Literary Master 1978

Chapter 202: Unite and revitalize China!

In the 1980s, if we were to say which ball sport was the most popular in China, table tennis should be the first, followed by basketball, and then volleyball.

Table tennis is popular in China because of diplomatic reasons, basketball is popular because of the charm of the sport itself, and volleyball is popular because of the groundbreaking performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in 1979.

In 1976, the new Chinese women's volleyball national team was re-established, and Yuan Weimin became the head coach of the women's volleyball team. In the 1979 Asian Women's Volleyball Championship, the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the Japanese team with a score of 3:1 and dominated Asia for the first time.

You should know that the Japanese women's volleyball team has been called the "Oriental Witch" since the 1960s. It is not only the Asian overlord, but also has won the world championship.

The Chinese women's volleyball team has achieved such brilliant results, which immediately aroused the national pride of the Chinese people and quickly made volleyball a popular sport in China.

This Volleyball World Cup is between the Chinese men's volleyball team and the Korean men's volleyball team. Any team that wins will enter the World Cup to compete for the highest honor of the volleyball world champion.

Moreover, before this, the Chinese men's volleyball team had achieved a good result of ninth in the world.

For the Chinese people in the 1980s, every opportunity for an athlete to stand on the international stage is worth praising and remembering. Our nation urgently needs such an opportunity to enhance national confidence.

The game started at 8 o'clock in the evening, using a broadcast format that is extremely rare in this era. From this, we can see how much importance CCTV and the public attach to today's game.

When the game officially started, everyone in the Tao family stared at the TV screen and concentrated.

But as soon as the game started, the Chinese team fell into an unfavorable situation. The opponent's spikes could not be stopped, and their own spikes were soft and mistakes were frequent. Everyone didn't come back to the taste, and lost the first game with a huge difference.

"This gap is too big!" Liang Zuo complained.

"Three wins in five games, it's only the first game, it's okay." Liu Zhenyun said.

After losing the second game, Liu Zhenyun didn't know what to say, and could only say dryly: "The strength is indeed a bit lacking!"

Not only them, at this moment, countless ordinary people were sitting in front of the TV watching this game. Faced with such a tragic start, many people couldn't help but complain.

The TV room in the International Students Building was crowded with people on the three inner and outer floors at this time. Except for the students in the middle and front who could sit and watch TV, the students on the sides and the back could only stand and watch. The people at the back couldn't even stand and had to stand on the bench to watch TV.

Facing the situation that the Chinese team lost two games in a row at the beginning, everyone was more and more worried. Some were angry, some were anxious. The TV room was crowded, and there were all kinds of things. Some people thought that after losing two games in a row, the overall situation was decided and the Chinese team had missed the World Cup.

At this time, a male voice sounded.

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise. This is only the second game, and it's still unknown who will win. Don't say these discouraging words first!"

"That's right."

After the first person spoke up, the second one followed. The students cheered each other up, and the TV room, which was originally full of complaints, immediately rang with cheers.

At this moment, on TV, the players of the Chinese men's volleyball team seemed to hear the students' cheers.

At the beginning of the third game, they changed the restraint and weakness of the first two games. They moved freely, ran a lot, crossed positions, attacked in the middle, scored points by spiking, and blocked and counterattacked successfully many times. The players played more and more vigorously and more spiritedly.

The students in the TV room became more and more excited. Every time the Chinese team scored a point, there would be a warm applause and cheers in the TV room, and the atmosphere was hot.

For two consecutive games, the Chinese team was in great shape and won by a large score. Seeing the start of the most critical fifth game, the Chinese team was in high spirits and victory was in sight.

But when everyone was looking forward to the end of the game and winning, the TV broadcast was suddenly interrupted.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

The TV signal suddenly disappeared, Tao Yucheng thought the TV was broken, and got up and patted the TV.

Tao's mother immediately slapped him hard, "Be gentle, you'll buy a new one if it breaks?"

"It was broken, and I didn't break it. What's going on?"

Lin Chaoyang said, "The TV should not be broken, it's probably that the signal is broken."

At this time, a burst of curses came from the corridor, probably watching the game, it seems that it's not just the Tao family who encountered this situation.

At this time, the TV screen switched back to the studio, and the announcer reported the situation to the audience.

"Dear audience, due to the long time of the game, the broadcast satellite rented by our station has arrived. The final result of the game will be reported in time in our news program. Please understand."

"What should I do?" Tao Yumo said anxiously, the game just now was at a critical moment.

"Listen to the radio. There is a broadcast on the radio, but there is no picture." Lin Chaoyang had an idea.

Tao Yumo immediately ran over and turned on the radio. As soon as he dialed the Central People's Broadcasting Station, he heard the voice of the commentator.

"The game is over. The Chinese team defeated the Korean team with a score of 3:2. Let us congratulate the Chinese men's volleyball team and congratulate Chinese volleyball.

The Chinese team had a bad start in this game, but the strong Chinese players..."

Listening to the passionate voice of the commentator on the radio, the Tao family also became excited.

"We won! We really won!"

Chen Jiangong, Liu Zhenyun, and Liang Zuo hugged each other happily.

When everyone was celebrating happily, there was a faint noise outside, and after a while, the sound became louder and louder.

"What's going on?" Tao's mother asked, looking out the window.

"It must be the students making a fuss!" Tao's father replied.

Hearing the cheers outside getting louder and louder, almost spreading throughout the entire Yanda campus, Chen Jiangong and the other three couldn't wait to say hello and ran outside.

"It sounds so lively, I'll go see it too!" Tao Yumo also went down to join in the fun.

After watching the game, Tao Yushu said, "Then we'll leave first."

She and Lin Chaoyang went downstairs and rode their bicycles. The cheers from all directions on the campus were encouraging, and it seemed like there were thousands of troops in the dark.

Langrun Lake Apartment is located in the north of Yanda. The two rode all the way to the middle of the Literature and History Building and the library, and saw students pouring out of the road.

These students came out of the dormitory, following the crowd and cheers. The leader got a big drum from somewhere. Two people carried it and one person beat it. The drums were played to the beat of the gongs and drums. Some people behind them held torches and waved red flags to cheer.

When passing Building 38, the students upstairs opened the window. Seeing the excitement below, another group of people ran down.

With drums, red flags and torches in front, more and more people behind, Lin Chaoyang and his wife were dragged forward by the students and could only push the car.

As more students joined, the cheering crowd became larger and larger. The team passed several dormitory buildings and then headed straight to the South Gate from the east of Building 32, shouting: "Long live the Chinese team!"

When passing the International Students Building, a group of foreigners leaned against the window to watch the excitement. They didn't understand why these students were so excited.

Seeing foreigners watching, the students shouted even harder.

After passing the International Students Building, the excitement died down and the students' shouts became quieter. They all had soft voices and had been shouting for more than ten minutes. Once the excitement died down, the shouts became quieter.

The leading students were discussing whether to change the slogan and adjust the route.

Lin Chaoyang followed the team all the way and unknowingly walked to the front of the team. He rarely acted recklessly on weekdays, but today he was also a little excited by the students' encouragement.

One of the leading students was Liu Zhida from the Chinese Department. Seeing that the students had not made up their minds after discussing for a long time, Lin Chaoyang said to Liu Zhida: "I think the slogan can be changed to: Unite and Revitalize China!"

"Unite and Revitalize China? This slogan is good and catchy!"

Liu Zhida and another student turned back to the team, clasped their hands into a trumpet shape, and shouted to the team: "Classmates, let's change the slogan and shout "Unite and Revitalize China". Let's shout "Unite and Revitalize China!"

His proposal was quickly responded to by the students. The first few students followed and shouted: "Unite and Revitalize China!"

Then the slogan gradually spread and quickly merged into a huge wave of sound, echoing over the campus of Yanda University.

"Unite! Revitalize China!"

"Unite! Revitalize China!"

After changing the new slogan, the students' enthusiasm surged again. They shouted and vented their passion and blood in their hearts.

Lin Chaoyang noticed that there was a student holding a brick recorder in the team, and another student with a camera hanging on his chest ran out of the team to find an angle to take pictures.

The parade team walked on the campus of Yanda University, and the students' arms and shouts were like a ball of fire, illuminating the darkness.

After a long time, the students finally got tired of shouting, and their voices gradually became lower.

At this moment, a horn came from somewhere, breaking through the night sky.

The familiar melody suddenly made the students excited again, and they echoed the melody and opened their mouths again.

"Rise up, people who don't want to be slaves, use our flesh and blood to build our new Great Wall..."

After the buzzing, the national anthem was once replaced with new lyrics, but the lyrics written by Tian Han were still imprinted in the hearts of these students.

The vigorous chest burst out with a sonorous and powerful voice, and the national anthem that once inspired countless Chinese people also stirred the hearts of these young students at this moment.

The high-pitched singing echoed in the campus. Lin Chaoyang stood there with his bicycle in his hand, quietly watching the crowd of people marching away. The boiling blood in his veins gradually cooled down, but his eyes were always shining.

Tao Yushu stood beside him, and finally waited for his emotions to calm down before saying: "I really didn't see that you still have such a youthful and passionate side!"

Lin Chaoyang smiled self-deprecatingly and said casually: "I am a young man, holding Huang on the left and Cang on the right."

Hearing his words, Tao Yushu's smile disappeared, and his little hand went straight to Lin Chaoyang's waist, "I let you 'hold Huang', let you 'hold Huang'!"

Lin Chaoyang hurriedly begged for mercy, and accidentally hurt his wife standing on his left.

"Sorry, sorry!"

The couple laughed and joked for a few times before riding their bicycles again. It was already more than 10:30 in the evening.

When they rode out of the campus, they could still hear slogans faintly.

The next morning, the school radio station reported what happened on campus the night before.

The announcer said in an excited and enthusiastic voice: "On this extraordinary night of March 20, the students shouted the slogan 'Unite and Revitalize China', expressing the patriotic enthusiasm of Yanda students."

The radio also played the live recording of last night. Although the sound quality was poor, the students' patriotic hearts were transmitted to every listener through the radio.

Just when Yan University students were extremely proud of their classmates' spontaneous actions last night, Liu Zhida from the Chinese Department was called to the office by the teachers of the Youth League Committee.

He was one of the leaders of the parade last night. As soon as he entered the office, he saw several teachers staring at him covetously.

Liu Zhida suddenly cried out in his heart, "Oh no, this is going to be a trial by three judges!"

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