Literary Master 1978

Chapter 203 People's Daily proves it for me

Lin Chaoyang walked out of the vice president's office and sighed.

Just as he was about to ride his bike to Tao's house, several students from the 77th grade of the Chinese Department appeared out of nowhere, led by Liu Zhida, whom he had seen during the parade last night.

"Good boy!" Lin Chaoyang shouted as soon as he saw Liu Zhida.

Liu Zhida knew he was in the wrong, "Chaoyang, I'm sorry. The teachers forced me to say who took the lead in shouting slogans, and I couldn't do anything."

Several other people also complained, "Zhida, you are too rude. If this happened during the Anti-Japanese War, you would definitely be a traitor."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The students of Yan University made a lot of noise last night, and even the people from Shuimu next door heard it. The school leaders were so worried that they didn't sleep well all night.

This morning, the students at the radio station watched the excitement and announced what happened last night.

Students gathered to march in the middle of the night, which was not a trivial matter in a famous school like Yanda. The school leaders immediately started to investigate the cause and effect of what happened last night.

As one of the leaders last night, Liu Zhida became the focus of the teachers' breakthrough. He confessed everything as soon as he entered the office.

Lin Chaoyang was originally inconspicuous in the crowd last night, but he had to give advice to the students.

The school leaders saw that there were also faculty and staff involved. Wouldn't this be a case of killing a chicken to scare the monkey?

Lin Chaoyang, who was on vacation, was found at home by his father-in-law Tao Jingfa. When he heard that the school leaders wanted to talk to him, he was confused.

I just joined in the fun for a while, but it wasn't that bad!

He said it wasn't that bad, but it was useless. The school leaders were afraid. Although Yanda's current atmosphere is very open, the school leaders dare not be careless when it comes to students' sudden actions.

Lin Chaoyang was called to the school by his father-in-law, entered the school leader's office, and met Vice President Zhang Longxiang, who was in charge of student affairs.

Last night, the students suddenly rioted after watching the game, which scared him so much that he couldn't sleep well all night. Now his eyes are all dark.

"Tell me, you are a faculty member after all, do you have a sense of the overall situation?"

"The students are making trouble, and you are making trouble too? And you give them advice?"

"There are so many people, and it's dark. What if something happens?"

Zhang Longxiang scolded Lin Chaoyang. The students are the treasures of the school. They can't be criticized or scolded. Can't I deal with you as a faculty member?

After criticizing Lin Chaoyang, he said again: "This matter is not over. Don't think that it's over after the criticism."

"Principal Zhang, it's not necessary. I just shouted a slogan casually. Besides, it was a patriotic slogan!"

"It has nothing to do with patriotism. It's a problem of behavior and nature. I've been talking for so long, and you don't realize the seriousness of the problem at all!"

Zhang Longxiang looked at Lin Chaoyang as if he was looking at an unrepentant criminal.

"What punishment will the school give me?"

Zhang Longxiang stared at him with a serious expression, as if he was going to sentence Lin Chaoyang to death. He uttered two words.


This posture scared me. I thought they were going to shoot me.

Lin Chaoyang complained in his heart.

As if he was afraid that Lin Chaoyang would not understand the severity of the punishment, Zhang Longxiang explained: "During the warning period, you are not allowed to be appointed to a position higher than your current position; you cannot be determined as an excellent grade in this year's assessment; the professional title evaluation will be postponed for one year."

Lin Chaoyang nodded. Very good. This punishment was tailor-made for him and had no effect at all.

"Principal, I can actually suspend my work for a while." Lin Chaoyang suggested.

Zhang Longxiang stared, mistaking Lin Chaoyang for irony, and said angrily: "Don't be emotional! Do you still feel that you are wronged?"

"No, no." Lin Chaoyang waved his hands quickly. He said that suspending work was not emotional, but simply wanted to take a vacation.

If you say you won't release him, then don't release him. Why are you so anxious?

"Chaoyang, I'm sorry. I'll treat you to dinner tonight. Just consider it as an apology, okay?" Liu Zhida said.

"Come on."

Lin Chaoyang was not really angry with Liu Zhida. There were so many people last night. Even if he didn't say it, someone would say it.

The main reason is that these school leaders are too unrefined. Students are all precious and can't be touched, so they just pick on him as a soft persimmon.

You've kicked cotton if you mess with me.

After chatting with Liu Zhida and others for a few words, Lin Chaoyang came to Tao's house.

Seeing him, Tao's father asked: "Did you get scolded?"

Lin Chaoyang nodded.

"What punishment?"


Tao's father nodded slightly and asked with a smile: "Are you upset?"

"No. It's just a warning. It doesn't affect anything. It's just that the school is unrefined. Those students were so happy. There was nothing wrong. I just thought of a slogan for them..."

"Who made you a faculty member?" Tao's father said with a smile.

Lin Chaoyang opened his mouth. His job as a teacher was too miserable. He was worse than the students.

Tao's father did not take the school's punishment seriously, and Lin Chaoyang did not take it seriously either. When he returned home, even Tao Yushu was gloating over the incident.

"You are just yelling nonsense with them!"

At night, Lin Chaoyang turned his grief into strength and sat in the study to write furiously.

Not to mention, he was originally inspired by "A Game of Chess That Has Not Been Finished" to write this novel, which itself has a touch of the main theme. Last night, he was so inspired by the students that his ideas flowed and his pen flowed.

The next day, thinking that the "holiday" was only four or five days away, Lin Chaoyang planned to concentrate on writing the manuscript.

Unexpectedly, at around ten o'clock, Chen Jiangong, Liang Zuo, and Liu Zhida suddenly ran to his house with happy faces.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

Chen Jiangong waved the newspaper in his hand and said, "Chaoyang, we are in the People's Daily!"

"What People's Daily?"

"Read it yourself!" Chen Jiangong handed him the newspaper.

Lin Chaoyang immediately saw the newsletter in the "Features" column on the right side of the second page. The title was a sentence he was very familiar with——

""Unite and revitalize China!"".

The newsletter was not long, with less than 400 words. It took less than two minutes to read it. The content was about the student movement that happened in Yan University the night before yesterday. What impressed Lin Chaoyang the most was undoubtedly the end of the newsletter. Two sentences.

"These eight words, first shouted by Comrade Lin Chaoyang, a young employee of Yanda, were sonorous and powerful, arousing strong patriotic feelings among the young people.

It is these eight short words that deeply integrate the national spirit and the spirit of the times. They will surely become a declaration of action for the next generation of young people determined to serve the country and a value label for the collective memory of an era. "

After reading the newsletter, Lin Chaoyang felt relieved.

I just said what happened to me shouting patriotic slogans? Students can't touch it, but I, Lin Chaoyang, can?

He now wants to take this newspaper to Zhang Longxiang's office and throw it in his face. Do you think that my faculty and staff are easy to bully?

Did you see that? "People's Daily" can't stand the perverse behavior of your school leaders, and it proved it to me!

After Lin Chaoyang finished reading the newspaper, Chen Jiangong and the other two discussed it excitedly. Liu Zhida said, "Chaoyang, with the People's Daily's statement, you don't have to worry about the school's punishment."

Lin Chaoyang pretended to be understated, "The punishment will be the punishment, and it will not delay our patriotism!"

When several people heard this, they were in awe.

From some time ago, Liang Zuo was instructed to deal with the arrogant Japanese students, to a few days ago, everyone heard that Lin Chaoyang had a conflict with Yanying Film Studio because the script involved the beautification of Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War, and then to today.

Chaoyang used his actual actions to profoundly prove what it means to be a patriot!

The publication of this newsletter by "People's Daily" has a wide impact. It was originally just an ordinary student movement. After the propaganda of national authoritative media such as "People's Daily", first of all, its nature has been determined. It is a patriotic movement. sports.

The punishment that the Yan University administration wanted to impose on Lin Chaoyang naturally became nonsense.

While several people were talking, Cui Daoyi from "People's Literature" came to Lin Chaoyang's home and told him good news.

"Chaoyang, "Wreaths Under the Mountains" won the award!"

The award Cui Daoyi mentioned is of course the National Outstanding Novella Award. Considering the time, the list of winners should indeed be announced.

When he heard that his novel had won the award, Lin Chaoyang looked indifferent and said, "Oh, this is a good thing."

Chen Jiangong on the side couldn't calm down after hearing the news. He asked Cui Daoyi nervously: "Teacher Cui, the results of the awards are out? Do you know the results of the short story awards?"

If Chen Jiangong asked the editors of other magazines, they would not necessarily know. At most, they would know whether the works published in their own magazines had won awards.

But Cui Daoyi is the editor of "People's Literature". The National Excellent Short Story and Short Story Awards are sponsored by the Literary and Art Association, but the specific implementation is responsible for the editorial department of "People's Literature". Naturally, he is fully aware of the results of the awards.

At this point in time, colleagues in the editorial department are actively contacting award-winning writers and magazines. Except for the fact that the list has not been published in newspapers, almost all of it has been made public, so Cui Daoyi did not hide it.

He asked: “Whose work do you want to ask about?”

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said: "He asked himself, did "Phoenix Eyes" win the award?"

Cui Daoyi looked Chen Jiangong up and down, "Are you Chen Jiangong?"

Hearing his question, Chen Jiangong was delighted. Cui Daoyi was impressed by him and his works. What does this mean? It means he must have won the award!

"Yes, I am Chen Jiangong."

Cui Daoyi laughed, "Congratulations, Comrade Jiangong!"

After getting the definite answer, Chen Jiangong jumped up and said, "I won the prize! I won the prize!"

Chen Jiangong was extremely excited, and Liang Zuo and Liu Zhida beside him were also happy for him. Lin Chaoyang, on the other hand, still looked calm.

Cui Daoyi looked at Chen Jiangong, then at Lin Chaoyang, and sighed in his heart. Because of this indifference and calmness, Lin Chaoyang has distanced himself from fellow writers.

"Chaoyang, this time not only your "Wreaths Under the Mountains" won the award, but your other work "Little Shoes" also won the award. "High Mountains" was the first prize, and "Little Shoes" was the second prize. "

As soon as Cui Daoyi finished speaking, the celebrations of Chen Jiangong and others over there stopped abruptly, and they looked at Lin Chaoyang in disbelief.

Won another award? Double prize for one person?

Why does this scene seem familiar? So familiar!

Listening to Cui Daoyi's words, Lin Chaoyang's calm face finally showed a bit of surprise, "Won two awards?"

"Yes, it's still a double award for one person! You have replicated last year's brilliant results!" Cui Daoyi said with a smile on his face.

Last year, Lin Chaoyang was shortlisted for the Second National Outstanding Short Story Award with "The Wrangler" and "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit". One person won two awards, becoming the most shining star at the award ceremony at that time. Afterwards, it also caused a stir in the literary world. Quite a response.

This is a national literary awards event. To win an award can be said to be a leader in the literary world.

One person won two awards, the value of which is self-evident.

No one expected that last year was just the beginning.

In the spring of 1981, Lin Chaoyang once again won two awards in the first National Excellent Novella Award.

Such an achievement can no longer be described as unprecedented, and there will probably be no success in the future.

Chen Jiangong was immersed in great joy when he learned that he had won the award, but when he looked at Lin Chaoyang, he didn't know why, and that joy seemed to be offset.

He couldn't be happy anymore!

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