Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1405: Things messed up

February 15.

The relevant data network officially announced the sales data of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" yesterday, 2.8 million copies.

With 2.8 million copies, Wang Xuejun, Ye Honghui and others were ecstatic, while Lu Changran and other children's education experts sighed, envious, jealous and hated.

For writers in various fields, this number makes them sigh and despair.

In addition to shaking his head and feeling, it is difficult to have other emotions.

While shaking their heads and sighing, a lot of writers inevitably talked about it.

"2.8 million copies, this is really crazy, for me, it is like a gap between heaven and earth, insurmountable."

"It should be difficult for other authors to set such a terrifying number."

"This is natural, but if you want to say is there anyone who can approach this number? There really is such a person."

"You're talking about Gu Yong, um, Gu Yong does have this possibility. It's just that the last time the Little Dragon Girl incident caused a lot of noise, but it caused him to lose a lot of readers."

"It did lose a lot of readers at the time, but more than half of these two issues have returned."

"By the way, today is the 15th. If I remember correctly, today should happen to be the date when the new issue of "Laughing Jianghu" will be released. I don't know how many readers will be able to come back after this issue?"

"If you follow the previous regression trend analysis, this issue should almost be able to come back. However, because of the Internet battle storm after the previous issue was released, it is hard to say how much this issue can come back. ."


As many writers have argued, today happens to be the day when the new issue of "Laughing Jianghu" is released.

According to relevant statistics, after the release of the last issue of "Laughing Jianghu", the proportion of readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has reached 80%.

According to the trend analysis of its return, in the next issue, that is, after the issue released today, the readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" are likely to all return.

This originally made a lot of martial arts fans happy, but who knows that there are a group of dark-hearted people who pretend to be readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and say that those who choose to return have no morals, they are cartilage and other things. The fans started a cyber war.

This makes it possible for the readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" to return after this issue? Great variables have been produced.

This is indeed the case. According to rough estimates by the owners of major bookstores and newsstands, as of 12 noon, the sales volume of "Laughing Jianghu" magazine was basically the same as the previous issue.

In other words, not many new readers have returned in this issue, and the number of readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is still about 80% of that before the Little Dragon Girl incident.

The remarks made by those people last time really had a great impact on those readers who have not yet chosen to return.

For the sake of their so-called ethics, in order not to be a boneless head, they chose to still not return.

At least for this issue they did not choose to return.

The martial arts fans were extremely sorry, and they cursed again in their hearts, the guys who were gloomy in their hearts last time.

If it weren't for them to make trouble, everyone should have come back this time.

Of course, those readers who have not yet chosen to return, knowing the conspiracy of those people in their hearts, but still chose the "medium strategy", are also annoying.

On the Internet, thinking of the readers who are willing to "successfully" but have not returned, the martial arts are quite annoyed.

"Oh! I really feel sorry and anxious for those friends who still haven't chosen to return. This issue of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has four chapters serialized. It is so enjoyable to watch, you will miss it again."

"You guys, just be willing to be fooled by those dark people, you missed the excitement of this issue again."

"For the sake of your so-called morals, in order not to be stubborn, please continue to resist it, let's see ours."


In addition to their irritation, they also know that those readers who have not yet returned, actually can't let go of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Those guys are always sneaking on the screen, watching them discuss the content of the latest chapter, in order to understand the content of the latest chapter.

Therefore, this time, a group of martial arts fans all formed a tacit understanding. They did not discuss the content of the new chapter in detail, but just said how wonderful the new chapter is.

They want those guys to feel itchy because they can't understand the content of the latest chapter.

Of course, the content of this new chapter is indeed very exciting.

This issue still contains four chapters in series, from Chapter 15 "Dongxiemen" to Chapter 18 "Gongsun Guzhu".

The main point is that after experiencing a series of things, Yang Guo met Dongxie Taohua Island in Huang Yaoshi.

Yang Guo's personality and temperament are very appetizing for Huang Yaoshi, Huang Yaoshi likes Yang Guo very much, and the two of them are quite brothers and sisters.

Later, Yang Guo learned from the fool that his father, Yang Kang, was originally killed by Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

In fact, Yang Kang was not killed by Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

At the time when the temple was broken with an iron spear, Yang Kang was worried that Huang Rong would tell the truth about Ouyang Ke's death. He wanted to kill Huang Rong and slapped Huang Rong's soft hedgehog with a palm.

And Huang Rong's soft hedgehog was stained with Ouyang Feng's snake venom, and Yang Kang died of it.

It's just that the idiot is stupid, and she doesn't know how to say it. Yang Guo was suspicious for a long time, and only then did he believe that his father was killed by Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

Therefore, Yang Guo wanted to kill Guo Jing and Huang Rong in order to avenge his father.

After that, the plot went through several twists and turns. Yang Guo met the old naughty boy Zhou Botong. Later, because of Zhou Botong, Yang Guo came to the Valley of Unrequited Love with Jinlun Guoshi, Ma Guangzuo, Nimo Xing, Xiaoxiangzi and others.

It happened to meet the unfeeling Gu master Gongsunzhi marrying a wife, and the daughter that Gongsunzhi married was the little dragon girl.

It turned out that after Xiaolongnv left Yang Guo that day, she missed Yang Guo when she was practicing, and she almost lost her life in the wilderness. Fortunately, she was saved by Gongsunzhi who was passing by.

Seeing Xiaolongnv's beauty, Gongsunzhi wanted to marry her. Xiaolongnv had decided not to see Yang Guo again. In order to make herself and Yang Guo give up, she agreed to marry Gongsunzhi.

On the day of the wedding, Yang came over to the Valley of Unrequited Love.

When Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv meet again, it is naturally impossible for Xiaolongnv to marry Gongsunzhi again.

However, Gongsunzhi used a series of methods to obtain the Little Dragon Girl.

In the end, Yang Guo was injured by the unique "love flower" in the Valley of Unrequited Love, and the only way to detoxify was to use the unique "Unfeeling Pill" in Valley.


The plot twists and turns, and the martial arts fans are extremely enjoyable.

And for such an enjoyable plot, a group of martial arts fans do not intend to discuss it on the Internet. They just want to make those who are willing to be fooled.

In fact, those readers who still choose not to return are indeed quite itchy.

They originally planned to understand the general content of the new chapter by peeking through the screen on the Internet and watching everyone's discussion on the content of the new chapter, just like the previous two issues.

Although this is far from the pleasure of seeing it by myself, it can still be a little relieved after all, and my heart is itchy.

However, this time, everyone talked about it, but never said the specific content of the new chapter, making them anxious.

And in a hurry, they finally couldn't help but took the initiative to ask, what are the contents of today's new chapter?

A group of martial arts fans saw them take the initiative to ask, they were proud, but they were still in a tacit understanding, and they still didn't discuss the specific content of the new chapter.

Said that if they want to know, they can buy this issue of "Laughing Jianghu" for themselves.

The reason why martial arts fans do this is naturally to let those people have to choose to return.

They want to know the content of the new chapter, but it is not available on the Internet, so their only way is to buy it. This issue of "Laughing Jianghu", so they have to choose to return.

The end result was two completely different situations.

There are indeed a small number of people who can no longer care about morals after their heart-itching can hardly bear it, and they have no choice but to choose to return.

However, for more people, this approach of martial arts fans aroused their stubbornness.

The martial arts fans want to use this method to force them to return, but they just don't return.

As for the plot of the new chapter, martial arts fans don't talk about it. They don't understand it.

Anyway, since they chose not to return, they should not continue to be in love with "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

This approach of martial arts fans now just helps them get rid of the thoughts in their hearts.

From then on, let's say goodbye to "The Legend of Condor Heroes" completely. No matter how exciting the story is, it has nothing to do with them.

The emergence of such a situation caught a lot of martial arts fans by surprise, and things seemed to have been self-defeating by them.

I originally wanted to use this method to force them to choose to return, but I didn't want to turn into it and help them completely eliminate the idea.

This Nima is also good enough.

And this also made a lot of martial arts fans a little angry. They tried their best to get those guys back, but they didn't want them to miss a classic work like "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Those guys are good, but they don't appreciate it, and they started stubbornly, and they said that since then, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has nothing to do with them anymore.

Ma egg! It sounds like "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is very rare for them, kindly treat them as donkey liver and lungs.

The more martial arts fans think about it, the more it hurts.

However, it doesn't matter if they are painful, but this thing is obviously sorry Gu Yong, they are equivalent to completely driving away those readers.

Although the number of people is not too large, it is not too small. After Gu Yong understands the relevant situation, he will not be angry, right?

A crowd of martial arts fans couldn't help but feel a little nervous, discussing what should be done?

Go call those guys back? It is estimated that it will not work, at least not in a short time.

What should it do?


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