Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1404: Terrible sales

Lu Changran and others fell silent.

Now let them buy a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys", they are absolutely unwilling.

They are extremely unhappy with Li Fan now, so where would they buy his books?

It's just that they are really puzzled, why is "Hundred Thousand Whys" so attractive?

I hesitated for a long time in my heart, finally gritted my teeth and made up my mind, "It's okay, then go buy a copy, but you have to see how magical it is?

Therefore, in the afternoon, Lu Changran and others returned to the bookstore where they left angrily in the morning.

The situation in the bookstore at this time is different from when they left in the morning. There are almost no children in the bookstore. Adults just grab a copy of "Hundred Thousand Whys" and go to wait in line for payment and checkout.

Lu Changran and the others sighed. It seems that these people are already completely relieved of "Hundred Thousand Whys".

The trend of "Hundred Thousand Whys" is going to become a big hit, and it has been unstoppable.

Even though they were very upset and unwilling, Lu Changran and the others had nothing to do.

In the end, they honestly went to the shelf to fetch a book and joined the long queue.

The line is very long, but the people in the line are not any anxious. They chat with each other about the common topic of "Hundred Thousand Whys", and they all seem very excited.

Naturally, Lu Changran and others would not join their topic, but instead opened the book in their hands.

Since you have to line up, let's take the opportunity to find out. They actually can't wait for a long time, but they will never admit it.

They opened the book, and after reading it for a short while, they closed the book, sighing in their hearts.

They finally knew the reason why "One Hundred Thousand Whys" was so attractive to children.

After knowing the reason, they couldn't do anything other than sigh unwillingly and sigh.


"One Hundred Thousand Whys" is getting more and more popular in bookstores across the country.

By 6 pm, according to incomplete statistics of relevant data, the sales volume of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" had exceeded 2 million copies.

Wang Xuejun of the Ministry of Education laughed excitedly after learning this data.

In fact, from the on-site sales of major bookstores today, Wang Xuejun knows that the sales volume of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" today is definitely not low.

However, when the specific sales data came out, Wang Xuejun was still excited.

Moreover, this is only the data as of 6 o'clock. When we wait until 12 o'clock in the evening, we will calculate the statistics. A conservative estimate is that it will exceed 2.5 million.

The sales volume is so high, it represents everyone's full recognition of this work.

Everyone fully approves of this work, it represents the decision of the Ministry of Education this time, and it has also been recognized by everyone.

While everyone is grateful to Li Fan for creating such a work, they will inevitably also be grateful to the Ministry of Education.

Because the two previous announcements of the Ministry of Education have already branded this work with the Ministry of Education's label.

Of course, this is indeed the case. Li Fan was indeed invited by the Ministry of Education to create the work "One Hundred Thousand Whys".

While everyone is grateful to Li Fan, they are also grateful to the Ministry of Education.

Wang Xuejun laughed and said to Liang Guozhong and Chi Yang: "How about Lao Liang and Lao Chi? Li Fan's work is absolutely trustworthy."

"One Hundred Thousand Whys" was absolutely affirmed by the market once it went on the market, and Liang Guozhong and Chi Yang were equally excited.

Although they were very suspicious of Li Fan's work before, they also suggested that Wang Xuejun should not be in a hurry and brand this work with the label of the Ministry of Education.

But that was just their previous objective analysis, for the sake of the reputation of the Ministry of Education, not for any personal grievances against Li Fan.

Now, "One Hundred Thousand Whys" has been praised and recommended by countless young parents. The reputation of the Ministry of Education of their country has benefited greatly from this, and the two are naturally happy.

While the two were happy, they couldn't help but admire Wang Xuejun's vision and courage. Now listening to Wang Xuejun's question, they repeatedly said that their vision was too narrow before and they should not be suspicious of Li Fan's works.

Wang Xuejun was even more happy when he heard what the two said, and laughed again.


At this moment, there is also another person who is very excited, that is Ye Honghui of Chongwen Publishing House.

Although I knew that the sales volume of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" was definitely not low, the sales volume on the first day far exceeded 2 million copies, which made Ye Honghui excited.

There is no doubt that this will definitely be a sales volume, not a super bestseller under the "San Zi Jing", and their Chongwen Publishing House will make another big money from this book.

What makes Ye Honghui even more excited is that this is only the first part of "One Hundred Thousand Whys", and there will definitely be a second, third, or even more in the future.

The money they make because of this work is probably a terrible figure.

Ye Honghui became more excited as he thought about it. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to do his best to maintain the current good relationship with Li Fan. It is not too much to say that Li Fan is the food and clothing parent of their publishing house.

Of course, Chongwen Publishing House will earn a terrible number, and Li Fan will also earn a terrible number.

Because Li Fan and Chongwen Publishing House's cooperation method is sales sharing, the more Chongwen Publishing House earns, the more Li Fan also earns.


Three Holy Village.

"There are already more than 2 million copies, not bad, at last there is no shame." Qin Lie said to Li Fan indifferently.

However, everyone knew that Qin Lie was just pretending to be indifferent.

In fact, Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng were really surprised when they learned that the sales of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" had exceeded 2 million copies by 6 pm.

You know, if the sales of a famous author's new book can exceed 100,000 copies on the first day, it is already a very remarkable achievement, and it is worth celebrating.

If it is an ordinary author, the first day's sales can exceed 10,000 copies, then it is already quite remarkable.

Li Fan's servant directly exceeded 2 million copies, and only the sales as of 6 o'clock. The gap is really like a gap between heaven and earth.

A few people exclaimed, that kid's work, no matter what kind of work it is, never disappoints.

Not only will not be disappointed, but will also create one after another surprise.

After Qin Lie said calmly, Su Yilin said: "Yes, this work of yours can bring great help to all children. Children are the future of the country. The significance of this work will be extraordinary. , There are still a few more movies to come, you kid should continue to create well."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Grandpa can rest assured, I know this naturally."

Su Yilin nodded very satisfied.


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