Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 834: : The lightning bird in desperation

Tie Xuan's prestige in the alliance is still very high. He raised his arms and a large number of alliance members responded immediately. Under Tie Xuan's command, they began to order the elves to attack the lightning birds in the sky. .

The advantage of the alliance is that there are many people. Therefore, they can easily form a standard force. Nowadays, a large part of the alliance personnel who come here are the descendants of the alliance members, and they belong to the reserve members of the alliance when they are born.

However, although these alliance personnel have eliminated the arduous process of civilian trainers joining the alliance (the parents helped them to complete it), it is not so simple for them to become true alliance members.

After all, powerful alliances like Gymnasium Trainers and Four Heavenly King Champions have a limited number of positions and require corresponding strength. Therefore, the family conditions of most alliance members are about one level higher than that of ordinary civilians.

However, the road to a trainer is so difficult, and to become a unique trainer requires huge resources and certain opportunities.

Compared with the top level trainers, it is undoubtedly very difficult for most alliance members to train another trainer, even if they are already many times easier than ordinary families.

But under the big tree, it’s easy to enjoy the coolness. It’s okay for most of the alliance members’ families to develop a trainer on their own. The alliance can help, and it is free in the early stage. As for the later stage, the talented people only need to be loyal to the alliance. That's it.

Of course, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude cannot be used on a large scale even for alliances with strong resources.

Therefore, most of the descendants of the alliance members before they show any special talents, the alliance will give them a unified test-oriented education.

The development history of the alliance has been very long, and various internal education systems have been very completed.

As long as the descendants of most alliance members are not fools, they will become a trainer very smoothly after the internal system education of the alliance, and they are also a disciplined and loyal trainer to the alliance.

This kind of trainers trained within the alliance have participated in the military education of the alliance since they were young. They are very disciplined and united, and they have a very tacit understanding of cooperation. They are the perfect personnel to form a standard force.

This time the Alliance sent to support Tie Xuan in capturing the treasures and conquering the Lightning Birds, it was a squad of a hundred people in the Alliance Army, and they were all affiliated with the Ground Group of the Alliance Army.

If the conventional weapons of ordinary troops are various standard weapons, then the conventional weapons of these alliance trainer troops are various elves, and the types of elves in each of them are the same.

And since they and the little elves in their hands have been specially trained, they can use the same elves to unite to form powerful combined moves.

After all the alliance trainers on the battlefield and they were treated by Roselle Duo's grass field, the number of people who could still fight was already less than one-third, and now it has recovered to about half.

Now, after they received Tie Xuan's instructions, they once again worked together to create an offensive that initially made the Lightning Bird have to avoid its sharp edges and beat all of his minions to the ground.

Under the command of a group of alliance trainers, iron-clad rhinos or iron-clad tyrannosaurus began to gather together quickly, and then these ground-based elves, all of which were characteristic of lightning rods, formed four neat square formations on the four corners of the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, an incredible scene appeared. As the four phalanxes began to light up with a burst of white light, the thunder that was still falling in the sky began to be drawn by some strong force and began to split into four directions to shoot on the battlefield. Among the four phalanx.

For a time, the Thunder created by Lightning Bird was unable to continue its offensive against the alliance members within the four phalanx.

Taking advantage of this great time, under the command of a group of alliance trainers, a large number of rumbling stones and rumbling rocks have also gathered together to form several square formations.

Immediately afterwards, under the order of an alliance member who should be the captain of this squadron, they used rock knives on the aerial lightning birds.

Under the combined force of these elves, the power, shooting speed, and accuracy of the rock blade were instantly upgraded to a level.

The lightning bird in the sky faced such a dense rain of rocks and arrows, his face changed suddenly, and he immediately gave up to continue chasing the fork bat, and then quickly displayed superb flying skills to dodge.

In fact, this is the second time the Lightning Bird has dealt with such a sharp attack by this alliance ground unit.

At the very beginning, the Lightning Bird was almost defeated by this alliance ground unit with this offensive. The four square formations formed by the iron-clad rhino and the iron-clad tyrannosaurus magnified the effect of the lightning rod feature by countless times. The skillful electric moves are completely blocked.

Fortunately, he mastered the power of awakening, water, a move that was capable of huge damage to the iron-clad rhino phalanx and the rumbling rock phalanx. At the same time, he had the advantage of flying into the air, and he was able to reverse the situation gradually.

The lightning bird dodges left and right in the air, and finally avoided the rock arrow rain released by the several rumbling rock formations below the first wave using the rock-blade moves, and it was just preparing to reapply the old tricks to the iron-clad rhino phalanx and rumbling below. When the rock formation used the awakening power·water to attack, the fork bats came to harass again.

A large number of shadow **** were released from the mouth of the fork bat, and then attacked the lightning bird from all directions, trying to prevent the lightning bird from successfully releasing the awakening power and water.

Although there are four iron-clad rhino phalanxes underneath, in the air, the lightning bird can freely release lightning to dominate the sky, but the cross-character bat, which has the characteristics of lightning rods, has appeared. His best lightning attack cannot be targeted. The fork bat worked.

At this time, the lightning bird hated the fork bat, a small bug that he could easily squeeze to death, but he also knew the severity of the matter, and he could only carry the fork bat's shadow ball against the lower subway rhino. The phalanx and rumbling rock phalanx used the awakening power·water.

In a short time, a large number of water **** containing the power of thunder and lightning appeared from the body of the lightning bird, and then turned into a gust of wind and showers and strafed the iron-armored rhino phalanx and rumbling rock phalanx below ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ but the same mistake, has been How could everyone in the Alliance who had received a bitter lesson commit a crime once? They immediately released a large number of elves to block the front of the iron-armored rhinoceros phalanx and rumbling rock phalanx, protecting them as much as possible.

Moreover, what made the morale of the Alliance personnel greatly increased was that Rose Reddor, under the command of Kaede Sato, used ground-rooting techniques, and then healed the elves who had been injured for the Alliance with the healing energy continuously drawn from the ground.

The armored rhinoceros phalanx seals the lightning bird's electric moves, the main force of the Rumble Rock phalanx is output, the fork bats are harassing in the air, and Roselando, as the logistics big breast, continues to restore the fighting power of the alliance.

For a time, the lightning bird was like a trapped beast falling into the swamp, and began to fall into despair step by step.

"Although the legendary elf of the Heavenly King is very strong, after all, it has not reached the point where super mythical beasts such as Gaioka are almost invincible by humans. Soon, this lightning bird will fall into the hands of the alliance."

Sato Kaede looked at the already scarred Lightning Bird in the sky, and then looked down at the alliance trainers who attacked and cooperated more and more tacitly, sighed in his heart.

At this time, in Sato Kaede's view, the lightning bird, who had caught the black eyes of the cross-shaped bat and provocative moves, was already catching turtles in the urn, and he would fall down soon.

"Hey, what are you guys doing!!!"

But at the last juncture, the accident finally happened. Suddenly, some Alliance personnel actually shot the armored rhinoceros phalanx, and they shot four armored rhinoceros phalanx at the same time.

The most deadly thing is that Roselando, who has been struggling to support the grass field to treat the Alliance trainers, was also violently attacked.

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