Life Hunter

Chapter 1128: Strong smell of alcohol

It wasn't until they were far away from the divine capital that all the generals breathed a sigh of relief. Their whole bodies relaxed and they became much shorter.

"Huh, I always feel like there's a big beast hiding inside, staring at me."

"After all, it is the capital of the gods; after all, we have done amazing things."

"Stop putting gold on your face, His Highness Prince Xian has done something extraordinary."

"Your Highness, those gods..."

The generals looked at Li Qingxian expectantly.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "After all the money has been taken away, from now on, Xianwang City will depend on you."

"I don't believe a word of it."

"You really can't tell me?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it when it comes to the upper realm. What if the gods find out that His Highness Prince Xian leaked the upper realm skills?"

"After today, no one will ever say that King Xian's technique is a magic technique."

"With today's battle, His Majesty's reputation as Lord of the River will be completely settled."

"When will we cross the river?" He Bao asked cautiously.

The generals looked at Li Qingxian quietly.

Li Qingxian stretched out his hand to hold the window sill of Feikong Pavilion and looked at Daqi under the night.

"Tomorrow we will organize the army and officially announce it to the outside world. I, the King of Xian, ask for help from the world and all living beings. I ask the human race to join me in forcibly crossing the river, conquering the Champion City in the north, expelling the demon clan, and restoring the mountains and rivers."

"As you command!"

All the generals shouted in unison and listened to the order.

Every general's eyes sparkled with magnificent brilliance.

The brilliance is as clear as a child's.

early morning.

As usual, Zheng Hui got up early and went to Shaw's Tavern to have morning drinks and chat with his old brothers.

In the early years, when he was at Night Guard, Zheng Hui looked down upon those who sat in the pub drinking early in the morning.

But in the past two years, for some reason, he slowly understood something.

There is no difference between those who drink morning wine, those who study, and those who practice martial arts. They are all just trying to survive.

However, some people's life is not so bright and bright, but after the sun sets, a small candle can illuminate the night.

These people used cups to light lamps and candles, and walked slowly alone in the long night.

"Master Zheng is here? Please come quickly."

The sixty-year-old shop owner smiled and said, without even greeting him, he took out the Xinghuacun wine that Zheng Hui had saved from the shelf at the back and handed it over.

The smell of alcohol in the room was strong, and the smoke from the dry tobacco overpowered the alcohol, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

Everyone squinted their eyes not knowing whether it was from wine or smoke.

The moment they saw Zheng Hui, almost everyone's eyes flashed.

They have all heard that this man named Guanghui once worked in the Night Guard and was a quite high official.

Moreover, this person once followed King Xian.

Although nine of the ten night guards now boasted that they had served King Xian, everyone still believed it.

Because when the gangsters in the nearby neighborhood saw Zheng Hui, they all behaved honestly.

Someone once came to smash a plaque at Shaw's Tavern. Zheng Hui went out and tried to persuade the person. The person was so frightened that he almost knelt on the ground. In the end, Zheng Hui helped him to stand firm.

Although Zheng Hui never preaches anything, everyone can see that he is a capable person.

At least more capable than everyone in the tavern.

It's just that even capable people get old sometimes.

Zheng Hui usually doesn't talk much, but when it comes to court rumors and market gossip, he speaks with great joy. He can cleverly cover up any taboos.

Zheng Hui never said anything bad about any official.

Even when I mention Jie Linfu and Jie Shoufu, I just say that this man's handwriting is good and he was suave when he was young, but his behavior does not conform to the golden mean.

The more this happens, the more everyone feels that this is a great god.

Someone suddenly raised his voice and said, "King Xian is about to cross the river. Have you all heard about it?"

"The news I heard while squatting in the pit this morning made me so excited that I couldn't even get out of my squats until my legs went numb."

Everyone laughed.

"There is still someone in our human race who is capable!"

"Yes, I won't go into details about the General King's difficulties, but why are there so many heroes allowed to be bullied by the demon clan? It has to be His Royal Highness King Xian."

"The son of Gang Feng is just different."

"It's a pity that if Mr. Gang Feng were still alive, he would be another great scholar, the second Zhao Fu."

"Mr. Zhao is no longer the chief assistant."

"In my heart, there is only one chief minister in the world, and that is Zhao Yishan! Whoever you love, Jie Linfu counts."

"It's early in the morning, don't be so angry. Have you heard about the demon-slaying battle?"

" think we can't see it? That divine face in the sky, tsk tsk, I don't even dare to think about it. It scared me so much that I almost wet my pants pocket."

"What I mean is what happened on Hua Mo Mountain. I heard that all the demon cultivators were slaughtered. However, in the end, a group of righteous sects jointly made a statement, saying that they were under the leadership of King Xian, but in the end they said that they decided to eliminate Demon cultivator, listen to the meaning of those words, King Xian did not take action directly, he just summoned the gods to disperse the demonic power."

"Isn't this taking credit?"

"Don't you understand? This is the major factions joining forces to help King Xian bear the consequences. What they say is equivalent to telling the world that anyone who dares to embarrass King Xian with this matter will embarrass them. Who are you pointing at? Don’t you know clearly?”

"That's it. No matter how courageous these big factions are, they can't compete for credit and success in front of the gods... But, do you think it's true or false that the gods descended from the sky?"

"not sure."

"I think it may be a new spell or life technique developed by His Highness Prince Xian."

"What spell can create such a big god's face? What spell can cripple all the demon cultivators in the world? Don't you know? Yesterday, some demon cultivators in the divine capital almost died."

"I heard that the dirty blood and bugs are flowing all over the ground in the Punishment Department Yamen. I'm not going to lie to you. Go and take a look now. It's all in the rain ditch."

"This is true. Because too many demon cultivators died, people were urgently dispatched from Beijing Camp to guard the Prison Prison."

"Yesterday, I made those literary cultivators happy. Especially those literary cultivators who could neither go to Hua Mo Mountain nor Yuelu Academy. They made a fuss all night. It was said that some kind of demon-slaying literary conference was held, and they all praised King Xian to the sky. went."

"I heard about it. It is said that even some old academics and old-fashioned officials changed into festive clothes and went out to celebrate."

"By the way, I heard that the literary cultivators were planning to take action at Yuelu Academy. What was the result?"

"Needless to say, before taking action, King Xian suppressed the Demon God alone. It is said that when the Demon God came out, all the decent people on Hua Mo Mountain were scared to death. Then, King Xian stood up and said, give me face and go back, then The devil left."


Everyone laughed loudly.

Zheng Hui smiled and shook his head. These guys had no taboos.

When he was a night guard, someone reported that these morning drinkers were treason. As a result, the night guard Shangguan beat the person who reported him forty times and threw him out of the door.

"After destroying the demon sect, we feel relieved. By the way, I heard that after yesterday, all the dead demon lands in the world have shrunk a lot."

"It must have shrunk. The Dead Demon Land was originally a harmful place created by the Demon Sect. The gods will definitely clean it up when they come down to earth."

"Alas, those people finally closed their eyes."

"The world is running towards peace."

An old man who had been silent sneered and said, "I'm even more worried."

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