Life Hunter

Chapter 1129 Crazy

"What do you mean?" Everyone looked at the old man in gray.

"Have you forgotten how the General King died?"

Everyone was stunned.

"But... we 'rebels' all know that he is worried about the wise prince. Now that the wise prince and the general Wang have passed away, how can he still obstruct King Xian?"

"Let me ask you, if His Highness King Xian wins the Champion City, with his invincible King Xian army, and you sit in the highest seat, will your butt be stabbed in panic?"

"It's true... if he is talented and broad-minded, maybe he will be fine. King Renxian is a life magician. He is not obsessed with power at all. He only wants to serve the country and the people. There is no conflict with that position."

"The question is, if you recall carefully, going back three thousand years, how many emperors did it truly serve the entire human race, rather than for himself, his position, his descendants and their family?"

"Don't mention it. If you think about it carefully, except for a few founding emperors and the lords of ZTE, there are really not many emperors who can give up the royal family and join the human race. There are probably less than five such emperors in history. .”

"So, why do you think that position does not conflict with King Xian? Doesn't it conflict with what the people of the world want? Can the current man be ranked among the top five in history?"


Everyone didn't know how to refute for a while.

"Let me ask you again, if the Champion King repeats his old tricks and creates a fake virtuous prince and threatens him, do you think he will stop the Xian King or help him?"

Everyone was silent.

"The last question, I am using this as an analogy. If someone commits a heinous crime and is afraid of being exposed and being infamy for eternity, will he sincerely repent or will he fight to the death?"

There was silence in the tavern.

"If he wants to fight to the death, should he wait for King Xian to triumph before taking action, or should he find a way to prevent King Xian from crossing the river, and make him unable to come back after crossing the river?"

All the "old rebels" sighed.

"That person has a domineering temperament and cannot be listened to. Mr. Gang Feng has been driven to death, who can't be killed?"

"I heard that he was the one who forced the leader of Hua Mo Mountain to die."

"what happened?"

"It is said that the Demon Sect also has a trump card that can summon a particularly powerful Demon God, but that person feels that the timing is not right, and that it is used to protect himself, not those demon cultivators. It is said that Lian Zhang Wen Tong , the old dog he raised cut off his robe and severed all ties with him before he died."

"I don't think it's possible. The entire Demon Sect is his most loyal minions, and it's impossible for him to ignore death."

"The whole of Daqi is his people. When did he save it?"

When the old man in gray said a word, everyone in the room seemed to have an invisible force choking their throats, and no one knew how to answer.

"So, the stronger King Xian is, the greater the excitement will be in the future. Think about it, if it were you, your own father remonstrated with the emperor and your uncle was killed by the demon sect, wouldn't you want to destroy the biggest scourge in the world?"

"Be careful with your words, be careful with your words..."

"What do you think is the best case scenario?"

"The best case scenario is that the person dies directly, the young emperor ascends the throne, and King Xian becomes regent. After a few decades, Da Qi regains its vitality, and His Highness King Xian can practice his life skills again."

"This is not the best, this is a myth. I mean, how do both sides resolve these things? What would you do if you were the one?"

"It's a bad idea, as everyone knows, to go even harder and do something like opening the gates of the champion city again, and then join forces with the demon clan to deal with King Xian. The result is unpredictable, but everyone will definitely be in trouble..."

"Wait a minute, you all know who opened the Champion City Gate?"

"How fresh, is there anyone in the world who doesn't know about it?"

"That's right. In the past two years, rumors about what happened back then have become more and more evil. At this time, there are even rumors that the man who practiced demonic skills wants to exterminate all his blood relatives in order to gain the power to ascend to the demonic world."

"This is a bit scary, he is not so crazy..."

The tavern suddenly became quiet, because they were really so crazy when they recalled what happened in Daqi over the years.

"Let's continue. The middle strategy is very simple, procrastination. If you carefully recall the style of His Highness Prince Xian, you will understand that His Highness Prince Xian has always saved face for that man. After all, no matter what, he is also the son of Gang Feng. So, as long as procrastination If the two sides continue to use Tianmen Pass as the boundary, then they will eventually be resolved slowly. The worst case scenario is that the north of the river will be given to King Xian to establish a new country."

"As for the best plan, Prince Xian is a man who can support a boat, and it is an airship. As long as that Weiye visits, pleads guilty and changes his ways, His Highness Prince Xian really has no choice but to do anything. At that time, Prince Xian can only Let him abdicate gracefully and become his emperor. I think this is the best outcome for him."

"Do you think it's possible for someone to defeat King Xian by leveraging the power of the world?"

"This possibility is very small, but it is not impossible. However, I advise you not to think about it. If the day comes, even His Highness King Xian cannot resist it, then this world will be over."

"Normally, when we talk like this, the night guard and the people from the Yamen will pretend to shout a few words outside, asking us to stop talking. Why can't you hear anything today?"

"I'm busy carrying insect corpses and sweeping blood, how can I have time to care about this?"

"I heard that the civil servants of the imperial court all complained about illness today. So much so that the one announced early that there would be no morning court appearance for three days."

"Isn't that person sick again?"

"Who is sick if he is not sick? Although those divine lights did not fall directly on the capital of the gods, their peripheral light shone for a long time. Even the supreme elders were crippled alive, let alone him."

"By the way, where are those old guys from the Demon Sect?"

"I guess, some are too old. No matter how strong they are, they are too old and die immediately when the divine light shines on them. The rest, the righteous monks have long been targeting them and killing them one by one. I heard that the three major The Supreme Elder, who is a super-grade demon cultivator, was slapped to death by a super-grade demon cultivator without even making a splash under the power of King Xian."

"Tell me, if King Xian calls for crossing the river this time, will he stop him?"

"Stop? What to stop?"

"After Tianmen Pass, we have to make a big detour to get to Xianwang City. By the time the people leave, the river will have dried up."

"Do you have any misunderstandings about King Xian's army and the Zhengdao sect? As soon as King Xian spoke, the major forces of Zhengdao said that they would send flying magic weapons to people. Listen, this is a scolding directed at the guard of Tianmen Pass, who won't let us Pass the test, right? I’ll fly over.”

"I heard that the last time His Highness King Xian used the Order of Heroes, he actually didn't go very far. There were only three to four hundred thousand more people. The rest turned back on the road or went to other cities."

"Two or three hundred thousand is still less? Those are sincere soldiers who can stand up to millions of people."

"This time, it is estimated that there will be many, many more, so many that it will be scary."

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