Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 491: Buy it or not?

Just as Ruan Dongquan had expected, the four companies including Hengyuan Healthcare were all stunned after receiving the quotation.

They really thought that there were two more "0"s in the quotation, and after confirming the correctness with Ruan Dongquan, they were confused.

Although they can all get the money, they can use 50 million to sell an advertising plan unless they are crazy.

As for the other way of quotation, it makes them feel incomprehensible. How long can an advertisement be used? One or two years ago, it’s been up to the sky, and sometimes it can only be used for a few months.

But Li Fan is going to be red for 5 years. This is simply robbery!

As for what Ruan Dongquan said, this advertisement could be used for several years, more than ten years, but they were ignored.

Who can't brag, you can also say that this advertisement can be used for decades or hundreds of years.

What does Mr. Li Fan think? Do you have no idea about the advertising market, or think that his own advertising is really worth that sky-high price?

Or is it just to make everyone happy? This is of course unlikely, Mr. Li Fan could not be so boring.

The reason is incomprehensible, but it is not important anymore.

After confirming that the quotations were not a joke, Yuanheng Healthcare, Mental Healthcare, and Tongwei Healthcare refused without any hesitation.

If it is hundreds of thousands, more than 1 million, they are completely acceptable, but this Nima is 50 million, it is better to grab it directly.

Only Hengyuan Healthcare did not immediately refuse.

Vice President Wang Jin put forward his opinion to the board of directors. The 50 million fund is no longer alone, and can be used on the initiative. It must be approved by the board of directors.

Wang Jin believes that Mr. Li Fan is by no means a boring person, and he will never tease everyone with random quotes. Mr. Li Fan will never lose money, and will not think about making a fortune with this advertisement.

So why does Mr. Li Fan have to quote such an unbelievably high price?

The reason is that this advertisement is worth such an offer.

Wang Jin couldn't tell where this advertisement was worth such an offer, but he always had a vague feeling in his heart that he should trust Mr. Li Fan.

Perhaps this will be a crazy gamble.

The sensible would agree with Wang Jin's statement and some would oppose it, and the two sides had a heated discussion.

The sensible will be discussing, and the rest of the company are also discussing, but the direction of their discussion is slightly different.

An advertisement sells for 50 million, which makes them all full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

They are discussing this.


At the same time that Hengyuan Health Enterprise started intense discussions, Li Fan’s advertising quotations were also spread to major health care products companies and major advertising companies.

While everyone was dumbfounded, they couldn't help but admire him greatly. He deserves to be Master Li Fan. No matter what he does, it is definitely the focus of everyone's attention.

That's right, the 50 million quotation, as well as another quotation form, has become the hottest topic in these two fields, not one of them.

"This Nima is driving crazy, or I heard a false news."

"Li Fan deserves to be Li Fan, he is different from others when he shoots."

"Li Fan's quotation is ridiculously high, but that's nothing. If it's your work, it doesn't matter if you quote 100 million. The key is that Hengyuan Healthcare did not directly reject it, but still has the intention to buy it. , This is purely stupid!"

"Who would say no, let alone 50 million, just buy it for 5 million, that's an absolute stupid."

"Hey! I haven't decided to buy it yet. It is under discussion. It is estimated that one or two people are stupid. In the end, they will definitely not buy."



In this incident, Hengyuan Health is undoubtedly one of the focuses.

When the outside world was talking about them, Hengyuan Health's internal board of directors gradually reached a consensus, that is, to send Wang Jin and another vice president of the company to meet with Li Fan in person, and then do it later. Make a decision whether to buy.


When Ruan Dongquan conveyed the meaning of Hengyuan health care to Li Fan, Li Fan happily did the same.

Moreover, it should be so.

After all, 50 million is definitely not a small sum, even for a large company like Hengyuan Healthcare.

In addition, Li Fan actually intends to meet with the senior executives of Hengyuan Healthcare. Hengyuan Healthcare needs to examine his advertisements. He also needs to examine whether Hengyuan Healthcare’s "Brain Strength Fund" is worthy of his selling the advertisements to them. .

The meeting place was naturally Qiongliang Town, and the Demon Capital was not far away.


November 27th, two o'clock in the afternoon.

The two vice presidents of Hengyuan Health, Wang Jin and Zhou Yong, accompanied by Ruan Dongquan, travelled to Qiongliang Town by car.

Although the three of them wondered what Li Fan was doing in Qiongliang Town? But it is not intended to ask each other.

Li Fan hosted three people at the best hotel in town.

One hour later.

Several people walked out of the hotel, Wang Jin, Zhou Yong, and Ruan Dongquan were all smiles, and Li Fan's faces were also happy.

It seemed that this was a very successful meeting.

The hotel is downstairs.

Li Fan shook hands with the three of them to bid farewell, and the three of them drove away without any further delay.


After the three people left, Li Fan checked the time. It was neither early nor late. The crew did not need to go there today. It was too early to go back to the hotel to rest, so he decided to take a short stroll in this small town.

Compared with those big cities, such small towns are often more interesting.

Li Fan walked straight along the street where the hotel is located. The street is not wide and the buildings on both sides are not high. They are generally five or six storeys, and the pavement on the ground floor is not luxurious.

However, there are not few pedestrians on the street. In addition to the residents of the town, there are also passers-by passing through the town, tourists who come here in particular, TV and movie crew members, and so on.

In a word, the staff is noisy.

However, this is also one of the characteristics of such a small town.

Walking on the street, you will encounter some "interesting" things from time to time.

For example, a person walks up to you, shows you a mobile phone in his hand, and asks in a low voice: "Young man, do you want to buy a mobile phone?"

For another example, if someone in front dropped a wallet on the ground, someone came to you immediately and mysteriously said to you: "Hey! Boy, that person's wallet has dropped. Now only the two of us see, you Hurry up and pick it up. Let's split the money evenly."

This kind of thing is quite interesting in Li Fan's view.

Before, something interesting seems to be happening.

"Come and come, everyone will judge, the money in my wallet was obviously taken by the old man, but he didn't even admit it." The voice of a young man in his 20s.

"Hey! You guy is unreasonable? Obviously I kindly picked up the wallet you dropped and returned it to you. Why do you even say that I took the money in your wallet?" An old man of about 60 years old said sound.

One old and one young, two people are arguing and pulling.

Around it, there were a dozen people watching the excitement.


Li Fan approached the crowd of onlookers with great interest.


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