Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 835: : Failure and head-on confrontation

This sudden attack directly blocked the original larger and smoother offensive. These enemies mixed in the alliance personnel are very organized and targeted, and directly used those of the four armored rhinoceros phalanx as the leaders. The armored rhino was knocked down.

All of a sudden, the four armored rhinoceros phalanx lost an inch, and the formation instantly collapsed.

As soon as the four iron-clad rhino phalanx appeared, the falling thunder in the sky suddenly had no restrictions. Driven by the madness of the lightning birds, they madly poured out the center of the Alliance and the elves.

The most serious thing is that Roselando, who played a vital role in the treatment of the elf in this offensive and defensive battle, was also hit hard. She was violently attacked by a level 64 duck-billed flame dragon.

The attacker was very cruel, and he directly ordered the duck-billed flame dragon to make overheating moves against Roselando.

Fortunately, everyone in the Alliance also knew the importance of Rose Reddor. There were also many Alliance personnel to protect near Rose Reddor. After the attack, the attacker immediately put away the Hadyniao, and then turned and fled, without daring to stay for a while.

It’s no wonder that if everyone’s eyes were on the Lightning Bird, and Rose Raduo was too exhausted, it would be difficult for the attacker to find a chance to attack Rose Raduo even in the uniform of an Alliance law enforcement officer. .

And he is also very aware of the consequences of his heavy damage to Roseland. If he doesn't leave in time, he will definitely be swallowed alive and stripped by the enraged Alliance.

The armored rhinoceros phalanx and Roselando were hit hard one after another, and the pressure on Lightning Bird's side was greatly reduced, and he knew very well that this was his chance to comeback again.

Therefore, he decisively used the bird slam to temporarily resist the shadow ball attack of the cross-shaped bat, and then fully used the awakening power water on the lower iron-armored rhino phalanx and rumbling rock phalanx.

At this time, the weather on the battlefield was still raining. The lightning bird’s awakening power and water power surged. Now without the treatment of Roselando, many of the armored rhinos and rumbling rocks with very low defense cannot be carried. Live hurt.

In an instant, Lightning Bird’s move to awaken power and water just like mowing grass easily knocked down the numerous iron-clad rhinos and rumbling rocks that had caused him a huge trouble just now.

"Damn it, who did it?"

Upon seeing this scene, Tie Xuan's heart exploded with anger, her face became abnormally blue, and she shouted angrily.

But he was also very clear in his heart that now is not the time to spot the traitor. Now that the hunting operation is on the verge of failure, he must make a judgment as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the Lightning Birds are relieved, they will not be able to go.

"Listen, this time the operation to catch the lightning bird failed, and all of them retreated immediately."

Tie Xuan is still very responsible, and he will make a decision quickly, and then shouted.

At the same time, Sato Kaede's face also became very ugly. He was not angry because the action of catching the lightning bird was on the verge of failure, but angry that Roseland was hit hard by the enemy.

Fortunately, he saw that the Alliance trainer immediately took out a variety of high-quality therapeutic drugs to treat her after Roselando fell. In addition, Roselando used rooting techniques and continued to treat her body. After the treatment, there was no life-threatening, he let out a sigh of relief.

However, Sato Kaede knew very well in his heart that this time the lightning bird's round-up operation was doomed to fail. Without the iron-clad rhino phalanx and rumbling rock phalanx, the alliance side had lost the capital to continue dealing with the lightning bird.

For so long, the cross-character bat and the lightning bird had been around for so long, and he was already exhausted. If it hadn't been supported by a strong will, he would have fallen.

"Come back, cross-character bat, don't have to continue to contain it."

Therefore, Sato Kaede did not hesitate to let the fork bats retreat through telepathy.

But what makes Sato Maple feel tricky is that Lightning Bird didn't seem to want the fork bat to go. He noticed the fork bat retreating, and immediately chased with red eyes.

If anyone makes the Lightning Bird the most uncomfortable in the entire battle, then it is definitely the crossed bat. His shadow ball makes it impossible for Lightning Bird to use the awakening power and water to counterattack easily, and his black eyes make it impossible for Lightning Bird to escape. , His provocative moves and Lightning Bird was unable to go to the roofs of nearby tall buildings to use Yushu to treat his injuries.

How should I put it, the value of the hatred of the Lightning Bird towards the cross-character bat has risen to the point where Timo must die if he can lose in a team battle.

"King Nido, go to cover the fork bat and use the freezing light."

Sato Kaede saw the lightning bird chasing the fork bat, his face suddenly became more ugly, he quickly asked King Nido beside him to help the fork bat get out of trouble.

Today, Sato Kaede, the identity of Shinichi Ryugasaki, still has the elf who can pose a certain threat to the Lightning Bird, only King Nido.

After all, King Nido was not an elf with powerful self-healing ability like Roselleto. He had fought **** battles with many wild elf in order to cover the alliance and break through, and his injuries were also more serious.

Therefore, in the battle just now, Sato Kaede arranged for King Nido to protect him by his side, and by the way healed his injuries while beating soy sauce with freezing light.

After a period of rest and recuperation just now, King Nido, with the help of therapeutic drugs, his current injury has recovered seven or eighty-eight, and his combat effectiveness has recovered to about 80%.

But can King Nido, who has 80% combat effectiveness, defeated the scarred Lightning Bird? This is a very difficult thing to judge.

King Nido did not have any fear of lightning birds. After Sato Kaede gave instructions, he immediately released a huge icy blue beam from his mouth, and then shot the lightning that was chasing forward by the cross-shaped bat. Bird~www.NovelMTL.com~ At this time, although King Nido’s attack and speed gains have disappeared, his special attack level is still very high due to the existence of the lightning rod feature. In addition to the increase in the life orb on his body, he The released freezing light is very deadly to the seriously injured lightning bird.

Being able to fight Sato Kaede and a group of alliance personnel until now, the lightning bird's fighting wisdom is naturally needless to say. He keenly sensed the threat of King Nido to him, and immediately stopped chasing the fork bat temporarily, and then hurriedly avoided The freezing light of King Nido.

At the same time, with a thought to his heart, stout bolts of lightning instantly smashed from the dark clouds above Sato Kaede, trying to smash Sato Kaede, the apparently cross-character bat and King Nido's trainer to death.

Unfortunately, when the lightning fell, Sato Kaede had already moved away from the spot by instant movement, and a large number of lightning also changed the direction of attack because of the characteristics of the lightning rod on King Nido, and hit King Nido one after another.

At this time, the fork bat finally got rid of the lightning bird's pursuit and returned to Sato Kaede again.

"Come on, Lightning Bird, see how much you have."

Sato Kaede looked at the lightning bird that was looking at him with murderous intent in the air in front of him. He was not afraid, walked out of the hidden place, and then faced this powerful legendary elf, and said with heart and soul.

As soon as the voice fell, a thick lightning fell from his head, but halfway through the fall, the lightning was intercepted by the fork bat and the hidden dragon next to Sato Kaede.

"Huh!!!" (Damn humans!!!)

At the same time, the lightning bird also let out a roaring call, and then turned into a huge light bird and rushed towards Sato Kaede.

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