Literary Master 1978

Chapter 267 A Show of Skill

Liu Xinwu is a writer and an editor at the same time. He has the dual vision of a writer and an editor, so he naturally has a broad perspective when looking at some literary works.

His evaluation of Lin Chaoyang's new novel was recognized by Zhang Shouren, who was thoughtful and sorted out his thoughts before speaking.

"You said that writing this novel is a show of skill, and I agree.

Looking at Chaoyang's works and creative habits in the past few years, his growth trajectory is very clear.

In the earliest "The Shepherd" and "The Little Shoes", his style is obviously realistic, focusing on reflecting real life and pursuing objective and true artistic techniques.

At this stage, his creation is mainly based on true feelings, and his skills are not outstanding.

When it comes to "The Wreath under the Mountain" and "Parental Love", he began to turn to romanticism on the basis of realism, and it is with a clear revolutionary romanticism.

At this stage, he was no longer satisfied with realistic descriptions, and began to use imagination and exaggeration to enhance the appeal of his works, create typical characters and heroes, highlight collectivism and revolutionary beliefs, and emphasize the social role of his works.

This style is also reflected in the work "The Chess Master", but it is much more restrained than in the stages of "High Mountains" and "Parental Love".

When he wrote "Lai Zi's Summer", it can be seen that he was no longer satisfied with using storytelling to impress readers. The characteristics and some techniques of stream of consciousness literature may just be able to satisfy his ambitions.

By the time of "The Death of Van Gogh", he had already matured in the creative techniques of stream-of-consciousness literature, integrating the story and literature, text and thought as much as possible, and it looked extremely perfect.

As for his new novel, my biggest feeling after reading it is his determination to make progress in creation.

As you said, in this novel, he is more focused on the change of narrative style and unexpected structure.

In the second half, the mystery of Yan Shouzhong's identity is gradually revealed. If it is published, all readers will be surprised.

At the same time, at the end, he wrote Yan Shouzhong's short He temporarily realized his true situation, but then fell into confusion again, leaving an open ending for the readers.

If there was no such ending, I would think it was a show of skill that pursued the ultimate skills, but he handled it so well.

Although you can see the skills here, you can feel the charm of the text more. It gives this story endless vitality. I believe it will make all readers unforgettable for life. This is the literary nature of a good work. "

Zhang Shouren's tone was gentle, but he did not hide his praise for Lin Chaoyang and his novel.

At the end, he did not forget to summarize, "It is a good work. Although it is very different from some works that we are used to seeing that focus on depicting reality, it can also be said to be a masterpiece dominated by skills, but it is also touching!"

Some people in later generations called Zhang Shouren, Rong Shihui, Zhang Zhonge, and Cui Daoyi the four famous editors in Beijing, which shows his professional ability.

Liu Xinwu has worked with Zhang Shouren for many years and knows his temperament very well. He never shows any disdain for works he doesn't like, even if it's a "capped manuscript" sent by the higher-ups.

He is also extremely demanding of good works. In his words: Just because they are good, we should be more strict with them so that readers can see even better works.

It's rare in Zhang Shouren's editing career to praise a work so generously like today, which shows how much he recognizes this novel.

After chatting for a long time, analyzing this new novel from beginning to end, and praising it again, the two reached a consensus.

Taking advantage of the time left after get off work, Liu Xinwu wrote a review opinion, and then handed the manuscript and the review opinion to the editor-in-chief Su Yu.

"What do you think of the manuscript?" Su Yu didn't read the review opinion, nor did he flip through the manuscript first, but asked Liu Xinwu.

October received Lin Chaoyang's new work and paid a high fee. She naturally had expectations in her heart. She didn't have time to read it herself, so she wanted to ask Liu Xinwu's opinion first.

"Good work, Chaoyang's level has improved again. Just read it, it will definitely make you shine."

Editors usually use conservative tones and words when talking about works. After all, there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers, and even editors have different preferences.

Liu Xinwu's words were almost undisguised praise, which naturally made Su Yu have a strong interest and strong expectations for this novel. After Liu Xinwu left, she couldn't wait to open the manuscript.

It was Saturday in a blink of an eye. Lin Chaoyang went to Langrun Lake after work. When he arrived at the door of the apartment, he saw a few naughty boys picking up branches on the ground and playing with guns and sticks, including Tao Xiwen.

"Take my Shaolin boxing!"

"Look at my three-section staff!"

"My red tassel spear is more powerful than yours!"


A group of little kids were fooling around in front of the family building and no one cared. Such scenes are no longer seen in later generations. Children in every family are treasures, and they are afraid of bumping into them.

A few days ago, the movie "Shaolin Temple" was just released. It took only a few days to sweep the cinemas in Yanjing. The popularity was even greater than that of "The Shepherd" which was released a month ago.

Compared with "The Shepherd", the light comedy style of "Shaolin Temple" is also full of passion and martial arts elements. The audience is obviously larger, and the sensational effect it caused among the reader group is also stronger.

"Be careful, don't poke your eyes."

When Lin Chaoyang passed by Tao Xiwen, he touched his head and warned him.

"I know, uncle!"

Going upstairs, Lin Chaoyang saw Zhu Guangqian playing chess with Tao's father. After saying hello, Tao Yucheng asked him: "Chaoyang, I heard that Director Xie spent 10,000 yuan to buy your "Wreaths Under the Mountain" "Adaptation rights?"

"Who did you listen to?"

"It's all spread. Did it really cost 10,000 yuan?" Tao Yucheng asked.

"Not that much."

Tao Yucheng said in a low voice: "I'm just saying they are spreading nonsense! For ten thousand yuan, you can wholesale the script. It's really easy to tell."

Listening to his uncle's words, Lin Chaoyang swallowed the "just nine thousand yuan" that was on his lips.

It is enough to have one pretending gamer in the house.

Tao Yucheng added: "Including this time, you and Director Xie have collaborated for the second time, and they will be considered famous screenwriters in the film industry in the future."

"I've only written two scripts, so I can't be considered a famous screenwriter." Lin Chaoyang said modestly.

Tao Yumo, who had stolen two pieces of meat from the kitchen, still had oil on his mouth, said, "Brother, how can you be so complimentary? My brother-in-law is a nationally renowned writer!"

In the film and television industry in later generations, the status of screenwriters is notoriously low.

Nowadays, the status of screenwriters is not low and they are very respected. Many old screenwriters are famous if the scripts they write are mentioned.

However, the fame of these screenwriters is not as great as that of later generations. At least in later generations, the spread of the Internet has allowed some screenwriters to gain some attention.

Nowadays, when people watch movies, few pay attention to who the screenwriter is.

In the industry, scripts and scripts are always just words on the lips.

In fact, if the film is made poorly, the script will be criticized, but if it is good, all the credit will go to the director and actors.

Old editors who have been in the industry for a long time will inevitably complain, so much so that whenever young people come to the literary department of the studio, these people will say, "Men are afraid of entering the wrong industry, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man."

Compared with the status and reputation of screenwriters at the middle and lower levels of the film industry, the reputation of writers today is much louder and more glamorous. They are surrounded by flowers and applause wherever they go, and their status is lofty.

Although Tao Yumo's words were meant as a joke, there was some truth in them.

"What do you kids know? Good screenwriters are all good writers, but good writers are not necessarily good screenwriters."

"It's really putting your own face on the line." Tao Yumo said sarcastically to his elder brother.

Tao Yucheng teaches drama and is considered a half-screenwriter, but he has never had any impressive results.

The brother and sister bickered for a while, and Tao Yumo talked about the recently popular "Shaolin Temple".

This movie was released in China on February 1st. It only took a few days to form a strong trend, stealing the limelight from "The Wrangler".

Tao Yumo is a young person, so she naturally likes this movie very much, but "The Wrangler" is a work written by her brother-in-law. When she talks about "Shaolin Temple", she feels a little unhappy about helping her relatives but not taking care of her.

"The Wrangler" was released on New Year's Day, one month after "Shaolin Temple". During this period, no movies that threatened "The Wrangler" were released, and it also caught up with the Spring Festival.

If it were placed in future generations, which movie can enjoy such treatment, I'm afraid it would make me laugh out of my dreams.

What's more, no matter how high the box office of "Wrangler" is, Lin Chaoyang won't get a penny more, so when Tao Yumo spoke, he had an air of indifference that it had nothing to do with him.

After a while, Tao Yushu came back from get off work and took Tao Xiwen, who was acting wild downstairs, back upstairs.

At this time, Tao's mother put the food on the table and asked Tao Yushu, "Why did you come back?"

"Mom, I just went home after get off work."

"It's almost half past six. You've been riding a motorcycle for more than an hour?" Tao's mother asked.

Tao Yushu said hesitantly: "I had a few chats with my colleagues about the manuscript."

Tao's mother looked dissatisfied, "Forget it about going to school and studying. Eight hours at work is not enough for you to talk. Do you have to talk after get off work?"

"Mom, your thoughts..." Tao Yushu was halfway through his words when his mother stared back.

According to today's values, the mother-in-law's idea is not completely reformed. If it is left to future generations, this can be called a qualified migrant worker.

"That's what Mom said. Yushu works a little too hard. He even brings manuscripts home after get off work."

Taking advantage of the support of his mother-in-law, Lin Chaoyang filed a lawsuit.

When Tao's mother heard what he said, her face became even more dissatisfied, and she scolded Tao Yushu a few more times.

After receiving anger from his mother-in-law, Tao Yushu found it under the dining table. Lin Chaoyang's face twitched in pain, but he did not dare to grin.

When he got home, he saw that his feet were all red from being stepped on.

"Look, look!"

"Who told you to talk too much?"

"What I call is reporting the situation to the leader truthfully."

Tao Yushu glanced at him sideways and said in a faint tone, "I really didn't realize that your relationship with my mother is getting better and better now."

"Hey, aren't we doing this all for you?"

"For my own good? Don't you just want me to have a baby? I didn't say I wouldn't have a baby."

When Tao Yushu spoke, his eyes glanced at a certain part of Lin Chaoyang, as if to say: I have been very cooperative, you have to find the reason within yourself.

This look immediately made Lin Chaoyang feel extremely humiliated, and he fiercely pulled her into the bedroom.

"I must teach you a lesson tonight!"

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