Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 509 Are you looking for me?

Basong looked at the dense forest opposite and sneered.

He raised his hand and pointed forward, and several mechanical puppets hidden nearby appeared one after another, whistling into the jungle opposite.

But what puzzled him was that the puppets did not find anything in the dense forest.

Basong searched around for a long time, but did not find any traces. Could it be that his perception was wrong?

It shouldn't be. The magic weapon given to him by the ancestor has never been wrong.

But he didn't take it too seriously. After all, this is Qiushan Realm. Even if there are some remnants of the witch gate, the highest cultivation is only the Golden Core Realm.

How could such a small broken place have an existence that threatens their safety.

He picked up a jade pendant on his chest and took a look, then put it back.

No matter how good the magic weapon is, there will be mistakes.

At this time, a message came from the reconnaissance puppet in the distance. Basong looked around again, and then drove a flying puppet away.

After a while, a thin mist in the dense forest gradually turned into a figure.

Su Fan glanced at the direction the other party left. He didn't expect that the "Sulun Star Region" decorator had seen through his tracks just now.

These "Sulun Star Region" Chinese cultivators with two short horns on their heads seem to be not simple.

Su Fan drove the "Ghost Crow" to the hunting area of ​​the Sulun people first, and hid nearby to observe the three "Sulun Star Region" Chinese cultivators with double horns on their heads.

Although their cultivation is only at the foundation building stage, their combat power is obviously much stronger than that of ordinary "Sulun Star Region" cultivators.

Moreover, everyone has a rich family background, and the various puppets they carry with them are very powerful, which shows that the identities of these three people must be not simple.

Anyway, these few people cannot be moved. Once they are killed, they will definitely alert the enemy and attract a large number of "Sulun Star Region" people to Qiushan Realm.

At this time, he had a crazy idea in his mind.

However, this idea seemed a little unreliable, and Su Fan was a little hesitant.

At this time, a thought from Sister Zhen came to my ears, and Luosha had already arrived in this area.

Luosha came here obviously to seek death. If it was someone else, he would definitely let it go, but Su Fan couldn't watch the little girl die in front of him.

Forget it, take her away and send her to other witch gathering places in Qiushanjie.

Thinking of this, Su Fan drove the "Ghost Crow" and flew to Luosha's location.

Luosha ran in the mountains for two days without sleep, and finally found traces of fighting in the forest. She knew that she had come to the hunting ground of the Sulun people.

The gathering place was destroyed, and Luosha's heart was empty now, and the whole person had collapsed.

The little girl grew up in the gathering place, her parents died at the hands of the Sulun people, and it was the tribe leader who brought her up. Now the tribe leader is dead, and she doesn't know what to do in the future.

Now Luosha has only one thought, that is to save as many tribesmen as possible. Another thing is to kill a few Sulun people to avenge her parents and the tribe leader.

In fact, Rosa had already made up her mind to die. Anyway, the gathering place was gone, so what was the point of her living alone?

Rosa took a deep breath, took out a sharp bone knife from her ring, and slashed her fingers.

She drew some strange runes on her forehead, face and body with her fingers, then knelt on the ground and prayed sincerely to the witch god.

Although she prayed countless times and did not get a response from the witch god, she still took time out every day to pray devoutly to the witch god.

Today she launched a witch secret technique, overdrawing her blood and qi, which could increase her strength to the foundation-building stage in a short time.

Of course, the cost of this secret technique is also relatively high, and it is likely to hurt her foundation of cultivation. And after the spell is over, she will also have a long period of weakness.

But Rosa has already made up her mind to die, so she doesn't care about those things.

At this time, Rosa, who was kneeling on the ground and praying devoutly, suddenly felt a wonderful power coming from the sky, making her feel as if she was nurtured in the mother's womb.

She felt an unprecedented sense of fulfillment, as if her whole body was filled with infinite power.

"The witch god responded to me..."

At this moment, Luosha was already in tears. After praying devoutly for so many years, she finally moved the witch god, and it seemed that he had given her a power.

The ancient witch monks could communicate with the gods through prayer and sacrifice. Legend has it that they could get the power bestowed by the witch god, which is the so-called witch god's method of descending the gods.

But in Qiushan Realm, even those witch masters cannot communicate with the gods, and the method of descending the gods has long become a legend.

I didn't expect Luosha to do it today and get the power bestowed by the witch god.

At this moment, Su Fan, who was sitting cross-legged on the "ghost crow", suddenly felt a little itchy. He quickly rolled up his sleeves and saw that his right arm was covered with dense blood veins.

This is fucking...

For no reason, how did he become a flower-armed brother again.

At this time, Su Fan only felt an inexplicable power suddenly descending from the sky, and the feeling was like soaking in a warm spiritual spring.

His own data in all aspects were also increasing crazily.

It was not until the energy that descended on him disappeared that Su Fan realized that his strength had increased several times out of thin air.

What was even more frightening was that his mind seemed to be filled with all kinds of information, all of which were various cultivation methods and secret skills of the witch.

Heaven and earth, he really did nothing.

At this moment, Luosha had calmed down from her excitement. She wiped her eyes and stood up from the ground.

Her eyes gradually became sharper, revealing a boundless murderous aura.

Luosha waved her hand and summoned a emerald green bird.

The bird circled around her for a few circles, and then disappeared with a "whoosh".

After a while, the idea of ​​contracting a monster beast came to her mind.

Luosha took off her clothes, and then used the secret method of the witch gate beast control, and her body turned into a vigorous cheetah.

Her eyes condensed, and the blood of the nearly ten-foot-long cheetah instantly filled the body, and her eyes also turned red like blood, and the beast's body swelled nearly twice.

The cheetah flashed with blood and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

The beast-like Luosha launched several blood escapes in succession, and she instantly appeared more than ten thousand meters away.

If it weren't for the power given by the witch god, even if she used the witch gate secret method to overdraw her own blood and qi, she couldn't escape such a long distance.

At this time, there were several puppets besieging several tribesmen in front, and there was also a flying puppet suspended in the air.

Luosha, who had transformed into a beast, leaped lightly several times and suddenly jumped out of a bush, waving a pair of sharp claws and scratching the joints of a puppet.

After performing the secret method of witchcraft and gaining the power of the witch god, Luosha's combat power after beast transformation has increased several times out of thin air.

The joints of the mechanical puppet several feet high, which used to be extremely hard, are now like tofu, and are easily cut off by Luosha's claws.


The huge mechanical puppet fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up countless dust and smoke.

Then, there was a flash of blood, and the cheetah that Luosha turned into had appeared under another mechanical puppet.


The claws of the beast, which were shining with endless blood, cut the joints of the puppet again, and the mechanical puppet several feet high instantly lost its balance and fell down with a bang.

Luosha seemed to be possessed by the god of war. A cheetah with blood all over its body was seen moving around among several puppets.

After a while, the puppets around had collapsed on the ground.

"Everyone, flee separately..."

After the crisis was resolved, Luosha shouted loudly to several tribesmen, and then a flash of blood appeared on her body, and she turned into a cheetah and disappeared.

Basong was sitting in the cockpit of the flying puppet. Before he could react, several mechanical puppets he controlled on the ground had been destroyed.

These puppets were all top-grade puppets he had made by himself. Who would have thought that they would be completely wiped out.

Seeing that the several preys that were surrounded had already fled in all directions, Basong was immediately furious. He didn't care about others and controlled the flying puppet to chase the cheetah with blood.

Basong frantically controlled the flying puppet, staring at the blood light in the distance.

His eyes condensed, and dozens of palm-sized puppets suddenly bounced out from both sides of the flying puppet.

These small puppets grew in the wind and turned into one-meter-sized flying puppets, whistling forward, and the speed was incredible.

Rosa's blood and qi had been almost consumed, and the distance of blood escape was getting shorter and shorter. After a while, she was caught up by dozens of flying puppets and began to attack frantically.

Facing the overwhelming spells, Rosa made up her mind, took out a one-foot-long animal bone from the ring, and stabbed it into the ground.

A totem several feet high instantly soared into the sky, propped up a shield to cover her, and blocked the dense spells.

But more than a dozen flying puppets hovered in the air, constantly launching spells one by one, and the aura shield had become increasingly dim.


The totem shield was finally broken, and Rosa seemed to have consumed all her spiritual power, and was no longer able to cast the beast body and restore her human true body.

She stood there naked, looking at Basong coldly.

At this time, Basong controlled the flying puppet and caught up. Looking at Luosha trapped in the totem shield, he sneered and fell to the ground.

I didn't expect it to be a female cultivator. Although Luosha was beautiful, she didn't meet the aesthetics of the "Sulun Star Region" at all.

In Basong's eyes, Luosha was no different from an ugly monster.

Basong looked at Luosha with disgust, and waved his hand to collect more than a dozen flying puppets.


Basong snorted coldly. He originally wanted to kill this ugly female cultivator of the Wumen, but now he changed his mind and wanted to catch her and torture her in various cruel ways to make her regret being born in this world.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand.

Suddenly, there were two mechanical puppets several feet tall around him, walking towards Luosha with heavy steps.

At this time, Luosha was powerless to resist, but she was not afraid at all.

She was determined to die, so she was calm in the face of death. She only regretted that she was not strong enough to kill a Sulun person before she died to avenge her parents and the clan leader.

At this moment, two huge puppets had come in front of her. At this moment, Luosha swung her hands violently.


A black shadow suddenly rushed towards Basong on the opposite side. Unprepared, he subconsciously raised his arm to block the black shadow.

A few inches long black snake had already bitten Basong's arm fiercely.

Luosha on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she could kill a Sulun person. Even if she died, she would be satisfied.

But Basong did not die of the poison as she thought, but swung it violently, and threw the black snake away, hitting an ancient tree next to it and falling to the ground.

He sneered, then rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arm.

Seeing the other party's arm, Luosha couldn't help but smile sadly. It turned out that the other party's entire arm had been replaced by a complex machine.

"Father, mother, clan leader, Luosha can't avenge you..."

Luosha murmured, and just wanted to use the witch's secret method to commit suicide. She would rather die than fall into the hands of the Sulun people.

At this time, the Sulun people on the opposite side seemed to have discovered something. He turned around suddenly and looked at the dense forest in front with a vigilant face.

In addition to the two puppets around him, the other dozen puppets around him were all summoned to his side, looking as if they were facing a great enemy.

The jade pendant on Basong's chest just now became hot again. This magic weapon would never make a wrong judgment twice in a row.

This means that there must be a cultivator hiding around, and he is a very dangerous person.

Basong summoned a mechanical puppet nearly ten feet high and jumped into the puppet's cabin.

Because he felt the danger, he had to take out his fourth-level puppet, which was the trump card given to him by the family ancestor to save his life. Even if he met Yuanying Zhenjun, he could resist it.

At this time, a thin mist floated out of the dense forest opposite, slowly spreading around.

"The other party is in the dense forest..."

Basong made a judgment in an instant, and quickly controlled the puppets around him to launch a crazy attack on the dense forest opposite.

All kinds of spells such as fireballs, wind blades, ice cones, wood spikes, fire thunder, gold swords, etc., smashed into the dense forest crazily, and in the blink of an eye, the dense forest opposite was razed to the ground.

Basong controlled several puppets to fly into the dense forest, but except for the remains of ancient trees and huge pits, there was not even a shadow in the dense forest.

But the jade pendant on his chest became hotter and hotter.

The man was still hiding around, but the magic weapon on his chest could only serve as an early warning to remind him of the danger, but it could not determine the location of the danger.

Basong suddenly felt his scalp tingling, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

"No... Kill this witch cultivator quickly and leave here..."

But before he could react, the mist that was spreading around had already floated in front of the puppet's cabin.

Not only that, the mist had already penetrated into the cabin where Basong was through the gap.

Basong was lying on the side of the cabin, just about to control the two puppets to kill Luosha, when he suddenly heard someone talking behind him.

"Are you looking for me..."

This voice was like a thunder, exploding in Basong's ears, making him shudder.

Basong slowly turned around and saw a person standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and he instantly launched the "Shocking Soul Stab". He thought it would work in one strike, but who knew that "this Sulun Star Region" monk was only slightly dazed for a moment, but immediately recovered his clarity.

This is fucking...

The "Shocking Soul Stab" that has always worked in the past did not work on the opponent. He must have a magic weapon to attack the regional soul.

Let's go up and hit him.

Su Fan rushed over and punched the opponent fiercely.


Su Fan's fist hit Basong's arm, making a dull loud noise. He only felt an extremely huge force, knocking him flying and hitting him hard against the window of the cabin.

Basong was shocked. His mechanical right arm can increase his strength tenfold. How can this kid's body be so strong?

He just wanted to summon a puppet, but unfortunately there was no chance. The opponent rushed over and punched him on the head, and then he knew nothing.

Su Fan carried the unconscious Basong and jumped from the puppet cockpit to the ground.

Because Basong had fainted, all the puppets he summoned stood there motionless.

When Luosha saw Su Fan, she ran over with surprise, regardless of her naked body.

But she had overdrawn her blood and qi, and now she had almost exhausted her strength. She staggered and fell to the ground after running a few steps.

Su Fan walked to her side with Basong and threw Basong to the ground.

"I didn't let you come, but you didn't listen. You deserve it. Let's see if you dare to show off in the future..."

After he said that, he took out a robe from the ring and threw it on her.

"Hurry up and put it on. Why are you running around naked? Aren't you ashamed..."

Although Su Fan scolded her, Luosha felt warm in her heart. She quickly took the robe and put it on.

After looking at Basong lying on the ground, her eyes suddenly turned red. She took out a sharp bone knife and was about to go over and kill the Sulun man.

But she had just taken two steps when she was grabbed by Su Fan.

"This Sulun man can't be killed now..."

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