Literary Master 1978

Chapter 268 The family members have made greater contributions

That night, the sound in Lin Chaoyang's bedroom continued until very late. It was not until the woman's gentle pleading sounded that the sound stopped.

Having regained his glory, Lin Chaoyang fell into a deep sleep.

He didn't know how much time passed, but the phone in the living room rang rapidly. He woke up from his sleep and went to answer the phone. He heard that it was the security guard at the door, saying that someone was coming to visit.

"Who is it in the middle of the night?" Tao Yushu was sleepy and lazily next to Lin Chaoyang who was getting dressed.

"Li Tuo and Zhang Chengzhi, I don't know what the fuss is about." Lin Chaoyang got dressed and said to Tao Yushu, "You go to bed first, I'll send them away before going to bed."

Not two minutes later, there was a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw Li Tuo and Zhang Chengzhi with red faces.

"What's going on with you two, coming here after one o'clock in the middle of the night to disturb people's dreams?" Lin Chaoyang complained.

Li Tuo immediately pointed at Zhang Chengzhi, "It's his fault! He pulled me out of bed in the middle of the night and had to look for a book."

"Looking for a book? What book are you looking for?" Lin Chaoyang asked doubtfully.

Zhang Chengzhi said: "Martin Eden! Chaoyang, do you have it at home?"

"In order to find a copy of "Martin Eden", you two stayed up most of the night and traveled half of the capital to disturb my dreams?"

Lin Chaoyang didn't understand, but he was shocked and filled with resentment.

Li Tuo pointed at Zhang Chengzhi again, "I told you, he insisted on coming. I was sleeping well at home, but he banged on my door. When he came in, he asked me for a book, but I didn't have any..."

Zhang Chengzhi answered: "Then he said, there must be one in Chaoyang, so I dragged him here."


Zhang Chengzhi sold him in just two words. Just as Li Tuo was about to talk to him, he was interrupted by Lin Chaoyang, "Okay, okay, keep your voice down."

He asked Zhang Chengzhi again: "Martin Eden, right?"

Zhang Chengzhi nodded excitedly, "Yes, yes, do you have any?"

Lin Chaoyang didn't answer. He went to the study to look through the bookshelf, found a book, and threw it to Zhang Chengzhi.

After receiving the book, Zhang Chengzhi was overjoyed. Lin Chaoyang said: "The book is here. It's too cold outside. Just sleep at home tonight. You two squeeze into the cabin."

"No, no, no..."

Li Tuo waved his hands and was about to refuse, but he saw Zhang Chengzhi sitting on Lin Chaoyang's sofa and flipping through the novel without any distractions. He seemed to have no intention of leaving.

"Okay, let's do this for now. I don't care about you two anymore. If you're sleepy, go to that room and sleep."

After speaking, Lin Chaoyang went back to the house and continued to sleep.

Early the next morning, when the couple got up, Li Tuo and Zhang Chengzhi were no longer in the house, and there was a note on the table.

"Chaoyang, Li Tuo and I have something to do, so we'll leave first.

I was sorry to bother you last night. I was finishing up my new novel recently and was struggling to find a suitable narrative language. When I suddenly had an idea, I remembered a description in "Martin Eden" for reference, but the memory has long been blurred, so Just thought of looking for a book to read.

The novel was finished on your coffee table last night. Let Yushu help you submit it to "Yanjing Literature" as a reward for your clear dreams.

In addition, if the manuscript is accepted, the manuscript fee will still be mine. "

The note contained only a few words and was not signed, but it could be seen from the tone that it was written by Zhang Chengzhi.

The previous words are all very good, but this last sentence is too mean-spirited. Do I still owe you some royalties? I also specially emphasize that it is true!

"What is this?"

Tao Yushu, who had just gotten up and washed up, came over and saw the note in Lin Chaoyang's hand. Lin Chaoyang handed the note to him and picked up the pile of manuscript papers placed on the coffee table.

It only took Tao Yushu more than ten seconds to read the contents of the note. He suddenly felt like pie in the sky. He grabbed the manuscript from Lin Chaoyang's hand and started flipping through it happily.

Unexpectedly, she was fascinated by this sight, and she didn't come back to her senses until Lin Chaoyang asked her to eat.

"Chengzhi's novel is really well written."

"It's good."

"Didn't you see it? How do you know it's good?"

Of course, Lin Chaoyang couldn't say that he knew it was definitely right when he saw the three words "Black Horse" on the first page of the manuscript. He could only say: "It's not wrong even if he knocks on our door in the middle of the night."

Hearing this, Tao Yushu couldn't help but smile.

"If you don't have any enthusiasm, you really can't be a writer!"

The couple finished their meal while talking, put away the dishes, then simply tidied the room, and then entered the study.

Tao Yushu continued to review the pie-in-the-sky manuscript, while Lin Chaoyang worked overtime to write the movie script of "Garland Under the Mountain".

Today is the weekend and there is no need to go to work, but the couple is busy in their own way.

Early the next morning, Tao Yushu came to the editorial office with a cheerful face. When he met Zhang Dening, he joked: "Yushu, judging from your appearance, you had a good rest on the weekend?"

Tao Yushu nodded excitedly, "Very good."

As she spoke, she opened the black artificial leather briefcase she carried with her, with the word "Yenjing" printed on it, and took out a thick manuscript from it.

As soon as he saw the things she took out, Zhang Dening moved his body awkwardly.

People like Tao Yushu are not common in life, but almost everyone will meet them.

They are usually the top students in school, and have extremely correct learning attitudes, and their aura is so strong that they put bad students to shame.

When they started working after graduation, they had almost no bumps and bruises like young people in the early stages of their careers. They seemed to get into work right away, maintaining their strong enthusiasm and ambition as always.

To sum it up in the words of later generations, this is the chosen worker.

After working for a month, her professional level has improved rapidly, and her work attitude is positive and enthusiastic. She has won unanimous recognition from the editorial department, which makes Zhang Dening, a good sister, feel a sense of crisis.

When Tao Yushu first came to the editorial department, Zhang Dening would still act like a senior to guide her business, but a month later, Zhang Dening was surprised to find that she seemed to have little guidance for Tao Yushu.

Even in the business of manuscript review, which requires experience and literary literacy, Tao Yushu can discuss with her and always put forward wonderful ideas that are beyond her expectations.

And more importantly, Tao Yushu not only has a strong learning ability and is quick to get started in business, but also has a very dedicated work attitude.

After adapting to the work of the editorial department, from time to time, she would pull Zhang Dening to talk about manuscripts until after get off work.

Zhang Dening clearly remembered that she had packed up her things when she was about to leave work the day before yesterday. She was about to leave work on time, but was stopped by Tao Yushu and talked about the manuscripts for more than half an hour.

Finally, she watched Tao Yushu put the manuscripts that had not been reviewed into his briefcase.

Which good person would bring manuscripts home on the weekend?

Zhang Dening thought she had brought a resource person who "brought money into the group" to the editorial department, but she didn't know that she had brought a catfish that destroyed the ecological balance of the editorial department. Unfortunately, it was too late for her to realize the seriousness of the matter now.

"Yushu, have you reviewed all these manuscripts?" Zhang Dening asked with a glimmer of luck.

"No, I was too busy on the weekend and didn't have time to take care of it."

Hearing Tao Yushu's words, Zhang Dening breathed a sigh of relief.

I was shocked. It turned out that he was just pretending.

Just when she relaxed her vigilance, she saw Tao Yushu taking out a manuscript from the pile of manuscripts. She clearly saw the title on it - "Black Stallion".

Zhang Dening clearly remembered that this name was not in the manuscript that Tao Yushu brought with him when he left the day before yesterday. She asked curiously, "Yushu, this manuscript didn't have this name before, right?"

"Yes, I just received it yesterday."

Yesterday? Didn't we have a day off yesterday?

Zhang Dening looked confused. She wanted to ask: Everyone was having a day off, where did you get the manuscript?

She didn't ask the question out loud. After answering her question, Tao Yushu sat down, spread out the letter paper, unscrewed the pen cap, and started writing.

"Review comments on the novella "Black Stallion"..."

The title is quite formal, Zhang Dening thought.

Then she watched Tao Yushu write like a gust of wind, without stopping. He wrote hundreds of words of comments in just over ten minutes, and there was no sign of stopping. He would flip through the manuscript of "Black Stallion" from time to time and continue to write like a flying bird.

Tao Yushu kept writing, which made Zhang Dening unable to concentrate all morning. Her eyes were attracted by her figure writing furiously from time to time.

It was not until lunchtime that the editor-in-chief Yang Mo walked into the editorial office and noticed that Tao Yushu was writing endlessly. He asked, "Yushu, what are you writing? Let's go eat first."

"Editor-in-chief, I'm writing a review opinion. I received a particularly good manuscript yesterday."

Listening to Tao Yushu's words, Yang Mo became interested and took a serious look at what she wrote, with a look of surprise on his face.

"How much did you write?"

There is no fixed format or requirements for review opinions. Editors write them based on their own review experience.

For ordinary works, editors rarely write review opinions. At best, they write a few comments.

Real review opinions are basically only written for key works that editors pay attention to. Usually, they are mostly 300 to 500 words. A few works with outstanding quality or those that the editors think will have a certain influence after publication will write more content.

Tao Yushu said a little embarrassedly, "I have too much to say, and I can't control it for a while."

Listening to the conversation between the two, colleagues in the editorial department all cast curious eyes on Tao Yushu.

Yang Mo was intrigued by Tao Yushu's behavior and asked for the manuscript.

A day later, Yang Mo sent the manuscript back and asked Tao Yushu for the review she wrote.

Tao Yushu spent most of the day writing this review yesterday, which was more than 3,000 words. After reading it, Yang Mo praised her a lot and encouraged the old comrades in the editorial department to learn from Tao Yushu.

"Yushu's review is incisive and profound. If you change the name, you can publish it as a review. I think it can be published in the next issue together with "Black Stallion." Yang Mo finally said.

"Yenching Literature" has a special review column. Editors occasionally promote and comment on key works published in the magazine, but more writers and critics publish articles on it.

Tao Yushu has published review articles on it before, but this is the first time that she has published a review as an editor.

Listening to Yang Mo's words, she stood up and said happily: "Thank you, editor-in-chief."

"You're welcome. Your article is well written. It just happens to be a supplement to the novel "Black Stallion."

After Yang Mo left, Zhang Dening whispered to Tao Yushu.

"Yushu, just write some review comments."

Tao Yushu wrote a 3,000-word review comment in one go, and was publicly praised by Yang Mo. It was also published in a magazine, which made colleagues feel a lot of pressure.

Tao Yushu was not the kind of nerd who buried her head in study when she was in school. She has always been flexible in dealing with things. She could guess the feelings of her colleagues when she listened to Zhang Dening's words.

"I'm used to writing reviews, and I always like to write long articles. This is my first time to write a review as an editor. I'll treat you all to a meal when the manuscript fee comes in."

With just two sentences, Tao Yushu eliminated the pressure that her previous actions brought to her colleagues and won everyone's love.

However, Tao Yushu was a young man who had just started working, so her colleagues didn't feel comfortable asking her to treat them. They declined and turned their attention to "Black Stallion", which was praised by both Tao Yushu and Yang Mo.

After two days of holding back, Zhang Dening finally had the opportunity to ask, "Yushu, how did this manuscript come from?"

Tao Yushu told the whole story of what happened in the middle of the night on Saturday, and his colleagues were amazed after listening.

"Your experience in collecting manuscripts... is very unique!"

"We have been looking for manuscripts everywhere, but Yushu got it without any effort."

When this was said, the colleagues couldn't help but laugh.

After the joke, the manuscript of "Black Stallion" was circulated by everyone.

Zhang Dening sighed and said, "It's been a month since Zhang Manling's book "There is a Beautiful Place" was published, and it received a good response. This month, her book "Cloud" was published, and next month "Black Stallion" will be published. You have created a record for our "Yanjing Literature"."

"What record?"

"As a new editor who has just joined the company, you have published three novellas in a row as the editor-in-charge. Our editorial department has never produced a talent like you." Zhang Dening said, sticking his lips in the direction of Liu Heng, "Liu Heng didn't edit a decent article in the first three months after he came."

Liu Heng said helplessly, "Sister Zhang, please be merciful. You were not much better than me when you first joined the editorial department."

"Go!" Zhang Dening rolled his eyes at him in disdain.

Tao Yushu showed a relaxed smile. She didn't expect that she had accidentally broken a record.

However, she didn't have any complacent thoughts. She was able to be so successful just after joining the job, and her family members had more credit.

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