Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 729: : The mysterious man

"What do you want?"

The blond man looked at the desert dragonfly that fell on the ground and lost the ability to fight, his face was extremely ugly. He quickly put the desert dragonfly away with a poke ball, and then said with some fear to Sato Kaede who did not continue to choose to do it.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. Do it yourself. If you continue to bully the weak like today, one day, you will be treated the same."

"Phil, let's go."

Sato Kaede praised the Pikachu and the hidden dragon who came back, and then said flatly to the blond man, but the sharp eyes in his eyes made the blond man afraid to look directly at him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and left again.

When Phil heard Sato Kaede's words, he turned a grimace to the blond man, and then quickly followed Sato Kaede. .

"One day, I will also become a strong trainer like Brother Zheping."

Phil looked at Sato Kaede's back in the setting sun at this time, his eyes showed deep admiration, and he secretly made up his mind.

The two mission members who originally planned to complete the mission with the blond man, after they looked at each other, they immediately chose to follow Sato Kaede, and then managed to get close to Phil.

The winner is king, the loser is the bandit, the reality is so cruel.

Although Sato Kaede did not defeat the blonde man in a one-on-one situation, as Sato Kaede said, the blonde man only bullied others by relying on his high elf level.

Now that he is defeated, there is nothing to say, but to blame, he is holding a good hand but playing badly.

At the same time, the leadership of the team naturally changed hands. After all, in the wild, only the strong can survive as far as possible. Sato Kaede clearly fits this point now.

From Sato Kaede left to the two mission members leaving him, the blond man remained silent from beginning to end, but his clenched fists and bloodshot eyes revealed his unwillingness at this time.

After Sato Kaede and others disappeared from his field of vision, he moved slowly. However, he did not choose to follow Sato Kaede and the others, but moved in a different direction towards the outer forest.

After all, the blond man is a self-knowing old fritters trainer. He knows that the strongest elf desert dragonfly in his hand has lost the ability to fight. He has no capital to continue to the depths of the Kanar Forest. Now it is the best to leave the forest. A safe choice.

And shortly after the blond man left, a nearby rock suddenly separated from the center to the left and right sides, two hundred meters away from where the blond man stood. A concrete staircase that was obviously thought to be built suddenly appeared at the bottom of the rock. .

Immediately afterwards, two people in different clothes walked out from under the steps that suddenly appeared.

"Really, didn't the monitor on the ground find that these guys are gone? Why did the boss let the two of us investigate nearby? It's really unlucky, so sleepy, ah~~"

One of the buck-toothed men blocked his slightly dazzling eyes with his hands. He yawned against a pair of big panda eyes, and then complained to his companions with an unhappy expression.

"Be quiet, you idiot. The monitor can have a monitoring function. If you want to get the boss's whip, I don't want to, don't drag me into the water."

When another man with fat head and big ears heard it, he turned around and covered the buck-toothed man's mouth with his hands, and then whispered to him viciously

The buck-tooth man was extremely dissatisfied with the fat man's sudden mouth-covering, but when he heard the other's words, he stopped when he wanted to push the fat man's hand hard, and at the same time his head shrank, looking at the surrounding trees with some fear.

A few seconds later, when the two of them saw that there was no sound of reprimand from the miniature microphone on their ears, they took a long breath.

"Let's go, first recover the previous monitors that were destroyed by those little elves, and then see if those guys are gone."

The fat man loosened the bucktooth man's mouth, wiped the drool from his palms on his clothes a little disgustingly, and then said to him.

"You can go and recycle it alone. I'll see if those guys are gone just now, so that I don't have to waste time. I spent all night yesterday, and I am very tired now, and I want to go back to sleep quickly.

Hearing the arrangement of the obese man, the buck tooth man shook his head immediately. He patted his face with his hand to make him feel more energetic, and then said to the obese man forcefully.

"Can you do it, you guys are really too, what's so good about that bad drama, it made me almost insomnia, staring at the broken monitor every day is tired enough, don't give me a good night's sleep, I will be crazy Up."

"Damn it, when does this broken elf lay eggs, staying in the broken place underneath every day, I don't have a mouthful of delicious food, I feel like I have lost several kilos in the past few days."

"And I have to look at those two spoiled brats. It's really annoying."

When the fat man heard the buck-tooth man's words, the fat face suddenly became dissatisfied. He stared at the buck-tooth man angrily and complained, then touched his seemingly thin belly with his hands, and said to himself.

"You, a fat pig who only eats, knows a fart. That's an adventure series filmed by the super popular idol Xiao Juer in the wild. You can't stop watching it like me."

"That looks, that figure, impeccable, really beautiful."

"And the acting skills are also very good, ah~, I really want to see it in person."

When the bucktooth heard the obese man slandering his goddess in the series, he was immediately unhappy, ignoring the obese man's complaint, and quickly retorted with an intoxicated look.

"You are still a toad. When this bucktooth saw someone, they might be scared away by you."

The obese man was still dreaming of his own gourmet meal. He also took the bucktooth man's words to the ears, showing a dismissive expression, and sneered.

"Dead pig!"

"Battle tooth boy!"

For a time, two people with different hobbies seemed to forget what was going on, and they started quarreling fiercely with each other.

In the end, the two even released their elves, wanting to use force to solve the current problem.

"Hurry up, you two wastes!"

However, when the two were about to fight, the miniature microphone in the earbuds of their right ear heard a furious voice.

"Yes, boss!"

Whether it was a buck-toothed man or an obese man, when the two heard this voice, they were like a mouse seeing a cat~www.NovelMTL.com~ immediately stood at attention conditioned reflexively, and said loudly in unison.

Afterwards, the bucktooth man and the fat man gave each other a fierce look, and after a cold snort, they released their elf, then turned and walked in different directions.

"These two idiots who are delicious and lazy, if I break my good deeds, I can't spare them."

In a simple small base under the reclosed rock, a burly man in a hunting suit watched the two men on the screen separate and left, and he suddenly cursed inwardly.

"You two boys listen to me. As long as you stay here obediently and don’t walk around, when I take away the fairy egg, I will let you go. If you dare to resist, then I won’t be merciful. ."

Afterwards, the burly man turned his head and glanced at the two young men on the corner of the wall who were being **** by five flowers and covering their mouths with cloth strips, and said to them viciously.

As soon as he finished speaking, he released a big wolfhound. After he ordered the big wolfhound to watch the two of them, he pushed out the door.

On the other side, Sato Kaede and others were also moving in the direction outside the forest. During the period, they also encountered a lot of wild elves attacked, but under the protection of Sato Kaede, they naturally passed by without any danger. Up.

However, the sky was unpredictable. They were walking about one kilometer away, and the sky suddenly darkened. A large group of dark clouds drifting from the sea in the wind direction covered the sun and blue sky over the Kaina Forest.

Then, with the appearance of thunder, a pouring rain fell from the dark clouds. 2k reading network

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