The gray parrot was so big that it was almost 50 centimeters long.

"What a big grey parrot!"

Jiangnan sighed sincerely, "The size of a grey parrot is about 30 centimeters, and a slightly larger one can be 40 centimeters. This one is nearly 50 centimeters long."

As soon as he finished speaking, the grey parrot had already flown in front of Jiangnan, tilting its head and looking up and down curiously.

"Fifty centimeters? Holy shit! Wouldn't that mean the world's largest parrot?"

"The world's largest parrot is obviously the macaw!"

"Yes, the macaw is the largest, you can tell by the name!"

"If that's the case, then isn't Leo Ku's penis very big?"

"Ethan Ruan: Sorry, although you didn't mention me, I feel offended!"

They were talking about parrots, but the live broadcast room was inexplicably driving again.

Jiangnan smiled and explained: "The largest parrot in the world is indeed the macaw, but there are also larger macaws, called the hyacinth macaw."

"Just like their name, their feathers are blue and purple."

"The hyacinth macaw is the largest member of the parrot family, with a body length of up to 1 meter and a weight of more than 1.5 kilograms."

"The homeland of wild hyacinth macaws is Brazil, where 95% of the world's wild hyacinth macaws live."

"However, due to human hunting and destruction of the natural environment, coupled with the fact that hyacinth macaws are too precious, they have always been the target of hunting. Now they are facing a crisis of survival, and their numbers are continuing to decrease."

"In 1986, there were only more than 1,000 left in the world."

"Due to the intervention of wildlife protection organizations, in 2003, 6,500 had been cultivated."

Before Jiangnan finished speaking, an audience asked in the barrage:

"Is the prototype of the protagonist in "Rio Adventure" Hyacinthus macaw? "

"Not really! Compared to the hyacinthus macaw, the little blue macaw is even more miserable!"

Jiangnan shook his head and sighed: "The little blue macaw is relatively small in size and cannot shock humans all at once. In addition, Western aristocrats in the last century particularly liked parrots with blue feathers, which led to a large number of them being hunted and made into specimens."

"Some are even more pitiful. All the feathers on their bodies are plucked out. Finally, the best ones are selected and sold one by one!"

"In October 2000, a tragedy shocked the world. The last little blue macaw surviving in the wild disappeared. It was not known whether it was caught by poachers or killed by predators. No one has seen its trace since then!"

"Since then, there are no wild species of this parrot!"

"As of April 2015, there are only 100 artificially raised little blue macaws left. Some of them are used for breeding research, and some are still in the hands of private tycoons!"

Since ancient times, humans have liked beautiful things.

Once an animal grows beautiful, it will inevitably suffer a catastrophe.

The story of the little blue macaw is rather sad. After Jiangnan finished speaking, fearing that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room would become lifeless and the audience would fall into depression, he quickly changed the topic: "We have previously counted the world's ten largest eagles. Today, let's talk about the world's smartest parrots."

"But instead of rank them in ten categories, we'll only talk about three."

"The third place is the macaw that everyone loves. They are lively and like to imitate people's speech. Sometimes they can even learn dialects very well."

"The second place is the Amazon parrot. They are well-known in the parrot world. In addition to their strong speaking ability, they have two advantages. One is that they look very good, and the other is that they can live to eighty years old."

"The first place is the gray parrot in front of us. They are eloquent and talented. They can communicate with humans almost unimpeded. They are the smartest of all parrots and are the best at learning human language."

"It is said that the IQ of the gray parrot is equivalent to that of a five-year-old child."

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked again and again.

"Five-year-old child? Really?"

"That means the person standing in front of Jiangnan is a naughty child!"

"Everyone calm down! In fact, there is a description of parrots in our "Classic of Mountains and Seas": Huangshan, no vegetation, many bamboo arrows. There is a bird, its shape is like an owl, with green feathers and red beak, and can speak with a human tongue, and its name is parrot!"

"I always thought that the Classic of Mountains and Seas is a recipe!"

"Isn't it?"

Jiangnan did not look at the barrage, but stretched out his right hand, tentatively trying to touch the gray parrot.

At the same time, he was also confused.

Because the gray parrot

Parrots generally live in Africa. Although they occasionally visit here, the chance is very small.

I didn't expect to encounter one today.

Jiangnan looked down at the lucky ring he had been wearing on his hand, and muttered to himself: "Did you do that?"

The ring couldn't respond to Jiangnan, but the grey parrot did.

It actually took the initiative to put its head under Jiangnan's palm, allowing Jiangnan to touch it, with a look of enjoyment on its face.

Jiangnan was very pleased, took out melon seeds from his pocket, and prepared to start teaching the grey parrot to speak.

It's rare to meet the smartest parrot in the world, and you must teach it human language, so that it will be convenient for communication in the future.

"Yes, it's this kind of expression of enjoyment! I once raised a cockatiel, and it liked me to stroke it. Every time I stroked it, it had this kind of expression of enjoyment, exactly the same!"

"My cockatiel is the same!"

"Parrot: Bird people will never be slaves unless they are stroked!"

"What is the island owner doing? Teach the parrot to speak?"

"The island owner is awesome! I raise dogs, he raises sea lions, I teach cockatiels to speak, and he teaches grey parrots to speak directly!"

"I have never been able to teach my cockatiel to speak, so it's a good time to learn!"

There are many parrot owners in the live broadcast room, and they all started to communicate.

Jiangnan took the melon seeds and shook them gently in front of the grey parrot, saying: "I will start teaching you to speak now. You follow me and learn a word. I will reward you one."

This is the most common way for parrots to speak.

"Hello! Hello!"

Jiangnan started.

It seems that the first sentence taught to teach a parrot to speak is this, at least it can let the parrot know how to say hello first.

The grey parrot remained calm and stared at Jiangnan blankly.

"Handsome! Handsome!"

Jiangnan changed two words.

The grey parrot still ignored him.

"Beauty! Beauty!"

Jiangnan changed again.

"Eat! Eat!"

"Drink water! Drink water!"

"Love you! Love you!"


Jiangnan taught tirelessly, and half an hour had passed unknowingly.

During this period, he changed a lot of common words.

But the grey parrot just didn't respond.

The grey parrot abused him thousands of times, but he treated the grey parrot like his first love, always speaking softly and gently.


Jiangnan was anxious and said, "This is a fool! I can't teach him at all!"

Who would have thought that as soon as the words fell, the grey parrot's eyes lit up, opened its mouth, and shouted at Jiangnan: "Sha! Bi! Big! Sha! Bi!!!"

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