transformation.

Moreover, his soul was extremely solid, without a trace of vanity. It was obvious that he was not the kind who relied on shortcuts to improve himself.

What surprised Dao Zun Qiu the most was that the fundamental method that this kid mainly practiced was actually the immortal sect's method.

I heard that this kid was a casual cultivator, which meant that he must have joined the demon sect halfway.

In fact, for Zhenshan Dao Palace, the biggest pressure of summoning Su Fan to join was his identity as a demon cultivator.

Of course, it was not a big deal in Chixiatian, which was the territory of the top ten super immortal sects. Not to mention a demon cultivator, even an evil cultivator could be cleared for you.

But if it was the Centennial Dao Conference, it would be difficult to clear.

Of course, other immortal sects would not say anything, but after all, it was about face, which would make people think that Zhenshan Dao Palace was too shameless.

But this kid's fundamental method was inherited from the immortal sect, so this problem was solved.

If the Zhenshan Dao Palace takes him to the Centennial Dao Conference, he can make it into the top 100 even without activating his demonized body, facing the Yuanying Realm disciples from other planes, with his strength.

When this kid is brought back to the Zhenshan Dao Palace and taught some of the sect's physical cultivation secrets, he will be a proper immortal sect physical cultivator, right?

Chixiatian's performance in the Centennial Dao Conferences in Chaoguang Star Domain was simply unbearable.

The disciples of the ten super immortal sects are only kings and hegemons in Chixiatian, but when they face the elite disciples of those super planes at the Dao Conference, they have no ability to resist.

Anyway, for tens of thousands of years, Chixiatian cultivators have been in the Centennial Dao Conferences in Chaoguang Star Domain, not to mention the top 100, even if they are in the top 1,000, Chixiatian will celebrate.

Thinking of this, Qiuling Xianzun has made up his mind to bring this kid back to the mountain gate no matter what.

"Fan Su, right? You major in physical cultivation. It is more appropriate for you to come to our Zhenshan Dao Palace than to stay in Beiqiong Xianzong..."

After hearing what the other party said, Su Fan said, "I am deeply humbled by the favor of my uncle..."

After he finished speaking, he kowtowed to Rufeng Xianzun respectfully.

"But I have no way to repay the master's teaching. I only want to serve the master until the end of my life..."

Although he was acting, Su Fan said this sincerely and from the heart.

He has been wandering in this world of cultivation for so many years, and Rufeng Xianzun is definitely the only master who has taught him.

This is the way of formation, the most precious profession in the entire world of cultivation.

The old man can teach his sect's secret hall inheritance hand in hand. This great favor is greater than the sky for Su Fan.

Even Rufeng Xianzun's face changed. He has taught several disciples, but it is the first time he is so moved.

Because he can clearly feel the gratitude in this kid's words.

For the disciples of the sect, the grace of teaching between the master and the disciple is far less cherished than Su Fan, and the gratitude is even less.

When Qiu Lingxianzun saw Su Fan kneeling for a long time, he was not dissatisfied, but rather a little relieved.

From this point, it can be seen that at least this kid is not an ungrateful person, but a grateful and nostalgic person.

"Haha... Even if you change the sect and join our Zhenshan Dao Palace, Junior Brother Rufeng is still your master, and it will not hinder you from fulfilling your filial piety in the future..."

At this point, he thought for a while.

"Don't worry, as long as you join our Zhenshan Dao Palace, the sect will never treat you unfairly..."

Su Fan's heart moved when he heard it, but his head was still deeply on the ground.

What are the conditions, you fucking say it.

It is definitely not okay to just talk and talk big.

Anyway, if you don't say the conditions today, buddy won't get up, kneel here to death, believe it or not.

Seeing that Su Fan was still unmoved, Qiu Xianzun was also very uncomfortable.

He glanced at Rufeng Immortal Venerable, and couldn't help but envy this old guy, who really accepted a good disciple.

"You stinky boy, the Zhenshan Dao Palace can treat you badly, do you want to piss me off to death..."

At this time, the old man was also a good supporting role.

Although the father and son were acting here, they acted very realistically, and even Qiu Ling Immortal Venerable was substituted into it.

He thought about it and felt that he should come up with something practical.

"As long as you join my Zhenshan Dao Palace, you will be directly promoted to an elite disciple and rewarded with 50,000 merits..."

Su Fan sneered secretly after hearing this, 50,000 merits were still so-so.

But with his current strength, it is normal for him to join Zhenshan Dao Palace and be promoted to an elite disciple. You are so embarrassed to say this.

"As an elite disciple, you can choose a body cultivation secret method from the sect's secret hall to inherit the Taoist tradition..."

This is possible.

This is what Su Fan lacks now. He only has a perverted body, but he can't always get it right.

When fighting, it all depends on your strength to produce miracles.

"After joining the sect, you will be allowed to enter the sect's secret palace and choose three treasures..."


This is okay, great.

The reason why Su Fan was so excited was because the Zhenshan Dao Palace was a Ti Dao sect, and the treasures in the secret palace must be closely related to Ti cultivation.

This is very important.

Although the secret palaces of other Immortal Sects were filled with treasures, they were far less suitable for him than Zhenshan Taoist Palace.

Ever since Su Fan traveled to this world of cultivation, his ability to reach this point was all due to this abnormal body.

All other methods are auxiliary in the battle of skills, and the final solution to the battle relies on physical strength.

But until today, a lot of other magic weapons have been mined.

But the treasures needed by Ti Dao monks are nothing but a demon-slaying sword.

When Rufengxianzun saw that the conditions were almost there, he still needed a bicycle.

So the old man was suddenly possessed by Qian and spoke at the right time.

He stood up from the ground and kicked Su Fan into a fight.

"Get up, don't you listen to what I say? If you still insist on having your own way, I will expel you from the door..."

Su Fan crawled over again, choking and kneeling in front of his master.

" can't let me go..."

The two of them worked hard to perform this play.

The two fought for a while, but under the threat of the master, Su Fan had no choice but to agree.

"Senior Brother Qiuling, I will leave this child to you. He was born as a casual cultivator. He later entered the Demon Sect by mistake and did not receive any complete inheritance. When he goes to the Zhenshan Taoist Palace, you have to help him sort it out... …”

"Junior brother, don't worry, your disciple is my disciple. The sect called him to join the sect because he wants him to participate in the Hundred Years Taoist Association. He will definitely be carefully cultivated..."

Rufengxianzun listened, then looked at Su Fan who was kneeling on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh.

"When you go to Zhenshan Taoist Palace, you must become the disciple of Senior Brother Qiu Ling. If you dare to disobey, I will never recognize you as a disciple again..."

The old man was also very cruel and said all these things directly.

Now that the words have been spoken, Taoist Qiuling can no longer accept Su Fan even if he doesn't want to.

Su Fan buried his head deeply on the ground. After a while, he finally said a word with difficulty.

"Brother...disciple, please obey Master's decree..."

When Qiuling Immortal Lord saw Su Fan nodding, he had no intention of staying any longer, so he quickly said goodbye and left to return to his sect.

Because when he looked at this kid, he still looked unwilling.

So I want to implement this matter as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

After Immortal Qiuling left, Su Fan knelt in front of his master again and kowtowed respectfully.

"Master, once a teacher, always a father, I will always be your disciple..."

Rufengxianzun took a deep breath and then waved his hand at him.

"Get up..."

Su Fan got up from the ground and sat cross-legged opposite his master.

"Master, I really don't want to join Zhenshan Taoist Palace. You are here to protect me. I still feel that Beiqiong Immortal Sect is more comfortable..."

After hearing this, Lord Rufeng smiled bitterly.

"Don't even think about this. The sect and the Zhenshan Taoist Palace have reached a compromise. After receiving such huge benefits and promises, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay in the sect even if you want to..."

I know it's numb.

Not to mention there are benefits, even if there are no benefits at all, there are many people in the top management of Beiqiong Immortal Sect who are eager to throw away this hot potato.

Okay, no matter where you are, you are not fooling around.

Moreover, the Beiqiong Immortal Sect was considered worthy of him, and he should be content with the fact that he had gained a lot of money from him.

The only thing that made it difficult for him to let go was his master. The old man was really good to him.

"Master, after I leave, no matter what happens, you must tell me. You are the only master in my heart..."

Rufengxianzun became angry when he heard this and pointed at his nose and scolded him.

"When you become a disciple of Senior Brother Qiu Ling, you have to be his disciple peacefully, and you have to treat him the same as you treat me. Did you know..."

He knew what the old man was thinking, wasn't he just afraid that he would suffer a loss if he entered the Zhenshan Taoist Palace without anyone to protect him?

This is very normal in the sect. Although those people can't defeat him, there are many ways to squeeze him out.

"Master, disciple understands..."

Hearing Su Fan's coping tone, Rufengxianzun glared at him fiercely.

This guy is good at everything, but he is so unsociable.

Although he can fight, if he still acts like a bear when he arrives at Zhenshan Taoist Palace, it will be difficult for him to get ahead in the sect in the future.

The Immortal Sect is different from the Demon Sect in that all kinds of connections are complicated. If no one supports you, it will be difficult to enter the realm of becoming gods in the future.

Even if you can fight, what's the use?

Lord Rufeng didn't know that Su Fan was just a loser and didn't care about such nonsense at all.

Su Fan stayed in the master's cave for a while, and then was kicked out by the old man.

He controlled the flying magic weapon and flew towards his cave, admiring the beautiful scenery inside the mountain gate, and was filled with emotions for a while.

I originally wanted to hang out here for a few years, but I didn't know that my butt was still hot, so I changed my place again.

Ever since Su Fan traveled to this world of cultivation, he has been running around non-stop.

He has changed several sects alone. This does not include the many star realms and planes he has experienced. Anyway, there is no one else.

Can't we just let him stay in one place calmly?

It was as if God was playing tricks on him on purpose. He finally found a home in this strange world, but before he could experience enough family affection, he was thrown into the distant Chixia sky.

Su Fan has had enough of this constant torment.

But there is no way, no matter how good he is, he can't defeat this thief.

When Su Fan returned to his cave, he saw a person wandering in front of his cave. When he got closer, he realized it was Junior Sister Chen Qing.

Seeing him coming back, Chen Qing was obviously embarrassed.

At this time, the girl's face was not very good, and her eyes were dull with a hint of sadness.

Today she heard the news from her elders that Su Fan was leaving, so she couldn't sit still anymore.

Chen Qing originally wanted to contact Su Fan, but she didn't know what to say, so she came outside his cave by accident.

She has been here for a long time, almost two hours.

", you are back..."

Su Fan glanced at the girl with a smile and said, "Why didn't Junior Sister contact me before she came..."

After he finished speaking, he took out a formation talisman from the ring and drew it on the formation outside the cave.

"Junior sister, let's go in..."

The two entered the cave and came to the thatched cottage at the end of the valley, and then sat down cross-legged.

Su Fan brewed a pot of spiritual tea and poured a cup for Chen Qing.

"Junior sister, try this 'curculigo perilla' before the rain..."

Chen Qing glanced at Su Fan, then picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Senior brother, are you leaving..."

Su Fan nodded and sighed: "I don't want to leave, but it's a pity that the sect can't tolerate me..."

After hearing Su Fan's words, Chen Qing, who originally had some expectations, completely stopped thinking about it.

Her cheeks were getting paler, her eye circles were a little red, and her eyebrows were gloomy, which made Su Fan feel a little pity for her.

"Junior sister, during the time I was in Beiqiong Immortal Sect, apart from my master, you were the best to me. No matter when and where you are in the future, as long as you are useful to me, senior brother will be your duty-bound..."

Su Fan rarely promised anything to people, but once he said something, he would definitely take it seriously.

Without the help of Junior Sister Chen Qing, it would have been impossible for him to complete the sect's secret palace inheritance so quickly.

This favor is too great.

Su Fan knew what the girl was thinking from the beginning, but he always pretended not to understand.

In order to get Chen Qing's help, he took advantage of the girl's admiration, which was quite scumbag to be honest.

But sooner or later, Su Fan will return to his family, and he has no choice but to live up to his girl's favor.

And who is Chen Qing? She is the legitimate daughter of a powerful family.

Don't talk about him, even in the whole Chixiatian, there are not many people who are worthy of it.

Su Fan was still a demonic cultivator with no roots. Even if he wanted to marry someone with his background, not many people in Chixiatian would dare to agree.

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