Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 716: Isn't it just to see if he can fight?

Su Fan's guess was correct. Chen Qing came over after contacting the elders in the family.

The girl looked at him deeply, her mood obviously became a little bad, and there was a sense of loss in her eyes.

"I heard from my third uncle that Zhenshan Taoist Palace is here for you this time..."

What the hell...

Could it be that Zhenshan Taoist Palace wanted to call him into the mountain gate?

It doesn't make sense. Su Fan understands his current situation very well. It is not easy to clear the identity of the demon cultivator.

And in a place like Chixiatian, there is no good impression of the Demon Sect monks.

"Brother...if Zhenshan Taoist Palace calls you to join, will you leave Beiqiong Immortal Sect..."

After listening to Shen Fang's question, Su Fan shook his head.

"Of course I won't go to that Zhenshan Dao Palace. I live quite comfortably here..."

Seeing what Su Fan said, Chen Qing's face became better, but then he thought of something and started to worry about gain and loss again.

She knew in her heart that Zhenshan Dao Palace was one of the top ten super immortal sects.

If they really made up their mind and wanted to get Su Fan away, the Beiqiong Immortal Sect would definitely not be able to stop them.

Moreover, the gap between the two sects is too big. If there is such an opportunity, everyone will have ideas.

Seeing that Chen Qing didn't look good, Su Fan smiled.

"In Beiqiong Immortal Sect, you two have nothing to do with me for a drink. If I go to Zhenshan Taoist Palace, I, a demon cultivator, probably won't even have anyone to drink with me..."

Hearing what Su Fan said, Chen Qing's face became better.

Shen Fang laughed loudly and said: "Senior brother, we didn't even have a good meal at Tianhai Pavilion just now. Let's go to your cave to have a good drink..."

You have the nerve to say, did you serve it just now?

But Su Fan saw the expectation on Chen Qing's face, so he nodded.

"Okay, then go to my place..."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Shen Fang and said, "You, Tianhai Pavilion, go buy a good spiritual mat for the table..."


After hearing this, Shen Fang quickly turned around and left happily. During this time, he was used to being a jerk, and his movements were extremely smooth.

A few days later, in the early morning, Su Fan changed his body shape, appearance and breath, pretending to be a monk who had just arrived from other places.

Today, his hair was tied up with a golden miter, and it was spread casually on the back of his head. In the middle of the miter was a beautiful jade as thick as a thumb, shining brightly.

Wearing a moon-white sixth-level robe embroidered with cloud and river patterns, a white ribbon tied around his waist, and a valuable Taoist jade pendant hanging on it.

This outfit alone is worth a lot of money, it exudes an aura of wealth and looks extremely coquettish.

When Su Fan entered the city, he kept going in and out of various shops on the street. He stayed in the store for a long time every time, and it was obvious that transactions were being made.

It wasn't until evening that he finished his busy work and rented a luxurious cave outside the city in the city.

Such a fat sheep was already targeted by several evil cultivators not long after entering the city.

A few days later, Su Fan left Beiqiong Immortal City. As soon as he walked out of the city gate, several monks followed him quietly.

These days, he found many traces of evil cultivators in the city, so he started to think about these evil cultivators.

This group of evil cultivators thought they were seeing a fat sheep, but who knew they were seeing a god of death.

Without any effort, Su Fan suppressed several evil cultivators who ambushed him, and then used the secret method of the Demonic Soul Way to search for their souls.

These small fish and shrimps have little profit, and they are not his real goals.

Through the memories of these evil cultivators, Su Fan identified several locations where demon cultivators gathered. He disguised himself as an evil cultivator and sneaked in, giving them a feast.

Although this group of evil cultivators don't have many spiritual crystals in their hands, they have been ganging up on plunder all year round, and everyone has a large amount of cultivation materials in their hands.

These stolen goods include a large number of talismans, elixirs, Taoist tools, formations, as well as various alchemy herbs, weapon-making materials, and formation materials.

What surprised Su Fan was that he seized a large number of high-level formation materials from the rings of several great monks in the late Nascent Soul.

These wealthy late Nascent Soul cultivators are probably the owners of the den that collects stolen goods all year round near Beiqiong Immortal City.

After looting several gathering points of evil cultivators one after another, the trophies of hundreds of evil cultivators could be regarded as solving his urgent need.

But even so, after selling these captured trophies, the spiritual crystals obtained were only enough for him to consume for a year.

Fortunately, when refining the "Nine Palaces Phantom Tracing Formation" now, the experience value of the formation will also be increased.

Su Fan is confident that in a year's time, he will be able to use the game panel to brush up the formations to the "mastery" level, and the success rate of refining the formations will also be greatly increased.

After temporarily solving the problem of the spiritual crystal, he began to stay in the cave at the mountain gate again, gaining experience in formations day and night.

In addition to going to the master's cave once a month, he also occasionally goes to the city to sell the successfully refined "Nine Palaces Phantom Trap Formation".

As the formation experience continues to improve, the success rate of the "Nine Palaces Phantom Tracing Formation" has gradually increased.

It was not until a year later that through Su Fan's unremitting efforts, he finally reached the level of "proficiency" in the formation.

Moreover, his success rate in refining the "Nine Palaces Phantom Tracing Formation" was only able to maintain his capital.

Even so, Su Fan still did not try to refine other sixth-order formations, but continued to take the trouble to refine the "Nine Palaces Phantom Tracing Formation".

There is no way. The difficulty of refining the next set of entry-level "Taiyi Qimen Concealing the Heavenly Immortal Array" has increased exponentially, and the array materials required are also more rare, and the value of the array materials has increased several times at once.

With the spiritual crystals in Su Fan's hands, it is not enough to support the attempt of "Taiyi Qimen Concealing the Heavenly Immortal Array".

The elite disciples of Beiqiong Xianzong are either from high-level cultivator families or recruited by major families.

The foundation of the major families in the sect is very deep, and various high-level array materials are piled up like mountains. How can it be like Su Fan, who has to use spiritual crystals to buy array materials himself.

In the early morning, Su Fan came to the cave of the master again.

Rufeng Xianzun took the "Nine Palaces Phantom Trace Array" he refined, and kept looking at it in his hands, with a hint of satisfaction on his face.

"Well... This array you refined has made great progress..."

How could it not be great? In order to refine the "Nine Palaces Phantom Trace Array", he emptied his old foundation.

Immortal Rufeng returned the formation to Su Fan, and then looked at him with a smile.

"Now it seems that your talent in formation is not that bad..."

Kalaji, if it weren't for the help of the game panel, his talent in formation would be a piece of shit.

"This is all due to the good teaching of the master..."

Immortal Rufeng laughed and pointed at him.

"You kid, you finally got it..."

He took a sip of the teacup, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

"What do you think of Zhenshan Dao Palace..."

After hearing what the master said, Su Fan's heart sank.

Could it be that the high-level leaders of the sect and Zhenshan Dao Palace reached a compromise?

He had heard that many people in the sect had always been prejudiced against his identity as a demon cultivator, and he took this opportunity to throw this hot potato to Zhenshan Dao Palace.

"Master, I don't know about Zhenshan Dao Palace..."

"Zhenshan Dao Palace is one of the ten super immortal sects in Chixiatian. The main practice of the sect is formation, which is quite suitable for you..."

Su Fan couldn't help but sneer secretly after hearing this. There is no free lunch in this world.

At this time, Zhenshan Dao Palace called him in. If there is no trick in it, he will twist his head off.

"Master, do you think that if I go to Zhenshan Dao Palace, I can still meet a master like you who teaches me carefully..."

Rui Feng Xianzun sighed and smiled bitterly: "The inheritance of the sect's secret hall has been passed on to you. There is nothing to teach..."

After he said that, he glanced at Su Fan and continued: "Although your physical body is unmatched, you don't have any complete body cultivation tradition. Going to Zhenshan Dao Palace is just right for them to help you sort it out..."

What the master said is not wrong. What he lacks now is a complete body cultivation tradition. In his hand, there is nothing else except a "Heavenly Demon Saint Body Art".

Su Fan has also thought about this problem, so he has always wanted to get a complete set of body inheritance.

But his intuition told him that the Zhenshan Taoist Palace must have used him to do something by calling him in at this time.

As for what he was asked to do, Su Fan could not guess.

But he knew the simplest truth, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

"Master, the Zhenshan Taoist Palace has a profound foundation and a long-standing tradition of physical cultivation. The disciples are all trained according to their own system since childhood. I don't understand why they want to call disciples to join..."

"It is true that the disciples are strong in the flesh, but they are practicing magic skills and taking shortcuts. They have to risk their lives for every step forward. It is completely different from the Zhenshan Taoist Palace. It is true that joining the Zhenshan Taoist Palace is beneficial to the disciples, but what good is it for them..."

After hearing this, Rufeng Xianzun frowned immediately.

What Su Fan said was absolutely right. For a disciple like him who entered the sect halfway with his art, and he was also a magic cultivator, what on earth did the Zhenshan Taoist Palace want to call him in?

In this world of cultivation, no matter whether it is the immortal sect or the demon sect, no one does good deeds.

Thinking of this, Rufeng Immortal Venerable thought for a moment, and then looked at Su Fan with a serious look.

"You mean, Zhenshan Dao Palace summoned you to join for some purpose..."

Su Fan smiled and said, "It may not be a purpose, it should be to let the disciples help them do things..."

After hearing his words, Rufeng Immortal Venerable thought for a moment, then took off the communication array from his waist and activated it, and a shadow appeared in front of him instantly.

"Brother Qiu Ling, tell me the truth, what is your intention in summoning my disciple to join..."

The other party wanted to explain at first, but in the end he smiled bitterly and told the reason for this matter.

"What you said... Well, it's not a secret. Isn't the Centennial Dao Meeting of the Human Race in Chaoguang Star Domain about to start..."

After hearing what Qiu Ling Immortal Venerable said, Rufeng Immortal Venerable immediately understood.

For such a once-in-a-century human race event, the top ten super immortal sects each sent their elite disciples to attend.

Beiqiong Immortal Sect was not qualified to participate in such a Dao Meeting, so Rufeng Immortal Venerable had never thought of this at all.

"It's a bit troublesome now. My disciple doesn't want to go to your Zhenshan Taoist Palace. What should I do..."

"How about this, I'll go to your place tomorrow and let me talk to him..."

"Okay, come tomorrow..."

After saying this, Rufeng Xianzun cut off the communication array and glanced at Su Fan.

"Did you hear that? They don't want to plot against you..."

After hearing what the other party said, Su Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as you know the purpose of Zhenshan Dao Palace, there is nothing to worry about.

Isn't it just to see if he can fight?

Of course, everything has a price, and as long as you give enough spiritual crystals, it won't be a big deal.

It just so happens that I am poor now, so it would be a good idea to gather a few handfuls of wool to support the mountain Taoist palace.

Anyway, the master has passed all the formation inheritance of the Beiqiong Immortal Sect Secret Hall to him, so there is no point in him staying here any longer.

Su Fan thought so in his heart, but there was a different expression on his face.

He got up from the ground and knelt in front of Rufeng Immortal Lord, and kowtowed several times respectfully.

"Master, this disciple doesn't want to go anywhere. He just wants to stay in Beiqiong Immortal Sect. If the sect doesn't want disciples, then expel me from the sect..."

Rufeng Xianzun smiled bitterly and said: "Silly boy, what's wrong with Zhenshan Taoist Palace? How can you become famous in Beiqiong Immortal Sect..."

After he finished speaking, he sighed and said: "When Lao Qiu comes tomorrow, my master will take this opportunity to have a good talk with him. How can Zhenshan Taoist Palace draw some blood..."

At noon the next day, Su Fan came to the master's cave again.

When he walked into the thatched cottage of Immortal Rufeng, he saw a middle-aged monk sitting cross-legged next to his master. He should be the Immortal Lord Qiuling from Zhenshan Taoist Palace.

The other party was very tall, with strong muscles that were about to burst through his robes. Sitting cross-legged, he was two heads taller than the master.

In this world of cultivation, people who practice physical training generally get stronger as they practice, otherwise they would call physical training a barbarian.

Only Su Fan became shorter and shorter as he practiced. Compared with ordinary physical training, he looked extremely thin.

So no matter where he goes, few people will think that he is a physical practitioner.

Su Fan walked over, knelt down, and kowtowed respectfully.

"Disciple pays homage to Master..."

"Get up..."

After Rufeng Immortal Lord finished speaking, he pointed his finger at Qiuling Immortal Lord next to him.

"This is Uncle Qiu Ling from Zhenshan Taoist Palace..."

"Disciple pays homage to Master Qiuling..."

Qiuling Immortal Lord laughed loudly after hearing this and said: "Get up, you have been really great these past few years..."

After saying that, he took out a jade box from the ring and threw it to Su Fan.

"This is our first meeting, and my uncle didn't prepare anything. Let's play with this..."

Su Fan took the wooden box, put in his own ring, and then thanked Qiuling Immortal Lord.

If you don’t want it for free, who doesn’t want it for free?

Rufengxianzun laughed and said: "Senior Brother Qiuling, this disciple of mine knelt here for most of the night yesterday and said he would not go to your Zhenshan Taoist Palace..."

Su Fan almost laughed out loud after hearing this.

Old man, you are so capable, you even knelt down for most of the night.

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