Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 385 Killing the Beast King

In the next two days, according to the information sent back by the ghost slaves, although the "Hyaenodon" no longer entered the cave, it still gathered outside.

On the top of the distant mountain, the "Winged Wind Beast" was constantly soaring in the air nearby, ready to swoop down from the air at any time.

This was obviously a battle with Su Fan and his men. Anyway, their nest was nearby, and the human cultivators in the cave couldn't stay in the cave forever.

At this moment, Brother Daoling, Sister Suyun and Su Fan were sitting cross-legged in the cave.

"Brother, if it doesn't work, just rush out of the cave. I still have a few fourth-level bone talismans in my hand, which can buy some time for everyone..."

After listening to Sister Suyun's words, Brother Daoling smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I also have a fourth-level bone talisman. I'm afraid that if we activate the fourth-level bone talisman, it will attract the nearby fifth-level wild beast..."

Su Fan knew in his heart that Brother Daoling's concerns were correct.

The fourth-level bone talisman is equivalent to a blow from a Yuanying cultivator. Once used, it will definitely attract the attention of the nearby fifth-level wild beast.

Once this big guy is lured here, it will be a lively scene.

But we can't be trapped in the cave forever. If more wild beasts are attracted, there will be no way to the sky and no way to the earth.

These days, Su Fan has been looking for a way out in the cave. He even went to see the underground river. Unfortunately, the source of the underground river comes from an underground spring and has nothing to do with the outside world.

Su Fan thought for a while and said, "Brother Daoling, I agree with Sister Suyun. Instead of being trapped here, why not try to rush out."

He has been thinking about how to escape from the cave these two days, and he has a rough plan in mind.

"I can use my demonized body to stealthily kill the beast king of the 'Hyaenodon', and then lead the wild beasts out of the valley to buy as much time as possible for you, but the 'Winged Wind Beast' on the top of the mountain will depend on you to deal with it..."

The two of them listened to Su Fan's words, and their eyes lit up at the same time.

They have seen the image of Su Fan after he became a demon. He merged the blood essence of the "Shadow Demon" and inherited its magical powers.

Senior Brother Daoling hesitated for a while before nodding.

"Okay... let's give it a try..."

In the early morning, a thin layer of mist filled the valley.

The first rays of the sun spit out the morning light from the horizon, and the faint white dotted the originally dark night sky. The moment before dawn, everything was silent, quiet and distant.

Except for the two "Hyaenodonts" standing outside the cave on guard, the other hundreds of "Hyaenodonts" were lying on the ground and sleeping.

There was also a "Winged Wind Beast" gliding back and forth in the air, chirping from time to time, then swooping down and soaring into the sky.

At this time, a shallow footprint appeared in the cave, silent and soundless, and even the two "Hyaenodonts" on guard at the entrance of the cave did not notice it.

The two "Hyaenodonts" had been standing all night, and it was already slightly bright at this time, and they all dozed off.

Suddenly, a demon arm appeared from the air, and with a "puff", its ferocious claws scratched across the neck of a wild beast.

The dazed wild beast was awakened by the severe pain, but blood had already gushed out of its throat, and it could no longer exert any strength.

The "Hyaenodon" shook its body and fell to the ground.

Just as its huge body was about to fall to the ground, a thick demon arm suddenly appeared from the air, supported its body, and gently placed it on the ground.

Despite this, the weak sound still alarmed the "Hyaenodon" on the other side, and it shuddered and woke up.

I saw my companion lying on the ground, thinking that the other party was asleep, and I didn't care and continued to doze off.

After a while, a demon arm appeared in the air again, and instantly passed under the neck of another "Hyaenodon".

After beheading the "Hyaenodont" who was on sentry duty, the demonized Su Fan continued to sneak around a "Hyaenodont".

This "Hyaenodont" was obviously bigger, and its location also showed its status among the wild beasts.

This should be the king of the "Hyaenodonts". Although it is also fourth-level, its strength is definitely the strongest one.

Su Fan certainly knows the principle of capturing the king first, so the next primary target of assassination is it.

Once the wild beast population loses its king, it will inevitably fall into chaos. Before the king is re-elected, the entire group will definitely not be able to gather together.

Su Fan walked silently to the king of the beast. It took him a full moment to walk just over a hundred meters, for fear of alarming the surrounding "Hyaenodonts".

Finally, he came to the side of the king of the beast and slowly raised his ferocious claws.

Just as Su Fan was about to launch a fatal attack, he saw the king of the beast move his ears and stood up with a "whoosh".

Caught off guard, Su Fan held up his magic arm and dared not move at all, because when the beast king stood up, his neck was seven or eight meters away from him.

At this time, if he wanted to launch a fatal attack, he would inevitably expose his body.

But the opportunity was not to be missed, Su Fan could not care so much, and his body was slightly arched, making an attacking posture.

The beast king's nose twitched a few times, and his eyes suddenly became cold.


The beast king smelled the blood of his companions and raised his head and roared.

All the "hyenas" sleeping soundly around were awakened and climbed up from the ground.

Seeing that two companions died at the entrance of the cave, blood was all over the ground, and they roared loudly.

The beast king raised his head angrily and roared.

"Awoo... Awoo..."

The beast king of the "Hyaenodon" just howled once, and before he finished the second howl, a black shadow suddenly jumped up from under his body.

It subconsciously dodged for a moment, only to feel a pain in its throat, and a deep wound had been cut on its neck, and blood was sprayed everywhere.

Su Fan saw that the sneak attack failed, and quickly removed his demonic body.

It was not easy to get to the side of the beast king of the "Hyaenodon", and he had to kill it no matter what, otherwise he would have no chance to wait until other wild beasts reacted.

Su Fan's feet flashed with lightning, and he disappeared from the spot in an instant before the beast king's claws swept over.

When he appeared again, he had jumped to the top of the beast king's head, holding the magic sword with both hands, and fiercely inserted it into its head.


The four-foot-long sword was inserted into the huge head of the beast king, almost completely gone, with only a small section of the hilt exposed outside.


The beast king of the "Hyaenodon" shook his head violently, almost throwing Su Fan off.

He held the hilt tightly and shook it violently, and the big sword began to stir in the beast king's head.

Not only that, Su Fan also freed one hand and smashed it hard.

"Nine-strength bone-melting hand..."

Although the beast king of the "Hyaenodon" kept roaring and shaking his head, he still couldn't get rid of Su Fan on his head.

The surrounding "Hyaenodon" were anxiously wandering around the beast king, and could only roar and scream constantly, but they couldn't help at all.

Su Fan stabilized his body, shaking the hilt of the sword while performing the "Nine-strength bone-melting hand", punching the beast king's head one after another.

"Explosive force..."

"Mountain-splitting force..."

"Stone-breaking force..."

Just when Su Fan was about to give up, the huge beast king of the "Hyaenodon" finally fell to the ground and didn't move.

"Awoo... Awoo..."

Seeing the beast king fall, the surrounding "Hyaenodonts" roared wildly and rushed towards Su Fan.

Su Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and a flash of blood flashed on his body. He had disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he was hundreds of meters away.

Hundreds of "Hyaenodonts" rushed towards him frantically, and the whole valley was filled with shrill roars.

Su Fan turned around and ran, desperately rushing out of the valley, followed by a large group of crazy "Hyaenodonts".

This was Su Fan's strategy, using the invisibility of the demonized body to stealthily kill the beast king, and then lead the herd out of the valley.

Su Fan has done this to the extent that he has done justice to the entire team.

Next, it depends on Senior Brother Daoling and Senior Sister Suyun. As for how they get rid of the pursuit of the "Winged Wind Beast", Su Fan doesn't know.

Although the "Hyaenodonts" are extremely fast, it is easy for him to get rid of them.

Whenever the wild beasts were about to catch up with Su Fan, he would use the blood escape to teleport hundreds of meters, and then continue to run forward, easily leading a group of crazy "Hyaenodon" out of the valley.

Just after Su Fan used the blood escape again, his figure had just appeared from hundreds of meters away, and he suddenly felt his scalp burst and his hair stood up.

"Not good..."

Su Fan didn't even think about it, and a flash of lightning flashed under his feet, and he disappeared again.


As soon as his figure disappeared, a pair of sharp claws that fell from the sky grabbed a huge pit where he was.

Su Fan only felt a gust of wind coming, almost blowing him off the ground.

He quickly stabilized his body, and when he looked up, he saw a huge figure whistling over his head. The terrifying sense of oppression made his face full of horror.

When did this winged wind beast come, and why did it join in the fun?

This is nothing, the most terrifying thing is how it determines its position.

Su Fan used his magical power to escape hundreds of meters, and even he might not be able to accurately judge the place where he was about to appear.

Thinking of this, Su Fan suddenly felt a little creepy.

He turned around and went into the forest next to him with a hard heart.

Just now, Su Fan had been avoiding the dense forest, just to avoid affecting the effect of blood escape, but now it was no longer possible, the "winged wind beast" in the air was so scary.

It's better to enter the dense forest, at least in the dense forest with countless towering ancient trees, you can avoid the sneak attack of the "winged wind beast".

The "winged wind beast" is too scary, and when Su Fan thought of the other people in the team, he couldn't help but sigh.

Facing the more than 100 "winged wind beasts" on the top of the mountain, they had better pray for their own luck, anyway, buddy is not going to go back.

Su Fan has already thought about it. As long as he gets rid of this group of "hyenas", he will flee to the human control area alone.

Anyway, he has led away hundreds of "hyenas", which is considered to have completed his mission. Even if all the people in the team died, others can't blame him for anything.

After escaping into the forest, Su Fan's blood escape was obviously affected. He could only rely on short-distance teleportation and constantly move between ancient trees.

But it was not just him. The group of wild beasts that had been chasing him madly behind him were also affected, at least their speed was not as fast.

Moreover, the agility of the huge wild beasts was obviously restricted in the dense forest, and they were getting farther and farther away from Su Fan in front.

Because of the influence of the dense forest, the "winged wind beast" in the air never appeared again, which also made Su Fan relieved.


At this time, a loud noise like earth-shaking came from a distance.

"It's over there in the valley..."

Although the distance was far, Su Fan still felt the violent vibration coming from the ground, and the ancient trees in the forest were shaking.

This is bad...

This is the sound that can only be made by the fourth-level bone talisman, which is likely to alarm the fifth-level wild beast nearby.

Su Fan didn't even think about it, and a flash of blood flashed on his body, and he instantly appeared on the top of an ancient tree.

The wind is strong, run away...

If you don't run at this time, you're stupid.

Su Fan was about to perform blood escape and escape from this area, but suddenly he felt an extremely terrifying breath spreading over him.

"Boom... Boom..."

A heavy muffled sound came from a distance, and each one seemed to hit Su Fan's heart like a heavy hammer, making him tremble all over.

"This is a fifth-level wild beast..."

At this time, a huge wild beast that was more than a hundred meters tall in the distance finally showed a little bit of its true body.

Su Fan only saw the exposed back of the wild beast and the huge tail that kept shaking behind it.

It is conceivable how huge the entire body of this fifth-level wild beast is.


The fifth-level wild beast opened its ferocious mouth and roared.

Su Fan only felt his brain "buzzing" and fell into confusion. The roars in his ears almost made him deaf.

His soul was shaken and confused. If it were not for his strong consciousness, he would have fainted at this moment.

Then, a hurricane-like air wave roared in, and the whole forest was blown to one side.

This feeling was just like the level 10 hurricane in the movie in the previous life.

Su Fan, who was standing on the top of the giant tree, was also blown up by this violent hurricane. Fortunately, he was quick to hold a branch and was not blown away.

The fifth-level wild beast is too scary.

Although it has no magical powers and spells, it has already exerted physical attacks to the extreme.

At such a long distance, Su Fan was so embarrassed by this roar.

If he got closer, he would be shocked to death, and his soul might even be scattered.

Although Su Fan read a lot of information about wild beasts before coming to the Great Wilderness, there was not much introduction to the fifth-level wild beasts.

There were only a few dozen words, which were nothing more than general words such as extremely powerful, able to shake the sky and the earth, roaring like thunder, and able to scatter souls.

At that time, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was all some exaggeration.

Now it seems that the guy who sold him the information was not bragging at all.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't imagine how terrible the fifth-level wild beast was.

Su Fan couldn't help but be fascinated. If the body cultivator cultivated the flesh to the extreme, he would be so domineering.

And he felt like he was cheated.

The "braised dragon tail" he had eaten in the base city at the beginning must not be made of the fifth-level earth dragon beast.

The restaurant was just a rookie like him who had just come to the Great Wilderness, and it must be bullying him for his lack of knowledge.

Moreover, the fifth-level wild beast meat that Su Fan bought on that street was probably a scam by using the ingredients of the fourth-level wild beast.

If there were really fifth-level ingredients, and they were only sold for more than a hundred high-grade spirit stones, he would take as many as he could get.

Facing such a ferocious fifth-level wild beast, even a powerful human Yuanying Demon Lord might not be able to take it down.

No wonder the cultivators of the human race and the demon race were unable to fight in the Great Wilderness Heaven. If a few of these big guys came, they would definitely be able to sweep everything.

It seems that the wild beasts in the Great Wilderness Heaven are similar to the cultivators of the human race, and the fifth level is a watershed.

Below the fifth level, everyone is an ant.

At this time, a terrifying roar came from a farther place.

Su Fan's eyes went dark, and he was finished. It must be another fifth-level wild beast.

It's better to run away. If he delays for a while, he will die here.

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