Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 728: : The magical effect of the hidden dragon

"Well, I have to forgive others and forgive others."

Sato Kaede slowly walked back from behind Phil with Pikachu, and then said to the blond man with a solemn expression.

"Brother Zheping, I knew you wouldn't just sit back and watch."

When Phil saw Sato Kaede go and return, his heart suddenly relaxed, and he said with surprise on his face.

He knew how strong Sato Kaede was. It was definitely a shining golden thigh. Since he and Sato Kaede did the task together, he has hardly been injured. The reason is very simple, that is, the enemies are all owned by Sato Kaede. Pikachu killed it in a flash.

In Phil's understanding, Sato Kaede's Pikachu is as if it's on the hook, and the electric moves are extremely powerful. Unless the enemy is an elf with ground attributes, the enemy will often be unable to resist even a single move.

Now, Sato Kaede once again let Pikachu take a shot, in Phil's view, the blond man has only room to lose.

"Are you going to be nosy? This guy spoke to insult me. I must teach him a lesson so that he can remember how to maintain the necessary respect in front of the strong."

Although the blond man saw the power of Pikachu’s electric ball just now, he did not have any fear for Sato Kaede because of this. He just raised Sato Kaede’s danger to a new height. He heard Sato Kaede want to protect Philippines. If you said, he immediately questioned.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out an advanced ball from his body and fixed his eyes on Sato Kaede.

Teppei's current reputation in Kaina City is not small. The blond man has naturally heard of Sato Kaede, and Mizuno Teppei is the title of Sato Kaede, the league trumpet.

However, what is interesting is that the strongest elf in the hands of Tetsupei Water is not a water elf, but a very cute looking Pikachu.

Because so far, Sato Maple's Pikachu has not been defeated in the face of opponents of the same level. (In order not to be exposed, except during training, Pikachu usually carries ordinary electric balls)

"It’s not for the strong to bully the weak. Maybe Phil was a bit rude just now, but you took the lead and beat his iron-faced ninja with the big wolf dog to lose the ability to fight. This should be enough. Continue to hurt people. Life, you'll pass."

Sato Kaede saw the look of the blond man waiting, he still maintained a calm posture, answering the blond man's question in a flat tone.

These days, Phil has given him great help. It is precisely because of the other party's help that he can train the elf with peace of mind without delay in earning alliance contribution points.

Until now, his alliance contribution value has reached 2500 points. If he can complete this task, then he will collect all the contribution points to receive the mission of promoting the alliance's peripheral members.

Therefore, no matter what, he could not sit back and watch Phil was beaten. He would naturally not agree to the blond man's purpose of killing Phil.

"Hmph, it seems that the master has hit the dog, so let me see the skill of your water Zheping."

"Come on, desert dragonfly, let the enemy see how terrible you are as a dragon elf."

The blond man heard Sato Kaede's answer, he sneered a few times, and then said coldly to Sato Kaede.

In the next second, the high-level ball in his hand was opened from his hand, and a white light rushed into the sky. Then, a well-developed desert dragonfly appeared in front of everyone.

The reason why the blond man didn’t give Sato Kaede face was because he possessed the desert dragonfly, a dragon-type elf in his hands. This is his ace elf, with a level of 50, which is why he dares to continue. The confidence to go deep into the forest of Kaina.


As soon as the desert dragonfly came out, he immediately uttered a loud roar at Sato Kaede and the others. The wings on his back suddenly flapped, and a strong wind suddenly blasted towards Sato Kaede.

"I actually own a desert dragonfly, and my level and qualifications are not lazy. It's not worse than the one I raised with Dr. Omu. No wonder it's so crazy."

Sato Kaede looked at the desert dragonfly with its teeth and claws flaring in the air at this time, and suddenly a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes. After he used the system's detection ability to detect the desert dragonfly, he thought seriously.

"Desert Dragonfly, give the other party a predicament, use Dragon Wave."

The blond man didn't give Sato Kaede more time to think about tactics. As soon as he came up, he immediately let the desert dragonfly launch a fierce attack.

As soon as the words fell, the desert dragonfly reacted immediately, and a dragon-shaped wave instantly released from his mouth, and then shot at the location of Sato Kaede at high speed.

"Avoid it, Pikachu, use a trick."

Seeing this, Sato Kaede pushed away Phil beside him hard, and then moved a few meters to the left with a flexible roll. During the movement, he spoke loudly to Pikachu who was flying in the air.

Pikachu's flying skills are based on his daily practice. Compared with the immature when he was born, his flying skills at this time have already been used with perfection.

Seeing his thoughts moved, an electric current flashed around him in an instant, and then, he quickly flew out a few meters to the right, easily avoiding the dragon's wave of the desert dragonfly.

Then, a burst of black light suddenly lit up on him, and a burst of brilliance representing the increase in his special attack level was released from him.

At the same time, Sato Kaede's eyes flashed blue, and the hidden dragon on his shoulder immediately crawled behind him, making the blond man completely invisible.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body of the hidden dragon suddenly turned black, and then a burst of black light appeared on his body, and a burst of brilliance representing the improvement of special attack ability was released from him.

"It's a bit capable, but with this trick I see how your Pikachu hides and dives with the Dragon God."

The blond man saw that Sato Kaede's Pikachu was able to avoid the dragon wave of the desert dragonfly with his excellent flying skills, and his eyes flashed with shock, and then immediately commanded the desert dragonfly to dive into Pikachu with the dragon **** for close combat.

When the desert dragonfly heard the blond man's words, he immediately burst out a large amount of dragon energy, and then turned into a huge dragon-shaped comet crashing into Pikachu in the enemy's air at high speed.

Facing the extremely powerful dragon-type moves of the desert dragonfly, Pikachu naturally would not stay in the same place stupidly. He decisively descended from the air, then moved at high speed on the ground, and hidden himself through the surrounding dense grass. whereabouts.

However, the desert dragonfly is also a master of sound waves. He has a very keen sense of hearing. Pikachu has almost nowhere to hide in his eyes. The dragon-shaped comet has been aiming at the direction of Pikachu's movement.

Just when Pikachu's was about to be hit by the dragon-shaped comet transformed by the desert dragonfly at this time, an unbelievable scene appeared. Pikachu suddenly moved strangely to the right for a certain distance, and then dangerously and dangerously avoided the desert dragonfly. Dragon God dived.

In the next second, a "Boom!" sound appeared, and a dragon-shaped comet transformed by a desert dragonfly smashed the ground into a large hole.

"Resolve him, Pikachu, Awakening Force Ice."

Taking advantage of the time when the desert dragonfly's attack failed and it was temporarily difficult to move, Sato Kaede immediately seized the opportunity to let Pikachu attack.

Pikachu had just escaped the catastrophe with the help of the Hidden Dragon's tongue. At this time, his stomach was bulging. He heard Sato Kaede's words. A large number of ice energy light **** exuding cold air quickly appeared from him, and then turned into a gust of wind. The rain shoots at the desert dragonflies in the big hole.

"Hurry up and block the attack."

The blond man saw that the awakening power attribute Pikachu used was actually ice attribute, and his face turned pale with fright. He remembered the brilliance that appeared on Pikachu's special offensive ability as a result. How dare to let the desert dragonfly resist, and quickly let him The desert dragonfly protects itself with defensive moves.

The desert dragonfly heard the blond man's words~www.NovelMTL.com~ His heart moved, and an emerald green energy shield immediately wrapped his whole body. Under the protection of the defensive move, Pikachu's move was just right to awaken power. Ice In the end, it can only return without success.

However, just as the desert dragonfly took advantage of Pikachu’s new force to take advantage of the time when Pikachu’s new power had not been born, an icy blue beam suddenly flew out of a big tree behind Pikachu, and then accurately hit The desert dragonfly lost the protection of the emerald energy shield.

This ice-blue light beam is exactly the freezing light released by the Chameleon Dragon. At this time, the color of his entire body has turned into an ice blue under the effect of his ability to change freely, and his own attributes have been transformed into ice.

Since the hidden dragon had previously used tricks to improve its special attack ability under Sato Kaede's orders, the power of the freezing light of this system he released at this time was naturally very huge.

The desert dragonfly, a ground-based elf of the plus-dragon system, ate the hidden dragon's trick to freeze the light. Even if his level is 9 higher than the hidden dragon, he will only lose.

With a burst of heart-piercing wailing, the desert dragonfly whose body was frozen in half fell from the sky.

"Sorry, this is the wild, and my elf level is so much different from your desert dragonfly. I wouldn't be foolish to just let Pikachu, who has a disadvantageous attribute, fight against your desert dragonfly."

Looking at the desert dragonfly falling from the sky, Sato Kaede turned and looked at the blond man who was slightly blue at this time, and replied coldly.

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