Literary Master 1978

Chapter 29 Talent is shining

Zhou Yanru calculated very clearly that Lin Chaoyang had half a month to revise "Wrangler". Although the time was a bit tight for a novice author, she felt that Lin Chaoyang's talent should not be a big problem.

"What manuscript are you taking? You haven't even changed it!"

"Right away, soon."

Lin Chaoyang said that, regardless of her reaction, he took out the pen in his breast pocket, squatted on the bench on the triangular ground and started writing furiously.

Zhou Yanru was stunned by his inexplicable statement, and Chen Jiangong on the side was also a little confused.

They both understood that Lin Chaoyang was revising the draft, but what did he mean by grabbing Zhou Yanru and refusing to let him go?

How fast is "soon"?

Is it possible that Zhou Yanru can be allowed to leave today with the revised manuscript?

With such questions in their minds, Zhou Yanru and Chen Jiangong stood by the chairs and waited. For fear of disturbing Lin Chaoyang's thoughts, they did not dare to speak. They could only focus on the manuscript that Lin Chaoyang was revising.

嬻~One line has been changed!

嬻欻~Another paragraph has been revised!

嬻欻欻~This page has been changed!

Zhou Yanru has always felt that Lin Chaoyang is a very talented author, and his performance today refreshed her understanding. How can someone revise a manuscript so quickly?

The writing is almost devoid of detail and the writing is fluent.

There are many submissions to "Yanjing Literature and Art", but most of the manuscripts have more or less defects. It is normal to revise the manuscripts. Zhou Yanru has to communicate with local or foreign authors who come to Beijing to revise their manuscripts almost every day.

These authors have high or low creative efficiency, but they all have one problem: their revision speed is extremely slow.

Deleting some of their words is like killing them. This cannot be changed, and that cannot be touched.

I didn’t go into details about the structure, but I was very diligent in picking out the words.

I almost have the words "I write articles that are handed down from generation to generation" engraved on my forehead.

The most frightening thing is that some authors, after changing and changing, have broken down, their confidence has collapsed, and they are completely confused.

It is normal for an experienced author to revise a manuscript of 18,000 words in three to five days or weeks. If you are a novice, you need step-by-step guidance, and he will be there for half a month.

Zhou Yanru gave Lin Chaoyang half a month, and she was still not there to guide him. She really recognized his ability.

But she didn't expect that she still underestimated Lin Chaoyang.

This speed...

Zhou Yanru watched Lin Chaoyang finish correcting another page of the manuscript, and couldn't help but raise her hand and glance at her watch.

It has only been twenty minutes, and it is already three pages long. A total of 4 changes have been made, and the number of words has been revised, added or deleted, and exceeded 400 words.

Four hundred words in twenty minutes may not seem like much, but the problem is that this is not about dictating new words, but about revising a manuscript that requires in-depth thinking!

Let alone the quality, the speed alone puts most authors to shame.

Chen Jiangong had already started to look at the manuscript when Lin Chaoyang had finished correcting the first page. He carefully read the places marked in red handwriting on each page.

"How is it?" Zhou Yanru asked him in a low voice.

"The change is very good!"

Fast and good?

Zhou Yanru took the manuscript from Chen Jiangong's hand with some disbelief, and read it more carefully than he did, almost burying her eyes in the letter paper.

Today is Sunday, and Yanyuan is full of energetic figures and their youthful shouts.

But in this small space around the benches on the triangular ground, the only silence was the rustle of Lin Chaoyang's pen.

Zhou Yanru gently put the letter paper back on the bench, pressed it with the pen cap, waved to Chen Jiangong, and the two walked to a place not far from Lin Chaoyang to ensure that they would not affect him.

After being silent for a while, Chen Jiangong asked: "Teacher Zhou, Chaoyang should be considered a 'quick thinker', right?"

Zhou Yanru didn't answer his words, she just looked at Lin Chaoyang's back and suddenly said something irrelevant.

"When Yanjing Literature and Art was first published, there were few staff and not many available manuscripts. It was really a miserable business at that time. Every time when the manuscript was about to be published, it was like a poor family celebrating the New Year. There was no scratching at all.

Sometimes when they get desperate, the editorial board members will say: "There is really nothing decent, Lao Zhao, please write one."

Lao Zhao never shirks the blame. He says that he will pay the royalties anyway and the wealth will not go to outsiders.

Every time he drank a little wine, ate a bowl of wontons, drew some symbols on the paper, and then drew a few criss-crossing lines, and then kept swiping the pen, finishing it in one go, which was a masterpiece. "

While Zhou Yanru was talking to herself, Chen Jiangong remained silent and listened with great interest. He was quite familiar with "Yanjing Literature and Art" and knew that the "Old Zhao" in Zhou Yanru's mouth was Mr. Zhao Shuli, the novelist and founder of the Yam Egg School. .

He was also the editor of "Yenjing Literature and Art" at that time, and he was also in charge of "Yenjing Literature and Art" after Mr. Lao She's death.

"This is how Registration was launched back then."

When Zhou Yanru said this, she looked at Lin Chaoyang, who was squatting by the bench and writing furiously. "Most talented people can blurt out sentences. Not to mention that Cao Zhi wrote a poem in seven steps, like Lao Zhao, just a glass of wine There are few writers in the world who can create a masterpiece in a short period of time..."

At this point, she paused.

She couldn't judge Lin Chaoyang's situation. She didn't dare to say that Lin Chaoyang's talents could match Zhao Shuli's, but she was at least certain that he had the potential. After all, he was only a twenty-year-old young man with not much writing experience.

Zhou Yanru didn't finish her words, but Chen Jiangong could hear her admiration and appreciation for Lin Chaoyang.

He also writes novels and fully understands Zhou Yanru's feelings. When he is writing, he may be stuck for hours for a certain sentence. He writes an article over and over again. After a few days of work, he may only write 1,800 words, and he is not satisfied with it no matter how he looks at it.

Comparing his own situation with Lin Chaoyang, he knows how terrible he is. Often, the flash of talent that comes inadvertently is a huge gap.

Moreover, revising a manuscript is not like writing a manuscript. Writing a manuscript is a process of flowing thoughts, just like the ocean. But revising a manuscript is like writing an eight-part essay. You have to use your talent within certain rules and break out of your inherent thinking.

In his opinion, the manuscript of "The Shepherd" is already very good, but Zhou Yanru still found a lot of problems. The most terrible thing is that Lin Chaoyang also revised it without hesitation.

Chen Jiangong admired him and couldn't help but feel ashamed. He wanted to give Lin Chaoyang some advice before.

An hour passed quickly, Lin Chaoyang stood up, stamped his feet that were almost numb from squatting, screwed the pen cap back into his pocket, and sorted out the manuscript.

"Old Zhou, take a quick look, is the revision okay?"

Zhou Yanru silently read all the revisions, "The revisions are very good."

"That's it." Lin Chaoyang said this and ran out, "Let's not talk about it for now, we'll communicate again if there's anything."

Zhou Yanru held the manuscript in his hand and asked Chen Jiangong: "Why is he so anxious?"

"You don't know, Chaoyang is a very motivated person."

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