Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 386: The gods fight, and the little ghosts suffer


Su Fan had just begun to retreat when he saw the fifth-level wild beast in the distance roar again.

An extremely shocking voice rang out, and Su Fan felt his brain "buzzing". This time it was much louder than the voice just now, and his soul was almost shaken apart.

Then a visible sound wave, like a huge wave rolling in, uprooted the towering ancient trees in the forest and swept over like a hurricane.

Su Fan hurriedly hugged the branch tightly, and heard a "crack" and the branch broke. He was also swept into the air with the branch, and then blown away by the hurricane.

He kept rolling in the air, unable to control his body at all, and could only let the storm blow him around.


I don't know how far he flew, Su Fan finally fell heavily to the ground.

Broken branches, rolled-up boulders, and whole towering trees, things kept falling around him.

There were even two "Hyaenodonts" chasing him, which fell not far away, screaming and struggling to get up from the ground.

But the body of the wild beast was too huge, almost smashing a big hole in the ground. It was obviously hit hard, and it stopped moving after struggling for a while.

Su Fan looked around and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This turned out to be the valley, and he fell near the huge cave. He ran so far away, but he was blown back again.

The fifth-level wild beast was too strong, and it was so terrifying.

Now the forest in the distance was almost razed to the ground, and the valley was also devastated, as if it had been scraped by a knife.

Su Fan rubbed his swollen and painful head, got up from the ground with difficulty, and staggered towards the cave.

Now his soul was in a mess, let alone blood escape teleportation, even if an ordinary wild beast came, he couldn't deal with it in his current state.

Let's find a place to hide and heal as soon as possible.

Su Fan rolled and crawled into the cave, and gritted his teeth and found a safe place.

He slapped his waist and summoned Sister Zhen and Yaksha. He wanted to send them a thought, but it was as if there were countless steel needles stirring in his mind, which made him twitch in pain.

Fortunately, Sister Zhen had been with him for so long, and she understood Su Fan's meaning instantly, and led Yaksha to be on guard nearby.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a bottle of pills, poured out a few pills and stuffed them into his mouth, and then used his power to dissipate the power of the medicine.

After a long time, Su Fan slowly opened his eyes.

He sighed. Although he took the pills to repair the soul in time, the injury of the soul was much more serious than he expected.

The injury of the soul is the most difficult to recover, and it is very troublesome once it is injured.

Su Fan touched the magic weapon beside his ear. Just now, he led the herd of wild beasts away and fled into the dense forest outside the valley, which exceeded the communication range of this magic weapon.

He didn't know what happened to the rest of the team, so he started to contact them.

"Is anyone there..."

After a long while, a faint voice appeared in Su Fan's ears.

"Junior Brother Su Fan, I'm so glad you're okay. Where are you..."

Senior Brother Dao Ling's voice was very weak, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

"I'm back in the cave. How are the others..."

"Just now you led the 'Hyaenodon' away, and we left the cave. Who knew that we were attacked by the 'Winged Wind Beast' on the top of the mountain. A junior brother activated the fourth-level talisman in a hurry, and you know the result..."

"Where are you..."

"I'm in the forest outside the cave, with Junior Sister Su Yun. She was injured, and I used a secret treasure to escape. As for the others, I'm afraid they are in danger..."

What the hell...

The fifth-level wild beast may still be wandering around. There are only three people left in the whole team, and they are all injured.

"Are you far from the cave..."

"Not far, just in the forest outside the valley, I will take Senior Sister Suyun to the cave in a while..."

Su Fan thought for a while and said, "Come here as soon as possible, only the cave is safe now..."

He chatted with Senior Brother Daoling for a few more words, and then cut off the communication instrument beside his ear.

Su Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He almost fell this time.

At this time, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly took out a jade bottle from the ring, with a hint of surprise on his face.

This bottle of "Seven Absolute Soul-Calming Dao Pills" was a reward for him when he just joined the Chunjun Demon Sect. He almost forgot about it.

Su Fan picked up the jade bottle, poured out a dark pill, and put it into his mouth without thinking.

The pill melted in his mouth, and he felt a cool breath rushing into his mind. He hurriedly began to use his power to dissolve the drug power.

After a long time, Su Fan slowly opened his eyes.

After all, it was a top-grade Dao Dan that could repair the soul. The originally scattered soul was actually repaired.

Although he could not use his consciousness for the time being, the injury to his soul had stabilized and would be restored to its original state in a short time.


At this time, Sister Zhen appeared from the air and kept making gestures to him, meaning that there was no danger in the cave.

Su Fan smiled. Although his consciousness had not yet fully recovered, it was still okay to use his thoughts.

"You and Yaksha go to the cave entrance to be on guard. If you see someone coming, notify me immediately..."

Sister Zhen received Su Fan's thoughts, and excitedly floated around him for a few circles, and then called Yaksha to fly to the cave entrance.

Su Fan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had a top-grade Dao Dan in his hand, otherwise it would be difficult to escape back this time.

At this time, Sister Zhen sent him a message and someone came over.

When Su Fan came to the entrance of the cave, he saw a staggering figure in the distance, holding a person and walking towards the cave with difficulty.

Senior Brother Daoling's image was very miserable, his face was dirty, his hair was disheveled, and the top-grade spiritual robe on his body was in tatters.

Senior Sister Suyun was in unbearable condition. She was obviously seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Su Fan quickly walked out of the cave, ran to Senior Brother Dao Ling, took Senior Sister Suyun from his hand, and helped him towards the cave.

As soon as the two walked out of the cave, Su Fan suddenly turned around and walked out in a few steps.

I saw a dark cloud in the distant sky, rolling in overwhelmingly.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful momentum spread across the entire world, making people breathless.

In the other direction, there were also several powerful auras roaring towards him.

The two fifth-level desolate beasts lingering nearby also roared at this moment, announcing their presence.

The whole world is changing, and the war is about to break out.

Senior Brother Daoling also followed out. He looked at the dark clouds in the distance and suddenly became excited.

"The Nascent Soul Demon Lord of Dahuangtian is here. We are saved now. We..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Fan dragged him into the cave. Then he picked up Senior Sister Suyun, pulled Senior Brother Dao Ling and ran wildly into the depths of the cave.

When gods fight, little devils suffer.

A battle at the Nascent Soul level would definitely be devastating. If you dare to approach them at this time, wouldn't you be courting death?

Senior Brother Daoling also reacted. He endured the severe pain in his body and ran like crazy towards the depths of the cave.

When the war breaks out, the area near the cave will definitely be affected. It doesn't matter if the cave entrance will still be there by then.

The two of them had not run for a while before they felt the cave begin to shake violently.

"No, there's a fight, run away..."

Su Fan yelled, but they had no time. They only felt a violent tremor under their feet, and they were so shaken that they bounced up.

Immediately afterwards, the cave began to shake violently, and the rocks and residual soil at the top fell down with crackling sounds, almost reaching the level of an earthquake of magnitude 89.

Su Fan fell to the ground without letting go of Senior Sister Suyun's hand.

He pulled Brother Daoling next to him who was grinning from the fall, pushed them both into a gap next to him, and then squeezed beside them with his hands on his head.

The violent trembling sensation lasted for half an hour before it finally subsided.

At this moment, many places in the cave were collapsed. The place where they were was fine, but there were also a lot of stones and dust on them.

In the short time just now, several large rocks fell on Su Fan's body.

Fortunately, he was physically strong. Another person would have been seriously injured even if he was not crushed to death.

Su Fan stood up from the ground and sent a message to Sister Zhen, asking her to go outside the cave to see what was going on.

Senior Brother Daoling stood up from the crack, looked at the miserable situation in the cave, and took a breath of cold air.

The cave is like this, and the situation outside can be imagined.

Fortunately, he listened to Su Fan and hid in the cave.

He was seriously injured at that time, and he was still holding the injured and unconscious Senior Sister Suyun. He just wanted to heal his injuries as soon as possible and had no intention of escaping into the cave.

If he had stayed outside at this time, he might have been broken into pieces.

At this time, Sister Zhen sent back a thought, and Su Fan suddenly frowned.

"Senior Brother Daoling, wait for me here, I'll go out and take a look..."

"Junior brother, you must be careful..."

At this time, Su Fan must not get into trouble. If he wants to escape back to the human controlled area, everyone has to point at him.

Su Fan nodded after hearing this, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

He came to the entrance of the cave, carefully poked his head out, and was immediately shocked and stunned.

The scene in front of me was like the end of the world. The entire valley and the nearby mountains and dense forests seemed to have been turned over. None of the most brutal battlefields in World War II in previous lives could compare with this place.

"Master, there is a big guy lying over there..."

Su Fan was stunned when he heard this and said, "What the hell..."

"So big... such a big guy..."

Su Fan was a little confused. It couldn't be the fifth-level desolate beast. Could it be that it was killed by the human demon king?

Impossible. The defense power of the fifth-level desolate beast is so incredible. How can it be easily killed?

At this time, Senior Brother Daoling's voice came to Su Fan's ears.

"Su Fan, I just contacted the base. The five guarding demon kings have returned. It is said that they severely injured two fifth-level desolate beasts. However, the five demon kings were all seriously injured and are asking for help from Dahuangtian. It seems that we have a chance. Went back..."

There's a chance, there's a big guy lying outside right now, who knows if it's dead or not.

Even if they were seriously injured fifth-level desolate beasts, it was just a joke to kill them.

"Senior brother, not far outside the cave, there is an injured fifth-level desolate beast lying..."

"What... is it dead or not..."

I want to know too, but who dares to go out and see.

"I don't know, my ghost slave just went out and found it..."

He sighed after saying that, no matter what, he had to go and take a look.

At this time, Sister Zhen sent him another thought.

"Master, I was scared to death just now. That big guy didn't seem to be dead. I wanted to float to it, but the big guy suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at me..."

Su Fan sighed, this is trouble.

He gritted his teeth and didn't care about anything else. He went to take a look.

Su Fan walked out of the cave and slapped the beast bag on his waist. A black shadow "whooshed" out of it and circled around him.

It turned into a palm-sized "ghost crow". Maybe it hadn't come out for a while. It kept chirping around him and pecked him a few times.

At this time, Su Fan didn't have time to waste time with him.

He grabbed the "ghost crow" in his hand and whispered a few words in its ear.

The "ghost crow" nodded its little head, and flew into the sky with a flash of wings. Its body became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a giant bird with a wingspan of nearly ten meters, and then disappeared into the air.

Su Fan saw the "ghost crow" fly away, and he also used the demon body, and his body slowly disappeared from the spot.

He used invisibility and sneaked, and walked carefully to where Sister Zhen was.

Su Fan walked out of the canyon and saw a huge beast lying in the distance, as big as a hill.

Although it was lying on its side, it was estimated to be dozens of meters tall, hundreds of meters long, and its huge head was several stories high.

Even though it was seriously injured, Su Fan still felt an extremely terrifying pressure that made him breathless.

Originally, he wanted to sneak up on it in stealth, but now it seems that it is impossible. It is said that the fifth-level wild beast is extremely sensitive, and it may be discovered before he gets close.

Su Fan slowly retreated back to the valley and recalled the "Ghost Crow".

He rode on the "Ghost Crow" and soared into the sky, then entered the invisible state and flew nearly a thousand meters above the fifth-level wild beast.

Looking down from the air, you can see a shocking wound on the side of the fifth-level wild beast lying on the ground.

This wound is dozens of meters long, and the wound is very deep. The flesh and blood have been completely turned over, exposing the internal organs, and the blood is almost flowing into a river.

It seems that this fifth-level wild beast was seriously injured. I don’t know which demon king did it.

It’s a pity. Such a big fifth-level wild beast must have so many good things on it.

If I take it back, I will definitely sell it for a lot of spiritual stones.

Just a body of wild beast meat and blood can increase Su Fan’s physical strength countless times.

The fifth-level wild beast is really too fierce. Five powerful human demon kings can only tie with two fifth-level wild beasts.

Although this big guy is so seriously injured, the fifth-level wild beast has a strong recovery ability. It may recover as before if it lies here for a few days.

Su Fan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. This fifth-level wild beast is healing there. If they leave secretly, there should be no danger.

But for some reason, Su Fan suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

He took out five fourth-level demon sect bone talismans and six fourth-level immortal sect talismans from the ring, and kept rubbing them in his hands.

These are all the stocks that Su Fan has accumulated over the years, but he has never had the chance to use them.

If these powerful fourth-level talismans are thrown into the wound of the fifth-level wild beast, I wonder if this big guy can be killed.

By the way, Senior Brother Daoling and Senior Sister Suyun are both elite disciples of the Demon Xuan Sect, and they are both from big families. They should also have fourth-level bone talismans in their hands.

Although the power of the fourth-level talisman is far from being comparable to the full-strength attack of a Yuanying cultivator, it is hard to say if there are more than a dozen of them.

Especially now is the time when the fifth-level wild beast has the weakest defense. The strong skin and armor have been broken, and the fourth-level talisman can be directly launched to attack its body.

Thinking of this, Su Fan held the communication instrument beside his ear and contacted Senior Brother Daoling.

"Senior Brother, do you have a fourth-level bone talisman in your hand..."

"I don't have many, only four are left..."

You call this not many.

Four is not enough, many Jindan cultivators don't even have one.

"Does Senior Sister Su Yun have any..."

"Then I don't know, but there must be three or five..."

Su Fan immediately felt relieved after hearing this. With so many fourth-level talismans, he could definitely give it a try.

Anyway, he was riding the "Ghost Crow" to swoop down from the air to attack, so at worst, he could just let the "Ghost Crow" take him away.

"Brother Dao Ling, give me the bone talisman in your hand first, and find a way to open Senior Sister Su Yun's ring and give me her bone talisman..."

Although Brother Dao Ling didn't know what Su Fan wanted so many bone talismans for, he agreed very straightforwardly.

"Okay... I'll take you to the cave entrance..."

Su Fan drove the "Ghost Crow" around in a big circle and returned to the outside of the cave from the other end of the valley.

Brother Dao Ling had already walked out of the cave holding Senior Sister Su Yun. 、

The "Ghost Crow" showed its huge figure, which scared him and almost sat on the ground.

"Brother, hurry up..."

Brother Daoling quickly carried Sister Suyun onto the back of the "Ghost Crow". Su Fan waved his hand, and the "Ghost Crow" flashed its wings and instantly soared into the sky, and its figure disappeared into the air.

"Brother, where did you get this contracted beast? It can actually be invisible..."

Su Fan laughed and said, "This is the magic beast from my small plane back then. You can't find it anywhere else..."

Brother Daoling took out a fourth-level bone talisman and handed it to Su Fan.

"Both of our bone talismans are here, a total of ten..."

Su Fan took the bone talisman and said with a smile, "Brother, thank you..."

Brother Daoling waved his hand at him. As long as he could take them out, ten bone talismans were nothing.

Su Fan flew the "Ghost Crow" for half an hour, and then landed on the ground.

"Brother, can you control the magic boat..."

Brother Daoling smiled bitterly and shook his head, pointing to his head.

"Just now, I was possessed by the fifth-level wild beast, and I dare not use my spiritual sense at all..."

Su Fan thought for a while and said, "Then you take Sister Suyun and wait here first, I'll be back soon..."

After putting down Brother Daoling and Sister Suyun, Su Fan drove the "Ghost Crow" back to the valley.

He rode the "Ghost Crow" and circled thousands of meters above the fifth-level wild beast for a while, then took a deep breath and patted the "Ghost Crow" on the head.

The "Ghost Crow" plunged down, almost vertical to the ground, and went straight to the wound of the fifth-level wild beast.

Su Fan hugged the "Ghost Crow" by the neck tightly, the whistling wind whistled in his ears, and the height of thousands of meters was reached in an instant.

Suddenly, one of the eyes of the fifth-level wild beast on the ground suddenly opened.

Su Fan felt that he was being stared at by a gloomy and terrifying gaze, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

But at this time, he didn't even have time to be afraid.

The fifth-level wild beast was sensitive to the crisis. It stood up suddenly and raised its head to look at the sky.

But it was too late. The vertically falling "Ghost Crow" had already swooped to the position.

Su Fan held a fourth-level talisman tightly in his hand and threw it towards the wound of the fifth-level wild beast.

Almost at the same time, the "Ghost Crow" flapped a pair of wings violently, and at the moment of hitting the ground, it almost flew into the sky close to the ground.

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