Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 725: : Avoid the storm

As for the training of Pikachu and the electric lamp monster, Sato Kaede just let the two elves continue to exercise their own electric moves. The electric energy is more violent than the fire energy, and the control is naturally very difficult.

Even Pikachu and Light Monsters are elves with a high affinity for electrical energy, but they are also very difficult to use.

The electric lamp monster is okay, he doesn't have an electric treasure like the Mutation Thunder Pearl, and he is relatively comfortable in controlling the electric energy.

But Pikachu is different. Although the mutated Thunder Orb has greatly increased his strength, in fact, it is still difficult for Pikachu to control the electric energy released from the mutated Thunder Orb.

After all, the electric energy stored in it is transformed by absorbing the electricity released by the beasts, and its violent degree is stronger than ordinary electric energy. It is difficult for ordinary electric elves to absorb them into the body, let alone thinking. To use them.

If calculated by tenths of power, Pikachu can at most control only 50% of the electricity released from the mutant Thunder Orb, and the remaining 50% of the electricity will be spilled because it cannot be controlled.

Therefore, the fastest way for Pikachu to increase his strength is to increase his control over the mutant Thunder Orb as much as possible. At the same time, he must condense his own electric beads in his body as soon as possible so that he can absorb the mutant Thunder Orb and store it in it. Means of electricity.

So far, the important reason why Pikachu can only use the electricity in the mutant Thunder Orb and cannot absorb it is that he has not yet condensed his own electric beads.

After all, the mutant Thunder Orb belongs to the things left over by other Pikachu, and belongs to foreign objects. Only the condensed electric beads of oneself are the things that truly belong to them, and they are more satisfactory to use.

However, Sato Kaede learned from the elf book that specializes in cultivating Pikachu that if Pikachu wants to try to condense his own electric beads, he must have the strength of the quasi-king.

In other words, Pikachu needs to reach level 50 to have a chance to make a preliminary attempt to condense his own electric beads. Now Pikachu is only at level 35, and it takes a long time for him to be able to turn the power of the mutant Thunder Orb into the existing one. time.

Training time is always hard and long, but sweat will never deceive people, as long as you pay, you will definitely gain.

Before I knew it, two months passed, and the hot summer entered the cool autumn.

The turmoil caused by the time of the Super Monster War is undoubtedly very huge. After more than two months, both online public opinion and daily newspapers and magazines have been narrating this big event.

In fact, the turmoil of this incident has gradually calmed down after more than a month.

However, when some precious photos, videos and even the truth of the battle of the three gods were quietly posted on the Internet by some interested people, the already weakened storm suddenly fell like a big rock on the calm water surface, causing an uproar again. .

Sato Kaede, the mysterious trainer who played a key role in this super monster war, was quickly known to the world, and people's comments on Sato Kaede were mixed.

Some people say that he is a hero. He successfully stopped the ocean team’s evil deeds and avoided Gaioka from causing a greater disaster. Some people said that he was the cause of the disaster. It was precisely because he destroyed Gaioka crystal that he caused this scene. A super **** battle that almost got out of control.

But no matter what the trend of public opinion is, one thing is certain. Sato Kaede is really famous this time. He is receiving the attention of countless trainers in the world, because most trainers believe that he must have it in his hands. The gem of Gaioka Crystal Shard.

Nowadays, on major websites and various newspapers and magazines, the effect of the crystal shards of Gaioka has been spread out.

Some exaggerated rumors even rumored that as long as a piece of Gaoka Crystal Shard was obtained, his elf's strength would be greatly increased, and he would marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life.

Because of this, during this period of time, a large number of people claiming to be the mystery trainer Sato Kaede suddenly appeared all over the world, causing a series of fraud and fraud.

It's just that the real Sato Kaede has never been found. He seems to have disappeared from the world. No matter the alliance or other big forces have spent huge manpower and material resources to find him.

In order to find Sato Kaede, some big forces even invited some well-known superpowers to do divination and predict the future at a high price, but the result was a piece of nothingness or blankness.

According to an elder of the Alliance who has also conducted divination and predicting the future of Sato Kaede, Sato Kaede is one of the few people whose fate is undetectable, and he is also a very powerful superpower.

From beginning to end, Sato Kaede, a person who was in the vortex of this incident, has been active in Kaina City for more than two months.

However, most of the time, he carefully trained the little elves in his hands in places where there were few people.

Of course, Sato Kaede has not forgotten to earn alliance contribution points to receive trial missions for peripheral members. From time to time, he will perform some temporary missions issued by the alliance with Phil and others.

And during this period of time, Sato Kaede, because of the high degree of completion of each task and the excellent evaluation of the client, he has gradually gained some fame in Kaina City, and is now in the circle of trainers in Kaina City. , Most people have heard of Zheping.

At more than three o’clock in the afternoon, in a forest named Kena no Mori in the east of Kaina City, Sato Kaede was walking in it with four trainers. Among these four trainers, Phil used to The people who have repeatedly cooperated with Sato Kaede are among them.

"Brother Zheping, you said that guy's Great Wolfhound is not reliable. It has been so long and we still haven't found a clue."

"Moreover, we have already gone deep into the Kaina Forest. I heard some people say that the depths of this forest are infested by ferocious king-level wild elves. If someone is unlucky, what should I do? ?"

Phil, who was at the back of the team, looked at the woods where rustling sounds from time to time around ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then whispered to the Sato Kaede who was walking in front of him.

"Don't worry, it’s so easy to encounter the wild elves of the Heavenly King level. Even if they encounter them, they may dismiss us. After all, the strong are proud. In their eyes, we don’t deserve to let them take action. ."

When Sato Kaede heard Phil's words behind him, he not only smiled, and then said to him patiently.

He has performed missions with Phil many times. Therefore, he is also very knowledgeable about the behavior of this mission partner. Phil usually looks fearless, but in fact he is very courageous.

But it doesn't matter if you are courageous, Phil has a good vision, he can hold his thigh very well, and he is righteous, and he won't lose the chain at critical moments.

The most important thing is that he is not afraid of hardship, and he has contracted all the dirty work in the team.

During this period of time, Sato Kaede's temporary tasks were brought to him by Phil, which is also an important reason why Sato Kaede was willing to let Phil hold his thigh.

This time, the temporary mission was also brought by Phil. The content of the mission was to find two citizens who suddenly lost contact in the outskirts of Kenar Forest yesterday. Although the identities of the two citizens are not clear, they are paid from rich characters. Look, these two people are both distinguished people.

However, judging from the current situation, the two citizens who disappeared in the forest are estimated to be miserable.

The group of them had already circled around the forest of Kana for several laps. During this period, they had also met with several teams that had also taken over this task. They decided to go deep into the forest because of nothing.

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