Jiangnan ignored the audience's doubts and patiently explained: "Zheng He's seven voyages to the West did not attack the local residents along the way like the Western colonists did. It was more about trade and cultural exchanges." "Because of this, these bodies cannot be local residents, they can only be soldiers of Zheng He's fleet." "Secondly, Zheng He's seven voyages to the West, in addition to the necessary talents such as officials and doctors, there were more soldiers." "And where did these soldiers come from? Many of them were veterans who had followed Zhu Di to fight for many years. After the war, the veterans had nowhere to go, so Zhu Di sent them to the West. They were arranged in Zheng He's fleet. After all, although they are old and some are injured, they are very experienced. "

"From the various wounds on these bones, it can be judged that they came from the battlefield."

"Third, the sea fleet will die. Even with the treatment of doctors, some people will not be able to hold on. Coupled with various accidents, the death toll will only gradually increase."

"After these soldiers die, they can't all be taken back. They will stink in the cabin a long time ago, so they can only be buried underground."

Jiangnan's words were well-reasoned and reasonable. The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know how to refute for a while.

Jiangnan did not stop and continued: "Let me tell you a story about Zheng He's voyage to the West."

"Zheng He's fleet sailed all the way south and reached Java, which is now Java Island."

"Java Island is an important stronghold in the Strait of Malacca. If you want to go to Africa from the Strait of Malacca, Java Island is the only way."

"At that time, Java Island had a relatively large population and relatively abundant products. After Zheng He's fleet arrived, they wanted to leave after a short rest. Unexpectedly, when they stopped at the shore to replenish their daily necessities, a riot broke out in the local area."

"The riot also involved the fleet led by Zheng He, and he had to stop to resolve it."

"The cause of the incident was that there were two kings on Java Island, the East King and the West King. Because of various conflicting plans, the East and West countries naturally And then the war started. "

"The Western King easily defeated the Eastern King and seized the Eastern King's territory."

"What a coincidence, at this time, Zheng He's fleet passed through the Eastern King's territory and stopped here to rest and buy supplies."

"The Western King's subordinates were so angry that they didn't care where the ships came from or who you were. They just killed and chopped anyone they saw."

"More than 170 people got off the ship to purchase supplies, but none of them came back alive."

"The incident fermented quickly and reached Zheng He's ears. Many soldiers were very angry and felt that this tiny place was provoking the entire Ming Dynasty. They demanded to send troops immediately to avenge their dead crew brothers."

"Zheng He was also very angry and surprised at the time."

"He felt that the Western King and himself To be an enemy is like an egg hitting a rock. A normal person would never dare to attack someone who is much stronger than him. "

"There must be something wrong when things are abnormal! There must be some reason that I don't know about!"

"So Zheng He held back his anger and chose to stay put."

"He did this not because he didn't want to avenge the crew members who had been with him day and night, but because he wanted to find out the reason first."

"The most important point is that if he acted rashly, it would only make the countries along the way doubt the purpose of his mission to the Atlantic Ocean, and they might even exclude them and prevent them from going ashore to replenish supplies."

"This will not only affect all subsequent itineraries, but also the reputation of the entire Ming Dynasty!"

"Because of this, Zheng He chose to put the overall situation first and not act. hand."

"When the Western King learned that his subordinates had mistakenly killed a Ming Dynasty soldier, he was even more frightened."

"Because he knew that Zheng He led more than 27,000 well-trained soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to the most powerful weapons and munitions of the Ming Dynasty."

"As long as Zheng He gave an order, the entire Java Island would be razed to the ground, and he would be shot into a sieve."

"After careful consideration, the Western King immediately sent an envoy to apologize to Zheng He, repeatedly apologized, and finally clarified the misunderstanding."

"Of course, it was not an ordinary clarification of misunderstandings. Since then, Java Island has been subservient to the Ming Dynasty and voluntarily paid tribute every year."

"After seeing the friendship and pattern of the Ming Dynasty, several small countries around it also interacted with goodwill and expressed their willingness to bow down. "

"Every time I go back

, these countries will send envoys to follow Zheng He to the Ming Dynasty and pay tribute to Ming Chengzu Zhu Di. "

"After Zhu Di learned about this, he praised Zheng He and praised him for sacrificing himself for the overall situation. "

"Robbery, killing, and occupation cannot make the people submit. Even if they do, riots and resistance will occur after a short period of submission, and it will not make the cultures of both sides better integrated. "

"The best conquest is not to use force, but to make them voluntarily submit and willingly use their friendly actions to promote development and exchanges. "

"This is the pattern! Some devils who live a good life really need to learn a lot! "

After telling the story, Jiangnan took a deep breath and finally said: "The reason why I told this story is to tell everyone that when sailing, accidents are indeed frequent, and many people have died. To this day, many soldiers are buried in foreign countries. "

"It really responds to the saying that the soul calls thousands of miles away, and the death in battle should be like returning home! "

Jiangnan was not simply telling a story. He was carefully looking at every corner of the stone chamber. Finally, he really found another strange place.

There was a small hole on the wall above.

The hole was very small and could only accommodate one person.

And only a thin person could crawl in. Fat people couldn't do it at all.

"Why is there a small hole?"

"What's inside? "

Jiangnan walked over with a puzzled look, took the mining lamp and shone it inside.

Inside was a long and narrow passage, pitch black, and nothing could be seen clearly.

At this time, there were more and more viewers in the live broadcast room, some of whom were professional archaeologists.

Jiangnan found some tombs of soldiers in Zheng He's fleet, and the sculpture was very likely to be the true appearance of Zheng He himself, how could these professionals not be excited.

Even if it was just across the screen, they were willing to take a peek.

Now Jiangnan has found another strange little hole, which makes them even more excited, and they can't wait to pass through the screen and go in instead of Jiangnan.

"Although it looks a bit like a dog hole, but we have come this far, let's go in and find out!"

Jiangnan bit his lip, held his breath, and went in directly.

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