The tunnel was narrow and narrow, but the view was very bright.

Jiangnan crawled in the long and narrow tunnel for about seven or eight minutes.

If a claustrophobic patient were in this environment, he would have gone crazy long ago.

The key tunnel was crooked and had to change direction every few steps, just like a maze.

And Jiangnan always had a feeling that he was constantly moving upwards.

When he crawled out of the tunnel, a space of dozens of square meters appeared in front of Jiangnan.

These spaces were not artificially built, and there were no traces of humans. Everything was pure nature.

There was a pool of water right in front of the space.

I don’t know if it was groundwater or gathered from other places.

Jiangnan walked forward slowly, and when he saw the animals in the pool clearly, he couldn't help laughing: "This is so lucky!"

"Before, we found the bird of paradise that looks like a phoenix on the main island of the Great Barrier Reef, and now we have found the legendary dragon on the heart-shaped island!"

"The key is that it is the five-clawed golden dragon in our Chinese mythology, not the winged lizard in Western countries!"

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, the live broadcast room also boiled.

"Crazy, crazy! The island owner is crazy!"

"Dragon? I laughed! How could there be a dragon in this world?"

"The person above, how can you be sure that there is no dragon in the world?"

"Our ancestors would not casually put non-existent animals in the twelve zodiac signs!"

"Who said no one has seen a dragon? I have seen one. My father-in-law is really deaf!"

"I have seen a real dragon. Once I was taking a picture of the scenery with my mobile phone and saw it in the clouds. However, many people did not believe it after posting it online, saying that I did special effects. But I can be 100% sure that it is a dragon!"

"Has everyone forgotten the previous Yingkou dragon falling incident? Then It must be a dragon, otherwise how could the news be sealed! "

"I know, did the island owner see an anaconda? As the saying goes, a snake grows into a python, a python grows into an anaconda, an anaconda grows into a dragon, and a dragon grows into a dragon. Few people have seen dragons, but anacondas do exist. "

"If it was an anaconda, the island owner would be dead now! Anacondas are ten meters long, and the island owner is not enough to fill his teeth!"

"According to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", there were indeed dragons in the past, but they were all eaten to extinction by humans."

"That makes sense. As we all know, the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is a recipe!"

The five great mythical beasts of China: Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, and Kylin!

Among them, the dragon ranks first!

In ancient times, dragons were a symbol of auspiciousness, and every emperor wanted to compare himself to the reincarnation of a real dragon.

Therefore, there are many legends, saying that some emperors were born with strange phenomena, and there were indeed dragon shadows flashing in the sky, etc.

Although there have been many legends about dragons since ancient times, especially now, many people have actually photographed dragons, but for some reason, there was no news about these things later.

However, as long as dragons are mentioned, everyone can basically talk about them at length.

In just a few seconds, the originally quiet and depressing live broadcast room became lively again.

The barrage was flying all over the sky, and Jiangnan couldn't see it at all, so he simply opened his mouth to express his own views, saying: "Whether there are dragons in this world, everyone has their own opinions and opinions, and so do I. I think there are."

"Maybe dragons live in some special areas, such as the deep sea, which humans cannot explore."

"In modern times, Yingkou did have a dragon falling incident. Although the official tried hard to block the news, everyone at the time claimed that they had seen the dragon with their own eyes."

"Not only that, it is rumored that a museum in the island country still preserves dragon bones!"

"In ancient times, according to the record in "Shuowen Jiezi": Dragons are the leaders of scaled insects, can be dark or bright, can be small or large, can be short or long, and ascend to the sky at the spring equinox. , and dives into the abyss at the autumnal equinox. ”

“During the Ming Dynasty, the image of the dragon became more specific and full. The Compendium of Materia Medica records: The dragon head is like a camel, the horns are like deer, the eyes are like rabbits, the ears are like cows, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a clam, the scales are like carp, the claws are like eagles, and the palms are like tigers. There are 81 scales on its back, which is the number of 99 yang. Its voice is like the sound of a copper plate, there are whiskers beside its mouth, a pearl under its chin, reverse scales under its throat, and Boshan on its head, also known as Chimu. Dragons cannot ascend to the sky without Chimu. Breathing into clouds can turn into water and fire. ”

“In the well-known masterpiece Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong also outlined the characteristics of the dragon through Cao Cao's mouth. He said: The dragon can be big or small, can rise or hide. When it is big, it can create clouds and mist, and when it is small, it can hide its shape. When it rises, it can soar into the universe, and when it hides, it can hide.

Lying in the waves. Now that spring is deep, the dragon takes advantage of the time to change, just like a man who is successful and travels across the world. "

"If our ancestors had never seen a dragon, why can it be recorded in such detail? And every dynasty has records? "

"Although humans are still unable to be 100% sure whether there are dragons in this world, humans have discovered three animals that are very similar to dragons. "

"The first one is the anaconda you just mentioned, but the anaconda is just a larger snake, nothing more. "

"The second animal is called the armadillo lizard, which is closer to the dragon in Western mythology and is seriously inconsistent with our Chinese dragon. "

"And it is not domineering at all. When threatened, it will hold its tail in its mouth, shrink itself into an indestructible ball, and then quickly roll down the slope and escape. "

"This strange way of escaping is very similar to another strange mammal "armadillo", so it got its name from this. "

"But this guy has thick and hard scales on his body, which is a bit similar to our Chinese dragon."

"The last animal is the salamander!"

While speaking, Jiangnan turned the camera to the pond and zoomed in.

In the pond, there was a golden animal.

It has a snake-like body, but it also has four claws.

It looks a bit like a smaller lizard, but more like a dragon!

Because it has a small fleshy horn on its head!

It's a pity that there are no scales on its body, otherwise it would be more like a dragon!

"Fuck! It's really a dragon!"

"Oh my god, I can see a dragon in my lifetime!"

"This is amazing! I want to call my family over!"

"No more words, I hope this dragon can bless me to find a rich woman soon, and the rich woman will die in half a year and leave all the inheritance to me! ”

“The guy above, you haven’t collected all the dragon balls yet, but you still want to take advantage?”

“Salamander! It’s really a salamander! I’ve seen salamanders on the Internet, but many of them are white. This is the first time I’ve seen a golden one!”

“Yes, with the golden color, it looks like a dragon!”

“It’s so cute. The three words ‘cute’ are tailor-made for it.”

“I really want to give it a kiss. I wonder if I can get some good luck! ”

The appearance of the salamander instantly melted the hearts of all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

Faced with cute little animals, basically no one can resist.

Some of them took photos, some made wishes, and some praised.

In short, they all forgot to discuss whether dragons really exist.

Jiangnan was not in a hurry, squatted down, and observed closely.

This salamander is as big as an adult's palm. Perhaps because of its golden skin, it also emits a faint light, making it look even more magical.

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