Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 510 This person cannot be killed yet

Su Fan glanced at the Sulun man lying on the ground, and then at Luosha with red eyes.

"This man cannot be killed now, leave him to me..."

Luosha got furious when she heard it, and said angrily: "Why don't you let me kill him..."

This guy is a Chinese cultivator from the "Sulun Star Region". His origin is definitely not simple. His family must have his soul lamp, and there may even be other strange restrictions.

If he died in Qiushan Realm, it would be terrible. At that time, a large number of Sulun people would definitely be attracted. If the coordinates of the Qingkong Star Region were exposed, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

But seeing Luosha's red eyes, he couldn't help but sigh.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and Luosha felt that her eyes went black, and then she knew nothing.

This girl has been overwhelmed by hatred. It is estimated that it is useless to persuade her to stop, so let her just stop.

Su Fan walked over and squatted beside Luosha, looking at the little girl on the ground, he was worried and his head hurt.

He couldn't stay in Qiushan Realm forever, and couldn't bring such a burden with him.

But if he left Luosha here without caring about anything, he really couldn't do such a thing.

How should he place her? It seems that he can only send her to other gathering places of Wumen monks in Qiushan Realm and let her fend for herself there.

Thinking of this, Su Fan wanted to put Luosha into his personal space.


He suddenly sensed a familiar breath from the little girl, which was the inexplicable power that just fell from the sky.

Bathing in this power, it was as if he was being baptized.

Thinking of Luosha's state just now, it was obviously the state of God's descent. The baptism and bathing they received were almost from the same origin.

If I guessed correctly, it should be that when Luosha prayed, she received the response of the witch god and the grace of God.

Thinking of this, Su Fan waved his hand and put the little girl into his personal secret realm.

When he got to a safe place, he would wake her up and study the knowledge of praying to the witch god and the grace of God.

If there is any gain, take her with you. If there is no use, find an opportunity to send her to the gathering place of other Wumen monks in Qiushanjie.

At this time, Sister Zhen and Yaksha appeared from nowhere. Seeing the unconscious Luosha, their faces were full of surprise.

"Why did you run back? Didn't I ask you to patrol nearby..."

Sister Zhen laughed and said, "We heard that someone was fighting here, so we came back..."

Su Fan ignored her and pointed at Yaksha.

"You... go back and be alert immediately..."

Su Fan drove Yaksha away, and he looked at Luosha lying on the ground again, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

His eyes condensed, and the Sulun monk who was lying on the ground slowly woke up, but his eyes were still very confused.

"Who are you..."

"My name is Basong..."

Then Su Fan used the secret technique of the soul to understand Basong's background.

He asked for a long time, and then waved his hand to make him unconscious again.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and a thread of blood gathered from the Sulun man's body towards him, and then swallowed it all.

He sucked most of Basong's blood and qi, leaving him with only one breath alive.

Su Fan swept away everything on him, and then put Basong into the small secret realm with him.

He glanced at Sister Zhen and ordered: "Help me keep an eye on him, don't let him die..."

After Su Fan finished speaking, he sent Sister Zhen into the secret realm with him.

Next, he performed the secret method of the Demon Sect's Blood Path, changed his appearance and body shape, and then put on Basong's robes and accessories.

Su Fan finally took out the "Shura Ghost Mask" and put it on his face, then activated a water mirror talisman, and a water mirror suddenly appeared in front of him.

The man in the mirror, whether in appearance, body shape, or blood and qi, is no different from Basong.

After tossing for so long, I don't know if I can get away with it in the end.

No matter, let's give it a try.

Su Fan found a secluded place to sit cross-legged, and then took out a mechanical arm.

Originally, he thought that this mechanical arm was transplanted to the other person's body, but later he found that it was not the case at all.

This mechanical arm can be directly put on the arm. The material of the mechanical arm is not only the best magic weapon in the region, but the five mechanical fingers are also extremely sharp, and can even pierce the best defense shield.

The most amazing thing is that wearing this mechanical arm can increase the strength of the cultivator tenfold out of thin air.

The weapon-making attainments of "Sulun Star Region" are indeed extraordinary. This mechanical arm is extremely well-made and has a very complex structure. It is definitely a masterpiece among masterpieces.

Su Fan put this mechanical arm on his arm and tried it. It turned out that it was not so exaggerated. The strength increased by about four times.

Maybe it was because his physical strength was too strong, which had broken through the limit of the human race.

But despite this, it was already a great thing to be able to increase the strength of Su Fan, a pervert, by four times.

He picked up another inconspicuous jade pendant. According to Basong, this jade pendant was a life-saving trump card given to him by the ancestor of the family.

The other party discovered Su Fan's whereabouts with such a warning jade pendant.

This is a good thing. Su Fan really lacks such a magic weapon now. If danger comes, it is not reliable to rely on intuition alone.

Su Fan put the jade pendant on his neck and picked up a very inconspicuous black hairpin.

Although this thing doesn't seem to be extraordinary, it is a very rare and top-grade soul protection magic weapon.

The opponent used this jade hairpin to resist his soul attack, and the defensive effect is extremely strong.

No doubt, this must be kept.

Su Fan tied his hair into a Taoist bun and pinned the hairpin on the bun.

This "Sulun Star Region" Chinese monk's robe is also a rare fine product. Not only is the material extremely rare, but it is also engraved with more than a dozen kinds of formations.

The only drawback is that the color and style of the robe are a bit too luxurious, and it looks particularly showy when worn.

Su Fan picked up the other party's ring and scanned it with his spiritual sense.

After all, he is a Chinese monk from the "Sulun Star Region", and his wealth is really too rich.

There are hundreds of spiritual crystals in the ring alone, dozens of various top-grade mechanical puppets, and many top-grade elixirs, talismans, magic weapons, etc., and they are very complicated. At first glance, they are looted from various planes.

Of course, like other "Sulun Star Regions", the most stuff in the ring is various materials.

Su Fan put the ring on his finger, and then summoned the flying puppet. He came to the cockpit of the puppet and familiarized himself with the operation of the puppet while there was still time.

Although Su Fan may not even touch the door in making puppets, it is not difficult to control the puppets of the "Sulun Star Region".

After a while, he was able to master this flying puppet.

It was almost time, and Su Fan should also meet up with several other Sulun people. He drove the flying puppet to the place agreed by several people and waited patiently.

About an hour later, a flying puppet flew over from a distance and landed next to Su Fan.

"Haha... You came back early enough, how did you get..."

A Sulun monk jumped out of the cockpit and ran to him and asked.

Su Fan pretended to be gloomy and said angrily: "Don't mention it, I met a difficult Wumen monk, and I wasted a lot of time chasing him..."

After he finished speaking, he sighed and said: "I will definitely lose this time, you two can fight..."

"Haha... You are still quite self-aware..."

Maybe Su Fan's disguise is too similar, both his appearance and aura are exactly the same as Basong, and the other party didn't see it at all, which also made him relieved.

The two chatted for a while, and another Sulun monk also came back, and Su Fan also lost dozens of spirit crystals.

He threw a storage ring out, looking at the other party's cheerful look, he sneered secretly, you can do whatever you want, your things will be mine sooner or later.

Su Fan followed the two back to the base, which was still under construction at this time, and there was chaos everywhere.

Basong and others came here with a Yuanying old monster, and they will leave Qiushanjie tomorrow, which makes Su Fan's heart slip again, for fear that the Yuanying old monster will find out the flaws.

The next morning, Su Fan and others came to the base of the base, which was already built.

Several people came to the teleportation hall and patiently waited for the arrival of the Yuanying old monster.

After a while, an old man with a clear face came to the outside of the teleportation hall, and Su Fan and others hurried to greet him.

The Yuanying old monster nodded and said, "Let's go..."

After he said that, he walked into the teleportation hall first. Su Fan stood up straight, and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Su Fan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then followed them into the teleportation hall.

The blood secret technique of the great demon sect was indeed not simple. He finally got through, and even deceived a Yuanying Zhenjun.

They came to a plane called "Jiuyangtian" through the cross-domain teleportation array of Qiushanjie Base.

According to Basong, this "Jiuyangtian" is one of the largest planes in Dongyuan Star Region, where several of the most important base city clusters of "Sulun Star Region" are built.

The base city cluster they are in now is called "Kunrong City", which is the central city of the entire base city cluster.

Su Fan just came out of the teleportation hall and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Looking at the skyscrapers rising from the ground in front of him, he had an illusion of returning to his previous life.

There are corridors connecting the skyscrapers that stretch as far as the eye can see. Various types of aircraft whizzed through the air, and they were in order without any chaos.

Each base city cluster in "Sulun Star Region" in "Jiuyangtian" is very large, and some city clusters even stretch for hundreds of miles.

Su Fan never thought that "Sulun Star Region" would be so developed. Even the most prosperous fairy city in Qingkong Star Region is just like a rural area compared to here.

Moreover, there are tens of thousands of base cities like this in the entire Dongyuan Star Region.

Su Fan raised his head again and saw huge flying boats floating in the sky above the city. Each of them was estimated to be thousands of feet in size. These were the star domain motherships of the "Sulun Star Region".

Each star domain mothership can carry more than 100,000 monks, as well as supporting workshops and puppet production and processing workshops.

Looking at the densely packed star domain motherships in the sky, Su Fan's face turned green.

What the hell is this?

Su Fan sighed and couldn't help lamenting in his heart.

This is just like the mold in its heyday dealing with African tribes. It is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, just like an adult bullying a child.

The Yuanying old monster left the teleportation hall, and Su Fan followed the two people to fly deep into the city in a flying vehicle.

This kind of aircraft is mainly a means of transportation in the city, and is actually a flying puppet of uniform specifications.

Every base city cluster in the "Sulun Star Region" has strict air control regulations, which can be summarized as just a few.

First of all, you must take a dedicated aircraft of uniform specifications, and the altitude will be strictly controlled over the city. There are different altitude channels in each direction, and all aircraft must fly in the specified channels.

Su Fan followed the three people to the bottom of a skyscraper, and then they took the elevator to the top floor of the building.

The so-called elevators here are actually circular miniature teleportation arrays, which are responsible for sending monks to each floor.

Su Fan and others came to the top floor of the building. He came to the door of a room, took out the jade talisman, opened the door and walked in.

This is an extremely luxurious room. Fortunately, the room is still decorated in an ancient style. There are wooden furniture such as desks, screens, desks, soft couches, and step-out beds, and the layout is also ingenious.

Su Fan came to the French window of the room and looked at the vast "Kunrong City". He was in a very low mood. He felt more and more that the Qingkong Star Region had no chance of winning this war.

There is no sect in the "Sulun Star Region". Because of the long-term invasion, all the cultivators in this star region have been integrated.

Moreover, all the people in the "Sulun Star Region" are soldiers. Once the invasion war is launched, all the cultivators will be organized.

No wonder they want to invade everywhere, because the consumption of the "Sulun Star Region" is too great.

Countless puppets need spiritual crystals to drive, and countless city systems also need a lot of energy to maintain.

In fact, everyone here serves the war. Every cultivator with spiritual roots will be selected from birth and sent to a special school to learn the basic knowledge of puppetry.

Most mortals without spiritual roots will be left in the planes with depleted resources to continue to reproduce the next generation and continuously cultivate monks with spiritual roots for the "Sulun Star Region".

This is a group of locusts, eating and pooping wherever they go.

"Sulun Star Region" is simply a robber group in the entire universe. The purpose of their existence is to invade, occupy, and plunder spiritual resources.

He took a jade talisman from his waist. This "image-keeping magic weapon" was specially given to him by Dongming Demon Lord.

No matter where Su Fan went, this image-keeping magic weapon would collect what he saw and heard.

So he collected all these situations along the way and kept them for transmission back to Qingkong Star Region in the future.

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