Literary Master 1978

Chapter 28 Take the Manuscript Away

Lin Chaoyang missed the time when Tao Yushu returned to his hometown. He thought it was just the beginning of his and Tao Yushu's happy life. Now he can see clearly that it was clearly a sugar-coated bullet that Tao Yushu used to trick him to come to Yanjing.

Alas, what should I do with such a wife who is a king of rolls?

When Lin Chaoyang first started working, he was also a little prince of rolls. Later, when he was older and understood the workplace, he was discouraged and wanted to be a salted fish. But he was nothing compared to Tao Yushu now.

He didn't know what this girl was like when she was in school. Anyway, she would read books and study when she went home except for eating. She would not go to the toilet for more than five minutes, and she would sit at home all day on Sundays.

After turning off the lights at night, Lin Chaoyang remembered the KPI set by his old father before coming to Yanjing.

The housing conditions of his father-in-law's family did not allow it, which was an objective reason. Tao Yushu was obsessed with learning and was determined to be a king of rolls, which was a subjective reason.

Dad, don't blame your son for not being ambitious. It's really your daughter-in-law who is too competitive.

Let's wait and see about the eldest grandson!

Tao Yushu stood up Lin Chaoyang on the 11th, so he had to focus all his energy on writing and took the initiative to ask the library leaders to be on duty on the 11th.

The result of Tao Yushu's active internalization directly led to Lin Chaoyang's passive internalization, but his colleagues in the library not only had no complaints, but praised him happily: Xiao Lin is really motivated!

Lin Chaoyang smiled at his colleagues' praise, but his heart was bleeding:

I am so motivated because I have a good wife!

However, it is not without benefits for Lin Chaoyang and his wife to be so competitive.

After work on the day after the 11th, Lin Chaoyang's second short story was freshly published. After a simple revision, it was mailed to Shanghai.

After returning, he went to the school finance department. After working for a whole month, he finally received his first salary in the library.

Forty-seven yuan!

Compared with his previous salary as a teacher in the team school, it was doubled and even more. It was really good to be a freeloader!

But when Lin Chaoyang thought that the money just went through his hands, he felt a little depressed.

Fortunately, Tao Yushu was quite particular and left him ten yuan every month, which left him four yuan after lunch.

Zhou Yanru, the head of the novel group of "Yanjing Literature and Art", knocked on the door of a family in the tube building in the courtyard of the Yanjing Municipal Cultural Bureau.

The house was a single room, and the room looked very messy in more than ten square meters. There were also a lot of luggage. It seemed that this family had just moved in.

The owner of the house was an old comrade who looked nearly sixty years old and had a kind face. Zhou Yanru said to him: "Comrade Qingquan, I'm really sorry to bother you just after returning to Yanjing."

"Don't be polite, drink some water." Li Qingquan poured her a glass of water.

After a few simple polite words, Zhou Yanru explained her purpose. She came today for Lin Chaoyang's "The Shepherd".

Due to personnel changes, the publication of the manuscript of "The Shepherd" was suppressed at the editorial board meeting.

The quality of "The Shepherd" is beyond doubt. Zhou Yanru can say very responsibly that as long as this novel is published, it will definitely cause a certain response. I dare not say that it will be popular all over the country, but at least it will make Lin Chaoyang, the author, famous.

It is obviously a good work, but it is still suppressed. Some people say "After I leave, who cares about the floods", but she is afraid of making such a good work and the author alienated.

Liu Xinwu's question outside the library of Yanda that day made her feel a sense of crisis. In the past year or so, many domestic literary magazines have been re-published and founded, and now all literary magazines are short of good manuscripts.

You don't want good works and good authors, there are many publications that want them.

After returning from Yanda, Zhou Yanru talked to the person in charge of the publication again, but still to no avail.

In desperation, she decided to change her mind.

Li Qingquan was once the editor-in-chief of People's Literature. He was exiled to Harbin a few years ago. This year, he was able to return to Beijing to take over the position of head of Yanjing Literature and Art.

Since the old leader is leaving, I can always find a new leader, right?

Although this is a bit against the rules, Zhou Yanru believes that this is the most beneficial approach for the publication.

"You just returned to Yanjing, and I shouldn't bother you. But I heard that you will not report to the editorial office until the end of the month. There are few good manuscripts now, and even fewer that can have an impact. We, Yanjing Literature and Art, urgently need such manuscripts to open up the situation.

I will show you when you come to the editorial office. The manuscripts still have to wait in line, maybe until January or February.

Besides, if we always hold back the manuscripts submitted by others, the authors will also have opinions. This time the manuscript is in our hands, and they won't say anything.

But next time, will they dare to submit to us?"

Zhou Yanru talked for a long time, telling the course of events, her communication before and after, and her thoughts. Li Qingquan was silent for a moment after listening.

"Comrade Yanru, your consideration is reasonable."

Zhou Yanru breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Li Qingquan's affirmation.

After the two communicated, Li Qingquan took over the manuscript of "The Shepherd" and started reading it.

He was an old smoker and smoked a lot. After reading the manuscript for a while, the room was already filled with smoke.

Zhou Yanru was accustomed to this, there were many old smokers in the editorial department.

"It's really good! It's an excellent manuscript, and what's more rare is the author. You said this is his debut work, this talent is not ordinary. If such a manuscript is not published, wouldn't it drive such a potential author to other publications?"

He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and kicked it out.


"The organization asked me to report to the editorial office on the 23rd, so I'll publish it in the eleventh issue."

Li Qingquan made the final decision.

Zhou Yanru was overjoyed, "Great. With your words, it will be easier to deal with the author. I'll contact him now and revise the manuscript."

Li Qingquan said again: "Contact him privately. This matter..."

"I understand."

The old leader hasn't left yet, and the subordinates are teaming up with the new leader to make trouble. It's a taboo in any unit.

With Li Qingquan's permission, Zhou Yanru was considered to have obtained the imperial sword.

The next day was the weekend, and she ran to Yanda to find Chen Jiangong.

On the day when the May Fourth Literary Society was re-established, at the end of Zhou Yanru's conversation with Lin Chaoyang, he mentioned that Zhou Yanru should not mention his novel writing outside the editorial department.

If you need to contact him, leave a note for him at the Yanda Library, or find Chen Jiangong.

Zhou Yanru was not sure whether Lin Chaoyang was working on Sunday, so she had to find Chen Jiangong first.

"Chaoyang is very motivated at work and is also at the company on Sundays."

Chen Jiangong brought Zhou Yanru to the library and asked the front desk to pass a note to Lin Chaoyang who was stationed upstairs.

After a while, he came down and saw the two people waiting at the front desk. Lin Chaoyang quickly lowered his voice, "Go out and talk, go out and talk!"

He turned around and said to the front desk, "Du Rong, help me go to the roof for a while."

Outside the library, Zhou Yanru took out the manuscript, "I have marked the places where the manuscript needs to be revised and added or deleted, a total of 16 places, no problem, I will tell you briefly now. You can revise it and send it to me before the 25th, and we will try to publish it in the eleventh issue."

"Yanjing Literature and Art" is a monthly magazine, published on the 10th of each month, and the eleventh issue corresponds to November 10th, which is still a month away from now, but the time for finalization, proofreading, typesetting, printing, and mailing must be excluded, and the actual time left for Lin Chaoyang to revise is only about half a month.

After explaining the content to be revised, Zhou Yanru planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chaoyang grabbed her and said, "Take the manuscript away later."


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