Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1379: The influence is already terrifying

Baker Street, 221b.

The exclamation of the crowd and the unbelievable expression on his face made Alves very proud and very interested.

You know, Holmes now has many fans.

As for these sudden visitors, Alves was not surprised. He knew his apartment and would soon welcome the first group of guests.

Then, there will be a steady stream of guests visiting.

For this reason, he thinks he needs to rearrange his apartment, according to the various backgrounds introduced in the novel.

This made him feel very excited and interesting. The original life of a lonely solitary life was filled with endless fun in an instant.

He has already begun to rearrange his apartment, but it will take some time to complete the decoration.

Seeing the surprised people in front of him, Alves smiled slightly and said: "Are you here to visit Holmes? Holmes does live here, but I'm sorry that he can't come out to see you. But if you have anything. It’s the same as I said, I am also a detective."

"Oh, my God! This is incredible, Mr. Holmes, oh, sorry, I know I should call you by your original name, it is more polite. But I'm sorry, you are exactly the same as we imagined Mr. Holmes Yes, I really want to call you Mr. Holmes." The curly-haired man said.

Alves smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. You can call me Holmes. In fact, you should have already thought of it. Mr. Li Fan created the character of Holmes, which is based on me. In addition, the most important thing is. Yes, I am really a detective. If you have any problems, maybe I can really help you."

Alves is not bragging, he does have the mind of a detective.

"Really? This is incredible, Mr. Holmes, I can guarantee that in the afternoon, your place will be overcrowded." The curly-haired man said again.

In reality, there is actually a Holmes, and everyone is a little crazy with excitement.

They believe that, of course, after the incident spreads, fans of detective novels from all over the country will definitely come here.

No, it's not just fans of detective novels in Lan Guo. "Detective Sherlock Holmes" is destined to spread to other countries in Europe and even other continents.

Sherlock Holmes's fame is destined to spread more and more widely, and there will definitely be more and more fans of detective novels from other countries.

And they were obviously the first guests to visit Holmes, which made them even more excited and excited.

Another man said excitedly: "Mr. Holmes, can we go take a look at your apartment? In that case, we would feel very honored."

Alves smiled slightly: "Of course, there is no problem at all, please come in."

A crowd of people thanked them and couldn't wait to enter the apartment.

While everyone was visiting Yalmos's apartment, they shared various things about the apartment on the Internet.

The facts are just as they thought. There was a huge wave on the Internet in an instant. Detective fans all over the country were so excited that they couldn't believe it.

"Oh, my goodness! Mr. Holmes actually lived in apartment 221b Baker Street, which is incredible."

"It turns out that Mr. Holmes still has a character prototype. I must ask Mr. Holmes to visit Mr. Holmes on Baker Street. Mr. Holmes is my idol. He is really great."

"I will book a train ticket to Longtown immediately. I can't wait a moment. I'm going to visit Mr. Holmes."

"I can't wait for a moment. I also want to book a train ticket to Longtown immediately."


Some anxious fans of detective novels across the country, after learning the news, couldn't wait to go to Baker Street to visit Mr. Holmes.

And the other relatively calm fans of detective novels have all set their goals in their hearts to go to Baker Street to visit Mr. Holmes as soon as possible.

For fans of detective novels in Longtown, it is very convenient for them to go to Baker Street.

As a result, starting at noon today, pedestrians on Baker Street have increased dramatically, and some fans of non-detective novels have also gone there. Such a lively and interesting thing, they naturally want to join the fun.

This makes Baker Street, which itself is not wide, overcrowded, and the quiet streets in the past make it difficult to have a moment of peace.

The area around apartment 221b was even more crowded, and the apartment door was closed tightly.

It's not that Alves is unwilling to open the door, but that there are too many people. If the door is opened, something unexpected will happen.

The gathering of so many people has already alarmed the local police teas. The relevant departments hurriedly dispatched a lot of police teas to maintain the order in front of the apartment at 221b Baker Street.

After discussing with Alves, the policemen decided to let the detective fans who came here in batches to visit the apartment.

The visit time for each batch is five minutes.

In this way, with the help of the police tea, apartment 221b was opened to detective fans in batches.

Each group of detective fans has five minutes to visit and see "Holmes" in the apartment.

Due to the large number of people, many people will definitely not be able to enter the apartment today, but despite this, they still stay on Baker Street.

Here are all like-minded people, they are talking about Sherlock Holmes together in excitement, they are very interested, and naturally they don't want to leave.

In addition, those who have come out of the apartment after visiting the apartment are also reluctant to leave.

This makes it impossible for some people who arrive late to enter Baker Street.

The media reporters who came to hear the news were all surprised to see this situation. There were more people gathered here than they thought.

And this also makes them excited. The more people gather here, the more news value it will undoubtedly increase.

They tried their best to squeeze into the crowd, they were going to interview "Holmes" living in apartment 221b.

As a result, news about Li Fan and Holmes hit again in large numbers.

"Today, Baker Street, where Detective Sherlock Holmes lives, welcomes a large number of guests who want to visit Sherlock Holmes. Baker Street is crowded."

"Detective Sherlock Holmes has a character prototype. He is the real owner of Apartment 221b Baker Street. Now, he is the idol worshipped by countless fans of detective novels, Mr. Holmes."

"The apartment at 221b Baker Street has been visited by a steady stream of guests since this morning, and they have met ‘Holmes’ here."

"It is understood that there are countless fans of detective novels across the country at this time. They are on their way to Longtown. They are going to visit Sherlock Holmes on Baker Street."


Various reports from the media have once again attracted the attention of people from all walks of life.

After reading the relevant reports, they all sighed that Li Fan's "Detective Sherlock Holmes" was only the second day after its official release, and its influence was already terrifying!


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