The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

Jiangnan said: "White cockatoos are not only talented in sports, but also in art, and they especially like singing and dancing!"

As soon as he finished saying this, he knew what would appear in the barrage.

As expected, one barrage was particularly eye-catching.

"It turned out to be singing and dancing, I thought it was singing and dancing and basketball!"

As soon as this was said, the group started immediately.

Jiangnan shook his head helplessly and continued: "How socially awesome are white cockatoos? To give a simple example, if you have nothing to do, you can get high just by listening to music."

"If there are two white cockatoos, one can teach the other one, and they can get high together in a few minutes."

"Some people may ask if the parrots raised by the national producers are special, and whether they are good at singing and dancing, and only lack the ability to play basketball.

In fact, any white cockatoo is a master of rhythm and dance.

No matter what the environment, they can follow the music , dancing, bringing the atmosphere to a climax. ”

“Even if the feathers have fallen off, it does not prevent it from dancing happily.”

“Some time ago, a parrot without feathers danced to the music and became popular on the Internet. I wonder if you have seen it.”

“In a word, although all parrots have loud voices, in front of the white-crowned parrot, other parrots all seem to be silent.”

“It will cry when it is hungry, thirsty, in a good mood, unhappy, and can cry at almost any time. For the white-crowned parrot, shouting is the most important thing. Do you need a reason? Absolutely not! "

"It's just like loving someone requires a reason, it's the same!"

"When it barks, don't dislike it, because it may have long disliked your unpleasant voice."

"In addition to the social bullshit in the parrot circle, it also exists in other zoos."

"It will secretly learn the barking of dogs, and then communicate with dogs, and curse in dog language all day long without repeating itself."

"It will also learn to meow like a cat, deliberately scaring meow."

"If there is a stranger at home, it will deliberately "It will greet you with a hoarse voice. If you don't respond to it, it will keep following you and bothering you."

"Anyway, as long as there are other pets at home, whether it is a cat, a dog, a hamster or a rabbit, it will be the absolute boss."

"It will even learn from humans to train dogs that are many times bigger than itself, and it can do what it says. If it tells the dog not to leave, the dog will stay where it is."

"It will also hold a cat toy stick in its mouth and make the cats run around."

After listening to Jiangnan's speech, the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room were already twinkling with envy.

"Wow! I really want to raise one!"

"I don't believe what the island owner said, unless the island owner gives this white phoenix head to me. I happen to have a cat at home, so let me see it with my own eyes!"

"The person above, can't you just grab it yourself? Just like me, I like a girl, her boyfriend doesn't allow us to be together, so I moved to their house and lived with them!"

"Three people? One woman and two men? I just want to ask, how do you use tools at night?"

"The four words "use tools" are used very well!"

"If we allow raising dogs in our country, I must raise one, so that the task of walking the dog downstairs every day can be handed over to it."

"Dog: We are all pets, why should I be walked by a pet?"

"Be happy, now there are people who treat others as dogs and walk them! A rich woman I know is like this!"

"Hey, are the two letters above what I was thinking of?"

The speed of the car in the live broadcast room was too fast, it didn't run over my face at all, but banged into my face!

Jiangnan quickly changed the subject and said, "To put it bluntly, the white cockatoo is heartless. To put it nicely, the white cockatoo has a very good mentality."

"Other people's moods are written on their faces, but its moods are all written on the aho-hair on its head."

"Usually, its aho-hair hangs down, pretending to be a pigeon. When it gets excited, its aho-hair stands up, as if it is wearing a crown and it is the king of the world."

"If you keep one at home, it can not only drive your own emotions, but also make the whole family happy."

"No matter how introverted a child is, as long as you give it to it, it will become a lively child who loves to sing and shout in less than a day."

"The most important thing is that it always has life in its eyes. If it sees that the cups in your house are stacked too high, it will hold them in its mouth and help you put the cups down.

, to prevent it from being accidentally broken.

If you get up in the morning and the toilet paper on the bedside is not handled, it will hold it in its mouth and put it in the trash can for you. ”

“The island owner is right, the white cockatoo does have aloof hair on its head.”

“Now the aloof hair on its head is standing up, as if it knows that the island owner is introducing itself and feels particularly proud.”

“Getting up in the morning? Toilet paper on the bedside? I seem to have discovered some incredible secrets!”

“No! You didn’t find it, because the secrets are all in the toilet paper!”

“If the island owner says so, I have a friend who especially needs a white cockatoo, who always throws toilet paper at the bedside.”

“Actually, I have a girlfriend who also needs it! "

The audience was driving again.

Jiangnan had already taken melon seeds and taught the white cockatoo to speak.

Just like when he taught the grey parrot before, it was all simple and common words.

Jiangnan thought he would soon have a well-mannered parrot, but who would have thought...

"Sha! Bi!"

"Big! Sha! Bi!"

"You! Big! Ye!!"

The grey parrot flew to the top of his head at some point, circling in the sky, repeating the quintessence of Chinese culture he had just learned.

"Go away, go away, go away! "

Jiangnan shouted loudly and waved his right hand, trying to drive it away.

This scene is like when you came back from school as a child, as a good student, you were being tutored by your parents, and suddenly a bad student knocked on the door and asked you to go out and play together.

Originally, you were still eager to learn, but after seeing other children playing outside, you suddenly felt unbalanced.

Although you are still studying, your heart has already flown away to play!

The grey parrot ignored Jiangnan and kept calling on its own.

Helplessly, Jiangnan grabbed a handful of melon seeds and threw them on the grass not far away.

Seeing the delicious snacks, the grey parrot immediately flapped its wings and flew over, eating happily.

At the same time, all kinds of parrots were also attracted.

Without the interruption of the grey parrot, Jiangnan turned his head with a smile and whispered to the white cockatoo standing on his left arm: "Come on! Let's continue studying! "


As soon as the words fell, the white cockatoo uttered two words in a clear and loud voice: "Sha! Bi!"

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