Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1378: Exclamation on Baker Street

Quite a few people went to Cléo's Clementian Bar.

After the Cletarian Bar, more people went to the most important place, Baker Street, where countless detective fans wanted to chase the most.

Although few people knew about Baker Street before, some people knew it after all.

Moreover, it can also be found on the map, and its location is not remote.

So, also from the morning, many detective fans appeared on Baker Street.

They knew it was impossible to meet Holmes here, but they couldn't help but want to come here.

At least, they can confirm whether there really is number 221b on this street?

They were talking quietly while walking slowly down the street.

"This street is not remote. Why is it so deserted? The apartments on both sides seem to be unoccupied."

"It seems that nobody lives, and why is there no house number? Will there be number 221b here?"

"I don't know, maybe 221b is a house number that Mr. Li Fan made up at will."


A group of people wanted to find No. 221b, but found that there were no house numbers in front of all the apartments.

Just when they were all wondering whether there would be 221b here, one person suddenly said in surprise, "Oh! God! You guys look at it, 221b."

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked in the direction that the person was pointing at. At the end of the street, on the right side of the door of the apartment building, there was a house number hanging on it, and it said: 221b.

Moreover, its house number has obvious traces of time, and it is not a new house number.

This house number is naturally the house number in the apartment that Alves moved outside the gate.

Knowing that someone would come to visit, Alves naturally wanted to let the guests find out.

The people who found No. 221b were so excited that they hurried to the door of No. 221b apartment.

With great interest, he carefully looked at the door in front of him and the apartment inside the door.

"There is actually number 221b, which is really great! Judging from the history of this house number, this house number has been around for a long time."

"I know why Mr. Li Fan will let Holmes live in No. 221b. Before I wanted to come, Mr. Li Fan accidentally passed this street and found that this apartment was the only apartment with a house number. He decided to let his friend, Holmes, live here."

"It is very likely that this is the case, and it seems that this apartment is actually inhabited."

"It really feels like it's really inhabited. It won't be Mr. Holmes? Well, I know, it's certainly impossible."

"Do you remember what Mr. Li Fan said at the scene of the Detective Novel Festival before?"

"Of course, Mr. Li Fan said at the time,'This old friend of mine lives on Baker Street. He is a detective. He has always had a dream in his heart. I decided to write a new book. To help him and realize his dream.'"

"Yes, that's what Mr. Li Fan said at the time. Mr. Li Fan said that he has an old friend who lives on this street. From our just observation, it seems that only this apartment is inhabited on this street. In other words, the owner of this apartment should be Mr. Li Fan’s friend. However, Mr. Li Fan said he is a detective. What is going on?"

"There is a saying before this. Many people think that the friend Mr. Li Fan is talking about is exactly his famous detective, Holmes."

"I know this statement, but now this apartment 221b is really inhabited, that means that the friends Mr. Li Fan said should be friends in reality, not his famous detective Sherlock Holmes."

"That's weird, what does Mr. Li Fan mean? I haven't figured it out so far."

"In my opinion, knock directly on the door, visit the owner here, and ask him if he knows Mr. Li Fan? This may be the best way."

"Good idea, I agree to visit the host here."


Everyone agreed to visit the owner of the apartment, so a crisp knock on the door sounded on this quiet street.

"Will someone come to open the door?" The crowd were not sure, and while waiting, they were a little nervous, excited and expectant.

After a while, there was no movement inside the door. All of them shook their heads and sighed in disappointment. It seemed that no one would come to open the door.

At this moment, footsteps faintly came from the gate.

Everyone was suddenly inexplicably surprised and excited, and quickly held their breath, not letting themselves make any noise, and listened carefully to the faint footsteps coming from the gate.

The footsteps are getting closer, and everyone's heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

Finally, with a long "squeak" sound, the closed door was slowly opened.

Everyone stared at the door that opened more and more open, and thought in their hearts, how should they greet the owner? How should you tell the master about your intentions?

"Hello, sir, I'm very sorry to disturb you. We are..." a curly-haired man nearest the door said, and he planned to say hello to the owner of the apartment.

However, before he finished speaking, his eyes were suddenly rounded, and then he exclaimed together with the others: "Mr. Holmes!"

Yes, they will never forget this moment, they saw Holmes.

The person who opened the door was an old man, but the old man was very energetic, his face was red, his hair was jet-black, his back was straight, his height was more than 180 cm, the slender hook nose was very conspicuous, and his jaw was square and protruding, and he did not look like it. Is an old man.

Of course, this is not the point, nor is it the reason why everyone exclaimed.

Everyone exclaimed because the old man who opened the door in front of him, the owner of this apartment, had a similarity between the image of Sherlock Holmes and the illustration of Sherlock Holmes on the cover of "Detective Sherlock Holmes".

It's just that the old man is slightly older, and he doesn't have a pipe in his hand.

The character image of Sherlock Holmes on the cover has already been engraved in the minds of everyone at the scene, and it has already been very smart and vivid.

However, how could they think that they would actually see the real "Holmes" in reality.

More importantly, this "Mr. Holmes" lives at No. 221b on Baker Street.

Exclaimed! Exclaimed in disbelief! Surprise and exclamation!

After the exclamation, some people whose minds turned faster still vaguely understood the reason.

What Li Fan said at the scene that day, he has a friend who lives on Baker Street, and he should be the old man in front of him.

And the character image of Sherlock Holmes he created is based on the old man in front of him as the character prototype.

The friend Li Fan spoke of was not only the old man in reality, but also his fictional character, Sherlock Holmes.

This also explains the second half of the sentence. Li Fan said that he decided to write a new book to help his friend realize a dream that has always been hidden in his heart.

Now it seems that it is to help the old man in front of him realize a dream in his heart.

What is the dream of the old man? Is it to be a detective, or something else?

This is not certain now, and it is not easy to ask.

But one thing is certain, no matter what the old man’s dream is? It should indeed be achievable.

Li Fan really helped the old man realize his dream through a work.


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